According to the results of scientific research, approximately 25-40% of people are afraid to fly on airplanes, not at all considering that this mode of transport is recognized as one of the safest. More than 15% of these people suffer from aerophobia. It is very important to understand that aerophobia is not a disease, but only a symptom. In some cases, it indicates the presence of other disorders and fears, such as acrophobia (fear of heights), claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces), etc.
From a logical point of view, the resulting negative reactions to flights are normal. And yet, aerophobia occurs in any case, even if a person is confident in his safety. This may be due to susceptibility, other fears, mental or nervous breakdown, some diseases.

Going on a trip, some people experience anxiety and fear, to overcome which they are helped by various sedatives and sleeping pills for flying on an airplane. However, they are interested in whether it is safe to take such drugs with you. The purpose of this event is not only the fight against fear, but also immersion in sleep. For example, when flying for 10 hours, people often need to rest, but they cannot fall asleep at all or experience significant difficulties in doing so.
Can I take sleeping pills on an airplane?
With increased excitability of the nervous system and sleep disturbances, it is very difficult for some people on an airplane to do without a number of drugs, especially during long journeys. On the recommendation of doctors, many people take sleeping pills on the plane. Experts note that during the flight, patients with vegetovascular dystonia, as well as those who suffer from depression and other mental disorders, may experience pathological conditions characterized by a deterioration in well-being due to increased blood pressure, nausea, headache and difficulty falling asleep. To fall asleep during a flight, doctors recommend taking certain sedative medications. Only a doctor can advise a specific drug, so you should not experiment with medications that the patient is not well aware of.

If a person suffers from phobias and chronic insomnia, he is usually prescribed strong drugs. On a long flight, the lungssedatives may be needed for children who have difficulty falling asleep in unfamiliar surroundings, who are naughty and annoy other passengers.
Restrictions on the transport of medicines
Special permission is required to transport certain medicines on an airplane. Information about this is provided at the airport. It is allowed to carry medicated syrups and drops with a volume of no more than 100 ml in the cabin of the aircraft.
There are also some restrictions for transporting pills. You must have a prescription in English and a receipt with you. These documents will confirm that the passenger cannot do without this drug on the way.
The following medicines are subject to declaration during the flight:
- painkillers;
- tranquilizers and sedative formulations;
- psychotropic drugs;
- weight loss products.
Before boarding an aircraft, check with the airline about which medications are allowed and which are not.
Medications you can bring into the cabin:
- drugs that normalize digestion;
- antispasmodics;
- analgesics;
- antipyretic;
- antiallergic drugs;
- nasal drops;
- solutions for the treatment of skin lesions.

All drugs can be taken in acceptable amounts, because whenbaggage check they can be removed. If the necessary medicine is prohibited from being imported into any country, you will have to take it before air travel.
What is the best sleeping pill to take on a plane?
List of drugs you can take on board
People are wondering if you can take sleep medicine on the plane. Doctors note that not all sedatives can be taken. On board, only harmless mild medicines are allowed, which are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. This list includes:
- motherwort and valerian tinctures;
- "Melaxen";
- Donormil;
- "Dramina";
- Novo-Passit;
- "DreamZzz";
- Rescue Remedy.
When choosing sleeping pills on a plane for a long flight, you need to pay attention to the speed of its action, as well as the list of side effects. These include the phenomena of dyspepsia, lethargy and severe drowsiness from the moment of awakening.
The above remedies can be used as anti-anxiety pills on an airplane.
"Motherwort Forte" from "Evalar"
Evalar is a pharmaceutical company that is known for producing numerous medicines based on natural ingredients. One of these means is the "Motherwort Forte". These tablets are allowed to be taken with you on a flight, since they do not contain potent psychotropic substances in their composition. Their use helps to fall asleep on an airplane, calms the nervous system, reduces the likelihood of attacks of vegetovascular dystonia andpanic attacks.
As the instructions for use indicate, "Motherwort Forte" from "Evalar" is a herbal medicine that has sedative properties. The active element of this medication is motherwort extract. This substance has a calming effect on the body, has hypotensive properties, reduces the intensity of heart contractions and increases their strength. By the nature of its action, this pharmacological agent is similar to valerian preparations. It is indicated for use in insomnia, neurasthenia, increased nervous excitability, neurocirculatory dystonia.

Despite the natural ingredients that this medication contains, it is necessary to pay special attention to contraindications, in the presence of which "Motherwort Forte" cannot be taken. These include:
- Children under 12;
- pregnancy and lactation period;
- lactase deficiency;
- arterial hypotension;
- peptic ulcer during exacerbation;
- high sensitivity to drug ingredients.
Use with caution in diabetics and people on a low carbohydrate diet.
Instructions for the use of "Motherwort Forte" from "Evalar" reports that the tablets are taken one hour before meals. Assigned one piece twice a day.
Drug "Novo-Passit"
This medication is a great way to calm down on an airplane and fall asleep. The drug is producedin tablet and liquid forms. It contains extracts of valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn, elderberry, hops, passionflower, as well as the synthetic substance guaifenesin.

This is a combined herbal remedy that has a sedative and anxiolytic effect. The drug "Novo-Passit" is indicated for neurasthenia and neurotic reactions, which are accompanied by anxiety, irritability, fear, absent-mindedness and fatigue with constant mental stress, insomnia, cephalgia due to nervous tension. It can also be used in the symptomatic treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia and menopausal syndrome.
Another sleeping pill to drink on the plane?
Drug drug "Donormil"
This is a drug that has a sedative effect. The main substance of the drug is doxylamine, a blocker of H1-histamine receptors, belonging to the category of ethanolamines. This element is characterized by a sedative, m-anticholinergic and hypnotic effect. The drug "Donormil" significantly reduces the time to fall asleep, increases the duration of sleep and improves its quality, without affecting its phases. The medication works for about six to eight hours. This drug is indicated for a variety of sleep disorders in patients over 15 years of age. The list of contraindications to its use includes pregnancy, lactation period, angle-closure glaucoma, pathologies in which there is a violation of the outflow of urine, age less than15 years old.
Is it possible to drink sleeping pills on the plane, it is important to find out in advance.
This pharmacological preparation is a biogenic concentrate that helps eliminate sleep problems, calms the nervous system, relieves depression, relieves stress and improves the well-being of patients with vegetovascular dystonia. The composition of the product includes: beaver stream (musk), young tea "Alishan Gaba", processed in a special way, lofant, 32 types of medicinal herbs (chamomile, motherwort, tansy, lemon balm, rosehip, blueberry, valerian, etc.).
This medicine helps well in stressful situations, improves sleep quality, eliminates insomnia, normalizes the psycho-emotional state, restores biorhythms, has an anti-shock effect, anesthetizes, relieves headaches, has a positive effect on the nervous system, maintains normal sleep duration, stabilizes blood pressure, helps to relax and unwind. This medication is approved for use during flights. Its reception allows not only to fall asleep on the plane, but also to eliminate the fear of flying, the feeling of fear of closed space, etc.
Drug "Melaxen"
The main active element of the drug "Melaxen" is melatonin - an adaptogenic substance, a chemical analogue of the amine melatonin, obtained from amino acids of plant materials. The main properties of the drug are the normalization of circadian rhythms, the regulation of sleep-wake cycles, the restoration of body temperature andmotor activity. Melaxen accelerates falling asleep, reduces the number of sudden awakenings, improves the quality of sleep and the condition after waking up. This medicine reduces the severity of stress reactions, helps the body adapt to changing time zones. Shows a pronounced antioxidant and immunostimulating activity.

How to deal with the fear of flying?
Aerophobia - what is this disease and how to get rid of it?
Besides the medical solution to the problem, there are some other ways to deal with the fear of flying. One of them is to try to sleep. If the flight takes place in a dream, a person will be able to protect himself from feelings of fear, the occurrence of a panic attack and save his nervous system. If you can’t fall asleep, you can use certain breathing or physical exercises. For example, it is recommended to tighten all the muscles for a few seconds, and then completely relax them. As a result, a feeling of warmth will appear throughout the body. The exercise can be repeated several times. It is considered especially useful to listen to military marches and other life-affirming melodies on board the aircraft. However, for those who prefer calm music, you can pick up some classical pieces. This is where personal preference plays an important role. Music relaxes, helps to distract, and sometimes fall asleep.
How to deal with aerophobia? During the flight, it is useful to draw and engage in intellectual creativity, such as writing poetry or prose.
Many people feel more relaxed while eating. No wonder stressful situations are one of the factors of obesity. However, if you eat something light during the flight, you can eliminate the sudden onset of fear and reduce the damage to the figure caused by sweets, which can also distract from discomfort.
With aerophobia, conversations and new acquaintances help. You can try to start a conversation with a person sitting next to you, and if the acquaintance proceeds favorably, share your fears and problems with him. It helps to relax, to feel safe.

Reviews on drugs with hypnotic effect
Many citizens of our country periodically fly on planes. Reviews of sedative and hypnotic drugs indicate that the majority of those who suffer from aerophobia, insomnia and psychological problems are women. Regarding sleeping pills, in order to fall asleep on the plane it was possible without problems, there are a lot of positive reviews about the Melaksen, Novo-Passit and Motherwort Forte products. These medications have proven themselves quite favorably, and patients who took them during flights were satisfied with their therapeutic effect. Many of them fell asleep, the rest experienced the disappearance of a sense of fear and the symptoms accompanying this state - nausea, dizziness, nervous excitement. These funds, according to consumers, help well with vegetovascular dystonia. They normalize blood pressure,reduce the risk of vasospasm, which often occurs in people with this disease during flights.
We've covered tips for falling asleep on a plane. Sleeping pills, which are allowed to be taken on board, will help in solving this problem. With the help of a number of drugs, it is possible to overcome fear or fall asleep during the flight.