High lower blood pressure: causes, treatments, prognosis

High lower blood pressure: causes, treatments, prognosis
High lower blood pressure: causes, treatments, prognosis

Blood pressure is one of the main indicators of the cardiovascular system. Its decrease or increase can significantly disrupt the flow of metabolic and physiological processes in the body. Doctors often face a situation where the patient asks the question: if you are worried about high lower blood pressure, what should you do? To solve the problem, it is important to identify the cause of such a pathology, and it can be hidden in a variety of diseases and conditions.

Normal diastolic pressure

When the ventricles contract, blood is ejected under pressure into the systemic circulation. This is an indicator of systolic pressure, which in a person with a he althy heart ranges from 110-120 mm Hg. Art. Lower (diastolic) pressure is formed when the heart muscle relaxes and depends on vascular tone. Normal indicators range from 60 to 90 mm Hg. Art. If they are exceeded, then it is considered thatlower blood pressure is high. The reasons for this phenomenon must be established for therapy.

Indicators of hypertension on a tonometer
Indicators of hypertension on a tonometer

How pressure is classified

Depending on the difference between the norm and the indicators on the tonometer, they distinguish:

  • Hypertension I degree - indicators of lower pressure are 90-100 mm Hg. st.
  • II degree - indicators are 100-110.
  • If the pressure exceeds 110 mm Hg. Art., then diagnosed with hypertension III degree.

The danger of such a pathology lies in the fact that at the first stage of development it does not manifest itself in any way. The patient begins to experience discomfort when the readings are significantly higher than normal.

Confirm pressure problems

If there is a one-time jump in pressure, then you can not immediately make a diagnosis of "Hypertension". To confirm the pathology, it is necessary to regularly measure the pressure, taking into account the following factors:

  • History of cardiovascular disease.
  • General he alth.
  • Time of day at which the measurement is taken. By evening, the figures may increase slightly.
  • Taking drugs that can affect blood pressure.
  • Use of stimulants.

If for a long time the numbers on the tonometer are above the norm, then it is necessary to find out why the lower blood pressure is high. Do it better together with your doctor.

arterial pressure
arterial pressure

Reason for deviation from the normlower pressure

What does high lower blood pressure mean? This signals that the heart is working normally, but the vascular system is failing. Indicators that exceed the norm may indicate primary pressure or symptomatic. The first is clearly hypertension, but it is not always immediately possible to identify this. The second form can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Acquired and congenital heart disease.
  2. Diseases of the thyroid gland. The production of vital hormones is disrupted, which necessarily affects the work of the heart muscle and other internal organs.
  3. Pathologies of the kidneys and adrenal glands. That is why low blood pressure is often referred to as renal pressure.
  4. The development of atherosclerosis, which leads to blockage of blood vessels. The disease is formed against the background of high cholesterol levels in the blood.
  5. Fluid retention in the body. It can be triggered by the abuse of s alty foods, fatty and fried foods, smoking. Often, water accumulates in the tissues during menstruation and during the period of bearing a baby.
  6. High lower blood pressure may be due to the development of an intervertebral hernia. Pathology provokes pinching of the nerve roots and blood vessels.
  7. It is impossible to exclude a hereditary predisposition to pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  8. Lack of physical activity.
  9. Obesity.

The psycho-emotional state of a person also influences the pressure indicators. Constant stress provokes the release of adrenaline, which increases performancepressure.

The cause of high lower blood pressure in men is often the following:

  • Taking stimulants.
  • Smoking a large number of cigarettes, which leads to vasospasm.
  • Alcohol abuse. Ethyl alcohol negatively affects vascular tone.

High diastolic pressure and upper normal

If the lower blood pressure is high, the reasons may lie in the high resistance of the vessels and in their spasmodic state. With prolonged vasoconstriction, organs and tissues begin to experience a lack of oxygen and nutrients. Isolated high diastolic pressure disrupts the entire body. Among the causes, there are serious pathologies of the kidneys, diseases of the pituitary gland, hormonal disorders.

Causes of high lower blood pressure in women

The fair sex often go to the doctor with complaints of pressure surges. In a quarter of patients, deviations from the norm are formed against the background of the following reasons:

  • Overweight.
  • Lack of adequate physical activity.
  • Frequent stress and anxiety.
  • Hormonal disorders that are noted during pregnancy, during menopause.
Stress is the cause of high blood pressure
Stress is the cause of high blood pressure

It is sometimes difficult for a doctor to determine the cause if a woman's general he alth is good.

Increased diastolic pressure: symptoms

From what causes high lower blood pressure will find outdoctor, and you can suspect such a pathology in yourself by the following manifestations:

  • Frequent headache that worsens with changing weather conditions.
  • Dizziness with increasing pain.
  • Pain and discomfort in the chest.
  • Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.
  • Heartbeat quickens.
  • Cold sweat breaks out.

When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to measure the pressure, if the readings are high, then you should consult a doctor.

Reduce performance without pills

Why high lower blood pressure needs to be clarified with a doctor, and when there are signs of pathology, it is important to quickly help a person. If there are no medicines at hand, then you can use the following recommendations:

  1. Take a horizontal position.
  2. Wrap ice from the freezer in a cloth and apply to the neck area.
  3. After a couple of minutes, remove the cold and massage.
  4. You can click on the area of the hollow under the earlobes and draw to the collarbone. Repeat several times.

These methods do not exclude medical consultation and serious treatment, but will help to slightly alleviate the condition before the doctor arrives.

Drug therapy

If the lower blood pressure is high, treatment should begin with taking medications in order to quickly normalize the indicators. Doctors in such situations prescribe drugs from the following groups:

  1. Beta blockers. Normalize blood pressure indicators, regulating the work of the heart muscle. Drugs from this group eliminateoxygen starvation and relax muscles. Muscle tone is restored and blood flow stabilizes, which leads to a decrease in pressure indicators to normal.
  2. Calcium antagonists. Medicines from this group are often prescribed for hypertension in the background of a heart attack or in an advanced stage of the disease.

The causes of high lower blood pressure in women and men must be found out, ignoring the problem can result in the development of serious complications.

From effective drugs to reduce pressure, you can use the following:

  • "Concor". Belongs to beta-blockers, quickly normalizes the pulse and heart rate. The course of taking pills reduces the likelihood of developing a heart attack. The drug quickly exerts its therapeutic effect, is well absorbed into the blood. But you can not abruptly stop taking due to the development of serious exacerbations.
  • Carvedilol. Most often prescribed in combination with calcium antagonists. The drug is perfectly absorbed into the blood in the digestive system. Should not be used in the presence of heart failure.
  • Verapamil. Reduces lower blood pressure, prevents the development of arrhythmia and ischemia of the heart muscle. The advantage of the drug is its positive effect on the kidneys, and the disadvantages include low bioavailability, it is only about 10-20%.
  • Preparations for the normalization of pressure
    Preparations for the normalization of pressure

Given that high lower blood pressure is often associated with kidney pathologies, diuretics are prescribedpreparations:

  • "Hypothiazid". The drug accelerates the withdrawal of sodium, potassium and chlorine ions, but maintains the acid-base balance. The drug is taken before meals, and the effect is noticeable after 2 hours.
  • "Spironolactone". A light, long-acting drug. A stable therapeutic effect is observed after 3-5 days of treatment. The advantages of the drug include the fact that it is allowed to be used in combination therapy with other drugs to lower pressure. But there are also significant drawbacks: a long course of treatment in men weakens the erection, and in women it disrupts the monthly cycle.
  • Dyteq. A diuretic with a slight diuretic effect. After administration, a long-term effect of the drug is observed, which makes it possible to reduce the dosage and frequency of administration. But the drug can provoke the development of side effects in the form of kidney damage, calcium deposition in the renal tubules.

Once the causes of high lower blood pressure are determined and treatment is prescribed, it is important to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. With such a pathology, self-treatment is dangerous to he alth.

Diet for hypertension

Regardless of the cause of high lower blood pressure, it is worth rethinking your diet. Proper nutrition will help restore metabolism and protect the body from the negative effects of antihypertensive drugs.

Dietary recommendations can be given as follows:

  • Add fresh vegetables and fruits to the menu.
  • Dairy and lactic acid products should be on the table.
  • Exclude smoked meats, marinades.
  • Reduce s alt intake.
  • Dishes are best cooked in boiled form, baked. Avoid fried and smoked foods.
  • Eat garlic daily.
  • No alcoholic drinks.
  • Replace coffee and strong tea with green, decoctions of medicinal herbs, fruit drinks and fresh juices.

Proper nutrition will help maintain normal blood pressure.

Abuse of s alty foods
Abuse of s alty foods

Traditional medicine recipes for high blood pressure

Folk remedies can be included in the complex therapy as ancillary, but before you start taking it, be sure to coordinate this moment with your doctor. Despite the relative safety of medicinal herbs, they can provoke a serious allergic reaction.

The causes of high lower blood pressure such treatment may not eliminate, but the symptoms will ease. Popular and effective recipes include the following.

Tincture on cedar cones. For its preparation you need:

  • Take 3 medium-sized buds and put them in a glass container.
  • Add half a liter of vodka.
  • Add 15 ml of liquid valerian and a tablespoon of sugar to the composition.
  • Close the jar and leave in a cool place for 14 days.
  • Strain, store in refrigerator.
  • Take 15 ml at bedtime until the tincture is completely used up.

Infusion of chokeberry. The tool can be used only in the absence of blood problems and a tendency to thrombosis. Therapeutic compositionprepared like this:

  • 250 grams of chokeberry berries chopped.
  • Pour half a liter of boiling water.
  • Cook for 5 minutes and then strain.
  • Add honey in the amount of 30 grams and remove to infuse for a week in a dark and cool place.
  • Take 100 ml twice daily.
  • During therapy, strictly follow a diet with the exception of animal fats.
  • Infusion of chokeberry
    Infusion of chokeberry

Infusion of peony. For cooking you need:

  • Take 1 tablespoon of the dried flowers of the plant.
  • Pour a glass of boiling water.
  • Leave on fire for a few minutes.
  • Strain and after cooling you can take.
  • It is recommended to drink 20 ml on an empty stomach before meals 3 times a day.

Infusion of motherwort. Preparing the drug is simple:

  • Take 2 tablespoons of dry motherwort.
  • Pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  • Leave for 20 minutes to infuse.
  • Take small portions throughout the day.

Infusion of valerian roots. Cooking Requires:

  • Take 1 tablespoon of plant roots.
  • Pour a glass of boiling water.
  • Place in a thermos and leave overnight to infuse.
  • Strain the infusion in the morning and consume a tablespoon 3-4 times a day after meals.

Any folk recipes act gently, so for a stable therapeutic effect, therapy should be carried out for a long time. Be sure to check with your doctorto what extent drugs prescribed for pressure are combined with herbal infusions and decoctions.

What is the danger of high blood pressure?

With minor deviations from the norm, you can not panic, it is enough to normalize your lifestyle, review nutrition and physical activity, and everything returns to normal. But with persistent and prolonged deviations from the norm, urgent measures must be taken.

What is the danger of high lower blood pressure, the doctor will explain, but every patient must understand that isolated hypertension harms the work of the whole organism. The consequences of such a pathology may be as follows:

  • Deterioration of blood vessel permeability.
  • Impaired blood flow in the tissues of the brain.
  • Lack of oxygen and nutrients for brain cells.
  • Gradual wear and tear of the heart and the whole body.
  • Increased risk of stroke and heart attack.
  • Development of atherosclerosis.
  • Decreased vision.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition

The sooner the patient pays attention to unpleasant symptoms and visits a specialist, the sooner the cause will be identified and treatment will be prescribed. At the initial stage of development, isolated hypertension responds well to therapy.
