He alth! This is what we wish our friends and loved ones. This is what every person needs. It is important to monitor your he alth from an early age and respond in time to any ailments. A full life can only be in a he althy person, but, unfortunately, over the years, pressure begins to disturb. In order to learn how to correctly measure blood pressure, you should read this article. In it, we will consider a variety of devices with which you can monitor the performance of our body.
What is a blood pressure monitor?
Tonometer - a device that measures blood pressure (BP). Normal human pressure is 120 and 80 mmHg (systolic and diastolic). Each person has their own individual pressure norm, which may differ by 10 mm Hg from the norm.
Who needs a blood pressure monitor?
Every home should have a blood pressure monitor. A person suffering from hypertension should not part with a tonometer at all in order toprevent a hypertensive crisis. After the age of 50, the condition of blood vessels worsens, resulting in increased blood pressure.
Athletes measure blood pressure with a tonometer to monitor the state of the body during physical exertion. Blood pressure should be monitored by people who have diabetes. Also, pregnancy is a must for frequent blood pressure measurements.

A blood pressure monitor is necessary for a person who occupies a responsible position and therefore is often subjected to nervous breakdowns, stress or is in constant emotional stress. Smokers and drinkers should also have their blood pressure checked more frequently.
Deviation from the norm of blood pressure is characterized by the following symptoms: nausea, dizziness, pain in the heart, headaches. If you use a pressure meter in time, you can prevent disturbances in the work of our body.
The principle of operation of the tonometer
Depending on the model of the device for measuring pressure, there are several diagnostic methods: the oscillometric method and the Korotkov method. The first method is more modern - thanks to the electronic device, the data is displayed on the screen. The second way is that the pulse is heard using a mechanical device (phonendoscope). However, the principle of operation of the tonometer is the same in both cases.
Correct pressure measurement algorithm
A cuff is put on the arm in the area of the wrist or shoulder (sleeve withpneumatic chamber), into which air is supplied and increases in size, as a result of which the artery is compressed and the blood flow is blocked. If you listen to the pulse with a phonendoscope, then at this moment no beats are heard, since the blood does not pulsate through the veins.

The air blower is equipped with a special valve that relieves pressure in the cuff. It is important not to miss when blood begins to circulate through the veins again, at this moment a person will hear pulse beats through the phonendoscope, and on the manometer he will note the upper blood pressure indicators.
Gradually the blood flow increases (pulse sounds are audible), and when the audible sound stops, it means that the blood flow is fully restored. At this moment, the indicator of the lower arterial pressure is visible on the manometer. Automatic blood pressure monitors do not require human participation to listen to the pulse, because the indicators are determined by an electronic mechanism.
Features of the tonometer
For the correct measurement of pressure on the hand, it is important to study the principle and rules of operation of the device. The accuracy of the indicators depends on the correct operation of the tonometer. The variety of instruments for measuring pressure and the methods of the procedure itself is quite large, we will consider them further. Classification of blood pressure calculation methods:
- On the finger. This device measures pressure with a small error. It is simple and compact. Popular with athletes for quick and frequent blood pressure readings.
- On the wrist. Carp altonometer (bracelet for measuring pressure and pulse) is no less popular and easy to use. Ideal for a person leading an active lifestyle. Due to the small size of the device, it is convenient to take it with you for a walk, to the country house, on trips, etc. In addition to measuring pressure, it is able to determine the pulse, for which it is often called a heart rate monitor.
- On the shoulder. Such a blood pressure monitor with a cuff appeared first and is still considered the most reliable. Unlike the tonometers listed above, it can be either mechanical or automatic. The first is characterized by the reliability of indicators and is used in hospitals, clinics, etc.
When choosing a device with a cuff on the shoulder or a bracelet for measuring pressure and pulse, you must be guided by the following parameters: age, ease of use, frequency of use. With age, the thickness of the vessels increases, which means that it is more difficult to listen to the pulse on the wrist than in youth. If the device is needed by an elderly person, then you should choose a blood pressure monitor with a cuff worn on the shoulder, and not a bracelet (pedometer) with pressure measurement on the wrist. After all, the vessels lose their elasticity in the wrist area, and pressure indicators may be inaccurate. A mechanical model will help to avoid these errors.

Automatic blood pressure monitors
Using automatic sphygmomanometers to measure blood pressure does not require much effort and skill. If the cuff is correctly positioned, then such a device will perform the entireaction algorithm. The automatic blood pressure monitor is ideal for older people with weak limbs.
To measure, you need to put the cuff on your arm and press the start button. Thanks to the compressor, the device pumps air into the cuff to a certain level. The results of diastolic and systolic pressure are displayed on the screen. Models with various functions are available for sale: clock, built-in memory, voice messages, etc.
A person suffering from arrhythmia should choose an automatic blood pressure monitor, as its monitor displays not only blood pressure, but also the pulse rate. Such devices are powered by batteries and batteries, and some models have the ability to connect to electricity using network adapters.
Pros and cons of an automatic blood pressure monitor

Automatic blood pressure monitors come with a cuff on the shoulder, wrist and those that are attached to the finger. Their Benefits:
- affordable and easy to use;
- all indicators are clearly visible on the digital scoreboard;
- have additional functions (voiceover of results);
- a number of instruments can show the average of the last 3 measurements;
- no need to manually inflate the cuff;
- measurement accuracy does not depend on the human factor;
- Some instruments have built-in memory.
The main disadvantages of these devices:
- make errors in measuring blood pressure;
- high price(multifunctional appliances);
- many models are not compact;
- some blood pressure monitors do not have translation into Russian (except for AND models);
- need frequent replacement of batteries and batteries.
After weighing all the pros and cons, you can easily decide on the choice of a tonometer.
Pros and cons of a semi-automatic blood pressure monitor
In this device, the cuff is manually inflated with air using a special pear. The number of strokes is determined by an automatic mechanism, and the results are displayed on the electronic display in the same way as in the previous version of the tonometer. The main advantages of the semi-automatic blood pressure monitor:
- low price with excellent functionality;
- self-calculates pressure readings;
- results are visible on the LCD screen;
- does not need to change the battery and batteries;
After studying the characteristics, you can make sure that the ratio of price and functionality of this device is correct.

Semi-automatic devices are cheaper than automatic ones, but have a number of disadvantages:
- minor errors in blood pressure calculations;
- requires human assistance to inflate cuff;
- more expensive than the mechanical model of the device.
This device measures systolic and diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate.
Pros and cons of a mechanical blood pressure monitor
This device is different from alllisted above for its accuracy, which is why it is used in medical institutions. Consider the main benefits:
- The most accurate pressure gauge.
- Low price of the device.
- Long service life.
A person will need some skills to measure blood pressure with this device, and you need to have good hearing and vision. Such devices are most often used in everyday life. Thanks to the ring on the cuff, a person can independently put it on his arm. Cuff sizes are different: for adults and children. The mechanical blood pressure monitor has minor drawbacks:
- need professional skill;
- difficult to measure blood pressure without assistance;
- needs good eyesight and hearing.
This device has an air blower, which is a special rubber bulb with an exhaust valve. You can listen to your pulse with a phonendoscope or stethoscope.

Cuff for blood pressure monitor and its characteristics
The cuff is made of a fabric shell that contains a rubber bladder. It can be worn both on the wrist and on the shoulder. There are different cuff sizes, but to obtain accurate pressure readings, you must use a size that is as close as possible to the circumference of the human arm. For comfortable use, 3 universal sizes are used:
- L - large.
- M - averages.
- S - small.
The wrist blood pressure monitor also hascuff, its size is small, for this reason the device is not suitable for obese people.
Tonometer for measuring blood pressure. Terms of use
In order to use the blood pressure monitor, a person needs to prepare: take a comfortable position and correctly place the cuff on the arm. Planned blood pressure monitoring should be prepared in advance. An hour before the procedure, you can not drink coffee and strong tea, do any physical activity.
Before measuring blood pressure, it is not advised to be in open sunlight, take a hot bath or shower, as the readings may be distorted. Just before the procedure, you need to sit quietly, relax and get rid of any tension. Even cold air can distort readings, which provokes vasospasm.
Medical workers are advised to measure pressure while sitting, but if the patient is unable to sit, then the procedure is allowed to be carried out lying down. It is important for the patient to put the left hand on the surface and relax it, and the shoulder should be at the level of the heart. You need to measure the pressure 2-3 times with a 5-minute interval.

How to choose a blood pressure monitor?
Choosing a pressure meter is an important and responsible step. Having studied the capabilities and equipment of modern tonometers, everyone can decide on the model of the device. But what is still better to know before buying a tonometer? Below are the main parameters:
- Correct cuff size. If the device is bought for a child, then the cuffshould be the smallest size accordingly.
- Automatic or mechanical models. For example, not every person will be able to independently measure pressure with a bulb device. If a tonometer with an automatic air pump is purchased, then models with additional functions should be noted (for visually impaired people - voice voice acting, and for hypertensive patients - a device with artificial intelligence).
- Replacing the battery and batteries. It is worth paying attention to the quality of these components.
If the pressure measuring device will be used daily, then it is more practical to buy a mains-operated device. The best option would be semi-automatic models. They are ideal for price, packaging and measurement accuracy.