Not only people, but also pets suffer from various eye diseases. Such pathologies can cause serious suffering to pets. Therefore, noticing discharge from the eyes or their redness, it is worth contacting a veterinarian who will prescribe the correct treatment. Among all the drugs used in veterinary medicine, Dekta-2 eye drops are the most popular. The instruction describes this remedy as a complex antibacterial drug. It effectively copes with most ophthalmic diseases.
General characteristics of the drug
This is one of the most common remedies for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases in dogs and cats. It is produced by Api-San in convenient dropper bottles. The drug is usually packaged in 5 ml. The drops themselves are a clear, colorless, odorless solution.
Unlike some other similar drugs, "Dekta-2" has a more pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory andantihistamine action. This is due to its composition, which includes a strong antibiotic and steroid dexamethasone. Instructions for eye drops "Dekta-2" notes that due to this, the drug is effective against most bacteria that cause ophthalmic diseases. A feature of this drug is that the active substances quickly penetrate into the tissues of the eye and improve their condition. Often, recovery occurs as early as the second day of treatment.

Composition and features of the action
Instructions for eye drops "Dekta-2" describes it as a combination drug with a complex effect. Its effectiveness is explained by the properties of the main components. One of them provides a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect, the other helps to fight infection. It is these basic properties of the drug that the instruction describes.
The composition of eye drops "Dekta-2" allows you to use them in the most serious cases, when other drugs do not help. One of the main components is a strong antibiotic gentamicin, which has a wide spectrum of action. It is an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group, which is effective against most gram-negative and many gram-positive bacteria. Even Pseudomonas aeruginosa dies from its effects. Thanks to this substance, the drug "Dekta-2" can be used for many infectious eye diseases.
A powerful anti-inflammatory effect is provided by dexamethasone, which is part of the drops. It's prettya common synthetic glucocorticosteroid that can block the formation of substances involved in the development of the inflammatory process. Thanks to him, drops quickly relieve swelling and redness, remove itching and pain. This substance also provides a pronounced antihistamine effect of the drug.

Indications for use
This drug is often prescribed by veterinarians to cats and dogs for any ophthalmic diseases of bacterial etiology. It is advisable not to use it on your own. But some pet owners believe that the main thing is to carefully study the instructions for the Decta-2 eye drops. Indications for the use of this drug allow it to be used for the treatment and prevention of any infectious eye lesions. Most often, these drops are used for such pathologies:
- conjunctivitis;
- blepharitis;
- keratite;
- iridocyclite;
- keratoconjunctivitis;
- after an eye injury or foreign body;
- after surgery to prevent infection.

How to use the drug correctly
Instructions for use for eye drops "Dekta-2" contains only general recommendations. A veterinarian can tell you in detail about the specifics of the use of the drug. After all, it is not recommended to immediately bury the remedy. If the animal has discharge from the eyes, they must first be removed. It is best to do this with a napkin dipped in the preparation. She rubs the corners of her eyesanimal, eyelids. It is necessary to remove all crusts and fresh discharge. Only after this, drops can be dripped.
In each eye you need to drip 2-3 drops 2-3 times a day. It depends on the severity and characteristics of the disease. If the drug is used to treat kittens or puppies, the dosage should be reduced to 1-2 drops. The duration of treatment is usually 5-10 days, until all symptoms of the disease disappear. You should try not to skip a single dose, as this will greatly reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. It is advisable to prevent the animal from rubbing its eyes with its paws or rubbing its head against furniture after instillation. If necessary, you can use a special collar. For prophylactic purposes after injuries or surgical interventions, the drug can be dripped 1-2 drops twice a day. In this case, a three-day course of treatment is enough.

Contraindications and side effects
This drug is generally well tolerated by pets. There are practically no contraindications to its use. The only thing is that it cannot be used to treat animals with individual intolerance to the components of the drops. This can be understood after the first application. Do not use the drug also for open wounds on the eyeball. In addition, you can not drip "Dektu-2" to those animals that have serious organic lesions of the eye tissues: erosion or corneal ulcers, glaucoma or cataracts. Therefore, it is still worth consulting with a doctor, especially if the pet is old or has been suffering from eye diseases for a long time. Moreover, it is undesirableapply drops to treat productive animals.
If you use the drug strictly according to the instructions, side effects are usually not observed, there is also no addiction. Sometimes a pet may be hypersensitive to the components of the product. It manifests itself in severe burning, itching, redness of the eyes. In such cases, the instruction for eye drops "Dekta-2" does not recommend the use of this drug.
But you need to carefully observe the animal: most often the pet will break out and whine not because he has intolerance. Animals just do not like such procedures. To avoid serious complications, it is better to consult a doctor or at least carefully study the instructions.

Analogues of eye drops "Dekta-2"
This drug is effective and quickly helps to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of eye pathologies. It is usually well tolerated, but sometimes a similar remedy is required. There are several drugs with a similar effect. They are also prescribed for conjunctivitis, keratitis or blepharitis in dogs and cats. These drugs are:
- Drops "Bars".
- "Tsiprovet".
- "Anandin".
- "Iris".
- "Tobrex".

Eye drops "Dekta-2": reviews
The instruction notes that this drug is usually well tolerated. Most reviews confirm this. Many owners of dogs and cats note that after 2-3days after the application of these drops, the animal felt better: the redness and swelling subsided, the itching disappeared. But there are also negative reviews. They note that after instillation of drops, the pet had a strong burning sensation and redness of the eyes. This indicates individual intolerance to the drug. But there is not a single review that would talk about its inefficiency. Sometimes even one application of drops helps to save the animal from suffering.