"Ascoril": instructions for use, indications, release form, analogues, reviews

"Ascoril": instructions for use, indications, release form, analogues, reviews
"Ascoril": instructions for use, indications, release form, analogues, reviews

It's no secret that coughing is a very dangerous phenomenon, signaling the presence of a cold or other viral diseases. There are simply a huge number of methods for its treatment. At the same time, both various medicines and methods of traditional medicine are widely used. It is very important to find the method that is ideal for you. In this article we will consider all the features of the use of the drug "Ascoril". Instructions, as well as indications, contraindications, analogues, opinions of patients and doctors, composition and forms of release are of interest to many. Therefore, carefully read the information provided in order to arm and protect yourself as much as possible. In this article, you can find information about the use of Ascoril (use before or after meals, how long to take, what dosage to follow). So let's get started.

Features of the composition and produced forms

The medicine "Ascoril" is such an effective remedy for coughing, as it contains perfectly matchedactive substances. Components such as bromhexine hydrochloride, salbutamol sulfate and guaifenesin are considered effective. However, in addition to these components in the composition, you can also find such excipients as talc, magnesium stearate, corn starch, as well as calcium hydrogen phosphate and silicon dioxide.

Syrup "Ascoril"
Syrup "Ascoril"

At the same time, the instructions for Ascoril describe it as a remedy produced in the form of syrup and tablets intended for oral use. The pills are placed in blisters, ten pieces each. But the blisters themselves are already packed in cardboard packaging. Each such package will contain one, two or five blisters. The tablets themselves are colored white and have a separating strip on one side.

Doctors do not recommend the tablet form of release to children under the age of six, as there is a huge risk of overdose. In this case, it is best to use a syrup intended for oral administration. The tool can be bought in a bottle of one hundred milliliters. The liquid is colored orange, and at the same time has a rather pleasant taste and smell. Therefore, it will not be difficult for the baby to accept it.

The composition of the syrup "Ascoril" includes exactly the same active substances as in the composition of the tablet form of release. However, in this case, it will be much easier to calculate the dosage for the baby. In addition to active substances, the composition of the liquid also includes additional components, such as sodium benzoate, glycerol, citric acid, flavors, polysaccharide anddyes.

What effect does the drug have on the body

According to the instructions, Ascoril contains several perfectly matched active ingredients. The combination was made in such a way that the active substances could enhance the effect of each other. So, the active medicines that make up the composition are capable of exerting the following effects on the human body:

Bronchis consist of smooth muscles, which relax under the influence of active components, which means that spasms are gradually eliminated. This expands the blood vessels, which increases the vital capacity of the lungs. The diameter of the paths responsible for the flow of air also expands significantly

having a cold
having a cold
  • Active ingredients also contribute to active coughing and expectoration. The sputum in the respiratory organs begins to liquefy significantly and is gradually excreted from the body. As you know, cough-producing sputum is usually very viscous. The instructions for Ascoril explain that the active ingredients in the composition make the sputum liquid enough so that it can quickly leave the body.
  • The drug is also able to relax the bronchi and soothe coughing fits. The tool has a good antibacterial effect.

The medicine starts working very quickly. Already after thirty minutes you can see the first positive results.

In what cases can the remedy be taken

In fact, the drug "Ascoril" has a fairly wide range of applications. According to the instructions forapplication, as well as the opinion of doctors, this medication can be used in such cases:

  • presence of bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis of various origins and forms;
  • various inflammatory infections of the bronchi, trachea and lungs;
  • respiratory diseases associated with hazardous occupations (for example, work associated with the inhalation of harmful industrial dust).
man coughing
man coughing

Usually Ascoril tablets cope with diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by the presence of viscous sputum in the lungs.

Features of the use of the drug

During the course of treatment, it is very important to follow the correct dosage. Adults are advised to take one pill three times a day. If the tablets were prescribed to a child older than six years, then in this case it is recommended that he take half a tablet two to three times a day, depending on the state of he alth. But for children under the age of six, it is not recommended to take this drug in the form of tablets, as there is simply a huge likelihood of an overdose.

Many people are wondering: should I take Ascoril before or after meals? According to the information specified in the instructions for use, as well as the recommendations of doctors, it is best to take this remedy in any form of release after meals. To do this, you need to wait half an hour, after which you can take this medicine. Doctors do not recommend drinking mineral water tablets, as it contributes to poor absorption of this medicine.

The remedy in children's practice, although infrequently, is still accepted. Of course, each case is unique. For some, one drug is suitable, and for some it is not. Medication "Ascoril" is not recommended for those children who accumulate an excessively large amount of liquid sputum, as this can only aggravate the situation.

tablets "Ascoril"
tablets "Ascoril"

But if a child suffers from a dry cough, then Ascoril syrup will be the ideal solution, as it will make the sputum more liquid and speed up its excretion from the body. In no case do not self-medicate and do not treat your child yourself, thereby you will only worsen the situation.

It is very important to know how many days to drink "Ascoril". Most often, doctors recommend a weekly course of treatment. Babies under 12 months of age should not take this medicine at all.

In what cases is the remedy completely contraindicated

Like most other medicines, Ascoril has contraindications. Therefore, it is not recommended to self-medicate. Be sure to contact the medical institution and tell the doctor about all the pathologies you have. So, let's consider in what cases it is still contraindicated to take the drug:

  • In no case should you take Ascoril syrup and tablets to people who are hypersensitive to any component that is part of this medication.
  • Also, it is better to refrain from using the medicine for patients suffering from pathologies of the cardiovascularsystems. This is especially true for patients with high blood pressure, as well as irregular heart rhythms and narrowing of the aortic opening.
child's cough
child's cough
  • Do not use the medicine if the body produces excessive thyroid hormones.
  • Also, the use of the drug will have to be abandoned for patients who suffer from diabetes that cannot be treated with medication.
  • Do not take the remedy for those people who suffer from kidney or liver failure. However, in some cases, doctors still make exceptions and prescribe medication to patients with such pathologies. And yet, in such cases, the dosage will have to be reduced, and treatment should be carried out in a hospital.
  • Also, do not treat patients with increased intraocular pressure and advanced forms of stomach ulcers with Ascoril.

"Ascoril": side effects on the human body

The use of this drug can lead to negative reactions, so it should be taken with extreme caution. If you notice any side effects while using it, be sure to tell your doctor about it. Perhaps this medicine is not suitable for you, so the doctor will have to find another remedy. So, let's consider what kind of negative reactions the use of Ascoril leads to:

From the side of the central nervous system, dizziness, insomnia or, conversely, increased drowsiness, convulsions and headaches often occur. ATin rare cases, patients have noticed tremors and increased nervous excitability

cough syrup
cough syrup
  • On the part of the digestive system, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and pain in the abdomen are most often observed. In the presence of ulcers in the stomach, the condition can worsen significantly. Sometimes the side effects of "Ascoril" can be attributed to a change in the chemical composition of the blood.
  • The drug can also affect the cardiovascular system. In some cases, this medication significantly lowered blood pressure levels, as well as increased heart rate.
  • Those people who are intolerant to any components that make up this medication complain of the occurrence of allergic reactions, which most often make themselves felt in the form of a rash on the skin, as well as itching and redness.
  • It's quite common for people to have a pinkish tinge to their urine when taking a drug. However, such a phenomenon is considered normal, so you should not worry much if such a phenomenon occurs.

Use by pregnant and lactating women

Today, "Ascoril" cough is very popular. The drug is considered safe, as it can be used by children, and very effective. However, teach, the active substances that make up the medication are able to penetrate the placenta, so they can cause irreparable harm to the unborn baby.

Also, the tool is not recommended for use by women during lactation. However, in somePhysicians still make exceptions. During the course of treatment, a woman should stop breastfeeding her baby. It is also recommended to avoid this procedure for several days after the course of treatment.

Analogues of the drug "Ascoril"

Today, there are a huge number of different drugs that have substitutes. The drug "Ascoril" is no exception. Usually analogues are prescribed by doctors in cases where, for some reason, the patient cannot take this drug. In no case should you self-medicate and prescribe substitutes for yourself. Do not forget that some types of drugs may simply not suit you, therefore, using them, you will only harm your he alth.

visit doctor
visit doctor

So, let's consider what analogues doctors prescribe to their patients most often: Lazolvan, Doctor MOM, Pectusin, Equatol, Cashnol, Licorice Root and many others.

Of course, all of the above substitutes are very effective and capable of providing the necessary therapeutic effect on the human body. However, improper use of them can cause significant harm to he alth. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe the most suitable medicine for you.

Opinions of patients and doctors

According to the reviews of doctors, "Ascoril" is able to cope well with any kind of cough. This is especially true for dry. The active components of the drug very quickly dilute sputum and accelerate its removal fromorganism. According to doctors, good results can be seen already on the third or fourth day of using the medicine. However, it is better not to stop there and extend the treatment for another couple of days.

According to patients, the drug does its job well. "Ascoril" completely relieves cough in a few days. In this case, the tool is suitable for use by both children and adults. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dosage and follow all recommendations for use. The tool has two forms of release, so everyone can choose the one that is right for him.

Syrup is very easy for children to take, as it has a rather pleasant taste and aroma. However, some patients complain that against the background of the use of this medication, side effects such as low blood pressure, headaches, and increased drowsiness occur. Therefore, if possible, such patients are advised to choose another drug.

Features of purchase and storage

The use of Ascoril by adults can be dispensed with without the knowledge of the doctor, since you can buy medicine at any pharmacy without having the appropriate document with you. However, it is necessary to consult a specialist about children.

The shelf life of the drug is 24 months from the date of production. At the same time, you need to store the product in a dry, ventilated place at room temperature. It is recommended to keep the medicine away from children's eyes and hands.


Take care of your he alth today. The cough may bea serious alarm. Therefore, the sooner you begin to treat it, the faster this process will move forward. Be he althy and take care of yourself and do not forget that you have only one he alth.
