Ultrix vaccine: reviews, instructions for use

Ultrix vaccine: reviews, instructions for use
Ultrix vaccine: reviews, instructions for use

Modern medicine in its arsenal has a huge number of vaccines that can protect the human body from infection with various infectious diseases. With the onset of the cold season, the issue of flu prevention becomes relevant. The Ultrix vaccine will help to avoid infection or make the course of the disease easier. It has positive feedback from patients, as it is well tolerated by the body. However, she has contraindications that everyone should be aware of.

What is this medicine?

Ultrix is an inactivated influenza vaccine, which is a mixture of surface and internal antigens of type A (H1N1 and H3N2) and B viruses that have undergone maximum purification. The presence of pseudoviral particles in the preparation causes an increase in both the humoral and cellular response of the defense system, and this, in turn, helps to form a sufficiently long and stable immunity to the virus.

Ultrix vaccine reviews
Ultrix vaccine reviews

The vaccine is produced using innovative approaches to destroy influenza virus virions, after which they self-assemble after removing the detergent. As a result of hard workmany scientists managed to obtain a vaccine that reliably protects a person from infection with a dangerous virus.

Ultrix: indications for use

The vaccine is given to prevent the flu. Anyone can get vaccinated, but there are categories of citizens for whom such vaccination is especially recommended:

  • Children aged 6+.
  • Vocational and higher education students.
  • Workers, especially medical workers, who often come into contact with patients who have already been infected with the flu.
  • Service and transport workers.
  • Teachers of educational institutions.
  • Patients who suffer from a chronic form of somatic pathologies.
  • Persons with frequent colds.
  • Elderly patients.

    Ultrix vaccine reviews
    Ultrix vaccine reviews

The Ultrix vaccine (medical reviews testify to this) is very effective for prevention. But we must remember that there are categories of patients who are not recommended to use it.


The Ultrix vaccine (the manufacturer warns about this) has contraindications, and the patient who is going to vaccinate must be aware of them. Influenza vaccination is not recommended under the following conditions:

  • I was allergic to previous vaccinations.
  • Intolerance to chicken protein and other components of the vaccine.
  • Acute fever or exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
  • Feeding periodbreastfeeding.

The Ultrix flu vaccine has mostly positive reviews, as it is well tolerated by both adults and children. It perfectly forms stable immunity against influenza of types A and B. After the introduction of the vaccine, the stability of the protective functions lasts for about a year. The next season will have to be vaccinated again.

Ultrix: how to use

As a rule, vaccination begins with the onset of autumn cold and can continue until the end of winter. Not always mass infections with influenza begin in the autumn-winter period. It often happens that the epidemic breaks out closer to spring. Most often, mass visits to vaccination rooms are observed at the very beginning of the rise in the incidence of influenza.

How is the drug used? The Ultrix vaccine is administered once intramuscularly at a dosage of 0.5 ml. In severe forms of respiratory and intestinal diseases, the medicine is used only after the body temperature returns to normal, and the general condition of the person improves. The patient is vaccinated only after a complete recovery or the onset of a stable remission in the presence of chronic diseases. On the day of vaccination, a person must be examined by a doctor. At temperatures above 37 ° C, the procedure is not carried out.

flu vaccine Ultrix reviews
flu vaccine Ultrix reviews

The Ultrix vaccine (the instruction reminds of this) should not be used if the ampoule and syringe are damaged. In addition, you need to monitor the expiration date of the drug and the conditions for its storage. The vaccine in ampoules must be kept before useat room temperature and shake well.

It is necessary to open the container only in compliance with antiseptics: before opening, the knife and the neck of the ampoule are wiped with 70% alcohol. Collect the vaccine in a disposable syringe and remove air from it. The drug cannot be stored in an open ampoule, it must be disposed of immediately.

You also need to shake the vaccine in the syringe, remove the protective cover from the needle and make sure that there is no air left. Before carrying out the procedure, the syringe must be carefully examined for possible damage.


Do not administer the vaccine intravenously. In the office where the procedure is carried out, medicines for anti-shock therapy and allergy relief must be available. After the vaccination is done, the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor for at least 30-40 minutes.

Side effect

The Ultrix vaccine has good reviews. They most often confirm the absence of side effects. In rare cases, pain, redness, and swelling may occur at the injection site. Some patients also experienced the following side effects:

  • Fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Rhinitis, cough, pharyngitis.

    Ultrix vaccine instructions
    Ultrix vaccine instructions

All the above-described side effects caused by the Ultrix influenza vaccine (reviews confirm this) disappear three days after the administration of the drug. In veryIn rare cases, if the patient is highly sensitive, an allergy may occur.

Interactions with other vaccines

"Ultrix" can be used in conjunction with other drugs needed to treat the underlying disease. It can also be used with other vaccines, but it is imperative to take into account the contraindications for each. Different drugs must be injected into different places, each with their own syringe.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Studies on the use of the vaccine by pregnant and lactating mothers have not been conducted. Therefore, in order not to harm the fetus and baby, it is impossible to use the drug during this period.

Ultrix vaccine: use in childhood

Every year, children are exposed to the flu. Considering that kids attend preschool and school institutions, it can be argued that the virus is spreading quite actively and quickly. That is why it is very important to prevent infection. When the disease has already made itself felt, it must be treated with the usual means. But in order to protect the child and not wait for the virus to overtake him, you can get vaccinated. The Ultrix vaccine for children is used from the age of 6 years and only with the permission of the attending physician.

Ultrix vaccine for children
Ultrix vaccine for children

By the time the virus reaches the epidemic threshold, the child's body should already have developed enough antibodies that can neutralize the influenza virus. There are many drugs that are allowed to be used in children.age, but the Ultrix vaccine is considered one of the best and has shown excellent results. Feedback from parents suggests that after vaccination, children began to get sick less often, and in cases where the virus did enter the body, the disease proceeds more easily and without serious consequences.

Issue form

The drug is available as a solution for intramuscular injection. 1 dose contains 0.5 ml of active ingredient. Influenza viruses cultured on chicken embryos, inactivated and split, are represented by several strains. Auxiliary substance - preservative (merthiolate).

In a carton box 10 ampoules with a knife and a scarifier. If there are containers with a pinch or an opening ring in the package, there is no knife and scarifier. Also, the drug is available in sterile disposable syringes with a protective cap of 0.5 ml (1 dose).

The injection syringe must be disposable with a sterile injection needle and a protective cap.

Ultrix vaccine (instructions for use tells about this) is produced without preservatives, as the inscription on the carton warns.

Which vaccine to choose - Ultrix or Grippol?

There are many drugs for the flu, but it is the Ultrix drug that has been popular lately. The vaccine reviews are positive, so it is used more often. However, there is another effective drug - "Grippol".

Ultrix vaccine manufacturer
Ultrix vaccine manufacturer

In terms of their effectiveness, both vaccines showed good results. Thanks to them, in the body of a person who has been vaccinated, antibodies are produced in a very short time that fight several types of influenza viruses.

The only difference between the drugs is that the Ultrix vaccine (instructions for use says this) can be used in children from 6 years old, and the Grippol remedy is prescribed from an earlier age. For example, for 6-month-old babies, the doctor will recommend a second drug. Also, in extreme cases and only as prescribed by the attending physician, the medicine "Grippol" can be administered to pregnant women, but not earlier than the 2nd trimester.

Ultrix vaccine: reviews

Let's look at what people are saying about the drug. Why is the Ultrix vaccine good? Reviews of those who have already been able to experience its positive qualities, speak of the following benefits:

  • Modern influenza vaccines can reduce the likelihood of illness in all categories of citizens by almost 80%.
  • 30-70% reduction in hospital admissions due to serious complications such as pneumonia.
  • The amount that will have to be spent on a vaccine is incommensurable with the cost of treating the underlying disease, as well as its complications.

Ultrix is a vaccine whose reviews speak for themselves. Not only patients talk about the fact that after vaccination they endure contact with people who are infected with the influenza virus without consequences. Also, general practitioners testify that after the vaccination was carried out, the flow of sick people significantly decreased. Therefore, if you want to be he althy, Ultrix (vaccine) will help you. The instruction (reviews confirm this) considers this drug an excellent flu prevention, which does not cause serious side effects and has a minimum of contraindications.

Ultrix vaccine drug
Ultrix vaccine drug

Many patients say that before they began to get vaccinated against the flu every year, they got sick quite often. In autumn weather, it was possible not to leave the house at all, as there was a feeling that the infection was on the heels. But things have changed a lot since people started getting flu shots.

Ultrix vaccine helps not to be afraid of the epidemic and live a full life. The drug does not cause any side effects, and after a few hours you can completely forget that you were given an injection. I would also like to say that thanks to vaccination, you do not have to spend large sums of money on expensive treatment for influenza and its complications.

There are a lot of such positive reviews. Anyone who has ever been vaccinated and felt its effectiveness tries every year in the autumn-winter period to buy the Ultrix vaccine again and protect not only themselves, but also all their loved ones from the flu virus.

The main goal of such prevention is the formation of specific immunity to a specific pathogen. This is due to the introduction of antigenic complexes (particles of the pathogen, its metabolic products, killed or inactivated microorganisms) into the human body. The main thesis of vaccination is that any infection is better to prevent than to treat. Stay he althy!
