In the article, consider the instructions for the dental ointment "Solcoseryl".
This is a drug that comes in several different forms. The product is used for cosmetic and medical purposes. Gels and ointments help to heal various kinds of wounds faster.

What is the composition of the Solcoseryl dental ointment?
Medication forms, packaging and composition features
The main active ingredient of the dental paste is the blood of he althy dairy calves, which has undergone preliminary deproteinization and dialysis. Dental ointment "Solcoseryl" in appearance is a granular homogeneous light beige mass with the smell of peppermint. The composition is easily distributed over the surface completely.
The product also includes preservatives (methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate), polidocanol, auxiliary components (peppermint oil, menthol, sodium carboxymethylcellulose),the basis of the paste is pectin, polyethylene 350, gelatin, liquid paraffin. The drug is available in tubes of five grams.
There is such a form of release as a gel for external use, almost colorless, homogeneous, dense, transparent, with a characteristic faint aroma of meat broth. It contains 4.15 mg of dialysate deproteinized from the blood of dairy he althy calves (if calculated on dry matter). The auxiliary components are: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, water for injection, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, pentahydrate, sodium carmellose, calcium lactate, propylene glycol. Packed in 20 grams in aluminum tubes and packed in cardboard packs.
Another form is an ointment for external use in the form of a fatty homogeneous mass, which can be white or yellowish-white in color, it is characterized by the aroma of vaseline and meat broth. Contains 2.07 mg of dialysate deproteinized from the blood of dairy he althy calves (converted to dry matter). Auxiliary components are as follows: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, water for injection, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, white petrolatum, cholesterol, cetyl alcohol.
Pharmacological action of this drug
Dental ointment "Solcoseryl" is a combined type preparation for local use that stimulates tissue regeneration.
The product is a biologically and chemically standardized deproteinized dialysate, which is obtained from the blood of he althy dairy calves using ultrafiltration. It contains a large amount of naturallow molecular weight compounds, the mass of which is up to 5000 d altons: these are nucleotides, glycolipids, nucleosides, oligopeptides, electrolytes, trace elements, amino acids, intermediate products of fat and carbohydrate metabolism. It activates the transport of nutrients and oxygen at the cell level, enhances cellular oxygen consumption, stimulates ATP synthesis, increases the proliferation of reversibly damaged cells, especially during hypoxia, thereby accelerating wound healing processes. It stimulates angiogenesis, helps revascularization of ischemic tissues, and also creates favorable conditions for the growth of new granulation tissue and collagen synthesis, increases the rate of re-epithelialization, closes the wound.
Dental adhesive ointment "Solcoseryl" also has a cytoprotective and membrane-stabilizing effect.

Polidocanol 600 is a local anesthetic that acts on peripheral nerve endings to reversibly block them. It has a long and fast local effect of anesthesia. After applying the paste to the oral cavity on the mucous pain is suppressed after 2-5 minutes, pain relief is maintained for three to five hours in a row.
Adhesive dental ointment "Solcoseryl" in what cases is it prescribed?
Indications for the use of this medication
Indications for the appointment of "Solcoseryl" in the form of dental paste are pathologies of the oral cavity. It is used as part of the complex treatment of the followingdisease states:
- inflammation processes on the oral mucosa;
- gingivitis;
- stomatitis of various origins;
- herpes infection;
- aphtha;
- herpetic in origin gingivostomatitis;
- oral injuries;
- periodontal disease;
- jaw fractures;
- irritations and bedsores due to the use of dentures;
- hygienic care of the oral cavity after the removal of deposits on the teeth;
- conditions after dental extraction;
- as a wound healing drug after surgical interventions on periodontal tissues and gums;
- to prevent and alleviate complications in the process of eruption of milk teeth.

It is important to remember: in the presence of stomatitis, the paste is used to accelerate the process of epithelialization and anesthesia of erosions, however, for these purposes it will be more convenient "Solcoseryl" in the form of a gel, which remains after application to the mucous membrane in the form of a thin film. The same applies to the treatment of pressure sores under prostheses. Adhesive paste is convenient for alveolitis, deep ulcers. It is strictly forbidden to use the paste in case of suspicion of oncology.
Contraindications for this drug
According to the instructions, dental ointment "Solcoseryl" is contraindicated in case of strong sensitivity to its composition, including E 210 - parahydrobenzoic free acid. The presence of a residual amount of this substance is caused by the specifics of the technologicalmanufacturing process.
Instructions for use for dental ointment "Solcoseryl"
The product is intended for topical use on the oral mucosa.
The affected surface of the shell must first be dried with a gauze or cotton swab. A strip of paste about 0.5 cm long, without rubbing, apply a thin layer to the mucous membrane with your finger or a cotton swab, then slightly wet the applied product with water.

The procedure is repeated 3-5 times a day after meals and before bedtime. Treatment continues until symptoms are completely gone.
As the instructions for the Solcoseryl ointment indicate, the dental adhesive paste forms a therapeutic protective layer on the inflamed area of the oral mucosa and protects it from chemical and mechanical damage for three to five hours. If the paste is applied to wet mucous membranes, the duration of the healing effect may be reduced.
When treating pressure ulcers from removable dentures, apply the paste to a dry denture and moisten with water.
For the course of treatment, one tube of the drug is recommended - five grams.
Side effects of this medication and overdose
What else does the instructions for use for the Solcoseryl dental ointment tell us? When used correctly, the patient may feel a change in the sense of taste after applying the drug. In rare cases, urticaria, burning, swelling inapplication area. If unpleasant symptoms appear, the use of dental paste should be discontinued. Symptomatic treatment is being carried out.
With regard to overdose, there has not been a single case recorded in the entire period of use of the drug since its introduction to the market.
Drug Interactions
Up to now, the features of the interaction of adhesive dental paste with other agents have not been determined. With the simultaneous appointment of the drug and other drugs in the form of rinses, you need to apply the paste after using the latter.
This confirms the instructions for use for the dental adhesive ointment "Solcoseryl".
Special instructions for using this medication
The drug is not recommended to be placed in the cavity of the wound, which is formed as a result of the removal of a person's wisdom teeth, molars, as well as resection of the tooth apex (apicotomy) in the event that the edges of the tooth socket are pulled together with further suturing.

According to the instructions, the Solcoseryl dental adhesive ointment does not contain antimicrobial substances in its composition. In case of severe infection of the inflamed area of the oral mucosa to be treated with this agent, it is necessary to pre-treat the inflamed area with medication / treatment, which is aimed at eliminating inflammatory symptoms.
Dental adhesive ointment "Solcoseryl" (paste) has no restrictions on use in the elderlypatients.
There are no restrictions regarding the use of the drug in pediatrics.
Can this drug be used during pregnancy and lactation
There are no contraindications to the use of the paste during lactation and pregnancy, although special studies regarding the safety of use in women during breastfeeding and bearing a baby have not been conducted.
Below, consider the analogues of the ointment and dental adhesive paste "Solcoseryl".
Analogues of this drug
On the pharmaceutical market, Solcoseryl does not have any synonymous preparations containing the same active ingredient. At the same time, ointment, gel and dental paste have analogues that have a similar therapeutic effect, but they contain other active ingredients.
The ointment and gel "Solcoseryl" for external use are analogous to the following preparations: cream, ointment and gel "Actovegin", ointment "Apropol", ointment "Vulnuzan", solution for external use "Dezoksinat", extract for external and local application "Kamadol", ointment "Methyluracil", ointment "Piolysin", granules "Regenkur" for external use, ointment "Turmanidze", ointment "Stizamet", ointment "Reparef", ointment "Redecyl".
Dental ointment "Solcoseryl" currently has no complete analogues. The tool was developed by a Swiss company and is the only one of its kind. But there are a number of drugs that have a similar effect on the human body. Consider them in more detail.

- "Chlorophyllipt". Available as a spray or solution. The tool has an excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is successfully used for the treatment of dental diseases. The damaged area is treated with an oil solution or spray using a cotton swab. The price of the drug is on average 112 rubles.
- "Ingalipt". The active ingredients of the product are soluble streptocide, norsulfazole sodium, eucalyptus oil and thymol. It is produced in cylinders in the form of an inhalation aerosol. The drug is used for aphthous and ulcerative stomatitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis. It has practically no contraindications, it is necessary to carefully apply the remedy to patients with excessive sensitivity of the body to essential oils. Approved for use by lactating and pregnant women. The cost of one bottle is on average 105 rubles.
- "Efizol". Active ingredients - devkalin chloride, ascorbic acid. The drug is produced in the form of lozenges, it has a mild antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is used for the treatment of the oral mucosa with gingival inflammation, aphthous stomatitis and candidiasis. The drug is generally well tolerated, does not cause undesirable effects, and is recommended for use during breastfeeding and pregnancy.
- Givalex. The tool is a spray for the oral cavity, which is based on hexetidine. Eliminates pain, produces an anti-inflammatory effect, is used fordiseases (including infectious nature) of the oral cavity. The drug eliminates the pain of teething, but it is not recommended for use in children under two and a half years. The medicine during pregnancy can only be used under the supervision of a doctor and as directed.
- "Decatilene". These are tablets based on dequalinium chloride and dibucaine hydrochloride, they dissolve, are used for local treatment of acute inflammation of the oral cavity and acute throat lesions. The drug is prescribed for ulcerative and aphthous stomatitis, laryngitis, gingivitis and pharyngitis. Tablets should not be given to children under four years of age. There is no special information about how the drug affects the process of pregnancy and the development of the baby, so its use is allowed only under the strict supervision of a doctor.
As analogues that are perfectly fixed on the mucous membrane in the mouth and are used for the treatment of erosions and ulcers (in the presence of stomatitis), you can choose the following drugs:
Medication "Asepta" - it is released in the form of an adhesive balm, has good fixation on the mucous membrane, contains propolis in the composition. Has a convenient applicator for application
Protective dental gel "Asepta" is a pen equipped with a dispenser applicator. The composition has natural and artificial polymers that form a protective film on the mucosa. It is she who accelerates healing and has an analgesic effect

Cost of this drug
Price of onea tube of paste varies between 330-360 rubles. The cost depends on the region and the pharmacy chain.
Reviews on dental ointment "Solcoseryl"
Patients leave various reviews about the paste, but in most cases it is said that it very effectively eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of gingivitis, stomatitis and other pathologies of the oral cavity. The ointment effectively heals lesions and reduces pain.
Almost all responses about dental paste relate to the use of a gel or ointment for faster healing of various wounds on the mucosa. Moreover, most of these reviews are positive, due to the noticeable effect of the agent, due to which wounds heal at a faster rate. They leave positive feedback on the use of Solcoseryl in the treatment of both adults and children. The effect of the gel, ointment and paste is especially highly appreciated by the parents of babies, who constantly receive all kinds of scratches, abrasions, wounds and other damage to the oral cavity.
We reviewed the instructions for the Solcoseryl dental adhesive ointment.