Most people have experienced bouts of severe headaches called migraines. Some use different pills, "lying around" in the home first aid kit, others are waiting for the pain syndrome to pass by itself. Both methods of pain relief are unacceptable.
Migraines are very often provoked by the use of certain foods, such as dark chocolate, wine, cheese, exotic fruits. It is difficult to exist in such conditions, to do certain household chores, especially if an attack of severe headache lasts for a long time. In this case, you can quickly fix the problem if you choose the right medicine.
What is a disease?
The disease is one of the most well-known neurological disorders. Migraine attacks appear, the duration and frequency of which are different for all people (a couple of times a week, up to four times a month, five to seven times a year).
The main symptom of the disease is a severe headache. In a situation where a person is diagnosed with migraine without aura, he does not show other symptoms,besides the headache. There is also a diagnosis of "migraine with aura", which is a confirmation of additional symptoms that occur in patients - most often it is nausea, vomiting and tinnitus.
Important to remember! In the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, migraines appear three times more often than in men. As a rule, the first symptoms of the disease occur at the age of 14-16, during puberty. This happens due to the formation of the hormonal system.

Causes of migraines
In severe pain, unwanted symptoms appear, the causes of which are:
- food: convenience foods, preservatives, tea and coffee, citrus fruits, chocolate, seafood and smoked meats;
- environmental factors: change in atmospheric pressure, bright light, strong smell, detergents, tobacco smoke;
- lifestyle: fatigue, stress, lack of sleep, jet lag.
The signs and symptoms of a migraine are interrelated. Drugs to prevent or eliminate ailments are selected taking into account the characteristics of the disease. The appearance of an aura of a visual, speech, motor or mixed type may indicate the approach of a headache attack. Some people show tearfulness and irritability. Others are very thirsty or they want to eat something unusual.
If at the initial stage you do not apply something that helps to eliminate migraine, a specific patient will have a headache. It may be weak and annoying orpainful and unbearable. The pain syndrome can radiate to the eye socket, temple, forehead or back of the head.
The pain gradually builds up and may affect the neck and shoulders. Sometimes people experience nausea, followed by vomiting, and vomiting brings temporary relief. What is the best remedy for migraines and headaches?

Pros of pills
Pills have a number of positive aspects compared to other forms of headache medication:
- accurate dosing of active trace elements;
- convenience of storage and use;
- long exposure to drugs, their localized absorption;
- masking an unpleasant smell and taste due to the presence of the shell;
- no side effects such as itching, rashes and redness of the skin;
- long-term storage capability.
Pills may combine the main pharmacological substances that will not be compatible in preparations of other forms of release.
What medicines can be used during pregnancy?
The most careful thing is to deal with precisely those drugs that are suitable for women in an interesting position. Indeed, in this case, not only the life of the expectant mother, but also the life of the baby depends on the medications taken. The most well-known and fast-acting medicines are listed below.
"Citramon" - the dose of this drug and the possibility of complications should be checked with the attending doctor. Take pills with specialcaution and in low concentrations if you need to instantly eliminate a headache.
Contraindications are the following ailments:
- Ulcerative colitis.
- Diseases of the liver and kidneys.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If the medicine does not help, you do not need to increase the dosage used - it is worth changing the drug. According to reviews, Paracetamol is the best remedy for migraine with aura. It contains a different content of the active trace element. In this situation, it is also necessary to be careful with the use of tablets. After all, they have a number of contraindications:
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Diseases of the stomach.
- Individual intolerance to components.

The drug is sold only with a prescription from a specialist. You can use it both in early and late pregnancy.
- Diseases of the intestines and stomach.
- Stroke.
- Heart attack.
Speaking of drugs prohibited during pregnancy, it is impossible to single out only a few of them. During the bearing of a child, experts do not recommend the use of drugs - they must be replaced with vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as traditional medicine.
Drug groups
Migraine attacks vary in frequency:for some people they happen every day, while others face the problem several times a year.
Some patients experience an aura as an anticipation of an attack. It can be characterized by the appearance of sensitivity of the skin, weakness of the legs and arms. If you take migraine medication at this time, you can eliminate the attack before it occurs. The peculiarity of the disease is that it is difficult for a doctor to choose an instant medication. After all, they are different for each person. All drugs are conventionally divided into groups:
- relieving acute symptoms;
- prophylactic - preventing pain.
Among instant migraine drugs, the following drugs are often distinguished:
- Painkillers. This also includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Nurofen, Paracetamol.
- Ergotamines are ergot medicines that are effective only for migraine pain: Ergotamine, Nomigren.
- Triptans that act on all the symptoms of the disease: "Sumamigren", "Rapimed".
When using quick-acting headache medicines, it should be borne in mind that the disease can be completely eliminated subject to a certain course of therapy.
If, after several doses, the drug of one group did not have a positive result, then it is replaced with an anti-migraine agent of the same group. Doctors recommend treatment to patients according to the following scheme:
- analgesics first;
- then triptans if no improvement after forty-five minutes;
- if the source of the disease is unclear, take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
For the prevention of seizures, therapy continues for a long time. The doctor selects funds for migraine and headache individually. Using this method helps to effectively influence seizures. For prevention, the following medications are prescribed:
- beta-blocker;
- antidepressant;
- anticonvulsant;
- calcium channel blocker;
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
These headache medications contain trace elements that help constrict the vessels of the brain. Medicines containing triptan have a positive effect in a short period of time. Negative phenomena include the occurrence of weakness, drowsiness. Triptans for migraine pain are available as sprays, tablets, and suppositories. As a rule, they are prescribed to receive drugs from the following list:
- "Naramig".
- "Imigran".
- "Zomig".
- "Trimigren".

Painkillers for headaches
The list of the most effective drugs that have an analgesic effect in migraine is given below. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are strong. Unfortunately, they have limitations in their application. A doctor's appointment is required to use these drugs without harming the organs. Well eliminate the unpleasant signs of headache drugs instant action:
- "Diclofenac".
- "Naproxen".
- "Analgin".
- "Ketorolac".
- "Indomethacin".
- "Paracetamol".
- "Acetaminophen".
The main active ingredients in this group of medicines are ergot alkaloids, which have a tonic effect on blood vessels. They can only eliminate an attack of severe headache, and in other situations they are not effective. In this group:
- "Ergotamine".
- "Dihydroergotamine".
- "Digidergoth".
How to quickly eliminate a severe headache attack?
At home, you can also quickly eliminate attacks of severe headaches. To do this, you need to have on hand medicines for migraine, which have a quick effect. In this case, you need to perform the following actions:
- ventilate the room;
- drink tea with sugar;
- take a shower;
- Massage the neck, head;
- calm down;
- take a pill.
"Aspirin" for migraine
Acetylsalicylic acid is available from pharmacies without a prescription from a medical professional and has a low cost, but this does not mean that it can be used without consulting a doctor.
"Aspirin" is one of the bestremedies for migraine after alcohol. The drug affects the disease, helps to block the inflammatory process in the vessels of the brain, eliminates the attack. Only "Aspirin" has many contraindications for taking, for example:
- Stomach ulcer.
- Liver failure.
- Asthma.
- Pregnancy.
- Aged below fifteen.

Nurofen for headaches
The drug is used for severe headache, is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, helps with a disease with aura. If you use the medication as soon as the first signs of an attack appear, it has an instant pharmacological effect. Can eliminate pain within thirty minutes. Use the drug in the form:
- candles;
- effervescent tablets;
- capsules;
- regular tablets.
The drug effectively and quickly acts on the signs of the disease. It helps not only to quickly eliminate pain, but also to eliminate the feeling of nausea. If the medication does not have a positive effect, then after an hour you can take it again. "Relpax" has certain contraindications, like other medicines from the triptan group.
Spray "Imigran"
The drug has an instant effect on the symptoms when injected into the nose. The spray is effective with an accurate diagnosis. It does not work for other forms of pain. It hasa huge number of contraindications for admission to patients who have problems with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Used strictly as directed by a he althcare professional. Spray can not be used for preventive purposes. "Imigran" is the best remedy for migraine.
If the anesthetic medication does not have the proper effect with periodic moderate pain, then it must be replaced with one of the complex medicines. In their structure, analgesic substances are combined with each other, and other components are added for a tonic or calming effect.

The combination of aspirin and paracetamol in the drug provides its analgesic effect, and the addition of caffeine in a small amount has a beneficial effect on vascular tone and microcirculation.
"Citramon" is prescribed for moderate migraine pains, which are provoked by vasoconstriction. At the beginning of the attack, you should take two tablets of the drug, and if necessary, repeat the dose after four hours.
"Askofen" is considered a substitute for "Citramon" in composition and action. To eliminate migraine pain, you need to drink two tablets of the drug once.

The structure of the drug includes paracetamol, as well as codeine and caffeine. Codeine is considered a narcotic pain reliever, therefore it is part of the drug in a small amount. Due to hispositive effect, it increases the analgesic effect of paracetamol, and together with caffeine, it significantly alleviates the condition at the initial stage of a migraine attack. According to reviews, Solpadein is considered the best remedy for migraine. People in their responses note the instant effect of the drug and the absence of side effects with the correct dosage.
To do this, with moderate pain, you should take two tablets once, while it is recommended not to abuse this medication to avoid addiction.

Folk ways to eliminate migraines
Folk remedies for severe head pain instantly eliminate the signs of the disease. The best known methods are:
- putting a cold towel on the head;
- inhalation of rosemary oil vapors;
- applying cotton wool soaked in onion juice to the ear.
It is worth remembering that the diagnosis and treatment of a severe headache attack should be carried out under the supervision of the attending doctor.