Diverticulum - what is it? Causes and treatment

Diverticulum - what is it? Causes and treatment
Diverticulum - what is it? Causes and treatment

A diverticulum is a blindly ending protrusion of the wall of a tubular or hollow organ. It is worth noting that this is a very common pathology, because such structures can be found within almost any organ system.

Naturally, patients faced with a similar problem are interested in any available information. What are diverticula? Symptoms, treatment, prognosis, preventive measures - these points should be considered in more detail. After all, sometimes the appearance and growth of such neoplasms negatively affects the work of the whole organism.

Diverticulum - what is it? General information and types of neoplasms

diverticulum is
diverticulum is

First, you should read the general information. As already mentioned, a diverticulum is a protrusion of the wall of a hollow or tubular organ. Despite the fact that such structures can form everywhere, in most cases, the organs of the digestive tract, namely the intestines, suffer from diverticulosis. Much less often, such protrusions form from the wall of the bladder, urethra, trachea.

It is worth noting that this is a very commonphenomenon. Approximately 50% of elderly patients have at least one intestinal diverticulum. By itself, it is not dangerous. Unfortunately, the tissues of such a protrusion are prone to inflammation, which entails a lot of complications.

Similar structures can be:

  • Innate (or true). The outgrowth is formed in the process of intrauterine development and, as a rule, affects all layers of the intestinal wall);
  • False (or acquired). They form with age and, as a rule, in those places where vessels enter the intestinal wall.

Most often, in modern medical practice, a diverticulum of the large intestine is recorded, namely the part that is called the sigmoid.

Main causes of intestinal pathology

bowel diverticulum
bowel diverticulum

A diverticulum is a protrusion that can be formed both during fetal development and as the body matures. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find out the causes of congenital intestinal diverticula. It is believed that there is a hereditary predisposition (a specific bowel structure or weakness of the connective tissues is often transmitted to the child).

If we are talking about acquired abnormal structures and their further inflammation, then several risk factors can be distinguished:

  • First of all, it is worth talking about the wrong diet, in particular, fiber deficiency. It is dietary fiber that stimulates intestinal peristalsis. Against the background of insufficient fiber intake, the movement of food through the intestines slows down. fecesbecome drier and harder, resulting in increased pressure in the lumen of the digestive tract. Such processes often lead to the appearance and further inflammation of diverticula.
  • Provoke diverticulitis can be other inflammatory diseases of the large intestine, including various infections, ulcerative, ischemic and spastic colitis. Even with proper therapy, pathogenic microorganisms can remain in the tissues of the diverticulum, resulting in an inflammatory process.
  • Age is also a risk factor. The fact is that as the body ages, the intestinal mucosa becomes thinner, peristalsis weakens, and chronic constipation develops. That is why a diverticulum of the intestine is more likely to form in an elderly patient. In this period of life, the risk of inflammation also increases.
  • The inflammatory process can be triggered by the activity of worms. Against the background of invasion by these parasites, dysbacteriosis develops. The weakening of the immune system creates excellent conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria, which most often settle on the surface of the diverticulum.

Intestinal diverticulosis: what are the symptoms?

colonic diverticulum
colonic diverticulum

Diverticulum itself does not cause any serious disturbances - the person feels quite normal. But, as already mentioned, such protrusions often become inflamed, and this already entails the appearance of very characteristic symptoms:

  • The main symptom is pain. Pain more oftenall localized in the lower left abdomen. Soreness is monotonous and does not disappear within a few days. The patient's condition worsens with tension in the abdominal wall (for example, coughing, laughing, physical exertion). The pain does not go away even after a bowel movement.
  • Diverticulitis is characterized by stool disorders. Against the background of inflammation, a spasm of the intestinal wall is often observed, resulting in constipation. After the wall relaxes and expands, patients experience problems such as diarrhea.
  • Inflammation of the diverticulum is often accompanied by vascular damage and the appearance of ulcers. That is why traces of blood often appear in the feces of a sick person. In the most severe cases, the inflamed diverticulum ruptures, causing severe pain and bleeding from the intestines.
  • Since we are talking about the inflammatory process, it is impossible not to mention the symptoms of intoxication of the body. Patients complain of fever, loss of appetite, nausea, lethargy, weakness, chills, body aches.

Diagnostic measures

treatment of sigmoid diverticulum
treatment of sigmoid diverticulum

Diverticulum of the sigmoid or colon (as well as any other organ) is rarely accompanied by any specific symptoms, so it can only be detected during a routine examination.

However, with inflammation of this structure, patients complain of abdominal pain and other problems. In such cases, the doctor must collect a complete history, after which he conducts a general examination and palpation. Additionallyanalyzes are being carried out. For example, during a laboratory blood test, an increase in the number of leukocytes can be detected, which confirms the presence of an inflammatory process.

Instrumental diagnostics for intestinal diverticulitis

Laboratory studies can confirm the presence of an inflammatory process. But such a diagnosis as diverticulitis can only be made after a thorough instrumental diagnosis, which includes the following procedures:

  • Perhaps the most informative method of research is a colonoscopy. During the procedure, the doctor carefully examines the inner surface of the large intestine using an endoscope. The procedure allows you to detect diverticula, determine their exact number and location, carefully examine the condition of the mucous membrane.
  • If during the colonoscopy it was not possible to obtain accurate results, then the patient is sent for an X-ray contrast examination of the intestine. In the picture, the doctor can see protrusions that go beyond the intestinal contour - these are diverticula.
  • Sometimes an additional ultrasound of the abdominal organs is performed, which also makes it possible to assess the condition of the intestine and detect the presence of protrusions, neoplasms and other pathologies.

Medicated treatment

Therapy in this case depends on the patient's condition, the number of diverticula, the presence of inflammation and ulcers. As a rule, the treatment regimen includes the following medications:

  • In the presence of an inflammatory process, doctors usually prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics to patients.spectrum of influence. In this case, drugs such as Timentin and Cefoxitin are considered effective. These drugs have a detrimental effect on the walls of bacteria, the activity of which is associated with inflammation of the diverticula.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs are also effective, helping to get rid of the main symptoms of inflammation. The treatment regimen often includes drugs such as Salofalk and Mesalazine.
  • Antihistamine drugs, in particular Tavegil and Suprastin, help reduce the sensitivity of cells to histamine and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the intestinal wall.
  • Treatment of a diverticulum of the sigmoid or any other part of the intestine in most cases includes taking antispasmodic drugs, such as No-Shpy or Meteospasmil. These funds help relieve spasm from the intestinal wall, relieve pain, and alleviate the patient's condition.
  • Laxatives for diverticulitis are used with extreme caution. These medicines certainly thin the stool and make it easier to have a bowel movement. On the other hand, against the background of taking laxatives, the pressure in the intestinal lumen increases, which can provoke a rupture of the diverticulum.

Proper diet for diverticulitis

treatment of sigmoid diverticulum
treatment of sigmoid diverticulum

Treatment of a diverticulum of the sigmoid colon (or any other part of the digestive tract) must necessarily include an appropriate diet. If we are talking about inflammation, intestinal spasm and the inability to eat naturally, then the patient is given a dropper with glucose and a solutionelectrolytes.

In the future, it is extremely important to monitor the diet. From the menu you need to exclude products that promote gas formation in the intestines (legumes, whole milk, grapes). Coarse dietary fibers contained in pineapples, persimmons, radishes and turnips are also contraindicated. Patients are advised to give up white bread, blueberries, rice, pomegranate, as these products contribute to the development of constipation.

The diet, however, should be rich in fiber. Doctors recommend that patients eat muesli, some cereals, oatmeal, peaches, berries, seaweed, avocados, pears. In the fight against constipation, it is also important to observe the water balance - drink at least 2 liters of plain, clean water daily.

Diverticula: surgery and indications for it

diverticulum operation
diverticulum operation

With the right medicines, you can get rid of inflammation. However, removal of the diverticulum is sometimes necessary. The operation can be planned (it is carried out 2-4 months after successful medical treatment of inflammation in order to prevent relapses) and emergency (in the presence of intestinal bleeding, the risk of diverticulum rupture).

If we talk about emergency surgery, then the indications for it are:

  • rupture of the diverticulum and release of its contents into the abdominal cavity with further development of peritonitis;
  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • appearance of an infiltrate in the protrusion cavity;
  • festering tissues;
  • bleeding that cannot be controlled with medication;
  • riskmalignant transformation of diverticulum cells;
  • fistula formation.

Excision of the protrusion of the intestinal wall is not performed on elderly patients, as well as pregnant women. Contraindications include severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system (there is a risk of reaction to anesthesia), chronic diseases during an exacerbation, as well as any acute inflammatory or infectious diseases.

Folk remedies

Of course, traditional medicine offers a lot of tools to combat certain inflammatory bowel diseases.

Treatment for diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon (or any other part of the digestive tract) may include taking a tincture of medicinal smoke. Cooking it is quite simple - you just need to put two tablespoons of dry raw materials into a thermos and pour all 500 ml of boiling water. It is recommended to leave the mixture overnight. Patients take half a glass before meals three times a day.

Oatmeal jelly also has useful properties. Some folk healers also recommend including flax and plantain seeds in the daily diet, and using olive or linseed oil as a dressing for salads. In intestinal diseases, mint tea and alcoholic tincture of blackthorn are effective.

Of course, home remedies can only be used as an aid. In no case should you refuse drug therapy, especially when it comes to acute inflammation.

Prevention measures

Unfortunately, today manypatients are faced with such a problem as intestinal diverticulum. Treatment of pathology in most cases is successful. However, even after completion of therapy, patients are advised to adhere to some rules to help prevent the formation of new diverticula:

  • Regular exercise is important. Physical activity has a positive effect on blood circulation, which in turn normalizes the tone of the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall.
  • To support the normal peristalsis of the digestive tract, it is recommended to consume about 25-30 g of fiber every day. This substance helps to facilitate the passage of food through the intestines, prevent the development of chronic constipation.
  • You need to maintain water balance - every day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean, non-carbonated water.
  • Vegetable oils have a positive effect on he alth. At least three times a week, you should eat a tablespoon of flaxseed or olive oil for breakfast.
  • Of course, it is important to maintain immunity. If you have any he alth problems, you should consult a doctor in time.

Diverticulosis of the bladder: symptoms and treatment

urinary diverticulum
urinary diverticulum

According to statistics, in 80% of cases of diverticulum formation occurs precisely in the intestines. However, quite often in modern medicine, the appearance of similar protrusions in the wall of the bladder is also recorded.

In most cases, the disease develops against the background of such pathologies as urethral stricture,prostate adenoma, bladder neck sclerosis. Due to the increase in pressure, the wall of the bladder is stretched - this is how a diverticulum is formed. It is worth noting that urine often accumulates inside the bulge, which eventually leads to inflammation.

In no case should you ignore such a problem as diverticula. An operation is sometimes simply necessary, regardless of whether we are talking about pathologies of the bladder, intestines or another organ.

However, the prognosis for patients is favorable - in most cases, the right drug therapy and surgical procedure help to get rid of the problem.
