It is known that approximately 30% of people suffering from diseases of the urinary system end up with bladder papillomas.
And the problem of this pathology lies in the fact that it is impossible to say for sure whether the papilloma will develop into a malignant tumor, if it is not treated in a timely manner, or nothing serious will happen. This article will describe the features of this formation, what it threatens and how to get rid of it.

Essence of disease
Papilloma is a disease that can develop not only on the skin, but also on the organs of the human genitourinary system. In particular, benign neoplasms can also affect the bladder.
With this form of the disease, papillomas form on the organ, which develop on its inner shell, and they are attached with a thin stem. Thisthe growth is a large number of processes in the form of oblong threads, which in medicine are characterized as transitional cell papilloma of the bladder.
Disease development
At first, the disease develops locally, occurring only in certain areas of the bladder walls, and is benign. However, in this case, there is a risk of further spread of papilloma and penetration of growths into the surface of the tissues of the urinary organ. Eventually the affected area gets bigger as the pathology grows.
Today, medical practice records a small number of cases of bladder papillomas. In most cases, complaints about the occurrence of pathology come from older people - usually after 48 years.
It is interesting that, according to statistics, women develop the disease 3 times less often than men. Papilloma of the bladder in representatives of the strong half of humanity is observed much more often. And all due to the characteristic features of the structure of the urinary system.

Influence of neoplasm on the body
When the papilloma of the bladder grows seriously and increases in scale, it significantly interferes with the normal emptying of the organ, as it blocks the area of the lumen in the urethra or ureter. Such a condition can serve as an impetus for the development of diseases such as pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, uremia.
Papillomas formedany of the organs of the urinary system can be twisted, because of which blood circulation is disturbed. If these growths break off or grow into the walls of the bladder, bloody streaks appear in the urine. This should be a serious reason for the treatment of bladder papilloma, since this phenomenon may be evidence of the development of a malignant disease.
By their origin, such growths are in most cases benign, but there is always a risk that they can develop into malignant formations.
Causes of occurrence
Until now, the exact causes that lead to the appearance of neoplasms in the organs of the urinary system have not been identified.
However, it is absolutely known that HPV (human papillomavirus), which “sits” in the human body for a long time and does not manifest itself in any way, can actively affect organs under the influence of certain factors.
According to statistics, in most cases the occurrence of papillomas in the bladder is provoked by the following factors:
- long smoking history;
- exposure to carcinogenic type chemicals;
- prolonged urinary retention.

Influence of some factors on the development of the disease
Cancer diseases can be the result of the influence of carcinogens, which differ in their chemical structure. It turned out that among the people working in the aniline industries,patients with bladder cancer are many times more than among workers in other industries.
The action of substances of a carcinogenic type in the form of the occurrence of malignant tumors can develop even decades after contact with them.
Gradually, the tumor begins to grow, increase in size due to the affected areas of the bladder walls, thereby provoking a precancerous condition. A large role in this is played by the amount and time period of exposure to carcinogenic chemicals on the human body.
In rare cases, bladder papilloma can develop in people with a long history of smoking, since tobacco contains a considerable amount of carcinogens.

Prolonged retention of urine as a cause of neoplasms
Regular retention of urine due to a certain situation or due to some psychological problems can also lead to the formation of papillomas in the bladder in women and men.
Prolonged stay of urine in the bladder seriously affects its concentration, thereby increasing the negative effect of urine components on the epithelium lining the urothelium - the urinary tract.
It turns out that urine remains in the bladder much longer, and not in the ureters and kidneys. That is why this particular organ suffers.
A he althy bladder has the ability to hold about 3-4 hours of urine in a volume of about 300 ml. While a person should consume at least 1.5 liters per daywater.
Disease in men and women
In some cases, it may be necessary to treat papillomas in the bladder in men due to cystitis, which has a natural character with trophic lesions and ulcers. And because of the peculiarities of the anatomy, it is for the male that the problem of urinary retention is most characteristic, which, in turn, may be the result of prostatitis, prostate cancer or prostate adenoma.
In women, symptoms of bladder papilloma may occur with regular untimely emptying of the organ.
Excessive addiction to cigarettes and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, bladder stones, complicated cystitis with regular relapses, and work in the workplace associated with harmful chemicals are also significant factors that provoke the development of bladder diseases.
The following symptoms of bladder papilloma should alert and prompt a visit to the doctor:
- hematurgy - the occurrence of bloody fibers in the urine;
- unjustified urge to urinate;
- sharp pain when urinating;
- regular burning urge to urinate.

Diagnostic measures
Cystoscopy is the main way to diagnose a bladder tumor. Using this method, you can identify the specific location, size and general condition of the neoplasm, track the type of mucousmembranes of the mouths of the ureters and near the surface of the tumor.
Neoplasms, which are thin villi of different lengths, located on small legs and similar to twigs, in the case of a he althy and prosperous mucosa, indicate a non-infiltrating tumor.
Dilated vessels and edema along the perimeter of a wide base with wide and short villi characterize the infiltration walls of the bladder. The appearance in it of a growth of a fleshy appearance without villi, with dead areas, indicates the beginning of a cancerous process. In this case, there is a rather cloudy urine with mucus impurities and a pronounced smell of acetone.
A small amount of material taken with a cystoscope during a histological examination will determine the type of inflammatory process and assess the condition and type of papilloma.
Pelvic phlebography - during this procedure, a contrast agent is injected into the pubic bone area, and specifically into the bone marrow, which helps to identify the degree of growth of the neoplasm into the bladder wall and track the presence or absence of metastases. This type of diagnosis is about 20% more accurate than cystoscopy.
Ultrasound (ultrasound) and CT (computed tomography) help to identify papillomas in the bladder, which have grown in diameter by more than 1 centimeter. That is why for early and timely diagnosis it is recommended to resort to cystoscopy. A specialist urologist with the help of palpation can detect papillomas in the bladder if they have seriously penetrated the wallsorgan and spread widely throughout it.

Why is it so important to diagnose papilloma in time?
The outgrowth of the transitional cell type is a neoplasm, the structure of which is characterized by a violation of the cells of the wall epithelium of the bladder. They usually have a light pink or bright red hue, and the villi are soft and attached to long legs. Sometimes tumors are located near the mucous membrane, because they have wide, dense bases. From above, the villi are covered with stratified epithelium.
The transitional cell type of papilloma is dangerous because its cells can transform into a malignant tumor. That is why it is recommended to diagnose the pathology in time and undergo a special examination at least once every few months until the person fully recovers.
However, after removal, papillomas of the bladder may reappear, only in other places on its walls. So diagnostics at least once every 3 years is simply necessary.

A urologist, after all the necessary diagnostic measures have been taken, the stage and nature of the disease has been determined, must select an individual course of treatment.
Endoscopic surgery - consists of electroresection of the affected areas of the bladder. The procedure is necessary in cases where papillomas have not grown into the muscles of the organ. If the neoplasms have already penetrated the muscle tissue of the bladder, then radiation therapy is used. Or a surgicalintervention.
Transurethral resection is necessary when the neoplasms have penetrated the urethra. In such a situation, the patient is put on a catheter for a couple of days. In case of serious and deep damage to the walls of the bladder, diseased areas are cut out.
Cystectomy is effective when the case is very difficult. Therefore, without the removal of the bladder can not do. This happens if the tumor is malignant. In such cases, bladder papilloma surgery will definitely be needed.
Radiation therapy is used as a suppressive factor against the spread of pathological cells and to shrink an existing tumor. In many cases, this method helps to completely get rid of the neoplasm. A photo of the papilloma of the bladder will make sure the seriousness of this pathology.