In the article, we will consider the instructions for use for Proctosedyl capsules.
The drug is a remedy for hemorrhoids, which in a few minutes can relieve pain and itching in the anus. These capsules relieve swelling of the hemorrhoids along with muscle spasms in the rectal canal. Due to the composition, Proctosedil capsules replace several drugs intended for topical use in hemorrhoids at once. After all, it is always much cheaper and more convenient to cure a disease with one drug than using several.

Features of this drug
Today, the drug "Proctosedil" is one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids and reducing pain in the event of an exacerbation of this disease. This is confirmed by the patients themselves andspecialized specialists from among proctologists. In addition to the main purposes, this drug is able to cope with negative manifestations in the form of itching or cracks in the anus. Now let's move on to the composition of these healing capsules.
What does the remedy consist of?
Capsules "Proctosedyl" consist of five active ingredients, as well as additional components that improve the absorption of basic substances within the rectal canal. Capsules resemble the appearance of suppositories, which is why they are sometimes called rectal suppositories. So, the active components of these cachets are: chestnut extract along with hydrocortisone, ethyl aminobenzoate, framicetin and butyl aminobenzoate. The auxiliary ingredients of the capsules include paraffin along with lanolin, glycerin, gelatin, paraben, water and others. Next, consider the therapeutic effect of this drug.
Healing properties of this medication
Proctosedyl capsules have several therapeutic effects at once, including anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antipruritic, decongestant, analgesic and angioprotective effects.
Let's take a closer look at the ingredients and their effects on the body. Chestnut extract normalizes the tone of the venous walls, strengthening them, and also reduces the overall permeability of the veins of the endothelium and venules, thereby reducing inflammation and minimizing swelling in the affected area.

Hydrocortisone is a typical representative of hormonesadrenal cortex with a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antihistamine property, which, when used locally, relieves inflammation, swelling and itching in the anal area.
Framycetin is structurally similar to aminoglycosides. This ingredient exhibits a bactericidal effect against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Klebsiella and other pyogenic bacteria. Due to the presence of framycetin, this medicine eliminates the bacterial damage to the skin of the anal and perianal region, which occurs with hemorrhoidal disease.
The ingredient benzocaine acts as a local anesthetic that provides pain relief in the anus. Also, this component helps to eliminate itching in the anus, normalizing the tone of the anorectal sphincter. All ingredients of these capsules, except for hydrocortisone, act exclusively locally. It is also worth noting that hydrocortisone, subject to prolonged use of capsules, can produce a systemic effect.
When is this remedy used?
Proctosedyl capsules are prescribed to patients in the following cases:
- With internal localization of the hemorrhoidal process.
- Against the background of acute and chronic anal fissures.
- As part of postoperative hemorrhoids.
- For postpartum hemorrhoids and proctitis.
- On the background of eczema and dermatitis of the perianal area.
Doctor's orders must be strictly observed.

When not to use thesecapsules?
As the instructions for Proctosedil capsules indicate, they are strictly forbidden to be used by persons suffering from hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug, and, in addition, to antibiotics of the aminoglycoside category. This drug has an immunosuppressive effect, so it is forbidden to use it for infectious lesions of the skin of the anal and perianal areas, as well as against the background of active tuberculosis in order not to aggravate the disease.
Due to the risks of systemic exposure, this drug is not prescribed to patients suffering from severe hypertension and decompensated heart failure. Capsules "Proctosedil" are contraindicated in children under three years of age, and, in addition, pregnant and lactating. For children who are older than three years, this drug is prescribed very carefully, and, in addition, under the close supervision of a doctor. During therapy with Proctosedil, you should stop feeding the baby.

Adverse reactions in the treatment of these capsules
Subject to strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician and short-term use of Proctosedyl rectal capsules, side effects are observed in very rare cases. Basically, we are talking about local allergic manifestations in the form of itching and urticaria. Also, patients complain of burning sensation in the anus and dryness of the mucous membranes on the first day of treatment with this drug.

When using capsules for more than ten days, patients develop systemic side effectsreactions (in the form of Cushing's syndrome, headaches, increased pressure, edema, etc.), due to the presence of a hydrocortisone component in this remedy.
How to use it correctly?

Capsules from hemorrhoids "Proctosedyl" are used exclusively rectally as part of the introduction into the rectum. Before entering the capsule into the rectal canal, take a shower or wash the perineum with soap and water, and then wash your hands. The procedure is best performed after the act of defecation.
The capsule is taken by the non-sharp end with the index, middle and thumb, and then injected deep into the rectal canal. Capsules can be administered standing up or in a supine position on the side. In acute symptoms of hemorrhoids, one suppository is prescribed two to four times a day. After the process of stopping the acute manifestation of the disease, the frequency of use of "Proctosedil" can be reduced to once a day. The course of therapy should not exceed seven days. Next, consider the feedback from patients about this remedy.

Reviews of Proctosedyl capsules
In their reviews, patients write that they like these hemorrhoid capsules, as they are quite effective. But not everyone is satisfied with their price, which is three hundred and fifty rubles. As advantages, it is noted that this medical product is very effective, is over-the-counter and is available in absolutely every pharmacy. The disadvantages some consumers attribute to the fact that this remedy has side effects with some contraindications.
SoThus, this therapeutic agent is used for the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids within the framework of home conditions, and, in addition, against the background of its exacerbation, in the process of preventing the recurrence of the disease and for treating patients before surgery and after surgical interventions. This remedy, as a rule, demonstrates good efficiency in cases of postpartum hemorrhoids, eczema, itching and anal fissures.