In this article, we will consider the instructions for use for candles "Longidaza". Solution for injection - another form of drug release.
It is an enzyme preparation with a proteolytic effect, that is, it promotes protein breakdown. It contains as many as two active components, namely hyaluronidase with azoximer bromide, and as an auxiliary substance, the diuretic mannitol. So, let's take a closer look at the instructions for Longidase, find out what analogues the drug has and what people say about it in their reviews.
Basic information
Under the action of the drug, the nutrition of tissues in the body improves. Thanks to him, hematomas resolve and various edemas are significantly reduced. The joints acquire mobility due to an increase in the elasticity of damaged tissues, and adhesions with contractures, in turn, completely disappear. Moreover, the most effective medicine is considered at the initial stage of pathological processes. Due to the combination of the two main components, the drug is characterized by increased activity and a long therapeutic effect. What else do weinforms the instructions for use for Longidase injections?

In addition to a pronounced proteolytic effect, the agent has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antioxidant functions. This drug is able to neutralize toxins, and in addition, bind heavy metal ions. Under the influence of Longidaza, the formation of connective tissues of contractures and scars is suppressed by hindering the formation of collagen protein into a fiber.
It has been almost proven that "Longidase" has no toxic, embryotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic properties, does not disrupt the functioning of the immune system and the reproductive system. All patients presented the drug is usually well tolerated. As part of parenteral, vaginal and rectal administration, the drug is very quickly absorbed into the blood, penetrating absolutely all tissues, and in addition, into human organs. This medicine does not accumulate in the human body. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys within five days. Longidaza can cross the blood-brain and blood-ophthalmic barriers in the body.
Medication forms
The active substance of Longidaza, according to the instructions, looks like a porous white or yellowish mass that can easily dissolve in water. This drug is produced in the format of dry matter, which is contained in vials, as well as in ampoules of 3000 or 1500 IU. The substance contained in ampoules and vials is intended for the preparation of injection solutions. Apart fromvials and ampoules, this medicine is available in the form of suppositories, that is, in the form of suppositories of 3000 IU, which are intended for vaginal or rectal use.
Indications for use
As the instructions indicate, "Longidaza" is prescribed for monotherapy, and in addition, for the complex treatment of diseases that are characterized by hyperplasia of connective tissues. Thus presented the drug is very useful in many areas of medicine.
At least, that's what the instructions for use say.
In gynecology, Longidaza is prescribed to women as part of the treatment and prevention of adhesions that appear as a complication of a chronic inflammatory disease or are formed as a result of gynecological manipulations, for example, during artificial abortions and operations performed on the pelvic organs. In addition, in gynecology, the agent is used for the complex treatment of tubal and peritoneal infertility. Instructions for candles "Longidaza" are very detailed.
In urology this remedy is also useful and is used in a number of the following cases:
- Presence of stricture of the ureters and urethra.
- The appearance of chronic prostatitis.
- Peyronie's disease. With this disease in men, there is a curvature of the penis against the background of an erection due to the growth of fibrous tissues.
- Presence of a benign prostate at the initial stage.
- Development of interstitial cystitis.
- Carrying out the prevention of scarring after bladder, urethra orureters.

In surgery, Longidaza is used in the following cases:
- Treatment and prevention of adhesions after abdominal surgery.
- The appearance of colloidal and hypertrophic scars resulting from surgery, burns, trauma or pyoderma.
- Development of adhesive disease.
- The presence of long non-healing wounds.
- The appearance of trophic ulcers.
In cosmetology and dermatovenereology, Longidaza is useful in the following cases:
- Presence of limited scleroderma.
- The presence of hypertrophic and keloid scars resulting from all kinds of injuries, surgeries, and in addition, burns.
- The appearance of retracted scars, formed immediately after the transferred pyoderma.
- Prophylaxis of fibrotic complication of genital infections.
Use of "Longidaza" in the field of pulmonology and phthisiology:
- Presence of pneumosclerosis in patients.
- Development of interstitial pneumonia.
- Development of pleurisy.
- Appearance of fibrosing alveolitis.
- Development of siderosis.
- The emergence of tuberculosis.
In orthopedics, according to the instructions, Longidaza is prescribed to patients with joint contracture, arthrosis, hematomas and ankylosing spondylitis.
Contraindications for use
The presented drug has a small list of contraindications, but, nevertheless, they are stillavailable:
- Presence of excessive sensitivity to the active components of the drug or its excipients.
- Presence of infectious diseases that are in the acute phase.
- Appearance of hemoptysis or pulmonary bleeding.
- Recent vitreous hemorrhage.
- Development of acute renal failure.
- Presence of malignant neoplasms in the body.
- The patient is under eighteen. There is a contraindication for this age group due to the fact that no clinical studies have yet been conducted in this regard.
- It is forbidden to inject medicine into a place where a tumor or inflammatory process is localized.
Side effects of the drug
According to the instructions and reviews for Longidaza suppositories (and injections), a slight feeling of pain may occur as side reactions along with skin redness and swelling. In addition, allergic reactions are not excluded.
It should be noted that adverse reactions, as a rule, disappear spontaneously, which occurs within two days. In the event of an allergic reaction, drug therapy should be completely discontinued, informing the doctor about it.
Drug overdose
Signs of an overdose of the presented drug may manifest as chills, fever, low blood pressure or dizziness. If symptoms suggestive of an overdose appear, drug therapy should be stopped immediately, startingsymptomatic treatment.

Treatment. How to use Longidaza correctly?
This drug is injected subcutaneously near the affected area or directly under the scar. In addition, it can be administered intramuscularly. The dose, along with the course of treatment and the route of administration of the drug, is determined by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient. The drug therapy can be repeated after two months.
Against the background of a chronic pathological process, which is characterized by severe active growth of connective tissues, after the usual course of therapy, long-term support with Longidaza is required with weekly intervals between injections.
In order to enhance the effect of local anesthetics, Longidaza is injected at a dosage of 1500 IU into the same area of the body fifteen minutes before the main anesthetic drug is used. As part of therapy, the contents of the vial at a dosage of 3000 IU are diluted in 2 milliliters of saline or water for injection. To enhance the effect of anesthetics, 2 milliliters of saline is injected into a 3000 IU drug vial. At the same time, 1 milliliter is injected into the 1500 IU vial.
The drug can be used for electrophoresis and inhalation. For electrophoresis, the contents of the vial are diluted with distilled water. And for inhalation, the contents are diluted with 0.8% sodium chloride solution. The resulting solution is used only fresh. You cannot store it. The drug must not be administered intravenously.
This confirms the instructions forapplication. In gynecology, Longidasa candles are used once a day, which is performed at night. In total, one course will require from ten to twenty suppositories. Treatment with the drug is allowed to stop at the same time, without gradually reducing the dosage. It does not affect the ability to drive a car and other complex mechanisms in any way.
This also confirms the instructions for use for Longidaza candles.
Drug dosing
In order to prevent the development of scars and adhesive pathologies after surgery, "Longidaza" is administered intramuscularly every three days in the amount of 3000 IU. The course of preventive therapy should be five injections, with an interval between them of three to ten days. In the event that the drug for prevention is administered only once every five days, then the total duration of the therapeutic course can be increased to ten injections.
Drug regimens
Depending on the field of therapy in which this drug is used, there are certain treatment regimens. Let's consider them in detail. For example, in gynecology, Longidaza candles are used according to the instructions according to the following scheme:
- For the treatment of adhesions occurring in the pelvis, 3000 IU is used every five days intramuscularly. A total of fifteen injections will be needed for the course of treatment.
- For the treatment of tubal and peritoneal infertility, 3000 IU is used intramuscularly. A total of fifteen injections will be needed for the course of treatment, and the first five of them must be performed every three days. All subsequentare held every five days.
- As part of the suppository treatment, one suppository is used every two days. A total of ten introductions per course are required.
So it says in the instructions. Reviews about Longidase are mostly positive.
Urological applications
In urology, the drug is used according to the following scheme:
- For the treatment of chronic prostatitis, 3000 IU is used every five days intramuscularly. A total of fifteen injections will be needed for the course of treatment.
- For the treatment of interstitial cystitis, the dosage of the drug is the same as in the previous case. A total of ten injections will be needed for the course of treatment.
- In accordance with the instructions for use for Longidaza candles, one piece is used every other day. A total of ten injections are required. Then the introduction is carried out every two days. In total, twenty candles will be needed for one course of treatment.

Use in surgery
In surgery, the medication is used according to the following scheme:
- For the treatment of adhesive disease, 3000 IU is used intramuscularly every five days. A total of ten injections are needed for the course of treatment. This information contains instructions for Longidaza injections.
- For the treatment of poorly healing wounds, 1500 IU is used every five days intramuscularly. A total of ten injections will be needed for the course of treatment.
- For treatment with suppositories, one suppository is used every two days. A total of fifteen injections will be needed for the course of treatment. Instructions for use forcandles "Longidaza" can confirm this.
Use in dermatology and cosmetology
In dermatology and cosmetology, Longidaza is used according to the following scheme:
- For the treatment of limited scleroderma, 4500 IU is used every five days intramuscularly. The course of treatment will require twenty injections. Moreover, it is worth noting that the course with the dosage is selected by the doctor individually in each case. This, first of all, depends on the localization of the pathology, its clinical course and stage.
- For the treatment of scars of various etiologies (hypertrophic, colloidal or retracted), 4500 IU subcutaneously every three days is used. The course of treatment will require fifteen injections in total. If necessary, the doctor can extend the course of therapy up to twenty-five injections every five days. In the event that a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is affected, and also when the scar is old, then the course of treatment is extended to twenty injections. In this case, the intramuscular and subcutaneous methods of administration alternate.
- For treatment with suppositories, one suppository is administered every two days. A total of twenty injections will be needed for the course of treatment.
So it says in the instructions for use for candles "Longidaza".

Pulmonology and phthisiology applications
In pulmonology and phthisiology, the drug is used according to the following scheme:
- For the treatment of pneumosclerosis, 3000 IU is used every five days, which is done intramuscularly. A total of ten injections will be needed for the course of treatment.
- Fortreatment of fibrosing alveolitis is used at 3000 IU every five days intramuscularly. A total of fifteen injections will be needed for the course of treatment.
- For the treatment of tuberculosis, 3000 IU is used intramuscularly, this is done once every five days. The course of treatment will require a total of twenty-five injections. It should be noted that the treatment of this disease is long and primarily depends on the severity of the course. Therapy can last up to a year.
- According to the instructions for use for candles "Longidaza", enter one piece every two days. A total of ten injections will be needed for a therapeutic course.
Orthopedic applications
In orthopedics, Longidaza is used according to the following scheme:
- For the treatment of joint contracture, 3000 IU is used every three days, which is done subcutaneously, not far from the affected area. A total of fifteen injections will be needed for the course of treatment.
- For the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis, dosing and injection site are similar to those described above. A total of fifteen injections will be needed for the course of treatment.
- For the treatment of hematomas, the dosage is the same. The course of treatment will require a total of five injections.
What other information does the instructions for use for Longidase contain?
Drug Interactions
This drug can be combined with treatment with antibiotics, cytostatics, glucocorticosteroids, antiviral and antifungal drugs and bronchodilators. Against the background of the simultaneous appointment of Longidaza with diuretics and painkillers, their effect is enhanced.
You should not prescribe "Longidase" simultaneously with large doses of antihistamines, and in addition, with salicylates, estrogens and cortisone, as its enzymatic activity decreases. It is forbidden to combine Longidase with drugs containing phenytoin along with benzodiazepine or furosemide.
This can be confirmed by the instructions for use.
Analogues of "Longidaza"
The structural analogues of the presented medical product according to the active ingredient include such drugs as, for example, Ronidaza along with Lidaza-M and the usual Lidaza. These analogues outperform Longidaza due to their lower cost, but are inferior in efficiency.
"Polyoxidonium" - its main scope is the fight against genital and gynecological ailments such as urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and prostatitis. It can also be used for vaginal dysbacteriosis.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the composition, also for pregnant and lactating women. If there are severe renal ailments, then the remedy is not recommended. It is well tolerated, but in some cases allergic reactions may develop.
"Chymotrypsin" - quite a lot of indications. Relieves diseases of the respiratory organs (tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, lung abscesses and exudative pleurisy). Heals burns, purulent wounds. Also effective in ophthalmic conditions.
As a side reaction, it candevelop an allergy. In addition, pain is likely at the injection site.
"Lidase" - contains enzymes, the source of which is the testes of cattle. Among the indications are scars of traumatic, thermal and surgical origin. Accelerates the healing of ulcers. It is used for spondyloarthritis, severe diseases of the lumbar discs, osteoporosis and poor joint mobility. It also accelerates the recovery of patients with tendovaginitis complicated by bronchial tuberculosis, neuritis and plexitis.
Contraindicated in children, patients with severe infectious and inflammatory diseases who have had previous bleeding.
An allergic reaction in the form of itching and urticaria is not ruled out.
Let's find out what people who have used it for treatment say about this drug.

Medication reviews
Most of the reviews that patients leave about this drug are extremely positive. Based on them, it can be said that this tool failed to help only a few.
Among the main disadvantages of this medication, painful injections are often mentioned. But first of all, the dissatisfaction of customers is associated with the high cost of the drug, which ranges from one and a half to two thousand rubles.
Sometimes among the comments there are reviews of doctors who express dissatisfaction with the result of treatment, considering this drug to be ineffective, however, there is no strong evidence for this fact, but rather the opposite,almost all patients unanimously declare that the drug helped them cope with the problem.
People, first of all, like the wide range of applications of this medication, its quality and speed.
In particular, it is reported that the medicine perfectly helps to treat inflammatory processes in the pelvis, while eliminating pain. Patients are satisfied with the absence of any side effects on the background of its use.
Thus, according to the reviews, we can confidently say that this drug is a very effective, high-quality and fast-acting medicine with one serious drawback, which is its high cost.
We reviewed the instructions for use, reviews and analogues for the Longidaza preparation.