Acute tonsillitis is a viral or bacterial infection that mainly affects the tonsils in the palate. Angina is contagious, and it is transmitted by airborne droplets. The degree of danger, as well as the type of therapy, are determined depending on the type of pathogen. The most favorable is bacterial tonsillitis. Often, angina leads people to severe complications. This should include heart defects, rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, and others. In this article, we will take a closer look at how you can get a sore throat, what methods of therapy to use against the disease.
Description of the disease
As mentioned earlier, angina is a viral or bacterial infectious disease, accompanied by an inflammatory process on the lymphatic boat ring. In most cases, the palatine tonsils are affected. In addition, angina is the most common disease of the upper respiratory tract. The greatest surge in incidence occurs in the autumn-spring period due toweakening of the immune system. Almost every person on this planet has a chance of contracting a sore throat. However, not all varieties of the disease will be contagious.

Cause of occurrence
How can you get a sore throat? What are the reasons for the development of this disease? The main causative agent of this pathology in most cases are various staphylococci and streptococci, in rare cases viruses. How can you get angina? The source of infection are patients with this disease, as well as carriers of pathogenic microorganisms that release microbes during a conversation on people around them. In addition, you can become infected with a sore throat while sneezing or coughing a sick person. As mentioned earlier, the main route of transmission of infection is airborne. It is for this reason that the disease is so common. However, answering the question of how you can get a sore throat, it should also be noted that this can happen through alimentary or contact-household means.
Even less often, the disease occurs due to an endogenous infection - an infectious process already existing inside the body. In this case, bacteria from one focus with lymph, blood or anatomical spaces move to another, causing an inflammatory reaction again.

But the very penetration of microorganisms into the oral cavity of a he althy person will not always be the cause of the development of the disease. Experts identify some predisposing factors for the disease. This should include such conditionshuman body or external environment as:
- Poor environmental situation in the region of residence.
- Hypercooling, general or local.
- Excessive dry air.
- Weakened immune system.
- Inadequate intake of vitamins.
- Impaired nasal breathing due to other pathologies.
- Past acute viral respiratory infections.
If a pathogen enters the surface of the tonsils, and at this time a person gets hypothermia, then a disease develops.

Varieties of angina and incubation period
So, we have answered the question of how angina is transmitted from person to person. However, this will also depend on the type of disease. All types of sore throats are classified according to the type of pathogen into viral and bacterial diseases. This division is of great importance, since, knowing the pathogen, adequate treatment can be prescribed, and a further prognosis for recovery will also be given.
If the disease cannot be treated for some reason, the consequences will be very deplorable for the patient, they can even lead to death.
Purulent tonsillitis
The most unpleasant and difficult to treat type of disease is purulent tonsillitis, which is typical for adults. Distinctive symptoms of the disease is the presence of a purulent inflammatory process on the follicles or tonsils. They also turn red and increase in size.size. That is why sore throat is called a red throat disease. Acute purulent tonsillitis includes three stages: lacunar, follicular, and phlegmonous.

The incubation period will last throughout the duration of the disease. The period from the moment of infection to the onset of the first symptoms will be 1-2 days.
Catarrhal angina
One of the most favorable types of disease, which often develops after a decrease in immunity or cooling, is catarrhal angina. Is catarrhal angina contagious to others? The answer to this question will be positive. This type of disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets or through household items. This type of disease is treated with drugs. Quite often, catarrhal angina occurs without pronounced symptoms, which is why it is not diagnosed on time.
The incubation period also lasts throughout the course of the disease. However, there is a high probability of infection in the first three days of the disease.
Viral angina
The main causative agent of this sore throat are different strains of viruses. According to its symptoms, this type of angina resembles a catarrhal form. However, a distinctive feature will be that the use of antibiotics will not bring any result, and the treatment is carried out with the help of antiviral drugs. Viral tonsillitis is widespread mainly in winter, when it takes on an epidemic character. How can you get a sore throat from a patienthuman? The main method of transmission is airborne.

The incubation period of tonsillitis in adults lasts quite a long time: from 2 days to 2 weeks. This will depend on the individual characteristics of the human immune system. Throughout this time, the patient will be considered a source of infection.
Folk remedies for sore throats in adults
There are many different effective traditional medicine recipes that help overcome a sore throat. Consider separately folk remedies for sore throats in adults.
Sea water
People who live near the sea successfully use sea water as a gargle for their throats. This product perfectly removes the inflammatory process, as well as swelling of the tonsils, healing and disinfecting the entire oral cavity. Of course, not everyone has this opportunity, so you can make your own rinsing solution at home.
To do this, dissolve one teaspoon of plain table s alt in one glass of boiled warm water. Also there you need to add 10 drops of iodine, half a teaspoon of baking soda. Every housewife has these ingredients, so making a remedy will not be difficult. At the height of the disease, gargling should be done every 2 hours. In addition, if a sore throat appears in a child at 2 years old, you can use such a remedy to treat the disease.

Infusion of elecampane
Because characteristicsymptom of the disease is severe pain during swallowing, it is necessary to use a safe natural pain reliever. Such qualities are present in the infusion based on elecampane. Preparing this remedy is quite simple. To do this, one spoon of dry elecampane grass must be poured with one glass of boiling water, wrapped, let it brew for 2 hours. When the medicine has cooled to an acceptable temperature, it can be used as a gargle solution. To enhance the healing effect, you can tie your neck with a warm woolen scarf. The rinsing procedure should be done as often as possible, especially for the initial stage of the development of angina.
Potato inhalation
Even our grandmothers used inhalation of vapors from boiled potatoes to treat angina. To make such an inhalation, you need to boil a few tubers of this vegetable. You need to cook the vegetable until you start to feel a strong potato smell. Please note that during cooking, it is necessary to pour a small amount of water into the pan so that steam is formed from the vegetable. In order to enhance the effect, some add a small amount of iodine to the pan, as well as a teaspoon of soda. In order to alleviate the condition of the disease, potato broth is inhaled for 10 minutes. Such inhalations are carried out several times a day.

The antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties of this product are known to everyone who is not indifferent to their ownhe alth. That is why propolis has been used for a long time to combat various respiratory viral diseases, as well as infectious diseases. In the case of a sore throat from propolis, it will not be necessary to prepare any healing compounds. It is useful to simply chew slowly in the mouth after eating. And if you have a specific slight burning sensation in your mouth during chewing, then this indicates the high quality of propolis. Some people put a piece of this product on their cheek at night so that the unique ingredient fights the disease throughout the night.
Infusion of ginger, honey and raspberry
An infusion made from honey, ginger, and raspberries is also very effective. However, this medicine will need to be prepared every day. To do this, 100 g of mashed raspberries, 5 g of grated ginger, and 10 g of honey are mixed with one tablespoon of olive oil. The finished mixture is poured with one glass of boiling water, wrapped, left all night to infuse. In the morning, the healing agent is filtered and taken 3 times a day.
So now you know if sore throat is always contagious, how it is transmitted. If the first symptoms of the disease appear, use the above home recipes for treatment.