Proteus bacteriophage: composition, indications, instructions for use

Proteus bacteriophage: composition, indications, instructions for use
Proteus bacteriophage: composition, indications, instructions for use

Proteus bacteriophage is intended for the treatment and prevention of purulent, enteric inflammatory diseases provoked by P. mirabilis and P. Vulgaris bacteria. The medicine has a specific antibacterial effect.

proteus bacteriophage
proteus bacteriophage

What is the composition of Proteus bacteriophage? Let's figure it out.

Composition and release form

The composition contains a sterile filtrate of phagolysates of Proteus mirabilis, as well as Proteus vulgaris. The drug is produced in the form of a solution for rectal administration and oral administration in 20 ml vials. Manufacturer - Russia.

Indications for the use of Proteus bacteriophage

The drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of enteral, purulent and inflammatory diseases caused by the multiplication of P. mirabilis and P. Vulgaris bacteria in the body, as well as in combination therapy for the following pathological conditions:

  • diseases of the throat, ear and nose, as well as the lungs and respiratory tract (inflammation of the nasal sinuses, middle ear, tracheitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia);
  • surgicalinfection (suppuration of wounds, abscess, burns, phlegmon, boils, hydradenitis, carbuncles, mastitis, felons, osteomyelitis, paraproctitis, bursitis);
  • urogenital diseases (urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, endometritis, colpitis, salpingo-oophoritis);
  • enteral infectious pathologies (inflammation of the gallbladder, gastroenterocolitis), as well as dysbacteriosis of the intestinal microflora;
  • septic generalized diseases;
  • purulent and inflammatory diseases in newborns (pyoderma, omphalitis, eye inflammation, sepsis, gastroenterocolitis, etc.);
  • other pathologies caused by Proteus bacteria.
  • Proteus bacteriophage instructions for use
    Proteus bacteriophage instructions for use

For prevention

For prophylactic purposes, this drug is used to treat freshly infected and wounds after surgical interventions, as well as to prevent nosocomial infections according to epidemic indications.

The drug is a good remedy for furunculosis. Especially often it is prescribed for boils in the nose, ear and other hard-to-reach areas, where the agent is administered by instillation.

Doses and method of administration

Therapy of purulent-inflammatory phenomena with localized lesions should be carried out both locally and by taking the drug orally for 7-21 days (according to medical indications).

If any chemical antiseptics were used before using the bacteriophage for the treatment of open wounds, the surface of the wound should be washed with a solutionsodium chloride.

Proteus bacteriophage, depending on the infectious focus, is used:

Proteus bacteriophage indications for use
Proteus bacteriophage indications for use
  1. In the form of lotions, irrigations and the introduction of tampons in a volume of up to 250 ml, depending on the size of the affected area. With an abscess, after removing the purulent contents by puncture, the medication is administered in a smaller volume than the volume of pus itself. With osteomyelitis, after surgical treatment, 10-20 ml is poured in.
  2. When injected into cavities (pleural, articular, and other limited areas) up to 100 ml, a drainage is left through which the agent is injected for several days.
  3. In case of urological diseases, Proteus bacteriophage is recommended to be taken orally. If the renal pelvis or bladder is drained, the drug can be administered through a nephrostomy or cystostomy 1-2 times a day, 50 ml into the bladder cavity and 7 ml into the renal pelvis.
  4. In gynecological pathologies, this pharmacological preparation is injected into the uterine cavity, vagina in dosages of 10 ml once, every day, with colpitis - 10 ml by tamponing or irrigation 2 times a day. Tampons should be placed for 2 hours.
  5. bacteriophage proteic composition
    bacteriophage proteic composition
  6. In inflammatory pathologies of the throat, ear, nose, the medication is administered at a dosage of 2-10 ml 3 times a day. Bacteriophage is used for washing, rinsing, using turundas, instillation. Good for treating boils in the nose.
  7. In enteral diseases, as well asintestinal dysbacteriosis, the drug is taken orally 3 times for 15 days for medical reasons. Possible simultaneous rectal administration of a single dose of bacteriophage by age in the form of an enema after bowel cleansing.

Use in children under 1 year of age and in preterm infants

What else does the instructions for use for the protein bacteriophage tell us?

For pneumonia, gastroenterocolitis and neonatal sepsis, this pharmacological preparation is administered orally 2-3 times a day at a dosage of 3-5 ml half an hour before feeding the baby. In cases of development of indomitable vomiting, the drug is used in the form of high enemas (through a gas outlet tube or catheter) once daily at a dosage of 5-10 ml. It is also possible simultaneous rectal administration of the drug (in the form of high enemas). The course of therapy is usually 7-15 days (for medical reasons). With recurrent forms of the pathological process, it is possible to repeat therapeutic courses.

Prevention of nosocomial infection

In order to prevent the development of nosocomial infection in children, the proteus bacteriophage is used according to epidemic indications orally, 3-5 ml 3 times about half an hour before meals, during the period of stay in stationary conditions. In the treatment of omphalitis, pyodermic phenomena, infected wounds, this medication is used in the form of applications of 10 ml 3 times a day (gauze must be moistened with a protein bacteriophage and applied to the umbilical wound or the affected area of the skincover) within 7-16 days.

The use of a drug containing Proteus Mirabilis does not exclude the use of other anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medicines.

indications for use
indications for use

Special Recommendations

Before using the container with medicated liquid, it is recommended to shake it up and evaluate the presence of sediment and the transparency of the medicine. If a precipitate or turbidity is detected, the pharmacological preparation should not be used. Due to the presence in this product of a favorable climate for the reproduction of microorganisms from the external environment, which provoke clouding of the medical solution, opening the container should be carried out according to the following rules:

instructions for use
instructions for use
  • hands must be washed well before starting work with the medication;
  • it is recommended to treat the cover of the proteus bacteriophage with an antiseptic alcohol-containing solution before removal;
  • it is necessary to remove the cap without removing the cork;
  • Medicine from an opened container should be taken only by piercing the stopper with a sterile syringe;
  • if during the opening process, along with the cap, the cork was accidentally removed, then it is forbidden to put it with the inside on the surrounding surfaces, and the vial should not be left open (after taking the solution, it should be corked with a cork);
  • Open bottle must be stored in the refrigerator.

If the above rules are observed correctly, and there is no turbidity in the bacteriophage solution, then fromopen container, it can be used during the entire expiration date indicated on the package.
