Sugar in urine in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Sugar in urine in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Sugar in urine in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Many parents are interested in what sugar in the urine of a child means. Regardless of gender, glucose levels in the body can be very diverse, this is influenced by some factors: diet, age, lifestyle, and others. If the amount of sugar in the blood increases quite rarely or even once, then you should not be scared right away, you just need to seek the advice of a specialist and take a second analysis from him.

Increase is physiological and pathological. This suggests that the causes of sugar in the urine of a child may be different.

sugar in the urine of a child causes
sugar in the urine of a child causes

Physiological glucosuria

In general, an increase in sugar content often occurs with excessive consumption of carbohydrates, frequent stress, and also under the influence of certain drugs (caffeine, phenamine and corticosteroids). Under the age of 1 year, increased sugar in the urine is found in children,who were born prematurely, this persists for 1-3 months after birth. If the baby is full-term and breastfed, glucose can be detected when the digestive system is temporarily disturbed with belching, diarrhea, or vomiting. However, this is not a pathological phenomenon.

what does sugar in urine mean
what does sugar in urine mean

Pathological glucosuria

Frequent increase in glucose in the urine is acquired and hereditary in children. The following diseases can contribute to this:

  • diabetes mellitus - the amount of sugar is mainly increased in "insulin-dependent" diabetes;
  • pathology of the kidneys - the child's functions of these organs are impaired, there is a decrease in the renal threshold, as a result of which sugar begins to enter the urine. Moreover, in the blood, the indicator does not increase due to the neuro-humoral regulation of the body;
  • pancreatitis - glucagon is released into the blood, which breaks down glycogen to glucose. If the amount of sugar in the blood increases rapidly, it can pass through the kidneys as well;
  • hyperthyroidism - the secretion of thyroid hormones increases, which increases the breakdown of glycogen, and also increases blood sugar and, accordingly, urine;
  • stress - adrenaline, the hormone ACTH, cortisol and glucagon are released into the blood. These conditions increase the amount of glucose in the blood of children, which is then filtered into the urine;
  • excessive consumption of carbohydrates, which leads to the depletion of the pancreas, and reduces the secretion of insulin. because ofthis can lead to acquired diabetes mellitus.

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons for the appearance of an excessive amount of sugar in the urine of a child, and they can signal other, no less dangerous diseases. The main thing is to carefully monitor the appearance and well-being of the child, seeking medical advice in time!

sugar in the urine of a child is normal
sugar in the urine of a child is normal


If you have the following symptoms, you can make a preliminary conclusion about the increased sugar in the urine of a child:

  • quite often and very thirsty;
  • lack of sleep and persistent desire to go to bed;
  • body weight starts to plummet;
  • frequent urination;
  • severe itching and irritation in the genital area;
  • constant feeling of tiredness;
  • skin becomes the most dry.

If you have any of the above signs, you must definitely make an appointment with the appropriate doctor so that he conducts a thorough medical examination and confirms or refutes the presence of the disease in the child's body. In addition, the specialist will tell you exactly how much sugar is contained and what should be in the child's urine, and, if necessary, prescribe a course of treatment.

urinalysis for sugar in a child
urinalysis for sugar in a child

Determination of sugar in the urine of a child

The presence of pathology should cause serious concern in parents, with the exception of newborn children, in whom it manifests itself due to addiction to mother's milk (does not apply to children fed onartificial mixture).

In order to determine accurately, knowledge of the symptoms will not be enough. You need to see a doctor and get tested for sugar content. There are several ways to determine glucose in urine:

  • using a biochemical analysis of urine for sugar in a child;
  • detect glucose in daily urine;
  • use test strip.

How to diagnose?

Diagnosis of the norm of urine for sugar in a child according to the algorithm is presented below.

When using the test strip, you need to collect urine on an empty stomach in the morning, lower the strip into it. If sugar is present in the urine, the test will change color. Daily urine is collected in the morning, from the second urination, all day in one container. Collected per day is handed over for analysis. This is a more accurate method. In order to exclude diabetes, it is necessary to donate blood for a glucose tolerance test. Blood for the test is collected in the morning, then the child is given a concentrated solution of glucose to drink, then blood is collected after half an hour, an hour and two hours. The results show fluctuations in glucose levels, and you can determine the presence of diabetes. The norm is considered to be sugar fluctuations from 0.06 to 0.083 mmol per liter. If the level of sugar in the body exceeds the permissible limits, then a series of examinations is prescribed in order to find out the cause and prescribe treatment.

urine for sugar in children algorithm
urine for sugar in children algorithm


If, after examination, a large amount of sugar is found in the urine of a child, this undoubtedly alarms parents. Usually in the urine should not beglucose, so its appearance is often considered a sign of an incipient pathology. To normalize the level of sugar, first of all, it is necessary to determine the cause that provoked its appearance. Once a hazard is identified, it must be eliminated as soon as possible. If the child is overweight, care should also be taken to reduce it, as obesity can cause some complications.

If the cause of high glucose levels in the urine is impaired functioning of the kidneys, then this disease is divided into primary (defects in the renal tubular system) and secondary (development provokes kidney dysfunction, chronic glomerulonephritis and renal failure) form. Undoubtedly, the treatment of these diseases in children requires a special approach.

If sugar does not rise constantly in the urine, there is no need to panic. But you should definitely show the results of the analysis to the attending physician, who in most cases asks to retake the sample again. Perhaps the urine was accidentally contaminated with bacteria, causing the analysis to be incorrect.

Maybe diabetes?

If, along with an increased amount of sugar, a child has thirst, frequent urination, high blood pressure, and increased appetite, this may be a symptom of diabetes. Of course, in such a situation, any delay is "like death." Diabetic changes are very difficult to stop, one might say, almost impossible. It is better to prevent a baby from developing diabetes than to treat its rather sad consequences later!


Mosteffective will be the adjustment of the diet with the appointment of a child diet. Meals should be 6 meals a day, and portions should be fractional. All foods that contain a large amount of sugar and synthetic additives should be excluded from the menu.

To remove sugar from a small body, it is important to limit carbohydrate and junk food in the diet. Dishes are preferable to simply boil, cook in the oven, grill or steam. It is important to limit your child's high fat intake.

All of the above methods will help to normalize blood sugar, and then will reduce its presence in the urine. It is important to prevent the development of hypoglycemia in the baby, so it is necessary to agree on a list of allowed foods with the doctor.

determination of sugar in the urine of a child
determination of sugar in the urine of a child

Folk remedies

Some folk remedies will also help to bring the level of glucose in the urine back to normal. But it is extremely important to consult a doctor before such treatment, since each child tolerates certain drugs and medicinal decoctions differently. Traditional medicine offers very effective recipes that are approved for use by children. They help to normalize the level of glucose in the excreted urine. The following products for children are most effective:

  1. Herbal decoction: for its preparation, you need to take dandelion root, blueberry leaves and nettle leaves. 1 st. l. the resulting mixture is poured into 300 ml of boiling water, insisted, filtered, cooled and taken 3-4 times a day. Importantremember that this infusion is only allowed to be used once a week!
  2. No less useful and very tasty remedy is the use of kefir. This is a very effective sugar lowering agent!
  3. On an empty stomach, a child can eat onions daily, which will first be baked in the oven.
  4. A good helper for treating a child with an increased amount of sugar is called oatmeal broth: 1 cup of oats is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 5-8 minutes, infused for about an hour, after that the finished broth is filtered and consumed before meals for 0, 5 cups.
  5. 6 beans are left in boiling water all night. Before meals, the child should eat 1 grain with water.
  6. increased sugar in urine
    increased sugar in urine

Medication treatment

To normalize the amount of glucose in the urine, the doctor may also recommend a rather strict drug therapy. But before her appointment, he must accurately diagnose the little patient and only after that paint the scheme according to which the drugs will be taken. A diet is usually prescribed in conjunction with insulin therapy, which can effectively prevent the development of hyper- and hypoglycemia, as well as control the child's condition.

Increased sugar content in a child's urine cannot be called a very dangerous condition for his he alth, but it definitely should not be left to chance! You should strictly follow the doctor's instructions, perform complex treatment, and also do not give your child a lot of sweets! The disease in our time is easy to cure, it is important to do itright and timely!
