Sinusitis most often develops as a complication of viral and catarrhal pathologies. Various medications help to cope with the inflammatory process. Most of them can be freely purchased at a pharmacy, but some drugs are made only by prescription. Such means include Simanovsky's ointment. Let us consider in more detail the composition and features of the use of the remedy for sinusitis.
Sinusitis: causes of development
One of the varieties of sinusitis is sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. The initial stage of the disease proceeds in an acute form. In the absence of proper treatment, the pathology becomes chronic and worsens with frequent infectious diseases. Sinusitis can develop against the background of the following factors:
- weakening of the protective functions of the body;
- presence of inflammatory, infectious processes;
- chronic diseases of ENT organs;
- congenital anomalies in the structure of the nasal cavity;
- negative influence of the external environment.

Caughtin the area of the paranasal sinuses, viruses and bacteria quickly provoke the development of a serious illness. Usually, the inflammatory process begins with a common cold, the treatment of which is rarely given due attention. Most people hope that the symptoms will go away on their own or use ineffective therapies as the infection spreads further.
Treatment of sinusitis
The appearance of pain in the forehead, nose, under the eyes should be alarming. If, against the background of these symptoms, there is also an increase in temperature and a secret (sometimes purulent) is abundantly secreted from the nose, you should consult a specialist. This picture indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses. With timely diagnosis, outpatient treatment is prescribed, which involves the use of various drugs.

One of the effective remedies is Simanovsky's complex ointment. Instructions for this medicine are usually not attached, since it is made in the conditions of specialized pharmacies. The composition of the drug is selected by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the patient's condition.
Well proven in the treatment of sinusitis such ointments as ichthyol, Vishnevsky, Fleming. It should be remembered that only a specialist can prescribe the most suitable remedy. In addition to the ointment, you will also need to use other medicines to combat sinusitis.
Simanovsky's ointment: composition
Complex medicine is made directly in the pharmacy. The drug has a complextherapeutic effect on the inflammatory process and stops its further development. The components contained in the ointment can be replaced with substances similar in therapeutic effect.

Simanovsky's ointment in the main composition contains the following active ingredients:
- menthol - has antiseptic, cooling, analgesic properties;
- cocaine hydrochloride - the substance has a local anesthetic effect;
- lanolin - acts as the base of the ointment;
- Vaseline - has a softening effect, soothes the irritated nasal mucosa;
- adrenaline hydrotartate - stops allergic reactions;
- novocaine - gives an analgesic effect;
- zinc oxide - a substance in the form of a powder has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
In order to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, diphenhydramine can be added to the composition of the medicine.
How is ointment made?
Complex ointment Simanovsky instructions for use recommends using for the treatment of sinusitis, acute rhinitis. It is prepared only in pharmacies that are licensed to produce medicines. The doctor indicates the composition of the drug in the prescription. The concentration of the components may differ from the baseline and depends on the individual characteristics of the course of the inflammatory process.

Combined product consists of two phases - suspended (oxidezinc) and emulsified (water solution). According to the technology, first menthol is combined with melted petroleum jelly. The temperature during this process should not exceed 50 °C. Zinc oxide is ground in a mortar with a few drops of vaseline oil and then combined with a menthol solution.
Separately mix adrenaline hydroratate and novocaine, and then add lanolin. After all the manipulations, the two parts of the medicine are combined and packaged in small jars designed to store such medicines.
Preparatory procedures
Pharmacy remedy - Simanovsky's ointment - is prescribed quite often for sinusitis. The drug very effectively eliminates the symptoms of the pathological process and affects the pathogenic flora that caused the disease. Considering that the instructions for such a drug are not issued in a pharmacy, you should first familiarize yourself with the features of the application. To get a positive result of therapy, it is important to follow medical recommendations and use Simanovsky's ointment correctly.
Before using the medicine, you should clear the nasal passages from the accumulated mucus. To do this, the nose is washed with a solution of furacilin, sea s alt or a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage). It is allowed to use ready-made pharmaceutical preparations: Miramistin, Aqua Maris, Marimer.

After cleansing procedures, drops with a vasoconstrictive effect are instilled into the nasal passages. This is necessary to relieve swelling and better passage of medicinal components to the focus of inflammation.
Simanovsky's ointment: application
The doctor must explain to the patient how to use the ointment correctly. Lay the remedy in the nasal passages with the help of cotton swabs. It is easy to make such turundas. It is enough to wrap a small amount of cotton wool tightly around the match. The swab is placed in a container with ointment for a while. After the product is well absorbed, the turunda is gently inserted into the nose with twisting movements. The agent quickly becomes liquid and is evenly distributed over the mucous surface of the nasal cavity.

The exposure time is usually determined by the doctor. It is not recommended to keep swabs with ointment in the nasal cavity for more than 20 minutes. Breathe through the mouth during the procedure to avoid getting the medicine on the back of the nasopharynx. Blow your nose after removing cotton swabs.
Simanovsky's ointment has a limited shelf life. 10 days after manufacture, the use of the drug is already prohibited.
Side effects
Often, pharmacy nasal ointment does not cause side effects. However, with increased sensitivity to some components, all unpleasant sensations may occur. Most often, irritation of the nasal mucosa and peeling of the skin near the nasal passages are observed.
The drug is considered completely safe and can be used to treat children. But only on doctor's orders. In this case, the dosage of the components in the composition will be reduced.
Cope with prolonged rhinitis caused byviruses and bacteria, sinusitis will help to quickly cope with Simanovsky's ointment. Reviews of many doctors and patients who have tested the drug confirm its high therapeutic efficacy. To avoid the occurrence of side effects, it is recommended to do a skin test. To do this, a small amount of ointment is applied to the wrist and after half an hour the condition of the skin is assessed. If redness, itching or burning occurs, the use of a complex ointment should be discarded.

Doctors recommend using Simanovsky's ointment in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinuses as part of complex therapy. In addition to this drug, sprays are prescribed for washing the nasal cavity from purulent mucus, inhalations, antibacterial and antipyretic agents.
It is important to start therapy at the first sign of inflammation. Sinusitis is considered a fairly serious ailment that can provoke the development of complications and become chronic. After recovery, you need to work on boosting immunity and avoiding colds.