With dermatitis - ointment "Kartalin": reviews, description, instructions

With dermatitis - ointment "Kartalin": reviews, description, instructions
With dermatitis - ointment "Kartalin": reviews, description, instructions

Perhaps the most important advantage of Kartalin is the naturalness of its composition, which contains only vitamins, oils, herbal extracts and completely natural ingredients.

The drug does not belong to hormonal ointments, therefore its use allows long-term therapy, but at the same time, as the reviews about Kartalin confirm, without the occurrence of complications and addiction by the body.

Composition and packaging of the issue

The drug is produced in the form of an ointment, which is contained in an aluminum tube of 100 ml or in dark glass jars of 125 g.

composition of kartalin
composition of kartalin

The composition of the drug contains: lysozyme, chamomile, vitamin A, tripartite, eucalyptus and lavender oils, bee honey, salicylic acid and grease.

Indications for use

Ointment "Kartalin" has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves itching, prevents keratosis, activates tissue regeneration. That is why the tool is used to effectively combat chronic dermatosis:

  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • allergic dermatitistype;
  • neurodermatitis.

Method of administration and dosage

The drug should be applied to the affected area of soft tissues every 12 hours (a couple of times a day). Apply the ointment with intense, smearing movements, but without rubbing! The course of therapy is approximately 2 to 4 months. In this case, the treatment includes two stages: restoration and consolidation of the result.

At the first stage, the sores should disappear, instead of them, light or dark (dyschromic) spots will appear). First stage therapy regimen:

  • at the very beginning of the application, approximately the first 9-11 days, apply "Kartalin" to the inflamed skin with a thin layer 1 time per day;
  • then proceed to the standard scheme - 2 times a day every 12 hours. After the application procedure, refrain from using bandages, if large areas of the skin are affected, then it is necessary to proceed to treatment in stages, that is, first lubricate the sores on the legs (3 days), then go to the arms / body (3 days), then go to the rest of the infected plots. It is necessary to smear until the scaly sores disappear.
application of ointment
application of ointment

The second stage of treatment is in the nature of a fixing effect: for a month, once a day, lubricate the spots that form after the first stage of therapy.

By the way, reviews of the Kartalin ointment claim that a positive result will be noticeable after 1-2 weeks, but subject to regular use.

Do not apply ointment on the face!

Special Instructions

Beforebefore using the ointment, consult a doctor.

Change your diet to eliminate fatty, spicy foods, as well as smoked meats and eggs.

Based on the reviews of "Kartalin", smoking and alcohol should also be excluded during the period of therapy - the effectiveness of treatment is higher.

Daily personal hygiene, use of hypoallergenic products.

During pregnancy, women should replace this drug with another (especially in the first trimester), but there are no contraindications during lactation.

Reviews about Kartalin

Many patients suffering from skin diseases boldly recommend the drug, as it has a natural composition and is not hormonal. The most interesting thing is that the reviews about Kartalin claim that if an allergic reaction to the components of the drug occurs, the therapy is not stopped. Doctors are adding an antihistamine to the regimen.

karatalin ointment
karatalin ointment

There are also many positive reviews about "Kartalin" in psoriasis, which confirm the positive result of the drug in the fight against such a complex disease. Of course, the disadvantages of the drug include a peculiar smell (it is unpleasant for many) and the soiling of the ointment, and if treatment with Kartalin is ahead, then you should stock up on additional sets of home and bed linen, which you will not be sorry to throw away.
