Stress is an unusual reaction of the human body to the impact of external conditions, both positive and negative. Nowadays, everyone is exposed to stress, causing devastating damage to he alth. Of course, it is very difficult to get rid of the impact of external factors, but Cavinton will help to overcome them without harm to he alth.
Form and composition
The medicine "Cavinton" is prescribed primarily for disorders of the nervous system, as well as to stabilize the circulatory process.
The drug is produced in the form of concentrates and tablets based on the active component of plant origin - vinpocetine, which is artificially synthesized. This substance acts as an analogue of the natural component - devinkan, which can be found in periwinkle flowers. A unique flower with which people have learned to get rid of various spasms.
Later, medicines were created that could reduce blood pressure.pressure. By the way, lowering blood pressure, the drugs had a sedative property. After another period of time, they were able to track the beneficial effect of the drug on blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, and here the production of Cavinton began.

Externally, the tablets are white, odorless, round. A separating line runs along the center, and CAVINTON is engraved on the other side. The package contains two blisters, each containing 25 tablets. The composition of 1 tablet includes the following substances: 5 mg of vinpocetine, lactose monohydrate - 140 mg, corn starch - 96.25 mg, magnesium stearate - 2.5 mg, silicon dioxide - 1.25, talc.
In cases of complete intolerance with lactose deficiency, the drug is prescribed in a different form of release - a concentrate for preparing a solution for infusion. In one package, based on the instructions for use of "Cavinton", 10 ampoules - each with a volume of 2 ml. The solution is clear, colorless or a slight greenish tint may be tolerated. Ampoules are made of dark glass. 1 ml contains: 5 mg vinpocetine, 0.5 mg ascorbic acid, 1 mg sodium disulfite, 10 mg tartaric acid, 10 mg benzyl alcohol, 80 mg sorbitol and up to 1 ml water for injection.
It is also worth noting Cavinton Forte, which is identical in composition to Cavinton. The only differences are that the number of tablets in the package has been increased to 30 or 90 pieces, and the dosage of vinpocetine is twice as much. Instruction "Cavinton" (10 mg) for use confirms that a single dose of activesubstances contains only 1 tablet. Otherwise, the main composition is unchanged.
Indications for use
Like any drug, "Cavinton" should be used by the patient only if there are appropriate symptoms for its use and only after confirmation by a specialist. The drug is accepted in different areas of medicine:
- Neurology - with the manifestation of vegetative menopause, with neurological and mental disorders (memory and speech impairment, various movement disorders, dizziness), during acute and chronic circulatory failure (ischemia, stroke, atherosclerosis, cognitive impairment, vertebrobasilar insufficiency).
- Ophthalmology - glaucoma (post-traumatic, post-inflammatory, post-thrombotic), various disorders of the retina, vessels and macula, as well as various visual disorders that are caused by atherosclerosis, embolism, angiospasm or thrombosis.
- Otolaryngology - Meniere's syndrome (a disease of the inner ear, due to which the volume of fluid in the cavity increases), tinnitus, hearing loss (senile), neuritis, hearing loss due to vascular disorders caused by medication and others.

Contraindications for use
There are a number of pathological and physiological contraindications, which include:
- severe forms of arrhythmia;
- severe coronary disease caused by impaired blood flow in the heart muscle;
- stroke characterized by hemorrhage;
- hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug or auxiliary components of the composition;
- lactose malabsorption;
- during lactation and pregnancy (at any time);
- patients under 18.
Before starting a course of therapy with this medication, you must make sure that the listed contraindications are absent.
Instructions for the use of "Cavinton"
The dosage is prescribed only by a qualified specialist after the examination and identification of the reasons for the indication of the drug. There is no single algorithm for instructions for use, since each of the diseases has its own specifics. Only a doctor can determine the course of treatment and dosage. But, like any drug has its own basic instructions, so does Cavinton, depending on the form of release.
Tablets are prescribed orally after meals, 5-10 mg 3 times a day (minimum daily dose - 15 mg, maximum - 30 mg). Usually the course is prescribed for a period of 1 to 3 months. If there are complications, then the course can be increased up to 8 months - as stated in the instructions for use of Cavinton. Feedback on the use of the drug confirms that after a week, patients feel the positive effect of its effects.
For some reason, the patient may be given an infusion. It is worth considering here that the solution has a completely different dosage. Before use, the drug must be diluted with a physical or glucose solution (20 mg of the drug per 500-1000 ml of solution),which can be applied within 3 hours.
Contains such explanations of the instruction for the use of "Cavinton": injections are administered intravenously, drip and not quickly (the maximum speed can be 80 drops per minute). The daily (average) dose is 35 mg per 60 kg of body weight. The maximum volume of the drug is up to 1 mg per 1 kg. The duration of the course is prescribed from 10 days to 3 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.

Please note that in the instructions for the use of Cavinton tablets there is a warning about a gradual decrease in dosage by the end of treatment in 3 days. If the course was carried out with a solution, then in addition to reducing the dosage of injections, a further transition to the tablet form of the drug is necessary - 10 mg 3 times a day.
As for the instructions for using the Cavinton Forte analogue, it describes the same mechanism: after eating, orally. The duration and dosage of treatment is prescribed only by a doctor. Be sure to start with 15 mg - daily dose, then increase to a maximum of 30 mg per day.
Note: the prefix in the name of the drug only focuses on its modernization. Otherwise, the instruction for the use of "Cavinton Forte" is similar to the analogue, up to side effects and storage conditions.
Side effects
The use of "Cavinton", judging by the instructions, in rare cases, but still can cause negative reactions of the body, such as:
- dry mouth, nausea and heartburn;
- sleep disorder - excessive drowsiness or vice versainsomnia;
- weakness, dizziness, headache;
- various allergic reactions: rash, itching, hives, skin redness;
- inflammation of the veins (phlebitis);
- rapid heart rate (tachycardia);
- arterial hypotension.
Despite all the indications described in the instructions for use, reviews of Cavinton confirm that Quincke's edema (enlargement of the face or its parts and limbs) and even anaphylactic shock may occur. Some patients have confirmed increased sweating.
If these symptoms or others occur, you should consult a doctor to reduce the dosage of the drug or to completely cancel the course of therapy.

Pharmacological action
Let's consider the pharmacodynamics of the drug. In accordance with the instructions for use of Cavinton, the active substance is vinpocetine, which has a complex effect on the body, normalizing brain metabolism and blood circulation.
The drug reduces the severity of the cytotoxic damaging reaction caused by stimulating amino acids, and thus will achieve a neuroprotective effect. This leads to the fact that the brain tissue begins to consume more oxygen and glucose.
Blocks hypoxia by increasing the stability of neurons. At the same time, AMP and cGMP levels rise. Also in the brain tissues there is an increase in the concentration of ATP and the ratio of ATP to AMP. Reduces the process of gluing cells together, increasing blood viscosity. The action of adenosine is enhanced, and the deformability of erythrocytes increases, the utilization of adenosine is blocked. At the same time, the exchange between serotonin and norepinephrine increases.
Indicators of systemic circulation remain stable, despite an increase in blood flow (cerebral) and a decrease in the resistance of cerebral vessels.

What is the pharmacokinetics?
The drug is rapidly absorbed: within 1 hour after ingestion of the tablet, the maximum concentration in the blood is reached. The absorption process itself takes place in the gastrointestinal tract. Does not cause metabolic disorders when moving through the intestines.
At the maximum dosage, the concentration is reached 2-4 hours after ingestion. A linear character occurs with repeated doses of the drug in doses of 5-10 mg. The drug is excreted from the body in 4.83 ± 1.29 hours, through feces and urine in a ratio of 2:3.
Vinpocetine improves blood circulation in the human brain, as stated in the instructions for Cavinton. The use of analogues of the drug is not forbidden, the main thing is the presence of the active substance in the composition. For example:
- "Vinpocetine" - in addition to improving metabolism and blood circulation in the brain, reduces platelet adhesion, transports oxygen. Release form: tablets, solution for injections.
- "Bravinton" - improvement of metabolic processes in the brain, while having an antispasmodic effect. The drug can be used against frequent dizziness,with headaches and memory disorders. Release form: tablets, solution for injections.
- "Korsavin" - improves blood flow and cerebral circulation, dilates and relaxes the vessels of the brain, reducing the risk of ischemia and stroke. Release form: tablets.
- "Cinnarizine" - used for tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and labyrinth disorders. Release form: tablets.
- "Actovegin" - stimulates the regeneration process, transports and accumulates glucose and oxygen, improves the metabolic process and trophism. Release form: tablets, solution for injections.
- "Mexidol" - a domestic remedy for improving blood circulation in the brain. Release form: tablets, solution for injections.

Of course, the original received its fame due to the high degree of purification during production. However, having studied the instructions for use of Cavinton Forte, we can say that this is an identical version of the original. The difference between them is only in the amount of active substance.
You should also pay attention to Cavinton Comfort, the instructions for use of which immediately inform you of the main difference and advantage of the analog: the dispersible property of the tablets, that is, the ability to dissolve in saliva and water. In other words, if a patient has a dysfunction of swallowing, then this analogue will be prescribed to him.

If for some reason there is a course of taking one of the Cavinton analogues, the instructions for use of which are inherently verysimilar, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to comprehensively consider individually all the positive and negative aspects for your body during therapy with this drug.
Special Instructions
Medication contains lactose. It should be taken into account in case of intolerance to the substance that 1 tablet contains 41.5 mg of lactose.
Also, in case of lactose intolerance, the active substance, vinpocetine, should be avoided.
Does not affect kidney function. The drug for renal diseases is carried out in standard doses, allowing long courses of therapy.
Does not affect liver function. The drug for liver diseases is carried out in standard doses, allowing long courses of therapy.
ECG monitoring is required in the presence of prolonged QT syndrome and its interval prolongation.
Medication has no effect on driving, as well as on the control of various mechanisms.

Medicinal effect
Concomitant use of the drug with a drug that has an antihypertensive effect, "Methyldopa", may lead to an increase in lowering blood pressure (BP). With this combination of drugs, it is necessary to control blood pressure.
There are no interactions observed with the simultaneous use of the drug with beta-blockers.
While there is no data on any interaction possibilities, it is recommended with increasedtake Cavinton with caution in parallel with drugs that have an effect on the central nervous system and with antiarrhythmics.
A lot of data has been collected about pill overdose. In case of exceeding the maximum daily dose in therapeutic treatment, it is necessary to wash the stomach and intestines. After that, you need to take intestinal sorbents, for example, activated charcoal and so on.
Conditions and shelf life of the drug
The drug, regardless of the form of release (solution, tablets), must be stored in a place protected from sunlight and out of the reach of children. At the same time, the storage temperature of the drug is from 15 to 30 degrees.
Shelf life - 5 years from the date of production. Such information is indicated on the package of the drug.
Having studied the reviews about the drug "Cavinton", we can conclude that patients really confirm the result, which is declared by the manufacturer. In many patients, permanent headaches disappear after the course due to vasoconstriction. Tinnitus, dizziness and blurred vision are also receding, and the result is noticeable after two weeks of use.

Also good reviews about Cavinton analogues, the instructions for use of which only confirm that the similarity of the drugs is based on the main active ingredient of the composition - vinpocetine. It is he who, by his influence, helps to restore metabolic processes in parts of the human brain after ischemia.
To the mostwell-known analogues of the drug include Cavinton Forte and Cavinton Comfort. They are also not deprived of reviews, which once again confirm the effectiveness of the drug. Many diabetics confirm the safety of the drug and its analogues, regardless of the form of release (tablets/solutions).
Despite the fact that under the conditions of dispensing from pharmacies it is noted “by prescription” in the instructions for use of Cavinton Forte, the reviews confirm the opposite, and the doctors themselves say that the sale of the drug is possible without a prescription, but do not neglect doctor's prescription. Still, the drug has, in addition to indications for use, a number of contraindications that can give the opposite result.
Patients themselves admit their mistake in uncontrolled self-therapy. For example, about the neglect of the instructions for the use of Cavinton Comfort, the reviews confirmed the appearance of side effects and more. Sudden abortions have been seen due to the high concentration of the drug in the womb. Some patients, not attaching the necessary importance to information about the presence of lactose in the drug, have earned flatulence. There have been cases when the human body showed an allergic reaction in the form of Quincke's edema. And with a combination of an unstable nervous system and hypotension, drug therapy gives the strongest drop in pressure.
So, being he althy is perhaps the most cherished desire of every person. And for this it is necessary to maintain our blood circulation in the brain. The drug "Cavinton" and its analogues will help everyone in need of protecting their fragile vessels. But it is worth remembering that uncontrolled useany drug can only aggravate the condition of the body. Only a doctor will be able to comprehensively approach the development of an individual treatment program, as well as prescribe the dosage and mechanism for taking the Cavinton vasodilator.