When a very severe cough occurs, experts prescribe antibiotics. Known drugs that help get rid of the symptoms of the disease and do not have a negative effect on the human body. These include "Fluimucil" - an antibiotic that acts on the lesion due to inhalation.
Composition and action of the drug
"Fluimucil" is produced in 3 ml ampoules containing a 10% solution for inhalation. The active substance of the drug is thiamphenicol glycinate acetylcysteinate. The drug is produced in the form of a lyophilizate. To dilute the antibiotic, vials of liquid are included.

Each ingredient, which is part of the antibiotic for inhalation "Fluimucil", performs its own functions. Thiamphemicol is not used alone. It prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microflora and blocks protein synthesis in cells. Affects various bacteria:
- intestinalwand;
- staphylococci;
- hemophilic bacillus;
- pneumonic streptococcus.
The second ingredient in the drug is acetylcysteine, a drug with expectorant properties. Thanks to him:
- the ability of bacteria to attach to the mucosa decreases;
- the process of their reproduction slows down;
- sputum liquefaction occurs;
- improves the process of its separation and excretion from the body.
In aggregate, "Fluimucil" has a positive effect on the respiratory system and speeds up the healing process.
Indication for use
The medicine has no analogues that can be used in the complex therapy of pathologies of the respiratory system. It has antimicrobial and expectorant effects. Inhalations are carried out using a nebulizer, which contributes to the delivery of the substance in the form of fine particles to the lesion. The drug is intended for treatment in conjunction with other drugs.
An antibiotic has this effect:
- gets into the lesion;
- promotes mucosal hydration;
- thinns phlegm;
- shows local action;
- simplifies the process of removing it;
- helps improve mucus secretion;
- accelerates the process of expectoration;
- clears bronchi;
- has anti-inflammatory effects.
If the pathology is caused by viruses, and the disease of the respiratory tract is characterized by a cough, then to alleviate the condition, applyFluimucil is an antibiotic for inhalation. Due to the local action, the drug does not cause any harm to the patient's body.

Fluimucil ampoules combine an antibiotic and a mucolytic agent. In this case, the active substance accumulates in the respiratory tract and causes a therapeutic effect within 60 minutes.
An antibiotic has a positive effect on the following diseases:
- Bronchitis.
- Inflammation of the lungs.
- Tracheitis.
- Cystic fibrosis.
- Bronchiolitis.
- Sinusitis.
- Sinusitis.
It improves drainage in case of tuberculosis. Often the drug is used to prevent complications during surgery.
"Fluimucil" can be used not only for inhalation, but also for washing the sinuses.
In some situations, experts advise after diluting the substance for instillation, put cotton swabs into the nostril passages, which are impregnated with the agent.
The drug for sinusitis reduces swelling of the mucous membranes and reduces the viscosity of the secret.
Preparing the nebulizer
According to the instructions for using the antibiotic for inhalation "Fluimucil", therapy is prescribed by a specialist, taking into account the signs of the disease. For effective impact you need:
- Purchase the drug at the right dosage.
- Select an inhaler for the procedure.
- Dilute the drug according to the appropriatedosage.
- Carry out the required number of procedures.
It is best to do inhalations with a nebulizer, which finely sprays the medicine and delivers it to the most remote areas of the affected organ. When carrying out inhalation, the use of an ultrasonic device is not recommended. It can destroy antibiotics. This action is possessed by ultrasonic waves that spray the drug. It is most effective to use a compressor apparatus that is able to regulate the size of fine particles.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to do the following procedures:
- carefully handle the machine;
- wash your hands;
- disinfect the nasal mask;
- make a special solution;
- pour it into the nebulizer container with a pipette or syringe;
- connect the mask and compressor after filling the solution.
After the preparatory stage, you should start preparing the solution for inhalation.
How to dilute the drug
According to the instructions, the antibiotic for inhalation "Fluimucil" is prepared in the same way for children and adults. The solution is diluted in glassware, but for children they take half the powder. The finished product must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.
To use the nebulizer with the Fluimucil solution, the agent is diluted as follows:
- Carefully open the ampoule with the medicine and dilute with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1. You can use a specialliquid for injection.
- The solution must be diluted in a glass container, because the material from which the dishes are made can react with the active ingredient of the drug and weaken its therapeutic effect.
The vial with the drug should be diluted in 4 ml of water for injection, which is included with the drug. The single dosage recommended for adult patients is 250 ml. Antibiotic "Fluimucil" for children is used in the amount of 125 ml. In the case of injection therapy, the dosage is halved.
All these recommendations must be fully taken into account when preparing a solution for inhalation. This can affect the effectiveness of treatment.
Carrying out the procedure
Before therapy, you need to properly prepare. To do this, consider the following factors:
- not recommended to take the drug on its own;
- do not drink medicines that suppress cough;
- contraindicated concomitant use of other antibiotics;
- the patient must necessarily breathe through the nose, and if it is blocked, then vasodilating drops should be taken;
- At least six months must have elapsed since the previous antibiotic intake.
According to reviews, the antibiotic "Fluimucil" is prescribed only by a specialist. It is he who paints the scheme of therapy, the number of procedures. It depends on the severity of the disease. Usually inhalations are done within 10 days. The procedure lasts 15 minutes, and it is carried out 1.5 hours after eating.

The "Fluimucil" solution is diluted according to the scheme for a compression nebulizer, poured into a special hole, put on a plastic mouthpiece, and the procedure begins.
"Fluimucil" cannot be diluted to increase its volume. It is not worth using such a solution during the period of therapy, because the effectiveness will decrease due to a decrease in the concentration of the active substance. The diluted product must be used immediately, it is not recommended to store it. The antibiotic is destroyed in water.
According to the instructions for use, the antibiotic "Fluimucil" should be used with the following in mind:
- should not be too hot;
- the patient should be in an absolutely calm state;
- inhale and exhale through the nose, deeply and evenly.
Inhalations can be carried out not only in a hospital, but also at home.
Use in childhood
For the treatment of a child, the antibiotic "Fluimucil" for inhalation is recommended for children over the age of 3 years. Sometimes it is allowed to use the drug at an earlier period under the strict supervision of a pediatrician and in compliance with the prescribed dosage.
The drug is diluted in the same way, while for young children the amount of solution is halved. For 4 ml of water - 125 ml of solution.

In order to properly carry out the procedure for babies, the following must be considered:
- Children 2-6 years of inhalation are prescribed twice a day with a dosage of the solution - 1 ml.
- Children 6-12 years old are recommended to use 2 ml.
- Adolescents over 12 years of age and adults are allowed to inhale 2-3 ml 3 times a day.
To correctly measure the solution, you must use a disposable syringe. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes.
During pregnancy and lactation
According to the instructions for use, the antibiotic "Fluimucil" is not prohibited for the treatment of diseases, only if they are prescribed by a specialist and carried out under his supervision. The doctor compares the expected benefit and the potential threat to the development of the unborn child and can make the right decision about the appropriateness of this treatment.
The use of the drug during pregnancy does not lead to the penetration of active ingredients into the body of the fetus and, in theory, cannot harm him. However, there is still a small risk. One of the components (acetylcysteine) is able to penetrate the placental barrier in small amounts. And have a negative impact on the he alth of the fetus.

Inhalation of a drug while breastfeeding is unacceptable. In this situation, you need to stop lactation. Therapy should be carried out with drugs with proven safety. Fluimucil should be diluted for inhalation in the proportions prescribed by the doctor. The course of therapy will also be prescribed by a specialist.
Features of use
WhenFor diseases of the respiratory tract, specialists prescribe medications in the form of syrup or tablets for treatment. They can adversely affect the digestive tract. The use of the antibiotic "Fluimucil" for inhalation will help to avoid he alth complications - it affects locally. Inhalation of the substance during the procedure contributes to the entry of particles into the affected area of the mucous surface.
When using the drug, there are some features:
- Therapy for babies under 3 years old is carried out in a hospital.
- For people aged 65, the dosage is lowered.
- Experts constantly monitor blood tests, with an increase in the number of leukocytes, treatment is immediately stopped.
- Increasing the amount of the drug is allowed in severe forms of the disease.
When appointing, it is imperative to take into account all existing restrictions.
According to the instructions, the antibiotic "Fluimucil" for inhalation is not allowed for use by all people. Restrictions on admission include individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
Inhalations are contraindicated:
- For severe renal and hepatic pathologies.
- For various diseases of the circulatory system (anemia, leukopenia).
- During pregnancy and lactation.
- At the age of a child under 3 years old.
- For bronchial asthma.
- If you have a stomach ulcer.

Most often, patients tolerate inhalations with an antibiotic easily andwithout any consequences. In rare situations, when overdose occurs, the following side effects may be noticed:
- The appearance of allergic reactions in the form of rashes on the skin and swelling of the throat. This may occur when active ingredients are intolerant.
- Irritation of the respiratory organs, which is accompanied by rhinitis or reflex cough.
- Nausea caused by the smell of medicine.
- Bronchospasm that occurs in patients with bronchial asthma.
- Rhinitis.
- Drowsy.
Such symptoms occur in rare cases, mainly Fluimucil antibiotic therapy is well tolerated.
Opinions about the drug are mostly positive. According to reviews, the antibiotic "Fluimucil" for inhalation has a positive effect in the treatment of colds.
It is often prescribed for coughs in children. After all, the antibiotic does not have a negative effect on the child's body, because it affects locally the affected area.
One group of patients notes that "Fluimucil" perfectly helps to cope with cough and other symptoms of respiratory diseases. As a result, recovery occurs quickly, and residual symptoms disappear after 10 days.
Another group of patients is completely satisfied with the effectiveness of the drug, but in some cases there were side effects.
Many patients note the following positive aspects that arise when using Fluimucil:
- double effect of the drug (antimicrobial and expectorant);
- quick recovery effect;
- Easy to use thanks to the use of a nebulizer.
"Fluimucil" - an antibiotic for inhalation - an effective drug that has a positive effect on many symptoms of the disease. With proper treatment and using a safe dosage, a very quick recovery occurs. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of not only adult patients, but also small ones. Preparation of a solution for inhalation should occur in accordance with the instructions. Therapy is usually carried out under the supervision of a specialist in order to avoid negative effects on the patient's body.