As you know, many drugs are toxic to the body. It all depends on what dosage to use this or that drug. There are also substances that are poisons. Their use is very dangerous. However, some of them are used in medicine. For example, preparations based on bee and snake venom, strychnine. The dose of such medicines must be strictly observed. After all, if you exceed the amount of the active substance, you can cause not only severe poisoning, but also death. An example is the drug strychnine. The poison contained in this substance is very toxic to the human body and animals. But when used in small amounts, it has a healing effect.

Strychnine - what is it?
This substance is of plant origin. It is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also as a poison for rodents. Given the high toxicity, people who are prescribed drugs based on this substance ask: strychnine - what is it? It is known that this remedy was allocated back in 1818. Get it in the labway. Where is strychnine found and what chemicals does it belong to? This remedy is a natural indole alkaloid. It is found in the seeds of the chilibukha plant. They are also called "vomit nuts". Chilibukha grows in the tropical climate of Africa and Asia. In addition to strychnine, the seeds contain other alkaloids. For example, the substance brucine. For medical purposes, strychnine nitrate is made in the laboratory, in other words, nitrate s alt. In large doses, the alkaloids contained in the seeds of the chilibukha are considered poisons. They are highly toxic and deadly to humans.

Effects of strychnine on the body
Strychnine substance - what is it? Some data on the impact of this tool can be found in literary works. Among them are the novels of famous classics Jack London, Agatha Christie. In these works, the characters die as a result of exposure to this poison. In addition, the English writer Herbert Wells describes in one of his stories a biological stimulant, thanks to which a person feels a surge of strength. It's about strychnine. In fact, this substance has a similar property. This action of strychnine is due to the fact that it can block certain neurotransmitters. Among them, glycine is a substance that inhibits the conduction of impulses along the spinal cord. Due to this effect, strychnine is considered a nervous system stimulant.

When using small doses of this substance in the bodythe following processes occur:
- Stimulation of the senses. This enhances functions such as smell, hearing, touch, taste and vision.
- Excitation of skeletal muscles and myocardium.
- Strengthening metabolic processes in the body.
- Excitation of the nervous system, including the respiratory and vasomotor center.
Use of strychnine in pharmacology

Given the effect of strychnine on the nervous system, it is used in medicine. However, drugs containing this poison are used only in cases of emergency. Medicines contain strychnine nitrate. It is practically insoluble in cold water and ether. Nitrate has the appearance of a white powder consisting of crystals. Medicines containing this substance belong to class 1 drugs, that is, they are especially dangerous drugs. Given its effects, strychnine is used in diseases accompanied by inhibition of nerve impulses. The main branch of medicine in which such drugs are used is neurology. In addition to pharmacology, strychnine is used as a poison to control rodents - mice and rats. Previously, the substance was used only for deratization.

What drugs contain strychnine
So, "strychnine" - what is it and what drugs does it contain? Drugs containing this poison in their composition belong to the group of stimulants of the central nervous In pharmacological practice, there are 2 medicines containing strychnine. These include:
- Chilibuha tincture. It is a brown liquid with a bitter taste. Strict adherence to the following ratio is necessary: 16 grams of dry matter (chilibukha extract) per 1 liter of a 70% alcohol solution. This medicinal product contains not only strychnine. The composition of the drug is also represented by other alkaloids, including brucine. The tincture contains 0.25% active ingredient.
- Dry extract of the chilibukha plant. It is also called the emetic preparation. It is a brown powder. Has no smell. For use, the powder is dissolved in water. In this case, the ratio of 1/10 is observed. The powder contains about 16% of chilibukha alkaloids - strychnine and brucine.
These medicines do not have commercial names. Used in solution and tablet form.

Preparations containing strychnine: instructions for use
Given that strychnine is a particularly dangerous poison, it is very important to follow the instructions for use. In no case should you exceed the therapeutic dose of the drug! You should also pay attention to contraindications to the use of drugs containing strychnine. Such medicines should not be used by children under 2 years old, pregnant and lactating women. Only the attending physician can prescribe the drug. So, medicines containing strychnine: instructions for use.
- Oral medication. ATIn most cases, drugs are taken orally. To do this, use an alcohol infusion of chilibukha and tablets (contain a dry extract). Depending on the severity of symptoms, age and weight of the patient. Adults are recommended dose of 0.5 to 1 mg 2-3 times a day. If the dosage form of the drug is an alcohol tincture, then 3-10 drops are prescribed (in 1 dose). The maximum dose for adults is 5 mg per day. For children, the amount of the active substance is selected individually, depending on body weight. A single dose is 0.1 to 0.5 mg.
- Subcutaneous administration of medication. A 0.1% strychnine solution is used. The daily dose is 1 ml (1 ampoule) of the drug.
Indication for use strychnine
Despite the effectiveness of medicines containing strychnine, they are prescribed in rare cases. Most doctors recommend less dangerous drugs to patients. Nevertheless, there are cases when the appointment of strychnine is necessary. The following indications for the use of such medicines are distinguished:
- Severe neurological disorders. Among them are paralysis and paresis of limbs after a stroke.
- Lack of appetite. Given that strychnine nitrate has a strong bitter taste, it stimulates the desire to eat.
- Violation of visual acuity and hearing. At the same time, drugs are prescribed only in cases where there are functional changes in the functioning of the sense organs.
- Impotence. Currently, preparations containing strychnine are practically not used forerectile dysfunction.
- Chronic alcoholism, not treatable by other means.
Contraindications to the use of strychnine

Preparations containing strychnine are contraindicated in people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular (angina pectoris, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis) and respiratory system (bronchial asthma, COPD). Also, they can not be used for pathologies of the thyroid gland, liver and kidney failure. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe such medications during pregnancy, lactation, children under the age of 2 years and people with a history of convulsive syndrome.
Stychnine poisoning symptoms
Strychnine poisoning is considered an extremely dangerous condition. Symptoms at the same time resemble the clinical picture of tetanus. The following signs of poisoning are distinguished: photophobia, respiratory depression, convulsions, spasm of masticatory muscles, swallowing disorders. The lethal dose of strychnine is 1 mg per kg of body weight.