Effective cough aerosols for children and adults: varieties, instructions and contraindications

Effective cough aerosols for children and adults: varieties, instructions and contraindications
Effective cough aerosols for children and adults: varieties, instructions and contraindications

Cough is considered a non-specific protective function of the body. Its task is to clean the respiratory organs from pathological secretions, as well as dust or a foreign object. In the presence of a cough in a person, the thought immediately arises of a disease of the respiratory system. In fact, this unpleasant symptom can also appear when other organs are affected. In the fight against cough, as a rule, aerosols, sprays and other drugs are prescribed for use.

But aerosols are considered an effective pharmacological remedy for coughing. The main advantage of these medicines is the presence of an active ingredient that can locally eliminate pathogens that provoke the inflammatory process and cough syndrome.

This drug is convenient to use for both adults and children, in pharmacies there is a huge amount of medicines of this pharmacological group. To decide which cough aerosol to choose, you need to know what is included in their composition, as well as the method of application andcontraindications.

cough aerosols for adults
cough aerosols for adults

Medical List

Such medicines are very popular for pharyngitis - inflammation in the larynx. The disease is provoked by microorganisms:

  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • mushrooms.

In the process of their life, the mucous membrane is affected, there is a pain sensation, as well as perspiration and dry cough. The process, with improper therapy, spreads from top to bottom, as a result of which the trachea, as well as the bronchi and lungs can be damaged.

Cough sprays can be used in conjunction with antimicrobial, as well as antiviral and antipyretic agents. The drugs have a local effect and are practically not absorbed into the blood. When irrigating the mucous membrane of the laryngeal cavity, the medication covers it with a thin layer.

The negative point is that the active ingredient is quickly washed off with saliva and swallowed, so it is recommended to use such medicines several times a day, usually after meals, without taking liquid for about an hour after treating the throat.

Cough can be caused not only by infection, but also by allergens. In this case, the allergic cough aerosol - "Aldecin" is very popular.

It has an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates swelling and the formation of a pathological secret. In addition, Klenil is considered an equally effective medicine, it is prescribed for allergies and bronchial asthma.

It must be remembered thatinflammation of the pharynx occupy about 30% of all lesions of the respiratory system. The highest incidence of pharyngitis occurs in the cool season.


Cough aerosol is a complex remedy for eliminating the inflammatory process in the throat. The composition contains the following useful components:

  1. Camphor causes blood flow to the irrigation site, eliminates pathogenic microorganisms, relieves inflammation.
  2. Levomenthol causes irritation of the mucous membrane at the site of application, which leads to a decrease in pain and elimination of the inflammatory process.
  3. Chlorobutanol hemihydrate acts as a local anesthetic ingredient.
  4. Eucalyptus oil eliminates tickling and coughing.
cough spray for kids
cough spray for kids

Not recommended for use in allergic manifestations to any substance and children under five years of age. Adults need to apply the drug 3-4 times a day, doing two irrigations.

During the use of this medicine, it is allowed to use other means, since there is no risk of mutual influence of the components of "Kameton" with other compounds.

There are currently no clinical studies on the use of this drug in women during breastfeeding and gestation. Use of "Kameton" is allowed with the appointment of a medical specialist.


The main ingredient in cough aerosol is hexetidine. Additional components include eucalyptus oil and ethanol. The active element belongs to the group of local antiseptics.

When applied to the mucous membrane, "Geksoral" eliminates bacteria, as well as fungi and viruses. With the help of eucalyptus oil, the drug can anesthetize the inflamed throat membrane.

dry cough spray
dry cough spray

Aerosol is suitable for the elimination of acute or chronic pharyngitis, as well as inflammation of the oral cavity. It is not recommended to use the medication for children under the age of three years, as well as in the presence of ulcerative lesions, erosions on the oral mucosa.

Use the drug is advised twice a day, one injection for two seconds. When performing irrigation, you need to hold your breath. The medication has certain negative reactions when used incorrectly:

  1. Swelling of the larynx.
  2. Cough when the drug enters the lungs.
  3. Dry.
  4. Local inflammatory reactions in the mouth.


Cough and throat spray contains sage, peppermint and acacia. Effectively eliminates perspiration and cough. Plant substances create a film on the inflamed mucous membrane, which prevents the spread of pathogens, reduces pain and slows down the spread of microorganisms.

It is not recommended to use the drug in patients with allergies to active ingredients, children under three years of age should also not use the drug. "Alvogen" irrigate the throat with 1-2 sprays every three hours.

It must be remembered that the drug is suitable for patients who sufferchronic pharyngitis and experience discomfort and sore throat. It can be used as needed, but no longer than one month of regular use.

Tantum Verde

Aerosol for dry cough contains a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance - benzydamine. The drug inhibits the activity of substances that provoke the inflammatory process - cytokines. As a result, puffiness and redness disappear, perspiration and dry cough are eliminated.

During research, scientists found that the active ingredient has an analgesic effect that begins a minute after injection.

throat and cough spray
throat and cough spray


  1. Allergic predisposition.
  2. Child under 3 years of age.
  3. Asthma.

Recommended for use 4-8 sprays up to 6 times a day (adult dosage). Side effects:

  1. Nettle rash.
  2. Numbness.
  3. Burning.
  4. Change in taste.

You need to know that if spray therapy does not bring the desired effect within three days, then you need to contact a medical specialist to change the treatment tactics.

Strepsils Plus

Cough spray consists of two antiseptic components - dichlorobenzyl alcohol and amylmethacresol, as well as a local anesthetic - lidocaine. This combination of antiseptics provides excellent antimicrobial activity, and lidocaine effectively analgeses the mucous membrane.throat. Additional esters - mint and anise oils help eliminate inflammation and cough.

Not recommended for use:

  1. If you are allergic to ingredients.
  2. Children under twelve.
  3. People with asthma.

It is recommended to do 1-2 spray irrigations no more than 4 hours apart. Adverse reactions:

  1. Allergic reaction.
  2. Numbness of the tongue.
  3. Change in taste sensations.


Sulfanilamide antibiotic aerosol helps to cope with dry cough and inflammation.

The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  1. Allergy.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Breastfeeding.
  4. Children under three.
  5. Convulsions.
  6. Diseases of the kidneys and liver.
  7. Blood pathology.
allergic cough spray
allergic cough spray

Before using the medicine, rinse your mouth and throat with warm water. Irrigate the mucous membrane with the drug for several seconds three times a day.

List of side effects:

  1. Allergy.
  2. Burning.
  3. Ulcers on the oral mucosa.
  4. Migraine.
  5. Dizziness.
  6. Decrease in heart rate.
  7. Nausea.
  8. Gagging.


Cough aerosol for adults and children contains an antiseptic substance - benzyldimethyl. Active ingredient excellenteliminates bacteria, fungi and viruses. The drug during irrigation is not absorbed from the surface of the mucous membrane. The drug helps with coughing, provoked by an acute inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the throat.

bioparox cough aerosol
bioparox cough aerosol

Do not use in case of individual intolerance, as well as children under three years of age. It is necessary to treat the throat three times a day for 3-4 irrigations. After using the medication, a burning sensation may occur, which disappears almost immediately.


The active component of the cough aerosol is an extract of eucalyptus leaves. The drug eliminates bacteria, as well as fungi, protects against viruses, eliminates cough, relieves the inflammatory process, helps to heal the broken mucous membrane.

This product should not be used for eucalyptus allergies and children under the age of three. It is necessary to treat the throat with two irrigations 4 times a day.

bioparox cough aerosol
bioparox cough aerosol

"Chlorophyllipt" is not recommended to spray small patients directly into the throat, as this can lead to severe bronchospasm, as well as suffocation. It is allowed to use the drug for children from 4 years old on the inner surface of the cheek, with saliva the medication will get on the mucous cavities of the pharynx.

The drug has no effect on the functioning of the central nervous system and does not suppress the rate of psychomotor reactions, but with prolonged and uncontrolled use, the patient may experience dizziness.

cough spray
cough spray

Sprays for kids

The use of such drugs in young patients less than one year is strictly contraindicated, as this can provoke bronchospasm and respiratory arrest.

Sprays for children can be used from the time when the baby learns to independently hold his breath during irrigation, this is possible as early as the age of two or three years.

List of cough aerosols for children:

  1. "Gexoral".
  2. "Strepsils".
  3. "Tantum Verde Forte".
  4. "Miramistin".
  5. "Alvogen".

It must be remembered that before using a cough suppressant, especially with an antimicrobial agent in the composition, in small patients, women in the "position" and nursing mothers, you should consult a medical specialist.

From coughing during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you can use Hexoral, as well as Alvogen and Tantum Verde. It is important to know that the Bioparox cough aerosol is no longer sold in Russia.


Such drugs affect the inflamed area of the larynx, and also have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

This dosage form is considered the best for getting a quick positive effect. Their influence is short-lived but powerful. Aerosols cannot be used as an independent drug, they are best combined with other medicines.
