"Panangin" in ampoules: indications, instructions for use, reviews of cardiologists

"Panangin" in ampoules: indications, instructions for use, reviews of cardiologists
"Panangin" in ampoules: indications, instructions for use, reviews of cardiologists

"Panangin" in ampoules is a drug that can affect the metabolism in tissues and contains magnesium and potassium. The drug is recommended for patients in the treatment of pathologies in the cardiovascular system, accompanied by impaired metabolism in the myocardium. The drug is contraindicated in childhood, during pregnancy, in patients suffering from hypermagnesemia (high levels of magnesium in the blood) and hyperkalemia (high levels of potassium in the blood).

panangin instructions for use reviews of cardiologists
panangin instructions for use reviews of cardiologists

In the article, we will consider the instructions for use for Panangin and the reviews of cardiologists.

Pharmacological forms

The manufacturer "Panangin" is available in two pharmacological forms: tablets intended for oral administration, and a solution,which can be administered intravenously as a stream or drip. Tableted "Panangin" has a biconvex rounded shape, has a former color and a shiny surface. The drug is packaged in 50 tablets in polypropylene bottles.

"Panangin" in ampoules is intended for intravenous administration, it is a clear, colorless, sterile liquid without any impurities. It is packaged in ampoules of 10 ml, which are packed in 5 pieces in a cardboard box. Before jet intravenous administration, the contents of the ampoule should be diluted with 50 ml of glucose (5%). If drip administration is intended, then the drug should be diluted with saline in an amount of 200 ml.

Composition, description

The main active ingredients of the drug are potassium aspartate and magnesium aspartate. Each tablet contains 158 and 140 mg of substances, respectively. Each ampoule of "Panangin" contains 452 mg and 400 mg of substances, respectively. Potassium and magnesium ions are important intracellular cations. Along with sodium and calcium, they take part in the activity of various enzymes that regulate tissue metabolic processes, including those in myocardial tissues. The active components of the drug have a positive effect on the process of assimilation of oxygen, nutrients, and the ability of the heart to contract.

asparkam or panangin
asparkam or panangin

As additional components in the composition of the tablets are used: potato starch, corn starch, magnesium stearate, povidone, silicon dioxide. Auxiliarythe substance in the composition of the solution is injection water. The additional ingredients contained in the preparation are necessary to improve the absorption of active ingredients, creating the most convenient pharmacological form.

Pharmacological group

"Panangin" in ampoules is included in the group of drugs with a predominant effect on tissue metabolism. According to its pharmacological group, it belongs to mineral substances containing potassium and magnesium. The drug is able to influence the metabolic processes in myocardial tissues, prevent the death of cardiomyocytes, the development of hypoxic phenomena. Against the background of the use of "Panangin", the contractility of the heart and the activity of the system of the heart and blood vessels as a whole are normalized.

What is the effect of Panangin?

Pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics

Magnesium and potassium ions are important cations that affect the function of enzymes that can regulate tissue metabolism. Aspartate, which is an endogenous substance that forms strong chemical compounds with various elements, transports cations through the membranes into the cell. The active substances of the drug enter the cell in the form of complex compounds. Their function depends on the concentration of calcium and sodium in the intercellular and cellular space. Cations are able to regulate the process of assimilation of nutrients and oxygen by the myocardium, as well as myocardial contractility. A deficiency of potassium and magnesium in the body can provoke pathological changes in the cardiovascular system, for example, arterial hypertension, arrhythmia, sclerosis of the myocardium, coronary arteries.

Pharmacokinetics of Panangin has not been studied by the manufacturer. It is reliably known that the absorption of active components in the gastrointestinal tract is quite high. If the drug is administered intravenously, then the accumulation of substances occurs in the myocardium, while developing the maximum therapeutic effect. Potassium and magnesium aspartate is excreted from the body mainly through the kidneys.

So, what is Panangin for?

Indications for use

For adult patients, the medication is recommended for pathological abnormalities in the cardiovascular system and a deficiency in the body of cations:

  1. Replacement therapy for deficiency of magnesium and potassium ions of various nature.
  2. Chronic form of heart failure.
  3. States after a heart attack.
  4. Cardiac ischemia due to circulatory failure in the coronary arteries.
  5. Ventricular extrasystole.
  6. Atrial fibrillation type arrhythmia.
  7. Arrhythmias caused by intoxication with glycosides, which are part of the digitalis group.
  8. Heart rhythm disturbances that develop against the background of changes in electrolyte balance, associated primarily with hypokalemia (lack of potassium ions in the blood).
what is panangin for
what is panangin for

When conducting long-term therapy using Panangin, it is important to periodically monitor the concentration of potassium and magnesium ions in the blood.

It is contraindicated for pediatric patients.

Use during pregnancythe drug is allowed if there are individual indications starting from the second trimester. The use of the drug in the first trimester can lead to toxic poisoning of the fetus.

If there is a need to use the medication during the lactation period, it is recommended to temporarily suspend feeding and transfer the child to artificial mixtures.

Contraindications for use

Before you start using Panangin in injections, it is important to consult a doctor and take into account existing contraindications, including:

  1. Violations of impulse conduction in the AV node.
  2. Severe forms of liver and kidney failure.
  3. Cardiogenic shock,
  4. Addison's disease.
  5. Metabolic acidosis.
  6. Hemolytic anemia.
  7. Dehydration of the body against the background of extensive burns, overheating, diarrhea, repeated vomiting.
  8. Impaired amino acid metabolism.
  9. Hypermagnesemia (increased concentration of magnesium in the blood), hyperkalemia (increased concentration of potassium).
  10. Individual susceptibility to any of the components that make up the medicinal product.
panangin dropper
panangin dropper

It is strictly forbidden to prescribe medication in the first trimester of pregnancy, to pediatric patients.

Let's take a closer look at the dosage of Panangin.

Medication use

Tablet preparation is recommended to be used three times a day in an amount of up to 2 tablets. If the patient has a severe form of the disease,it is permissible to increase the single dosage up to 3 tablets. Maintenance therapy involves the use of the drug for 3 weeks three times a day, 1 tablet. The drug should be taken after eating, as gastric juice has a destructive effect on the active components of the drug. Tablets should be swallowed whole with plenty of liquid.

action of panangin
action of panangin

Before jet intravenous administration, the ampoule is diluted in 50 ml of glucose (5%). Before installing a dropper with Panangin, the drug is diluted with 200 ml of saline. The introduction should be done slowly. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the pathological phenomenon.

When treating pregnant women, Panangin is prescribed according to standard schemes, taking into account the risk for the child and the therapeutic need for the mother. In the lactation period, the medication is contraindicated.

Negative impacts

Against the background of the use of Panangin, the following negative effects may develop: dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea. As a rule, side effects occur rarely, and their clinical manifestations disappear without any treatment within a few days.

What is the compatibility of "Panangin"?

Interaction with other drugs

Concurrent use of the drug with potassium-sparing diuretics and ACE inhibitors can provoke the development of hyperkalemia, which increases the likelihood of severe arrhythmias andsubsequent cardiac arrest.

Rapid intravenous administration of the drug causes dizziness, nausea, redness of the face. To prevent these conditions, it is recommended to administer the medication at a slow pace.

It is important to exercise caution when prescribing the drug to patients suffering from extensive tissue damage, extensive burns, myasthenia gravis, as the risk of hyperkalemia is significant.

Is Panangin always safe?


In case of overdose, the patient develops symptoms of hypermagnesemia and hyperkalemia: arrhythmia develops, sensitivity in the limbs is disturbed, diarrhea occurs, repeated vomiting, redness of the face, lethargy, hypotension, convulsions, respiratory depression, there is a possibility of cardiac arrest.

If signs of intoxication occur, you should immediately stop taking the drug, wash the patient's stomach, provide enterosorbents, prescribe peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis.

panangin compatibility
panangin compatibility

Analogues of "Panangin"

If necessary, the medication can be replaced by one of the following drugs:

  1. "Asparkam-L". It is a domestic analogue of Panangin, produced in injectable form. Prohibited for use by minors, pregnant women, in the lactation period.
  2. "Potassium Magnesium". It is a dietary supplement that is not allowed to be taken during the lactation period, during pregnancy, under the age of 14.
  3. "Potassium and magnesium aspartate". Isdrug of German origin. Produced in the form of a solution. Contraindications to its use are children's age, lactation period, pregnancy.
  4. "Asparkam". It is a complete analogue of "Panangin". Pharmacological form of "Asparkam" - tablets. Can be used with caution during lactation and pregnancy.

Asparkam or Panangin?

It should be noted that "Asparkam" is a complete analogue of "Panangin", time-tested. Moreover, the cost of Asparkam is much lower than that of Panangin.

However, the main requirement for the drug is its effectiveness. Patients note that this indicator is higher in Panangin.

Despite this, the doctor should determine which drug should be taken - Asparkam or Panangin.

panangin injections
panangin injections


The average cost of "Panangin" is 145 rubles for a pack of solution, 140 rubles for a pack of tablets. It depends on the region.


Patients who used Panangin leave, as a rule, positive feedback. The drug is really effective, it allows you to neutralize convulsions, facilitate the activity of the heart. In addition, against the background of the use of the drug, negative consequences rarely occur.

What are the opinions of experts on this matter? Cardiologists to "Panangin" are often neutral. They do not consider it a panacea for heart ailments. More often it is prescribed for mild rhythm disturbances as a general tonic. Wereviewed the instructions for use and reviews of cardiologists and patients for Panangin.
