Purulent rhinitis in a child: symptoms, treatment, list of drugs

Purulent rhinitis in a child: symptoms, treatment, list of drugs
Purulent rhinitis in a child: symptoms, treatment, list of drugs

The defeat of the nasopharynx by a viral or bacterial infection often gives rise to the occurrence of rhinitis. With the correct treatment of a cold, a runny nose, like other catarrhal symptoms, will pass in 7 days, but if it worries a person for more than a week, one can say about protracted rhinitis or complications. A common complication of the common cold is purulent rhinitis in a child, which is accompanied by purulent discharge, inflammation and swelling of the nasal mucosa.

nose drops protargol
nose drops protargol


The main signs of purulent rhinitis in a child include:

  1. The presence of specific discharge from the nose, which may have a greenish tint and a very thick consistency, which causes severe discomfort to the baby.
  2. The child may experience pain and discomfort in the ears, neck, gums. Pain may increase when turning the head, bending over, coughing or sneezing.
  3. Child complains of difficulty breathing.
  4. One of the main signs of purulent rhinitis can beattribute loss of smell and taste.
  5. Weakness, apathy, lack of appetite, fatigue, increased sleepiness.
  6. Pay special attention to nasal discharge, with purulent rhinitis they will have a very unpleasant and specific smell.
  7. Increased body temperature.
  8. Itching and discomfort in the nose and sinuses.
  9. Severe congestion, which ordinary drops from the common cold cannot cope with.
antibiotics for rhinitis
antibiotics for rhinitis

At the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor who will diagnose and establish a diagnosis. Appropriate treatment will be prescribed. With improper and untimely treatment, purulent rhinitis can cause complications, including the development of bronchitis, pneumonia and otitis media. Self-medication can also harm your baby.


If you find symptoms of purulent rhinitis in a child, then first of all you should contact an otolaryngologist. To make a diagnosis, the doctor examines a small patient using special tools: a rhinoscope and a light reflector. A tactile inspection is also carried out. For additional diagnostics, the doctor may prescribe:

  1. X-ray examination of the sinuses.
  2. Detailed analysis of blood, urine.
  3. Tomography.
  4. A blood test for allergic reactions in a child.
  5. Bacteriological culture from the nose for the presence of the pathogen.
  6. Smear for eosinophils.
  7. An analysis of the sensitivity of microflora to various drugs, includingincluding antibiotics.

After the diagnosis and diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate therapy. Purulent rhinitis is treated only with medication. You should not self-medicate, so you can only aggravate the situation and harm a small child. Also, do not delay with treatment and visiting an otolaryngologist. Purulent rhinitis can lead to complications and cause pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, meningitis, sepsis, otitis media.

isophra nose drops for children
isophra nose drops for children


The formation of pus in the sinuses of the nose indicates the occurrence of a complex infectious and inflammatory process, which began due to incorrect or untimely treatment. To avoid the development of complications in purulent rhinitis, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory spectrum substances should be instilled into the nose.


They prevent the growth of pathogenic microflora, promote the removal of bacteria from the sinuses. In some cases, they can relieve increased swelling of the mucous membranes, prevent changes in the integrity of the protective membranes due to constant blowing your nose:

  1. Since this is one of the best remedies, parents are interested in the question of whether Miramistin can be sprayed into the nose. It is a potent broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. Quickly suppresses the symptoms of the disease, inhibits pathogenic microflora, prevents the occurrence of complications. Is it possible to spray "Miramistin" in the nose of children? The drug is recommended to be instilled into the child with the help ofpipettes.
  2. According to the instructions for nasal drops, for children "Protargol" is produced on the basis of colloidal silver. To date, it is considered an outdated and harmful medicinal substance, as it shows little effectiveness in the fight against viruses and bacteria, and silver ions are deposited in the tissues and cells of the bridge of the nose for life. When using nasal drops "Protargol" for children, the instructions must be followed. After all, as you know, non-compliance with the dosage can cause side effects.
  3. "Isofra" - nasal drops for children. This is a broad-spectrum agent, it is effective against pneumococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus and other bacteria. The product can also be used by pregnant women.
purulent rhinitis in children symptoms
purulent rhinitis in children symptoms


Such drops are used in the presence of a large amount of mucus secreted from the nose. Effective in the complex therapy of the common cold and purulent rhinitis, can be used to prevent the development of sinusitis:

  • "Grippferon" - drops based on human interferon, have a general systemic effect on the body. They can be used not only as a medicinal substance, but also as a means of prevention in contact with infected people during the season of high incidence.
  • "Derinat" - stimulates the production of its own interferon in the body. Performance shows only after 4-5 days of use. It is an excellent tool in the fight against various infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nose.
  • "IRS-19" is an immunomodulator widely used for the treatment and prevention of purulent rhinitis.
  • "Poludan" - a remedy in the form of a powder. For use, it must be dissolved in water and dripped into the nose. Ineffective and requires combination with other drops.
purulent rhinitis in a child treatment
purulent rhinitis in a child treatment


Drops with antibiotics in the composition are used only in case of total damage to the mucous membranes of the nose by bacterial inflammatory processes. For young children, such funds are recommended to be used only in extreme cases, mainly to relieve complications.

  • "Polydex" is a universal medicine. It has a pronounced vasoconstrictive effect, quickly relieves inflammation and nasal congestion. It is an excellent tool in the initial stages of the development of the disease, but when pus appears, it shows little effectiveness. It is used in the complex therapy of purulent rhinitis.
  • "Bioparox" is an effective anti-inflammatory drug that copes well in the initial stages of the formation of purulent masses. With progressive purulent rhinitis, it suppresses the symptoms of the disease.


Purulent rhinitis in a child is a systemic inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa. The causes of its occurrence are viral agents (neglected runny nose, flu) and bacterial flora that has entered the respiratory tract. Treatment of purulent rhinitis should be carried out as soon as possible, because at an early age it quickly passes into another pathology, affecting notonly the maxillary sinuses, but also the membranes of the brain, rising along the vertical path of infection.

purulent rhinitis in a child drugs
purulent rhinitis in a child drugs

How to treat purulent rhinitis in a child with drugs?

Tablets of anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for children over 3 years of age. At a younger age, syrup forms or liquid drinking solutions are used:

  • Antibiotic for rhinitis "Fluimucil" is available in several variations, including a solution for inhalation. The main active ingredient of "Fluimucil" is a synthetic antibiotic thiamphenicol, which quickly suppresses the growth of pathogenic viral agents and stabilizes the patient's condition. The auxiliary component acetylcysteine has a local anti-inflammatory effect, helps to cope with even the most severe nasal congestion.
  • "Supraks" is a drug of the Indian pharmaceutical company "Astella", which has established itself as one of the best manufacturers of medicines for people of all age groups (including newborns and children under 1 year old). Suprax medicinal capsules are prescribed to patients with severe fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. The active ingredients that make up this drug can successfully suppress the growth of any, even the strongest fungal spores.
  • "Flemoxin Solutab" 500 mg is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is prescribed in complex therapy with antimicrobial drops and vitamin complexes foractivation of immune processes. "Flemoxin" is prescribed even to the smallest patients, as it is easily tolerated and causes almost no side effects.
can miramistin be sprayed into the nose
can miramistin be sprayed into the nose

Folk remedies

For rhinitis, you can wash the nose, which is easy for a child to do. This requires 1 tsp. s alt dissolved in 1 liter of purified water. You can take a clean syringe without a needle to collect a saline solution, tilt your head and inject the solution into one nostril with a smooth movement. It will come out through the other along with pus and mucus. You need to do this procedure until a clear solution appears, but do not overdo it.

S alt can be replaced with decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile, sage, calendula. To speed up the treatment of rhinitis, use viburnum with honey: for 1 glass of viburnum juice, 3 tbsp. l. honey, mix well. It is necessary to take several times a day, one spoonful for 3-4 days. This will help make the mucus and pus less sticky.

Drops from freshly squeezed juice of carrots or beets, which must be diluted with water 1:3, will be useful and safe. It will be effective to instill the nose with Kalanchoe juice, you can use a decoction from it. Proportion with filtered water 1:1. Children under one year old can wipe the nasal mucosa with a cotton swab dipped in the prepared solution.

You can use aloe juice in the same way. Sea buckthorn oil will also help in the fight against toxins and bacteria. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in oil and wipe it in the nose. With a mild form of purulent rhinitis, you can do withoutfolk methods, but in case of a chronic disease it is better to consult a doctor.
