"Skin cap" (shampoo): reviews. Aerosol, spray "Skin-cap": instructions, reviews and prices

"Skin cap" (shampoo): reviews. Aerosol, spray "Skin-cap": instructions, reviews and prices
"Skin cap" (shampoo): reviews. Aerosol, spray "Skin-cap": instructions, reviews and prices

Many of us know that allergies are an insidious disease. She may not reveal herself for some time and at a certain moment give out everything that she is capable of. Unbearable itching, pain, rash, redness, irritation on the skin - this is only a small part of its manifestations. The patient grabs at any straw that promises him salvation from this scourge. But unfortunately, often the most effective are those drugs that are based on hormones.

Doctors and cosmetologists are working together on one problem: the invention of a remedy that is effective against psoriasis, dermatitis and itching, but without the content of hormones. It seems that such a product has already been created. These are cosmetic products of the Spanish company Cheminova Internacional S. A, produced under the brand name "Skin-cap": shampoo, aerosol and cream. Let's talk about them in more detail and listen to feedback from consumers and specialists.

A little about the manufacturer

The history of Cheminova Internacional S. A has more than a dozen years. She iswas established in 1954. In the 80s, the organization's employees thought about how to create highly effective, but at the same time completely safe cosmetic and medical preparations.

skin cap aerosol price
skin cap aerosol price

The firm's research center, together with the Spanish Higher Council for Scientific Research, has conducted extensive research to find out how to improve the effectiveness of medicines. In these experiments, physical and chemical methods of substance activation were used. Several know-hows of the company were the result of the research:

• cosmetic products for the treatment of dermatitis and psoriasis called "Skin cap": shampoo, spray and ointment;

• preparations based on glycyrrhizic acid to protect the skin and mucous membranes from cracking and ulceration under the general name Epigen: aerosol, gel and wipes;

• hygiene product for sweaty feet and bad breath called Borozin;

• Relaxnova joint pain relief cream for seniors, athletes, pregnant women.

Company Cheminova Internacional S. A assures that all its products have no side effects, as they do not contain hazardous chemical compounds. Let's see if this is so, using the example of products under the brand name "Skin-cap": aerosol, ointment and shampoo. Feedback from experts and consumers will help us confirm or refute the manufacturer's claims.

Skin Cap Shampoo

skin cap shampoo
skin cap shampoo

The composition of these products is very similar. They differ only in form.release and content of the main therapeutic component: zinc pyrithione. This ingredient has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial action. How much is it in Skin-cap cosmetics? Shampoo is produced with its content of 1%. Form of production: a package consisting of five sachets weighing 5 g and a bottle of 150 ml. This product is prescribed for the following problems: dry and oily seborrhea of the scalp, itching, burning, dandruff, seborrheic and atopic dermatitis, psoriasis.

How to use Skin Cap Shampoo? The instructions for it emphasize that it is not intended for daily use. This is a medicinal product and it should be used in accordance with the recommendations of dermatologists: 2-3 times a week during an exacerbation of the disease. When symptoms begin to disappear, prophylactic use 1 or 2 times a week is allowed. The course of treatment for psoriasis can last up to 5 weeks, to get rid of dandruff and itching as a standard - 2 weeks. It is recommended to wash your hair with this product as follows: moisturize your hair, apply shampoo, lather and rinse immediately. Then you need to apply it again on the head, massage, leave for 5-7 minutes and rinse again with warm water.

shampoo skin cap price
shampoo skin cap price

Many are interested in the price of this product. According to a number of consumers, it is rather big: a 150 ml bottle will cost 950-1050 rubles, a package with 5 sachets - 300-320 rubles.

Skin cap (aerosol)

skin cap spray
skin cap spray

The price of this tool is completely considered prohibitive:a canister weighing 35 g - 1600 rubles, 70 g - 2570 rubles. Let's see what the manufacturer offers us at such a high cost. This spray is produced with the content of the active component of zinc pyrithione in 0.2%. As mentioned above, the release form is cans of 35 g and 70 g. The product is prescribed for the following problems: atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis. It should be noted that zinc pyrithione is active against such pathogenic microorganisms as streptococcus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus, Proteus and others. How to use "Skin-cap" (aerosol)? The instruction to it says that you need to spray the product 2-3 times a day on cleansed skin. Moreover, only the affected areas should be treated. It is prescribed for adults and children from 1 year old.

Ointment "Skin cap"

ointment skin cap instruction
ointment skin cap instruction

How is this tool different from the first two? Only the form of release and cost. Let's talk about this product "Skin-cap". The cream, the price of which is also rather big, is available in tubes weighing 15 and 50 g. The content of zinc pyrithione in it is the same as in the aerosol - 2%. Indications for use are the same: psoriasis, dermatitis, skin seborrhea, itching. Additionally, it can be used for dry skin. It is easy to use: just apply a thin layer on the affected skin twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening. How much does Skin-cap (cream) cost? The price of the product is as follows: a tube of 15 g - 803 rubles, 50 g - 1923 rubles. Next, we will see from consumer reviews how effective this product is, and whether they are readypay that kind of money for it.


• Children under 1 year old.

• Pregnancy and lactation. In these cases, the use of "Skin-cap" should be discontinued. The manufacturer is silent about why it is unacceptable to continue treatment with these drugs during pregnancy and lactation.

• Hypersensitivity to the components of funds. In the presence of this property, you can not use an aerosol, shampoo and ointment "Skin-cap". The instructions for them indicate that they can cause a side effect - an allergic reaction. In this case, the use of drugs should be stopped immediately.

Dermatologist Reviews

According to the reviews of many consumers, they had a chance to get acquainted with the Skin-cap products by doctor's prescription. I wonder what the experts themselves say about these drugs? Do they trust them? It is noteworthy that over-the-counter drugs are sold in pharmacies under the brand name "Skin-cap". Aerosol, the instruction to which states that the product is absolutely safe, is the most sought-after product in this product line. The opinion of dermatologists about the safety of these drugs are divided. According to some patients, doctors often prescribe a cream and spray from this manufacturer for the treatment of dermatitis, referring to the fact that they do not contain hormones and therefore can be considered safe.

skin cap application
skin cap application

However, other specialists of this profile are annoyed by the fact that these medicines are prohibited for sale in America and Europe. For some unverifiedIt became known that the content of the hormone clobetasol was found in preparations called "Skin-cap". An aerosol, the price of which is quite significant, as well as a cream, can not only not help in the treatment of dermatitis, but cause serious side effects. Therefore, it is impossible to use these funds uncontrollably.

Why do some experts express distrust of Skin-cap products, referring to unverified sources of information? The fact is that it seems strange to them that the declared active component of zinc pyrithione drugs suddenly became curative against eczema and dermatitis. This ingredient is often added to shampoos to eliminate dandruff. And here it really works. But he cannot suppress the manifestations of dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. Only hormones can do this. This is what dermatologists are looking for. But if the hormone clobetasol is really present in the composition of the funds, then why is the manufacturer silent about it? Perhaps because conditionally safe drugs are purchased by consumers much more willingly and actively than serious medical drugs.

Shampoo "Skin cap": customer reviews

I wonder how users themselves evaluate the effectiveness of these products? Let's talk about such a tool as Skin-cap shampoo. The instruction to it says that it is impossible to use it constantly. You need to use it only 2-3 times a week, and even then only for two weeks in a row. Is the product capable of solving problems in such a short time? Consumers say that this is the most effective remedy for dandruff. Howas a rule, two applications are enough for it to disappear completely. True, in some cases it was stated that after the drug was discontinued, dandruff reappeared.

shampoo skin cap instructions
shampoo skin cap instructions

I had to use shampoo again once a week for prevention, but already regularly. It is believed that this product helped get rid of the seborrheic crust on the head of a child. And this despite the fact that many different similar means had been tried before. The general impression of buyers about the shampoo is this: the smell is light, a little minty, it refreshes the head well, the consistency is liquid, it foams well, the hair becomes stiff after using it. Some try to use conditioner to soften them a little. But it is worth warning that you need to apply the conditioner only on the tips, avoiding the skin. Otherwise, you can negate all efforts to eliminate dandruff.

Customer comments on other Skin Cap products

Everything is clear with shampoo. I wonder what buyers say about other Skin-cap products? Aerosol is more convenient to use. Many consumers are convinced of this. This drug is quickly absorbed, does not stain clothes. It can also be used for the scalp, as the spray is equipped with a special nozzle. Most consumers noted its good effectiveness against rashes, redness, acne, pustules. Patients experience great relief in the first minutes after the start of treatment. The itching goes away almost immediately. Also highly effective against dermatitis and psoriasis ointment "Skin-cap". Instructionclaims that it is enough to use it 2 times a day to help with the disease. Patients note that after the first application, itching and redness disappear, after the second - the spots become paler. With a strong manifestation of eczema, the crusts dry out and begin to crumble. Many users complain of a return of symptoms immediately after discontinuation of the drug. It is possible that here the treatment should be long. For prevention, you need to lubricate sore spots once a week.

Shampoo "Skin-cap": analogues

• "Zinokap". Available in the form of cream and aerosol. It can be used on any part of the body, except for the mucous membranes, including the scalp. The active ingredient is zinc pyrithione. It is prescribed for psoriasis, dandruff, seborrhea, eczema, dermatitis, itching, inflammation and increased skin flaking. It costs 866 rubles for a can of 58 g.

• Shampoo "Nizoral". It has a similar effect, but the active substance in it is different - ketoconazole. It is a derivative of the substance imidazole. The component has antifungal activity. The price of the product is 598 rubles for a bottle of 60 ml.

shampoo skin cap analogues
shampoo skin cap analogues

• Shampoo "Keto Plus". It treats pathologies of the scalp (various types of dandruff, itching, pityriasis versicolor, seborrheic dermatitis). What does it have in common with such a tool as Skin-cap shampoo? The price of the drug "Keto Plus" is slightly lower than this analogue - 565 rubles. But the active substance here is the same - zinc pyrithione. Plus, there is also a second active ingredient - ketoconazole, which also hasantifungal action.

•Shampoo "Friederm". The active substance is zinc pyrithione. Eliminates dandruff, itching, dry scalp. Effective in the treatment of atopic and seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor. What makes it different from a product like Skincap Shampoo? Price. Its cost is two times lower than the analogue of Cheminova Internacional S. A. It is 662 rubles for a bottle of 150 ml.

Negative user reviews

There were many consumers who reacted negatively to the treatment of skin diseases with Skin-cap. “Spray, ointment and shampoo of this brand help only temporarily,” some users are sure. The remedies are really effective, they quickly magically removed the main manifestations of allergies. True, after discontinuation of the drugs, itching and rash reappeared. The first desire of the patients was to buy a second package of the same remedy. But this is not a way out. You can not use such drugs for a long time. In addition, not everyone is able to regularly buy them because of the high cost. Some users who previously used hormonal agents for the treatment of eczema and neurodermatitis noted that this medicine works in a similar way: after prolonged use, addiction to the components of the product developed, it no longer gave the desired effect. Rash, itching, peeling returned again and treatment with Skin-cap no longer succumbed.

skin cap cream price
skin cap cream price

This leads many consumers to think about the hormonal origin of these products. There isevidence that products called "Skin Cap" caused severe allergies in users. Perhaps this was provoked by intolerance to the components of the drugs. Do not disregard this warning when prescribing these drugs.

We examined the composition and effect of cosmetic and medical products produced under the name "Skin Cap". Shampoo, aerosol and ointment are included in this product line. From consumer feedback on these products, we learned the main thing.
