Today it has become popular to diagnose the ailments of the human body by the condition of the tongue. There is an opinion that it is he who best reflects the state of almost all internal organs and systems as a kind of "mirror" of he alth. In the language, signs of pathology appear much faster than symptoms, therefore, with a well-organized diagnosis, the development of the disease can be found out already at the initial stage, which means that treatment can be started faster, which will be simple and successful. How is the tongue diagnosed?
Zones of the tongue: correspondence to their internal organs
To determine diseases by the state of the tongue, it must be taken into account that it is conditionally divided into several zones that are responsible for certain organs inside the body. During the diagnosis of the tongue, the doctor will definitely look at the location of the changes. Ancient practices divided all areas of the language into five primary elements:
- back - Water;
- center - Earth;
- sides – Wood;
- area between tip and center – Metal;
- tip - Fire.
How to properly examine the tongue?
The language of a person reflects his internalorgans. A change in shape, color, as well as the appearance of plaque indicate that you need to urgently sound the alarm and seek help from a doctor who will diagnose. The definition of the disease by the tongue is carried out on an empty stomach or two hours after eating and drinking. When conducting a diagnosis, the doctor adheres to such simple rules:
- inspection is carried out in diffused daylight or in a room with fluorescent lamps;
- the patient should push the tongue as far as possible, and if it is not possible to carefully examine the root, then a spatula is used;
- with nasal congestion or other pathologies, the patient can breathe through the mouth, which means that the surface of the tongue will be dry; in this case, re-examination is carried out after rinsing the mouth;
- to observe the dynamics, it is better to carry out diagnostics by language immediately after a night's sleep, photos and descriptions will help to better understand the diagnosis;
- It is worth remembering that some foods such as blueberries and raspberries can change the color of the tongue and plaque, so it is better to postpone the examination and carry it out when the patient is ready;
- Medications can change the color of the tongue, so the doctor must interview the patient before examining him to rule out a misdiagnosis.

Diagnostic steps
Diagnostics, determination of the disease by language (photos will help you navigate) will be more effective if you follow all the stages of its implementation:
- Study the structure and density of language. Everything is taken into accountchanges in shape, color and mobility. All these criteria help to correctly assess the functional state of all body systems, and especially blood.
- Studying the raid. It is judged by color, thickness, shape and appearance. It is also important to determine if the tongue is dry or wet.
- Spots. The main thing is to exclude those that appeared after taking medication or food. All other changes should tell about the development of a particular pathology.
- Roughness and other criteria.
And now - in more detail about all the stages of diagnosis, so that you can better determine which organ failed.
Signs of pathologies according to the characteristics of the tongue
If all organs in the human body work without failures, then the tongue will have a pale pink color and a flat surface covered with a smooth transparent film of salivary secretion. The papillae are clearly visible, the central fold is even and straight. Any changes in the form of plaque or marks already indicate that there are malfunctions in the body.
You should also take into account the fact that changes in the language can be triggered by foods eaten. Therefore, before performing a tongue test, it is recommended to stop eating and drinking two hours before the examination.
Tongue plaque: color
Most often, it is a plaque on the tongue that indicates that some problems have occurred in the body. To determine which organ is not working properly and at what stage of development of the disease, you should look at the color of the plaque. Shades can be different: from white to bright red. What does he sayshade of plaque on the tongue:
- yellow - diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver failure, smoking;
- blue indicates kidney failure;
- blue and purple - heart and lungs;
- black - chromogenic fungus, acidosis;
- gray indicates chronic forms of pathologies of the stomach and intestines;
- rich red speaks of improper functioning of the heart, blood vessels and blood disease;
- burgundy indicates acute infections;
- reddish indicates infection or inflammation;
- white refers to dehydration, fungus infection, colds.

Photos of cracks, sores and color saturation will also help to make a correct diagnosis by a person's tongue.
The shape of the tongue: what diseases will indicate?
In addition to the color of the tongue, when making a diagnosis, it is also important to pay attention to the shape. The following changes can tell about the pathology:
- changed relief will indicate a lack of vitamin B in the body;
- the median line is curved - this means that the patient has problems with the spine;
- if the tongue is enlarged and swollen, then this indicates diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- excessively thin language indicates that metabolic processes are disturbed, there is a dysfunction of the hematopoietic system;
- if there are bulges in the anterior zone, then this is a signal that you should checkbronchi and lungs;
- the tongue is long and the tip is significantly enlarged - this indicates heart failure;
- thick tongue tells about liver failure and diseases of the digestive system.

Diagnosis by human tongue will be more accurate if you still pay attention to spots, including the smallest ones.
Spots on the tongue
Often spots appear on the tongue - either they ate too hot food, or, on the contrary, cold or sour. But they can also appear because the internal organs are not working properly. The spots can be of different sizes, shapes and colors. Only one spot or several may be present on the tongue. During the diagnosis, they can help make a more accurate diagnosis, as well as identify the causes that caused their appearance. Stains may appear due to:
- lack of oxygen in the brain;
- diseases affecting the brain;
- dysfunction of the hematopoietic organs;
- viral infections;
- necrosis;
- malignant lesion of the tongue;
- regular smoking;
- inflammation;
- bleeding in the mouth;
- stomatitis;
- ailments of the stomach and intestines.

Requires attention diagnostics by language, photos and descriptions in the article will help clarify some points at first.
Rough tongue: what does it say?
The surface of the tongue in a he althy person is velvety, and all because of the pronounced taste buds. If the tongue becomes rough and rough, thenthis phenomenon is considered from the position of linguistic diagnostics. So what does roughness indicate:
- dehydration;
- malfunctions of the salivary glands;
- overdose of vitamins A and D;
- drug overdose;
- biliary dyskinesia;
- complicated pathologies of the stomach and intestines: appendicitis, peritonitis, ulcers and others;
- Cracked tongue, dryness and roughness all point to thyroid disease or diabetes.
When conducting a more accurate diagnosis of a person's tongue, cracks in the tongue, swelling, spots and other changes in the organ should also be taken into account.
What does a perfectly smooth tongue tell about?
With atrophy of the taste buds, their number is sharply reduced, or they completely disappear, and the surface of the tongue becomes perfectly smooth and shiny. Doctors call this phenomenon varnished tongue. This symptom may indicate that vitamin B2 is not absorbed in the human body, there is a chronic form of colitis or stomach cancer.
When a smooth tongue is additionally covered with a dense dark coating, and it is quite difficult to remove it, in addition, diagnostics on the tongue reveals cracks, this may indicate a disease such as pellagra - a lack of vitamin B and nicotinic acid.
Other language features
If the tongue periodically becomes numb, hurts or other unpleasant sensations appear, then this indicates a disease of the organ itself or the oral cavity. Plaque and other changes indicate the development of common ailmentsin the body and with the state of the oral cavity are in no way connected.
Traditional medicine rarely pays attention to the condition of the tongue. The Ayurveda technique offers photos and descriptions of language diagnostics, its main methods. The technique helps to identify the disease at the initial stage and take all necessary measures to effectively carry out therapy. Ayurveda is the oldest medical system, which considers the tongue as one of the most important elements in the diagnosis of the whole organism. An experienced diagnostician can easily recognize the slightest changes in the language:
- nipples at the tip turn bright red - a signal of a disease of the pelvic organs;
- small sores indicate high levels of acidity;
- thick dense plaques indicate candidiasis;
- bright spots warn of diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- trembling of the tongue warns of neurotic disorders or thyroid diseases;
- burning sensation will tell about osteochondrosis in the cervical spine, stress and vegetative neurosis;
- dental prints tell about digestive disorders;
- Twisted tongue can indicate circulatory problems in the brain, cerebellar dysfunction and stroke.

If the results of diagnostics by language indicate the presence of an ailment, then a specialist must confirm or refute.
Oral diseases
Inflammations that affect the oral cavity and tongue do not always indicate that the organs in the body are not working properly. In some cases theymay indicate independent ailments.

If an unpleasant burning sensation or a feeling of the presence of a foreign body appears in the mouth, the tongue swells and becomes red, salivation increases, taste changes, speech becomes difficult, food causes discomfort - all this indicates the development of glossitis (inflammation of the tongue). This ailment can be of different forms, but all the symptoms described relate to any of them.
Change in taste: what does the symptom say?
If the taste sensations have changed dramatically, then this is the first of the symptoms that should make you urgently see a doctor. Different parts of the tongue are responsible for the perception of taste. If taste sensations are disturbed, then this may indicate the development of serious pathologies of the nervous and endocrine systems. It is very important not to delay and consult a doctor who will prescribe a number of studies, including diagnostics of the tongue, find the cause of such changes and eliminate them.
Proper tongue care
It is very important to pay special attention to oral hygiene, which will help to correctly diagnose the tongue. Photos of cracks in the tongue and descriptions once again demonstrate that the examination is carried out when the oral cavity is thoroughly cleaned of food debris and plaque. To do this, it is better to use a thread and a brush. Plaque is removed with smooth, unhurried movements that are directed from root to tip. After a couple of such movements, the brush is washed under running water and the procedure is continued. You don't need to apply force - you can applyorgan injury. After cleaning, the oral cavity must be rinsed with water or a special solution.

You can use a regular toothbrush to clean your tongue. Today, many manufacturers make such models, where the reverse side is intended for cleaning the tongue. You can also buy a special tool:
- scraper brush - hard bristles on one side and rubber relief on the other;
- spoon is a special nozzle on the irrigator, recommended for gentle cleaning of the tongue;
- scraper - looks like a small spatula made of plastic.
Each person can easily carry out hygiene procedures, and then examine their tongue. If even slight changes are noticed, it is better to consult a doctor. Everyone knows that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure, so why take the risk and wait until it hits not one organ, but several! The definition of diseases according to the state of the tongue only once again confirms that all organs in the human body are closely related, and changes in one will necessarily affect all the others.