Tonsils are called accumulations of lymphoid tissue, which are located in the oral cavity in the nasopharynx. Such an organ performs not only a hematopoietic and protective function, but also takes an active part in the formation of immunity, that is, it is a kind of protective mechanism against inhaled foreign pathogens.
Together with the lymphoid formations of the nasopharynx, the tonsils form the lymphatic pharyngeal ring.
General information
In the treatment of diseases such as tonsillitis and tonsillitis, washing the tonsils is a mandatory procedure. Such manipulations help to get rid of unpleasant signs of the disease, and also contribute to an accelerated recovery.
Main functions of the tonsils
Before presenting detailed methods for washing the tonsils at home, it should be clarified that the said organ, located in the nasopharynx, is designed to protect the human body from various infections. The tonsils are made up of ductspockets and gaps and are responsible for the formation of immunity.
With the development of a purulent or inflammatory process, the tonsils are a danger to the entire body of the patient. During this period, the tonsils cease to perform their protective and immunological functions.

Many people are interested in how to wash tonsils at home. After all, thanks to such a simple procedure, you can get rid of all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. This happens by eliminating a purulent plug or plaque.
The flushing procedure should be performed in a hospital setting. But, unfortunately, patients do not always turn to specialists for this purpose. In this regard, they have a question about how the lacunae of the palatine tonsils are washed at home.
Need for procedure
According to reviews, washing the tonsils at home can be as effective as in stationary conditions. The main thing is to comply with all the necessary conditions. In addition, it should be understood whether this procedure is required at a given time or not. After all, there are times when there is no need to flush the tonsils.
The process of washing the tonsils is an effective procedure for diseases such as tonsillitis and tonsillitis (chronic type). Said organ consists of lymphoid tissue. It retains pathogenic microorganisms that enter the oral cavity through the nasopharynx. There are gaps on the surface of the tonsils, and if the infection gets inside, then thanks to the actions of lymphocytes, it is quickly destroyed. In this case, the shape and size of the tonsils remain the same, as they successfully cope with their tasks. If there are any adverse factors, then the protective functions of the body are reduced, as a result of which some of the bacteria in the tonsils remain. At the same time, microbes begin to actively multiply and accumulate on the gaps in the form of purulent plugs and plaque. It is at this moment that the patient feels the main signs of intoxication: sore throat, enlarged lymph nodes, fever, severe weakness.

The above symptoms indicate the development of chronic tonsillitis. This condition involuntarily suggests the idea of how to wash the tonsils yourself at home.
Possible complication
Before answering the question of how to wash the tonsils at home, it should be recalled that if such a procedure is not carried out in a timely and incorrect manner, serious complications may develop. The result of the latter may be the surgical removal of the tonsils with all the ensuing consequences.
Is the procedure effective?
If a patient is constantly worried about infectious diseases such as tonsillitis or tonsillitis, then he should find out in advance how to wash the tonsils at home. You also need to know about all the benefits of this non-stationary procedure.
Thanks to the cleansing of the tonsils from pathological plaque, it is possible to achieve the process of tissue regeneration. Completely destroyed during washingbacterial flora, and local immunity is noticeably strengthened.
Those patients who are interested in how to flush the tonsils at home should definitely be aware of the main advantage of this treatment method - simplicity. This procedure is absolutely safe. During washing, the mucous membranes of the oropharynx and tonsils are not injured.
Tonsil lavage can be performed on patients of all ages, even pregnant women. This therapeutic method is hypoallergenic, that is, it does not contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Flushing for tonsillitis
Chronic tonsillitis cannot be completely cured with medications. Therefore, many experts recommend using the flushing procedure. This method eliminates not only the swelling of the larynx, but also removes pus, and also prevents the development of relapses.
How do they clean the tonsils?
It is not enough just to know how to flush the tonsils at home, the effectiveness of this procedure also depends on the drug used.
According to experts, the most effective drug for such a problem is Furacilin. This is an antiseptic solution that is actively used when washing the tonsils at home.
Also, for the procedure under consideration, Chlorophyllipt alcohol solution and Chlorhexidine solution are used.
To fix the result after washing on the tonsils, it is recommended to apply any local antiseptic agent (for example, Yoddicerin, Hexoral, Yodinol,"Rotokan", etc.). These preparations contain iodine, which is known for its disinfecting properties.

How to wash tonsils at home?
There are several ways to wash the tonsils on their own. One of them involves the use of such a special device as an irrigator. When using it, an antiseptic solution is supplied to the tonsils using a tube. In this case, the jet with the drug is directed directly to the affected area.
If there is an urgent need for regular cleansing of the tonsils from purulent plaque, but the patient does not have the physical opportunity to visit a medical institution, then the irrigator will help to cope with the task much more efficiently than standard rinses.
Recommendations for choosing an instrument
When choosing the mentioned device, you should definitely pay attention to the minimum jet pressure. It should be no more than 200 kPa. It is also welcome to have a pressure adjustment function in order to be able to select the most comfortable medication delivery.

Process Description
How to wash tonsils at home with an irrigator? When cleansing the tonsils, you must adhere to the following sequence:
- turn on the machine;
- open the reservoir for the medicinal solution;
- fill the container with medication;
- adjust the jet pressure (first you need to set the minimum pressure, and then gradually itenlarge);
- insert the tip into the oral cavity, aim at the inflamed areas and turn on the device by pressing the power button.
Features of the procedure
With the help of an irrigator, you can rinse the tonsils even in non-stationary conditions. Adhering to the strict sequence of the process, purulent plaque is quickly removed from the lacunae and gland pockets.
It should be especially noted that it is forbidden to use soda solution and various herbal infusions in such a medical device as an irrigator. Only a special antiseptic liquid is allowed to be placed in the container.
Most people experience a gag reflex when flushing their tonsils with an irrigator. To avoid such situations, you should refuse to eat and drink two hours before the treatment.
How to rinse the tonsils with a syringe at home?
Unfortunately, not all people who are faced with such a problem as tonsillitis or tonsillitis have the financial opportunity to purchase an irrigator for personal use. In addition, if such an apparatus is required for one-time use, then its purchase becomes especially costly. In such cases, experts recommend using a regular syringe, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Washing purulent or inflamed tonsils, as well as removing plugs at home with a syringe, is a fairly common event. Before its implementation, it is imperative to comply with all sterility requirements. The very cleansingthe procedure must be carried out carefully so as not to injure the mucous membrane of the tonsils.
Description of the process of washing the tonsils with a syringe
To eliminate purulent plaque from the tonsils using a sterile syringe, the following requirements should be followed:
- Using an antiseptic solution, you need to gently wipe the tonsils with it (using a sterile gauze swab).
- Open your mouth strongly, sticking out your tongue.
General recommendations
During the above procedure, it is advisable to breathe shallowly.
If the patient has a gag reflex, then it is better to stop washing for a while.
The medicinal solution must be spit every 3-5 seconds.
At the end of the therapeutic procedure, it is advisable to thoroughly rinse the mouth.

Ineffective way
Another way to wash the tonsils at home is a standard rinse. This method is used by almost all patients who have experienced a sore throat. However, experts say that such washing is less effective than a procedure involving the use of special medical devices or a sterile syringe.