Tablets "Dapoxetine" - a new drug that helps to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse (2-3 times). This kind of result is achieved due to a decrease in the production of serotonin, which, in turn, makes it possible to delay the time of ejaculation. Created by experts from the well-known company Johnson & Johnson, Dapoxetine has analogues that are used to correct erectile dysfunction, such as Viagra, Levitra and Cialis.

How to take?
The drug should be taken with liquid. Do not use more than once a day. In this case, consultation with a specialist about the dosage is required. "Dapoxetine" is allowed to drink both with food and without food. It is not recommended to drink alcohol in the treatment of premature ejaculation.

How does the drug work?
The drug has a fairly affordable (1500 rubles per blister) price. Instructions and reviews of "Dapoxetine" indicate that it is a unique, short-term effect, a selective inhibitor of the oppositeserotonin uptake (SSRI). It is clinically confirmed that the product is considered effective in the treatment of premature ejaculation in the stronger sex at any age. Approximately 27-34% of men of all age groups have premature ejaculation, the use of "Dapoxetine" lengthens the duration of sexual intercourse by 3-4 times.
SSRIs block receptors in the cerebral cortex to take in serotonin, acting selectively and delaying ejaculation. Unlike other drugs of selective action, the result of which is achieved after 2 weeks, Dapoxetine hydrochloride begins to function from the first dose.
The duration of the effect on the body is relatively short from 2 to 3 hours, during this time the concentration of "Dapoxetine" in the blood decreases by 50% of the initial dose. The ideal result is achieved one hour after using the product.

The main one is a rather strong sensitivity to dapoxetine hydrochloride. Manifested heart disease, pathology of cardiac conduction (blockade of AV conduction of the 2nd or 3rd degree or weakness of the sinus node) in the absence of a permanent pacemaker, severe coronary heart disease or damage to the valvular apparatus. Simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors and reception for two weeks after the cessation of their use; also, MAO inhibitors are forbidden to be taken for 7 days after stopping the use of Dapoxetine.
Single-shot Thioridazine two weeks laterafter the abolition of its use; "Thioridazine" is not recommended to drink more than 7 days after stopping the use of "Dapoxetine", reviews of men confirm this fact.
The main contraindications are:
- allergic reactions to drug ingredients;
- diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
- kidney pathology.

Side effects
In their comments, both doctors and patients note that sometimes a negative effect of the drug is possible.
Mental pathologies: repeatedly - anxiety, agitation, restlessness, special dreams, decreased desire; occasionally - depression, very bad or good mood, irritability, indifference, apathy, confusion, disorientation.
From the side of the central nervous system: extremely often - dizziness, headache; often - lethargy, disorder of concentration, tremor, numbness; rarely - fainting, incl. vasovagal, postural dizziness, akathisia, taste distortion, drowsiness, lethargy, sedation, depression of consciousness; extremely rare - dizziness during physiological stress, sudden falling asleep.
Vision: blurred vision; rarely - mydriasis, eye pain.
Rumour: ringing in the ears; rarely - vertigo.
SSS: flushes; rarely - stop the activity of the sinus node, sinus bradycardia, tachycardia, low pressure systolic hypertension; extremely rare - hot flashes.
Respiratory system:nasal congestion, yawning.
GI: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, bloating, stomach discomfort, dry mouth.
If necessary, "Dapoxetine" is replaced by a means of a similar effect. Below are some similar preparations.
"Viagra" for the stronger sex is considered the first and most common substance to cure impotence, popular throughout the world. It is popular as a panacea, helping thousands of men to get rid of sexual difficulties. However, it turns out that Viagra was developed as a means of reducing blood pressure. During medical testing, the unique ability of the product to increase potency was discovered. The active substance is sildenafil.

Generic Viagra is made in India and distributed worldwide. It is produced in tablets. Generic is considered an exact chemical clone of the branded drug. For this reason, it is characterized by the same composition and effect as the original. However, its cost is several times lower than the price of a branded product.
Generic "Cialis" is characterized by the absolute ratio of the genuine product in terms of composition and properties, but it costs significantly less and is produced mainly under the name "Tadalafil".
"Cialis" is made in the USA, and its likeness in India.
The active element of Cialis is tadalafil. Apart from himmedicinal product includes lactose monohydrate, sodium lauryl sulfate, magnesium stearate, talc and color.

The drug is produced in tablet form of 20 milligrams. There are 10 tablets in a blister pack. The reverse side of the blister has information about the expiration date of the medicine, the content of the product.
Pills function like Viagra, but significantly exceed it in duration. They are rapidly absorbed and affect the smooth muscles of the cavernous body, promoting their relaxation and blood flow to the penis, as a result of which arousal can appear for 36 hours, which makes the drug the record holder for the duration of exposure.
Blood flow to the penis occurs under the influence of acetylcholine and nitric oxide synthesized by the nervous system. Phosphodiesterase reduces the concentration of the marked elements and interrupts the erection. "Cialis" refers to inhibitors that selectively affect phosphodiesterase and cause its blocking.
But the medicine is not considered an aphrodisiac: arousal does not come from the product, but from sexual stimulation. Many takers like this action, because for this reason, when applying, they do not have to worry that arousal will come at the wrong time. At the end of the sexual act, it passes naturally. The maximum effect of the product appears after 2 hours of use.
"Levitra" is a well-known and promising remedy for sexual impotence, safelycompeting with analogues. It was invented in Germany. The effectiveness of "Levitra" is significantly higher compared to other similar substances. Its safety has been confirmed by repeated medical tests.
For the treatment of sexual impotence and erectile dysfunction, in which a person is not able to achieve an erection and save it, this remedy is used. The manual says that the drug increases mild arousal and produces an erection in its absolute absence.

Despite the fact that the drug appeared quite recently, it has managed to get a significant number of favorable reviews and gain fans.
In reviews of Dapoxetine, men talk about its significant effectiveness, which has been proven by multiple tests. The judgment of many professionals regarding this product agrees that the tablets have only a positive effect on the reproductive system of the stronger sex and their body as a whole. Judging by the reviews of men about "Dapoxetine", the main advantages should be considered:
- Relatively low price.
- Almost instant results.
- Long-lasting effect lasting up to 4 hours.
- Minimum unnecessary secondary effects.
- High score.
Instructions for use "Dapoxetine", reviews and price (1500 rubles for 10 tablets) indicate that the drug is perfect for use by men over the age of 18 and subject to the dose notwill entail consequences.