The stomach hurts to the right of the navel: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, diagnosis and treatment

The stomach hurts to the right of the navel: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, diagnosis and treatment
The stomach hurts to the right of the navel: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, diagnosis and treatment

Pain in the abdomen is perhaps the most common type of pain that can appear as an independent symptom or one of the signs of another disease. Unpleasant sensations can occur both in the sides and in the lower abdomen, in the abdominal or epigastric region. Not so often the pain occurs near the navel, namely on the right side of it. The pain that appears in the right umbilical region is a very dangerous phenomenon. After all, this can be a sign of a serious illness, for example, inflammation of the appendix.

Reasons for appearance

In the right side of the abdomen there are some areas of the intestine, such as the hepatic angle of the large intestine in the right hypochondrium, the ascending colon on the right flank, the caecum with the appendix in the right iliac region, and the small intestine is located in the entire paraumbilical region, ibid. there is also an appendix. Right and left iliac regions, andthe suprapubic is also occupied by the appendages of the uterus - the internal organs of the reproductive system. If the stomach hurts to the right of the navel, then this may be the result of impaired functioning of one of the above organs.

Man has a stomach ache
Man has a stomach ache

Intestinal pathologies

Half of all cases where a patient has pain in the abdomen to the right of the navel is the result of problems with bowel function. The cause may be diseases such as:

  • irritable bowel syndrome is a functional bowel disorder that periodically worsens, then goes into remission, and then takes a chronic form (a disease is diagnosed if the intestines do not function as they should for more than 3 months, and this is not accompanied by infectious or organic causes);
  • colitis is an inflammatory process of the outer epithelial layer of the intestinal wall;
  • intestinal obstruction - a condition characterized by a violation of the transport of food through the digestive tract due to the fact that the walls of the intestine stop contracting;
  • enteritis is a pathology in which the absorption of nutrients by the walls of the small intestine is disturbed, and the cell layer of the mucous membranes also atrophies;
  • diverticulitis is an inflammatory pathology in the intestine, which is characterized by the appearance of special sac-like formations in the organ cavity, similar to a hernia. For all these reasons, the stomach to the right of the navel may hurt.

Unhe althy diet, large amounts of s alt and harmful chemical additives in the dailymenu, smoking, drinking large amounts of ethanol, disturbed intestinal microflora - all this also greatly contributes to the occurrence of discomfort in this area. In some cases, if the patient has recently undergone a long course of treatment with antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs, the pain may be an adverse reaction to the medication.

It is also worth mentioning that in women who regularly plague themselves with various diets and significant dietary restrictions, abdominal pain becomes a chronic phenomenon. To avoid this, you need to properly plan your diet. The daily menu should include foods such as meat, poultry, fish, chicken or quail eggs, milk, berries, fruits, nuts and greens.

girl eating he althy food
girl eating he althy food

Impaired circulation

Because of impaired circulation, the abdomen to the right of the navel may also hurt. In most cases, this occurs due to clamping of the mesenteric vessels. The mesentery is one of the types of ligaments connecting the back of the abdominal cavity with different areas of the intestinal tube. With the help of this fold, the intestine goes into a vertical position, and does not “slide” into the lower abdomen. If the movement of blood through the vessels that are on the surface of the mesentery is disturbed, the stomach may hurt to the right of the navel in a child or adult. This may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the intestinal area;
  • difficulty with bowel movements;
  • irregular stool.

This pathology can be diagnosedonly after ultrasound diagnostics.


If an adult or a child has a stomach ache to the right of the navel for a long time (more than 12 hours), intensifying with every movement and change of body position, then appendicitis should be suspected. This is a complex pathology of the surgical type, which is associated with inflammation of the appendix - the appendix, which is an appendage of the caecum.

The clinical picture of appendicitis is pronounced, but it is not any specific, different from other diseases of the abdominal cavity. That is why doctors do not recommend self-medication and giving the patient any drugs, even painkillers, because this can change the symptoms, and therefore harm the diagnosis.

Symptoms of appendicitis in acute form are expressed by signs such as:

  • rapid development of hypotension, including low blood pressure;
  • increased headache;
  • an attack of severe nausea and even vomiting;
  • chills, cold sweat;
  • pain in the right abdomen at the level of the navel, which can then spread throughout the abdominal cavity;
  • tension of the abdominal muscles.

Remember: the only way to get rid of appendicitis pain is through surgery. If the inflamed appendix is not removed in a timely manner, pus can spread into the abdominal cavity and then enter the bloodstream, which can later cause the development of peritonitis - inflammation of the tissues and organs of the peritoneum, andsepsis.

Treatment of appendicitis in the hospital
Treatment of appendicitis in the hospital

Intestinal hernia

Chronic pain in the right abdomen at the level of the navel may indicate a hernial protrusion. Unpleasant sensations can occur both to the left and to the right of the umbilical ring. A hernia is a protrusion of the intestine that goes beyond its location, while the mucous membranes that line the inner surface of the intestine are intact.

Sometimes pain can be caused by a herniated umbilical ring. However, this pathology practically does not occur in adults, since it is typical mainly for children aged 5 to 7 years. If you are wondering why the stomach hurts to the right of the navel in a child, then this disease may be the answer to your question.

Other reasons

If your stomach hurts in the navel on the right, then this may be due to diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas or kidneys. Tingling in this area is the primary sign of inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), which precedes other symptoms of the disease. Among the pathologies that can manifest themselves in this way, the following can be distinguished:

  • liver dysfunction;
  • an ulcer of the intestinal wall or stomach;
  • impaired diaphragm function;
  • cholelithiasis - the appearance of stones in the gallbladder.

It is important to know that malignant diseases of the small intestine can also be accompanied by pain in the area of the right umbilical zone. Pain in suchpathologies are characterized as aching, pulling. Moreover, they are chronic and intensify if you press on the umbilical ring. If your stomach hurts above the navel on the right, visit an oncologist immediately to rule out the possibility of developing cancer.

girl at the doctor
girl at the doctor

Pain in women

If a woman has a stomach ache at the bottom of the navel on the right, then this may indicate gynecological diseases and inflammatory processes that have begun in the genitourinary system. The most common pathology of the endometrium. Experts are sure that this is a chronic disease, which cannot be completely eliminated, you can only stop its development and division of connective tissue cells. A characteristic feature of the disease is an increase in the inner layer of the uterus and its exit beyond the boundaries of the organ.

The key reason for the development of endometriosis, according to doctors, is the hormonal imbalance that occurs during puberty.

Endometrial hyperplasia can also be attributed to pathologies of the hormonal type. This disease is characterized by enlargement and thickening of the tissue. This pathology has specific symptoms, so it is not difficult to identify it. Endometrial hyperplasia manifests:

  • uterine bleeding that lasts for more than a week;
  • pale skin;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen and near the navel on the right or below;
  • high temperature;
  • anemic signs;
  • general malaise and feeling unwell;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • low blood pressure.

Bleeding in such a pathology is mainly done only by scraping. This method can also be used to diagnose the disease. With a special surgical instrument - a curette, or with the help of a vacuum, the specialist removes the endometrium completely and sends it for histological analysis.

In addition to the above reasons, a stomach ache on the right below the navel can be due to the development of the following diseases:

  • cervical erosion;
  • cystitis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • fibroma (myoma) of the uterus;
  • inflammation of the appendages or ovaries;
  • pyelonephritis.

Be careful and pay attention, if even after the treatment of the pathology the pain is present or intensifies, urgently visit an oncologist to prevent or exclude cancerous gynecological diseases.

Woman has a stomach ache
Woman has a stomach ache

Cramping pains

Pain is far from often sharp, cutting, stabbing or pulling. In some cases, it can be similar to muscle spasms, which are mostly the result of narrowing of the intestinal walls.

This symptom may accompany pathologies such as:

  • ulcerative colitis with signs of scarring;
  • appearance of adhesions in the intestines;
  • enlargement and thickening of the walls of the large intestine (megacolon);
  • Crohn's disease is a chronic type pathology characterized by granulomatousinflammation of certain sections of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).

Flatulence, bloating and other dyspeptic-type disorders that occur when overeating or when the functioning of the digestive organs is impaired, can also cause cramping pain. It disappears after the factors that caused it are eliminated.

Pain in men

Most often, men have a stomach ache near the navel on the right due to prostatitis. Moreover, this problem can occur at any age. This disease is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process that affects the tissues of the prostate gland. Pathology can be infectious and non-infectious. Most often, prostatitis becomes chronic, periodically aggravating.

Symptoms of the disease are expressed by signs such as:

  • regular urge to urinate;
  • pain during urination and intercourse;
  • significantly elevated temperature;
  • swelling and swelling of prostate tissue.

Associated with prostatitis disease can be prostate adenoma - a pathology of the prostate gland. If the disease is not complicated, then the treatment may consist of conservative methods, but if the pathology becomes more severe, surgical intervention may be required.

Diagnostic measures

If your stomach hurts near the navel on the right for a long time, and the discomfort regularly increases, then you should visit doctors such as:

  • proctologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • surgeon;
  • gynecologist;
  • oncologist.

If there are no serious symptoms that could indicate dangerous diseases, then the examination can begin with a visit to the therapist. He will conduct a visual examination, probe the abdominal cavity and collect all the data on the general well-being of the patient.

Examination in the hospital
Examination in the hospital

After the initial information about the disease is collected, the patient must undergo other diagnostic tests. Here are some of them:

  • ultrasound;
  • abdominal x-ray;
  • colposcopy or biopsy in women;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • biochemical analysis of urine and blood;
  • if cancer is suspected - tests for tumor markers.

First aid for pain

Do not take any medication before visiting the doctor. If the pain is not pronounced and tolerable, then one-time antispasmodic drugs can be used: No-shpa, Drotaverine, Papaverine.

If after some time your stomach hurts to the right of the navel when pressed, you should seek help from a medical institution. If the pain is caused by malnutrition, for example, addiction to excessively fatty foods or overeating, special digestive enzymes can eliminate the unpleasant symptom. This is the drug "Mezim". Two tablets for an adult will be enough.

Young womantakes pills
Young womantakes pills

There are really many causes of pain that occurs in the right umbilical region: from simple overeating to serious diseases, such as appendicitis or even oncology. So, do not ignore the unpleasant symptom or self-medicate. It is better to consult a doctor in time, undergo a complete examination for an accurate diagnosis and immediately begin competent and effective treatment. In this way, the consequences of the disease can be eliminated in a timely manner and possible complications can be prevented.

From this article we can conclude that pain near the navel can be a symptom of very serious diseases that are life-threatening. Therefore, do not take this phenomenon lightly.
