There are many diseases in the world that are considered exclusively for children. It is to this category that it is customary to classify mononucleosis. You can fully reveal the topic of this disease by discussing the following issues: mononucleosis in children, symptoms and treatment, Komarovsky - doctor's advice, and other important aspects. This will be discussed further.

Initially, I want to understand what this disease is. So, mononucleosis is a disease of a viral-infectious nature. Caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. However, scientists say that sometimes cytomegalovirus (herpes virus) can also provoke it. If you go a little deeper into history, you can see that earlier this disease was called "Filatov's disease", in honor of the doctor who discovered it for the first time back in 1885. The name "glandular fever" was also used in parallel.
A bit of history
As noted, this disease is found exclusively in children. However, in about 10-15% of cases, the virus also affects adolescents. It should be noted that if the child is over 10years, the disease can proceed in more severe forms, and the recovery process is sometimes delayed up to several months. In young children, the symptoms are blurred, there is mainly general malaise, complete recovery occurs within three weeks. Often the disease is asymptomatic.

Let's study how mononucleosis occurs in children, symptoms and treatment. Komarovsky (a well-known children's doctor) insists that close attention should be paid to the symptoms of the disease. After all, knowing how the problem manifests itself, you can quickly determine the diagnosis, which will speed up the cure. Signs of illness:
- In most cases, the disease in children is very sluggish. The baby has only increased fatigue and a desire to lie down all the time. Along with this, there is also a loss of appetite. The child may not have other manifestations.
- After lethargy and constant fatigue, pain in muscles and joints often appears.
- The child may complain of a sore throat. Along with this, sometimes children develop mononuclear angina (grayish spots appear on the tonsils that need to be removed).
- Lymph nodes may also become inflamed. Palpation in this case is very painful. Lymphoid tissue is damaged.
- Temperature in mononucleosis is extremely rare and is most often caused not by the virus itself, but by side diseases that have arisen against the background of mononucleosis.
- Since the disease sometimes provokes the herpes virus, the skin canrashes appear.
Other symptoms that also occur in children: nausea, runny nose, fever, bleeding gums, susceptibility of the body against a background of weakened immunity to other viruses and infections.
Routes of infection
Considering mononucleosis in children, symptoms and treatment, Komarovsky advises to pay attention to the ways of transmission of the disease. It should be noted that sometimes this problem is also called "kissing disease". And this is not surprising, because you can get infected only through close contact with a sick person. Doctors say that children "receive" the virus through toys shared with the patient or through handsets, including mobile phones. It must be well understood that this is exactly viral mononucleosis, which is provoked by a virus. Therefore, to cope with the disease with antibiotics will not work.

It is important to note that diagnosing the disease mononucleosis is very difficult. And all because the clinical picture typical of this disease can be characteristic of many other diseases. The main symptom that indicates this viral problem is persistent symptoms that persist for a long time. It is also advisable to take an analysis for mononucleosis (blood is examined twice):
- In the first case, heterophilic agglutinins can be detected (in 90% of cases, these indicators are positive).
- In the second case, a blood smear is examined for the presence of atypical lymphocytes in it.
The insidiousness of the virus lies in the fact thatthat it is able to disguise itself as other infectious diseases, and therefore, it can be very difficult to determine the disease.

Disease mononucleosis in children: symptoms and treatment. Komarovsky says that there is no single cure, the so-called panacea for this disease. Treatment should be symptomatic, aimed at combating the manifestations of the problem. So, it is very important to observe bed rest, as well as strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor. If the liver and spleen are enlarged, then you will have to follow a diet number 5 (s alt-free food). If, for example, a sore throat, you need to resort to frequent rinsing. You can also use absorbable tablets and throat sprays. If the temperature rises, antipyretics should be used. Etc. That is, treatment is aimed solely at combating those symptoms that arose during the illness. Also figuring out how to treat mononucleosis, it should be noted that during this period it will be useful to take drugs that strengthen the immune system, as well as the fight against intoxication of the child's body.

Komarovsky: expert opinion
Viral mononucleosis is a disease that does not cause permanent immunity. That is, after a certain time, again, the child can again become infected with this virus. And the treatment, again, will be symptomatic.
According to Dr. Komarovsky, almost all people on the planet have had infectious mononucleosis at least once throughout their lives. However, not everyone knows about it, as the disease is often asymptomatic.
Earlier, in many textbooks on medicine it was reported that after suffering mononucleosis, a child is strictly forbidden to be in the sun, as the risk of various blood diseases increases. However, recent studies have found absolutely no connection between these facts. However, Komarovsky recalls that the influence of ultraviolet radiation itself is harmful, regardless of whether the child had mononucleosis or not.
Mononucleosis cannot be treated with antibiotics. This must be clearly understood. After all, very often after such treatment, the child develops a rash all over his body in the form of large red spots. This is how the inappropriately prescribed "Ampicillin" or "Amoxicillin" by the doctor manifests itself.
For a couple of months, after the symptoms disappear, the child may remain lethargic and constantly tired. The child will be inactive, drowsy. This fact in medicine is called "chronic fatigue syndrome". This condition is not treated with vitamins or immunostimulants, it just needs to be experienced until the body recovers.
After an illness, within a week or 10 days, you need to take a regular blood test. Sometimes there is a decrease in lymphocytes in the blood formula. This problem needs to be solved, and only then send the baby to kindergarten or school.
Epstein-Barr virus can only live in the human body. Only there it exists, multiplies and assimilates. Animals do not carry it.
As a small conclusion, I would like to note that mononucleosis is not a very complicated disease. Almost everyone suffers from this disease. It can be classified as a self-limiting infection that requires little or no treatment.