According to the instructions, the drug "V altrex" belongs to the category of antiviral. It is sold in tablets. The main active ingredient is valaciclovir. Quite often, doctors recommend using V altrex for herpes, although the drug can also be used for other viral diseases. Before use, you should consult a doctor - an allergic reaction is possible. There is a small risk of side effects.
Pharmacy shelves: what's on sale?
Products presented at pharmaceutical points of sale are cardboard boxes containing instructions and V altrex tablets. The price of the drug is quite high - from a thousand rubles and more. The specific price tag depends on the amount of the product in the package, the pricing policy of the pharmacy.
In a cardboard box indicating the name, dosage, the manufacturer places instructions for use, V altrex tablets (the price is indicated above). Eachthe capsule is covered with a thin shell in the form of a film. The doses are packaged in blisters, each containing six or ten tablets. In a cardboard box - from one to seven blisters. The specific amount of the drug present inside is indicated on the outside of the box.
In the instructions for use of V altrex, the manufacturer lists all the compounds used in the production process. One tablet contains 556 mg of valaciclovir hydrochloride, which, in terms of pure product, is half a gram of valaciclovir. Auxiliary compounds also used:
- cellulose;
- silica;
- magnesium stearate;
- crospovidone;
- povidone;
- Opadry;
- carnauba wax.

Already at the stage of writing out a prescription for the composition, the doctor should be warned about all possible allergic reactions. Before you start taking it, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions, reviews on V altrex tablets. This will prevent a negative response of the body if the agent contains substances intolerable to a particular patient.
It should be noted: the drug is produced strictly in the form of tablets. Ointment "V altrex" (instructions for it, respectively, too) no. There are no injections, gels, creams with this name.
The manufacturer recommends using V altrex for infectious and inflammatory processes in the body. The instructions for V altrex tablets indicate:
- infection simpleherpes of the skin, mucous membranes;
- shingles;
- preventing the transmission of genital herpes infection;
- prevention of recurrence of lesions of the skin, mucous membranes.
As an effective element of the therapeutic program, V altrex is used in the following forms of herpes:
- genital;
- relapse-prone;
- labial.
If genital herpes is established, V altrex tablets are combined with contraceptives during intimate contact according to the instructions for use as a prophylactic.
With shingles, the drug relieves pain, relieves neuralgia, reduces the duration of the disease.
According to the instructions for use, V altrex tablets can be used from the age of twelve. The remedy is effective as a prophylactic if there is a risk of getting a herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, opportunistic infection. This is especially important against the background of an organ transplant operation. If the patient has had a kidney transplant, V altrex is indicated for acute rejection.
No way
In the instructions for use of "V altrex" (the price, we recall - from a thousand rubles and above) indicates that the tool is not used:
- under the age of twelve;
- in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components used by the manufacturer;
- with hypersensitivity to acyclovir.
At the age of 12-18, V altrex is indicated strictly for people who have undergone an organ transplant operation. In otherscases, the drug is prescribed only after the age of majority.
It is allowed to use tablets, but only under the strict supervision of a doctor, if identified:
- HIV infection with clinical signs;
- failure of kidney function.
According to the instructions for use, reviews of V altrex tablets (the price of the drug, however, is considerable), the likelihood of side effects is increased when the composition and drugs that are toxic to the kidneys are combined, therefore, with such combination therapy, the drug is used with caution.
Usage rules
Pills can be used at a convenient time, without being tied to a meal. It is recommended to drink plenty of a portion of the drug with clean water. The dosage regimen, the duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor, based on the diagnosis, the patient's condition, background pathologies, and characteristics of the organism. At the same time, the provisions of the instructions for use of V altrex are observed. The reviews claim that when used correctly, the drug has a pronounced and quick effect.
For viral diseases provoked by herpes simplex, for adults, the optimal course of treatment:
- twice a day;
- single dose - 500 mg;
- duration - five days.
If the disease starts hard, the maximum effect will be given in a timely manner. If necessary, the course can be extended up to ten days. If the disease is prone to relapse, each new episode requires 3-5 days of treatment. "V altrex" are starting to take onprodromal stage or immediately, as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appeared.
According to the instructions, "V altrex" can be used for labial herpes twice a day, two grams. This program is only suitable for adults. Between receptions it is necessary to maintain twelve-hour intervals. A slight reduction in this time is possible, but not less than six hours. The duration of treatment is a day.
V altrex is started to take as soon as the first manifestations of the disease appear:
- burning;
- itch;
- pinching.

Lichen and prevention
In the instructions of "V altrex" it is recommended to take the drug three times a day in a gram dosage for shingles. The duration of the program is one week. Half the dose should be used in persons with an adequate state of the immune system in suppressing the recurrence of herpes infection. With immunodeficiency, V altrex tablets are used twice a day, 500 mg each.
Use "V altrex" according to the instructions as a preventive measure against infection of a sexual partner with genital herpes should be as follows:
- dosage - 500 mg;
- frequency - once a day;
- duration - a year or more.
To prevent infection with cytomegalovirus against the background of an organ transplant operation, according to the instructions of V altrex, two grams are used four times a day. Reception begins immediately after the surgical intervention. Reduce dosage if requiredcreatinine clearance values. The duration of the course is three months. If the risk of infection is assessed as high, treatment can be extended.
Impaired he alth and dosage
If liver failure is established, V altrex is used according to the standard program. Consider that there is only limited information about the possibility of taking pills by people suffering from severe hepatic impairment, problems with the synthetic function of the organ, as well as with anastomoses.
In case of kidney dysfunction, the instructions for V altrex recommend adjusting the dose used. Shingles:
- if creatinine clearance is estimated at 15-30 ml / min - twice a day per gram;
- with lower rates - one gram once a day.
With creatinine clearance less than 15 ml / min, options for using according to the instructions of V altrex (reviews mention that doctors strongly advise adhering to these restrictions):
- infection with herpes simplex, labial - once a day 500 mg;
- prevention of recurrence of herpes simplex - 1 time 250 mg with a normal immune status and twice as much with a reduced one;
- Prevent sexual partner herpes infection - 250 mg once.

Labial herpes:
- with CC 31-49 ml/min - twice daily per gram;
- at CC 15-30 ml/min - twice daily 500 mg.
Prevention of cytomegalovirus infection after transplantation;
- at CC 75 ml/min - two grams four times a day;
- with CC 50-75 ml / min - four times a day for 1.5 g;
- with CC 25-50 ml / min - three times a day for one and a half grams;
- with CC 10-25 ml / min - twice a day for 1.5 g;
- with CC less than 10 ml / min, with dialysis - one and a half grams of the drug once a day.
Usage nuances
Price, reviews, instructions "V altreks" attract the attention of many, because the tool is considered effective when used correctly. It is necessary to take into account certain restrictions that both doctors and the manufacturer pay attention to in the accompanying documentation. For example, the remedy can be used in old age, but in case of severe renal impairment, the dosage will have to be adjusted.
If the patient is on hemodialysis, the drug is prescribed at a dose similar to CC less than 15 ml / min. The manufacturer advises using the tablets immediately after hemodialysis.
There is no information on the use of the drug under the age of twelve.
Is there an alternative?
The difference in the price of V altrex analogues (it is important to follow the instructions for use for any medication very clearly) varies within a fairly wide range. There are very inexpensive means - one package costs less than a hundred rubles, there are also expensive ones - you will have to pay more than three thousand rubles for the drug. The following analogues of V altrex are quite widespread:
- "Valacyclovir";
- Famvir;
- Valzikon.
Before replacing the doctor's prescriptioncomposition for a similar one, you should consult a doctor, otherwise the therapeutic course may be ineffective. Much depends on the diagnosis, on the basis of which the drug was prescribed, as well as the general condition of the patient's body. It must be understood that for any medication, the composition and instructions for use are individual. Reviews and the price of "V altrex" - evidence that the tool is worth the money - shows a reliable effect, so it has become widespread, despite the rather high cost.
In some cases, the doctor recommends as an alternative to the considered composition "Valogard". At certain points of indications, the instructions of V altrex and analogues are similar:
- Wirdel;
- Valavir.
Each of these medicines has contraindications and side effects. The most affordable analogue of V altrex (instructions for use, reviews are taken into account when comparing indications and results) is Valaciclovir. One package costs a little over 300 rubles.
V altrex side effects
As shown by clinical trials, quite often when taking the drug, nausea occurs, a headache. Rare side effects worth mentioning:
- anaphylaxis;
- violation of liver tests leading to false suspicion of hepatitis;
- dyspnea;
- colic;
- failure, impaired renal function;
- a confused, oppressed mind;
- hallucinations;
- convulsiveness;
- ataxia;
- to whom;
- may feel dizzy.
Most of the side effects are reversible. More often they are encountered by persons with impaired renal functionality, as well as in other conditions that favor such a response of the body.
In rare cases, taking the drug provokes vomiting, allergic reactions, angioedema. Possible thrombocytopenia, leukopenia. With a very weak immune system, especially with progressive HIV infection, while taking V altrex, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia is possible, and the risk of kidney failure and thrombocytopenia also increases. To a greater extent, such dangers are associated with a course involving daily use of 8 g of valaciclovir.
Using nuances
The dosage of V altrex should be adjusted, focusing on the functionality of the kidneys. With insufficient work of this body, it is important to regularly do tests for medical monitoring of the condition. Against the background of the use of tablets, the likelihood of neurological side effects is increased. Mostly they all go away when the drug is stopped.
To reduce the likelihood of contracting a genital herpes infection of a sexual partner, V altrex is used in combination with barrier contraception. Despite its effectiveness, the medication cannot provide one hundred percent protection against infection - the manufacturer pays special attention to this in the accompanying documentation. In addition, V altrex cannot guarantee an absolute cure if the patient does not use other means. Normally, tablets are used as an elementcomplex therapy.
A large dosage - from 4 g or more - is the reason for increased attention to the condition of patients suffering from liver pathologies. With the likelihood of dehydration, the body will have to control the water balance. This is especially important if the treatment is for an elderly person.
Management of transport, other mechanisms is possible during the course only with prior consultation with the doctor: the doctor assesses the patient's condition, the severity of side effects, and formulates recommendations based on this.
Drug interactions
Currently, there is no accurate information on clinically significant mutual influence when using "V altrex" and any other formulations. If the drug on valaciclovir is prescribed at a dose of 4 g or more per day, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the patient who uses substances that compete with valaciclovir for excretion. There is a risk of increasing the concentration of active compounds in the blood plasma. In addition, there is a possibility of an increase in the content of drug metabolites.

At a dose of 4 g or more per day, V altrex is used with caution when the patient is taking substances affecting renal function containing:
- cyclosporine;
- tacrolimus.
Once in the body, valacyclovir is transformed into acyclovir during the reaction with one of the enzymes produced by the liver. The metabolic product effectively inhibits the chemical reactions of DNA productionherpetic viral agent.
Currently there is no official information about the possible consequences of taking "V altrex" during gestation. The doctor evaluates the benefits of this composition and the possible risks, warns the patient about all the dangers associated with the chosen course, and only after that makes a decision to start treatment. You should resort to V altrex only in extreme cases, when there is no more reliable and safe, proven and tested alternative.
In the course of the tests, it was not possible to detect valaciclovir in breast milk, in the urine of an infant. During breastfeeding, V altrex can be used, but only to a limited extent, with constant monitoring of the condition of the mother and child.
With a one-time excess of the prescribed dose, "V altrex" does not provoke negative reactions of the body. With a systematic violation of the doses recommended by the manufacturer and the attending physician, the patient may experience:
- sluggishness;
- vomit;
- nauseous.
Also slows down thinking, headache.
Chemistry drugs
One dose contains 556 mg of valaciclovir hydrochloride, which is the same as 0.5 g of valaciclovir - that is, the therapeutic dose. Soon after taking the drug in food, the active compound is absorbed through the walls of the stomach and intestines. In the circulatory system, under the influence of liver enzymes, the substance is transformed into acyclovir, valine. The first is excreted from the body with urine. The plasma half-life of acyclovir is estimated at three hours.if the kidneys are functioning normally, with a weakened activity of this organ, the period can reach 14 hours.
Active components show a pronounced effect in the first, second and sixth types of the herpetic virus, as well as in cytomegalovirus, smallpox and Epstein-Barr virus. The active compound inhibits the synthesis of virus DNA by a phosphorylation reaction, during which acyclovir triphosphate is produced.
Shortly after the absorption of valaciclovir into the circulatory system, the component is distributed to organs and tissues. Only a small percentage of the drug binds to plasma proteins.
"Valacyclovir": analogue of "V altrex"
In the instructions for use (but the price for them is not at all the same!) It is indicated that the active substance of these drugs is the same - valaciclovir. If the drug considered in the material costs more than a thousand per package, then for Valaciclovir they ask three times less. Both drugs have a similar effect on the body: under the influence of enzymes, a transformation occurs into acyclovir, known for its pronounced antiviral qualities. Acyclovir is able to inhibit the vital activity of the virus, affecting at the cellular level. If the doctor prescribed V altrex, it is wise to immediately clarify whether Valaciclovir is suitable instead. In most cases, this is a completely equivalent replacement, the drugs have little difference. According to reviews, the effectiveness of their intake for most patients is similar, although some note a more pronounced result of an expensive drug.
"Valacyclovir" - tablets-analogues of "V altrex", in the instructions forapplication presented as compounds that depress vital activity, the ability of the virus to multiply, stopping the symptoms of the disease. Proper and prudent use helps prevent the transmission of a viral agent from a sick person to a he althy person. Both drugs have a pronounced selective activity, they affect strictly the cells affected by the virus, without affecting the structure of he althy ones. The effectiveness of the therapeutic course largely depends not only on the infectious agent, but also on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the strength of immunity, and the presence of background pathologies.
V altrex and Acyclovir
If you refer to the instructions, you can see: the list of indications for these medicines is in many ways similar, as is the effect of the active substance. As part of "Acyclovir", acyclovir itself is presented, and "V altrex" is based on a component that transforms into acyclovir under the influence of liver enzymes. For the layman, the main difference between these two drugs is their cost, since about 20 rubles are asked for Acyclovir in pharmacies. At the same time, you need to understand: in a particular case, replacing with an analogue without the consent of the doctor can lead to undesirable consequences. You should first check with the doctor how reasonable it is, only after that you can switch to a cheaper composition.

V altrex and Famvir
These two medicines differ in composition. "Famvir" is based on substances that, under the influence of chemical compounds in the patient's body, form penciclovir. Indications for using these tabletsalmost identical, but different individual responses to treatment are possible. It is necessary to check with the doctor which of the formulations is more suitable for a particular case, whether it makes sense to replace one with another.

V altrex: combination with alcohol
The manufacturer draws attention to the need to give up alcoholic beverages for the period of treatment. "Hot" drinks have a depressing effect on the immune system, which means they increase the risk of infection with viruses, recurrence of a chronic infection.
Is it worth the money?
The popularity and relevance of V altrex tablets is due to the widespread prevalence of viral agents that provoke herpes. Both the described remedy and its analogues are widely used in medical practice, and in pharmacies they are always in high demand. As can be seen from the responses, V altrex, with its high price, shows a good result, many note that the next manifestation of the disease quickly exhausted itself, and the new one did not come at all soon. But you need to remember about individuality: for some, V altrex showed poor performance, and soon after stopping the intake, a new relapse began. It also depends on the characteristics of immunity, and other individual qualities of a person, as well as his lifestyle.
Doctors pay attention: the fight against the virus is not an easy task that requires taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Many doctors advise combining tablets with topical preparations - ointments and creams. This helps to achievethe most pronounced result in the shortest possible time.
In case of relapse, the main task of the patient is to notice the manifestations of the disease in time and start treatment. By delaying this, you may encounter a complication against the background of a weakened immune system. It must be remembered that any chronic infection leads to a weakening of the body's natural defenses. For maximum effectiveness of therapy, it is reasonable to use compounds, products, drugs to increase immunity.
Herpes: what is it about?
Herpetic infection is a collective term, which is commonly understood as the first and second types of the virus. The development of such a disease indicates a decrease in the immune status. The more pronounced the violations, the more severe the disease.
For the first time the term "herpes" was used in the first century AD by Herodotus in the writings on the disease, expressed both by fever and the appearance of blisters on the lips. The word is translated from Greek as "creeping".

Herpetic viruses are widespread in the world around us. Often their carriers are cats, dogs, other domestic and wild animals, fish and birds. In this case, the complete absence of symptoms is possible. Viruses are characterized by polytropism, when they enter the human body, they can affect a variety of systems and organs. Specific foci are determined by local immunity.
As shown by specific studies, on average, women tend to underestimate the danger of herpes. Complications of virus infection are more common inbeautiful half of humanity. Science knows more than a hundred types of the herpetic virus, of which eight occur in humans.