What is Duphalac needed for? Reviews of adults who have ever taken this drug, as well as indications for its use, will be presented in this article. You will also learn about the form in which the mentioned medicine goes on sale, what is included in its composition, whether it has contraindications, how it should be used correctly, etc.

Packaging, form, description and composition
In what form is the drug "Duphalac" sold? Reviews of adults say that such a medicine is available in only one form. In which one, we will tell right now.
Syrup "Duphalac" for adults - such a drug is a viscous and transparent liquid, slightly colored yellow. 100 ml of this drug contains 66.7 g of lactulose, as well as purified water.
The drug is available in polyethylene bottles with a screw cap of 1000, 500 and 200 ml. The bottle is placed in a pack of cardboard, which contains instructions for use and a measuring cup.
It should also be noted that Duphalac syrup (reviews of adults about it will be presented below) can also be found in polyethylenebags made of aluminum foil. They are designed for single use of the drug and contain about 15 ml of the medicinal substance.
As with the bottle, syrup sachets are contained in cardboard boxes. In one pack, as a rule, there are 10 sachets.
What is this syrup for? Laxative "Duphalac" for adults is prescribed as a means of having a hyperosmotic effect. The drug stimulates intestinal peristalsis, promotes the excretion of ammonium ions from the body and improves the absorption of calcium and phosphate s alts.

After taking a laxative, lactulose is immediately broken down by intestinal flora, which is located in the large intestine. In this case, the mentioned substance decomposes into organic low molecular weight acids. This leads to a decrease in pH and an increase in osmotic pressure. It is due to the latter process that the volume of intestinal contents increases significantly.
The described effects stimulate intestinal motility and also have a direct effect on the consistency of the stool.
After using the drug, the physiological rhythm of bowel movement returns to normal.
Operation principle
How does the syrup in question affect the human body? Laxative "Duphalac" (for adults), or rather, its prebiotic substance, enhances the growth of beneficial bacteria such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. At the same time, the growth of potentially pathogenic microorganisms is suppressed, due towhich provides a more favorable balance of intestinal microflora.
Is Duphalac well absorbed? Instructions and reviews of experts say that the absorption of this drug is very low. After taking the medicine inside, it reaches the intestine (colon) unchanged, where it is broken down by the local flora.

Complete metabolism of the drug occurs when it is taken at a dosage of 45-70 ml. When used in higher volumes, the drug is partially excreted unchanged.
Indications for use
When is a drug like Duphalac prescribed? Reviews of adults say that this drug effectively helps in the presence of the following deviations:
- for constipation (to regulate the physiological rhythm of colon release);
- to soften stools for medical purposes (for example, for hemorrhoids, after surgery on the anus or colon);
- for hepatic encephalopathy in adults (for the prevention and treatment of precoma or hepatic coma).
Laxative "Duphalac" for adults: contraindications for use
The agent in question should never be used for:
- galactosemia;
- hypersensitivity to any drug substance;
- intestinal obstruction;
- fructose or galactose intolerance, as well as glucose-galactose malabsorption and lactase deficiency;
- perforation or risk of perforationdigestive tract.

It should also be said that with extreme caution the laxative "Duphalac", reviews of which are ambiguous, must be prescribed for colostomy, rectal undiagnosed bleeding and ileostomy.
Methods of taking
The remedy in question is intended for oral administration. The syrup can be used both undiluted and diluted. The single dose taken should be swallowed immediately without retention in the mouth.
Dosages of this remedy should be selected on an individual basis. If a single daily dose has been prescribed, then it is taken at the same time (at breakfast, lunch or dinner).
During treatment with a laxative, drink plenty of fluids (about 1.5-2 liters per day, in equal portions).
For accurate dosing of the drug, you can use the measuring cup that comes with the kit.
When using the medicine in sachets, you need to tear off the corner and immediately take the contents.
Dosage for adults and adolescents
What is the dosage of Duphalac syrup? Reviews of adults say that for the treatment of constipation, as well as for softening the stool, adults and adolescents (from 14 years old) are prescribed from 15 to 45 ml of medication. This dose can be taken either as a single dose or divided into two portions.
After a few days of treatment, the initial dosage is adjusted. As a rule, it is reduced to 15-30 ml.

The therapeutic effect of taking such a medication appears after about 2-3 days.
Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy
For the treatment of the mentioned disease, an adult is prescribed 30-45 ml of syrup three times a day. After that, they switch to a maintenance volume of the drug. It is selected so that the patient has soft stools 2-3 times a day.
When overdosed with a laxative, patients experience the following symptoms: diarrhea and severe pain in the abdomen. To treat this condition, you need to stop taking the medicine or reduce its dose.
If a large amount of fluid is lost due to vomiting or diarrhea, the patient may need to adjust the fluid and electrolyte balance.
Side effects
Does the laxative "Duphalac" have any side effects? Reviews of adults say that in the first days of using this medication, bloating and increased gas formation are possible. These symptoms usually disappear after a few days.

When using the drug for a long time (in high dosages), the patient may be disturbed in water and electrolyte balance. There are also adverse reactions such as flatulence, nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting.
Pregnancy and lactation
Taking the remedy in question does not imply any effect on the infant or fetus. This is due to the fact that the systemthe effect of lactulose on a nursing or pregnant woman is negligible. In this regard, the drug "Duphalac" can be prescribed during such periods.
It should also be noted that the drug in question does not affect the reproductive function of a person.
Drug Interactions
Combining Dufalac with antacids and some antibiotics may reduce the therapeutic efficacy of the former.
The pharmacological action of the active component of the agent in question is accompanied by a decrease in the acidity of the contents of the colon. In this regard, such a drug can change the release of pH-dependent substances (for example, during treatment with 5-aminosalicylic acid drugs).
Special Instructions
Before taking a laxative, be sure to read the instructions or consult a doctor.
If you experience abdominal pain of unknown origin (before starting therapy) or if there is no therapeutic effect for several days, the patient should contact dhfxe.
Patients with diabetes should be aware that the drug "Duphalac" may contain a small amount of sugar (for example, galactose, lactose, epilactose or fructose). It should be noted that during the use of the syrup in amounts recommended by a specialist for the treatment of constipation, the content of the mentioned components does not pose any danger to people with the above disease. With regard to the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy, itinvolves the use of high doses of the drug, which should certainly be taken into account in patients with diabetes.
For the treatment of young children, the laxative "Duphalac" should be used only in exceptional cases, strictly under the supervision of a pediatrician. It should also be borne in mind that during such therapy, the child may experience violations of the bowel reflex.
The use of the drug in question does not affect the ability of a person to drive a car or operate complex mechanisms.
Syrup "Duphalac": reviews of real people
Reviews about this drug are ambiguous. However, most of them are positive.

According to patients, Duphalac laxative syrup allows not only to eliminate bowel problems, but also to improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that the active ingredient of the drug is able to increase the population of beneficial lactobacilli.
It should also be noted that most patients like the fact that the laxative has a mild therapeutic effect, does not have a tonic effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus and rectum. In addition, the drug does not contribute to the occurrence of adverse reactions, and therefore it can be used in pediatrics, as well as for the treatment of pregnant women and nursing mothers.
In addition to being used purely for medicinal purposes, the syrup is also prescribed for specific diagnostics (for example, in preparation for a colonoscopy). Incidentally, some patientsclaim that taking such a medication allows you to smooth out the discomfort in this type of study.
In fairness, it should be noted that the tool in question also has negative reviews. Some people complain about the lack of any effect. In this case, doctors recommend contacting a specialist and undergoing a medical examination.