Painkillers for gout: a review of drugs, effectiveness, reviews

Painkillers for gout: a review of drugs, effectiveness, reviews
Painkillers for gout: a review of drugs, effectiveness, reviews

Gout is not a new disease, people suffered from it a thousand years ago. Excess uric acid in the patient's blood leads to intoxication. The organs of the urinary system can not cope with the withdrawal of its metabolites, which leads to the accumulation and deposition of s alts in the joints. The patient suffers from pain that literally makes his life unbearable. What are the most effective painkillers for gout? A list of the most effective ointments and preparations, as well as alternative treatments, is presented below.

Cause of disease development

This is a chronic disease, which is most often triggered by metabolic disorders. Excess protein breakdown leads to increased production of uric acid. Gout was popularly called the "disease of kings", since its manifestations suffered mainly rich people who could afford regularimmoderation in drinking alcoholic beverages and eating junk food. The disease manifests itself as severe pain in the joints. Most often, the patient feels severe discomfort in the legs. Depending on the stage of gout, the patient may lose the ability to move independently - the intensity of pain can reach such strength. Often a clinical picture of gout, in which a person suffers from pain and discomfort in the joints of the hands.

The cause of gout is the deposition of urates in the cartilaginous tissue of the joint. This process is accompanied by inflammation, which is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort or severe pain (the intensity of sensations may vary depending on the stage of the disease).

The acute form of gout (characterized by severe, sometimes unbearable pain in the joints) manifests itself when the concentration of uric acid in the blood is increased - more than 60 mg / l. This amount of urate in the blood occurs due to a combination of the following reasons:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • malnutrition - regular overeating of fats and simple carbohydrates;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • sedentary lifestyle, disability, previous surgery;
  • obesity of any degree.

Overweight men are most likely to suffer from gout. The average age of development of pathology is about forty-five years. Older people also suffer from gout, younger people rarely. Women are less likely to develop joint problems, they usually do not abuse alcohol and fatty foods as much. In addition, girls at any age try to followweight, and obesity is an additional factor that provokes gout.

causes of gout
causes of gout

Main symptoms of gout

Diagnosis of diseases of the joints and the appointment of treatment is done by an orthopedic doctor. Consultations of a surgeon, endocrinologist, immunologist, nutritionist are often also required. Before prescribing an anesthetic for gout, you should draw up a correct clinical picture of the disease.

Signs of inflammation of the joint (most often develops on the foot, in the area of the thumb or valgus, much less often on the hands, knuckles):

  • strong, sharp, paroxysmal, excruciating pain;
  • redness of the skin and swelling in the area of the inflamed joint;
  • the presence of the so-called tophi - pale nodules near the location of gout;
  • increased body temperature;
  • drawing pains in the lumbar region;
  • signs of pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis - weakness, asthenia, cloudy urine, subfebrile temperature.

Why do symptoms of gout often go hand in hand with signs of kidney disease? This fact is explained simply: an excess of urates in the blood negatively affects the organs of the urinary system. Painkillers for gout during an exacerbation should not have a toxic effect on the kidneys, as they are already working to wear out, trying to deprive the body of excess uric acid. In parallel with gout, chronic pyelonephritis often develops, and urolithiasis is formed.

Depending on gender, the clinical picture of the disease may have slightdifferences:

  • in men, gout often affects the hands and joints of the fingers of the upper extremities, in women the main location of the disease is the big toe and valgus;
  • in women, only one joint is more often affected, and neighboring ones are affected by gout only in case of untimely treatment;
  • women often suffer from weakness and kidney problems in parallel with joint pain - for men, such symptoms are less common.
how to relieve gout pain
how to relieve gout pain

Drugs effective during an attack

Before an attack of the disease, as a rule, the patient feels normal. In about a day, aching pain or tingling in the joint may begin - at this point, an anesthetic ointment for gout should be used. The sooner treatment is started, the more effective it can be. Painkillers for gout should be used directly during an attack.

  1. Exacerbation most often begins with an attack of the so-called gouty arthritis. The process affects one joint, during the period of exacerbation the number of dislocations may increase.
  2. In most cases, women suffer from the big toe (less often - the ankle or knee joint). Men have a higher percentage of joint damage in the hands.
  3. The aggravation of pain usually occurs in the early morning. Less often - before going to bed, very rarely - in the daytime.
  4. Gout is characterized by severe swelling and redness of the localization of the problem. For example, in arthritis, hyperemia is also characteristic, but not somuch like gout.

Of the complications of gout, various kinds of nephropathy, proteinuria, arterial hypertension are most often observed. In the complete absence of treatment: a competent diet, good rest, taking special drugs, chronic renal failure may develop. Painkillers for gout during an exacerbation, as already noted, should not have a toxic effect on the kidneys. Because they are already working to the limit, trying to remove excess uric acid. How to anesthetize gout during an exacerbation? You will have to take oral medications prescribed by an orthopedist or surgeon:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • uricosuric drugs;
  • uricosynthesis inhibitors;
  • local anesthetic ointments.

How to anesthetize gout, if for he alth reasons it is forbidden to take pharmaceutical drugs? You can try the use of alternative medicine. But modern pharmacology treats such methods with prejudice: the pain is most often so severe that the patient cannot tolerate it and is forced to take painkillers for gout, even if there are contraindications.

how to relieve gout pain
how to relieve gout pain

Drugs to prevent exacerbations

Disease is always easier to prevent than to cure. This statement is also true for gout. If you lead a he althy lifestyle, then the attacks will almost completely disappear. Painkillers for gout do not have to be taken if you follow simplerules:

  • completely eliminate fatty meat dishes, fast food, everything fried from your diet - such food leads to an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood;
  • do physical therapy quarterly for spinal he alth;
  • monitor your weight and prevent the development of obesity;
  • daily good rest, no overwork and chronic stress.

If the disease has reached the advanced stages, then simple diet and a he althy lifestyle are unlikely to be able to contain the aggravation. As soon as the patient feels the approach of a relapse, a short course of the following should be started (the exact dosage is prescribed by the attending physician):

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (the best pain reliever for gout);
  • corticosteroid tablets, injectables, and topical preparations based on this component (long-term use is prohibited, as such preparations can thin the bone tissue and be addictive);
  • "Colchicine" (directly affects the composition of the blood, promotes the breakdown of urates);
  • ascorbic and nicotinic acids (contribute to the removal of excess urates from the blood);
  • uricodepressive drugs quickly and effectively reduce the concentration of uric acid, often lead to pain relief the very next day after the start of administration, are prescribed by an orthopedist or neuropathologist for hyperuricemia;
  • uricosuric drugs improve urate evacuation from the blood at clearance rates less than 3.56mmol/day

List of ointments to relieve symptoms of gout

How to anesthetize gout at home? For the most effective therapy, you should use not only tablets, but also ointments. Below is a list of the most popular topical home remedies for ordinary patients.

  1. "Fulflex" can be used both during remission and during exacerbation. It differs from competing ointments in its natural composition - it does not contain hormonal ingredients and is not addictive. The therapeutic effect of the ointment lies in the ability to remove urates from the joints, and when used three times a day, you can achieve mild pain relief.
  2. "Vishnevsky's ointment" is one of the cheapest products (about 30 rubles per bottle). It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Apply to the problem area of the body two to three times a day, preferably under a compress for twenty to thirty minutes.
  3. Diphenhydramine ointment is most often used as an anesthetic for exacerbation of gout on the toes. Its effect is felt after the first application. Diphenhydramine (the main active component of this ointment) helps to quickly cope with pain and swelling, relaxing spasms of smooth muscles.
  4. "Ketonal-gel" allows you to treat gout more dynamically. When applied three times a day, it contributes to the almost complete relief of symptoms on the second day. "Ketonal-gel" helps to eliminate deposits of uric acid s alts in the joints, as well as reducesharp pain. The drug has many contraindications - before use, you should consult with your doctor.
ointments for gout
ointments for gout

Painkillers for gout

In some cases, pills are powerless to stop a gout attack. In this case, you have to use injectable drugs - they are gentle on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and enter directly into the bloodstream.

  1. "Movalis" - a modern drug for injection for pain in the joints. After primary relief is achieved, therapy with the tablet form of the drug should be continued. The main disadvantage of "Movalis" is the presence of an extensive list of contraindications. It is strictly prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for people with chronic liver and kidney diseases. Reception is carried out after consultation with the attending physician.
  2. "Diclofenac" in ampoules for injection can be purchased at any pharmacy. For some patients, injections of painkillers for gout on the legs are even preferable to pills, since they do not carry a serious load on the stomach and intestines, but enter the bloodstream when injected intravenously.
Image "Movalis" for gout
Image "Movalis" for gout

Uricosuric drugs for gout

If the patient's he alth allows, it is possible to stimulate the excretion of uric acid through the kidneys. It is undesirable to choose such a way to anesthetize gout with drugs if there is a history of kidney problems (urolithiasis, chronicpyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis). To date, there are two most effective drugs with uricosuric action.

  1. "Probenecid" inhibits the reabsorption of urea, is able to enhance the effect of painkillers for gout on the legs, already on the second or third day of taking the patient experiences significant relief. With prolonged and uncontrolled intake, in some cases it can lead to the development of drug dependence.
  2. "Sulfinpyrazone" is a powerful drug that stimulates the excretion of urea through the kidneys. Thanks to this action, it helps to reduce pain in the joints. If you combine taking pills with proper nutrition, relief comes literally on the second day. Daily dose - no more than 600 mg. Tablets "Sulfinpyrazone" are prescribed by an orthopedist most often for a rather long course of treatment - from a month or longer.

Uricosynthesis inhibitors

If the patient has contraindications to taking drugs that can have a stimulating effect on the excretion of uric acid through the kidneys, then uricosynthesis inhibitors should be used. This is a special class of painkillers for gout. They are able to inhibit the production of urates, the effect is especially good when following a therapeutic diet in parallel with a course of drugs.

  1. "Allopurinol" - an inhibitor of uricosynthesis, a gout drug that prevents the synthesis of uric acid and its release into the blood. The dosage should be increased gradually, therefore it is best to start taking "Allopurinol" during the periodbefore the attack.
  2. Orotic acid and drugs with it in the composition have a weaker hypouricemic effect than Allopurinol. Nevertheless, orotic acid is considered in pharmacology as an effective pain reliever for gout on the legs. The maximum allowable acid intake per day is 500 mg for a person of average build. In case of an overdose, a serious toxic effect on internal organs is possible.
injections for gout pain
injections for gout pain

Painkillers for gout: how to know which drug is right?

The most effective modern drugs (pills and injections) noted in the reviews of doctors and patients were listed above. An inexperienced patient may hesitate and choose the wrong drug, as a result, it will not be possible to stop the attack. To avoid such problems, you should definitely visit a doctor and take the drug prescribed by him. If you need to take a course of injections, you should visit the clinic daily - skipping even one day can lead to an aggravation of the condition.

What painkillers should I take for gout so that the pain goes away as soon as possible? In some cases, pills are powerless to ease the symptoms of a gout attack. In this case, the reviews advise using injectables - they are safe for the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and enter directly into the bloodstream.

Diet plays a special role in the treatment of gout and other joint diseases. Eating better than any pill or ointment reduces excess urate in the blood. Reduce the intake of fats and proteins, give preference tofresh fruits and vegetables (not sour). Get protein and amino acids from fermented milk products - cottage cheese, milk, kefir, cheese, etc.

Image "Diclofenac" for gout
Image "Diclofenac" for gout

Alternative methods of dealing with discomfort during an exacerbation of the disease

Alternative medicine offers many ways to relieve pain during an attack (according to reviews, they are much weaker in terms of the degree of influence of pharmacological drugs).

  • Lubricate the skin area over the joint where the exacerbation began with white clay - it can to some extent pull the accumulated urates outward (modern pharmacology does not recognize the effectiveness of this method in the fight against gout, but some patients still use this method).
  • Lubricating the location of the disease with greasy sour cream - it is popularly believed that this method reduces the intensity of pain.
  • If gout is located on the feet, the patient's condition will be helped to alleviate the baths with chamomile infusion. To prepare the solution, boil a tablespoon of dry chopped chamomile herb in half a liter of water for ten minutes. After the broth has cooled to room temperature, dip your feet in it.

The ability of folk methods to anesthetize gout is weaker than pharmacy drugs. If the attack does not happen for the first time, then the patient is aware of the severe discomfort that the disease can bring. So it’s better to stock up on high-quality and proven pharmacological agents in advance - ointments, tablets, ampoules and syringes.
