Amoxicillin overdose: symptoms, first aid and treatment

Amoxicillin overdose: symptoms, first aid and treatment
Amoxicillin overdose: symptoms, first aid and treatment

"Amoxicillin" is an antibiotic that has a wide range of effects on bacteria, both gram-positive and gram-negative cocci and rods. Use this medicine to treat the following infections:

  • angina;
  • middle ear inflammation;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchitis, both acute and chronic;
  • pneumonia;
  • various degrees of gastrointestinal infection;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • diseases of the urogenital area;
  • purulent processes - sepsis or abscesses;
  • skin infections.

Medication description

"Amoxicillin" according to the instructions for the use of tablets by adults can be used for complex treatment along with other drugs. It is taken orally in the form of capsules, there is an option for injection in ampoules. Suspension is available for children. The medicine is prescribed only by a doctor,the duration of admission should not exceed 12 days.

broad spectrum antibiotic
broad spectrum antibiotic

After the injection, the drug enters the circulatory system quite quickly, the patient's condition improves within an hour. The action of the capsules is slower, after about two hours.


When prescribing "Amoxicillin", the doctor should conduct a conversation and find out if the patient has an increased sensitivity to drugs of the penicillin group. If there is, then it will be necessary to replace the medicine with another one, otherwise there may be a severe allergic reaction, urticaria, and in some cases anaphylactic shock. The drug is strictly prohibited for those suffering from infectious mononucleosis.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers are prescribed "Amoxicillin" in extreme cases. In studies conducted by scientists and pharmacists, it has been found that there is a medicine in breast milk. The doctor must decide what is more important - the mother's recovery or the effect of the drug on the baby.

How to take

Dosage for adults "Amoxicillin" in tablets is usually prescribed 500 milligrams 3 times a day at regular intervals. If the disease is severe, then the dose is doubled. 3 times a day you need to take already 1 gram or 2 capsules of 500 mg. For the treatment of certain diseases, for example, gonorrhea, an antibiotic is taken once, but immediately 3 grams (you should definitely take 1 gram of Probenecid with it). The course of taking an antibacterial agent is from 5 to 12 days. The duration of the medication should be determined only by a specialist.

capsules "Amoxicillin"
capsules "Amoxicillin"

Children's dosage of "Amoxicillin" varies depending on the age of the child:

  • Up to 2 years of age, 20 mg of suspension per 1 kg of weight is prescribed. The amount obtained by multiplying should be divided into three doses per day.
  • From 5 to 10 years old, children take 250 mg also 3 times a day. The average interval between doses is 8 hours.

If the patient violates the rules of use, increasing the amount of the daily norm of the drug, then there is a high probability of an overdose of "Amoxicillin". The consequences can be tragic for all important organs and systems of the body, even lead to death. Therefore, it is very important to strictly adhere to the doctor's prescription, and when buying a medicine, pay attention to the number of milligrams in one capsule.

In the article, we will consider how to recognize the symptoms of an overdose of "Amoxicillin", what actions can be taken before the ambulance arrives to alleviate the patient's condition. What improvised means are used to cleanse the body of an excess of a medicinal substance. The knowledge gained will help save a loved one from more severe side effects.


Excess medicine is dangerous to he alth. The first signs of an overdose of "Amoxicillin" are observed within an hour after the drug is taken. Intoxication is accompanied by lethargy, weakness, headache appears, he alth worsens. Finding poisoning is quite simple. Begins to feel sick, there may be vomiting, accompanied by soreness in the abdomen. The skin turns pale, the person begins to sweat a lot, the body temperature rises, an allergic reaction can manifest itself as hives or Quincke's edema.

nausea and vomiting in overdose
nausea and vomiting in overdose

Overdose of Amosicillin is accompanied by jumps in blood pressure. Decreased appetite is accompanied by disruption of the taste buds. If active rescue actions are not urgently taken, then after 6 or 10 hours acute heart failure develops. This threatens the victim with fainting and even coma.

An overdose of "Amoxicillin" affects the circulatory system, anemia may appear, the drug affects the activity of such important organs as the kidneys (uremia) and liver (jaundice), especially if the patient already has chronic diseases of these organs. In patients with renal insufficiency, an excess of the drug in the body causes hyperkalemia. There were cases of damage to the auditory nerve, flesh to complete deafness. Rarely, but still, cases of visual impairment associated with optic neuralgia have been recorded.

Helpful advice

When buying a drug, in addition to the instructions for using Amoxicillin tablets, adults need to pay attention to two important things. First, read the dosage, which is written on the package in large numbers (in milligrams). Secondly, be sure to check the expiration date of the drug. Expired medicine to drinkis strictly prohibited. Poisoning with such pills can lead to serious damage to the liver, kidneys and other important internal organs.

Consequences of poisoning for the baby

Never treat your baby with antibiotics on the advice of friends or pharmacy workers. Try to resort to such cardinal methods only in extreme cases, when other methods do not help.

hives in a child with an overdose
hives in a child with an overdose

Act only as directed by your doctor. Any antibiotics often lead to disturbances in the digestive tract, rashes on the child's skin. Only a specialist can tell you how to use Amoxicillin antibiotics correctly, how many tablets. An overdose leads to terrible consequences, including disability.

How to help with an overdose

If you notice in yourself or your loved ones taking "Amoxicillin" symptoms characteristic of an overdose of this medicine, then you need to act urgently. The first step is to call an ambulance, explaining the situation. Before her arrival, it is recommended not to waste time in vain, but to provide all possible assistance on your own. By your actions, try to stop the effect of the medicine on the body. To do this, you need to induce vomiting artificially. To do this, insert your fingers deep into the mouth and touch the back of the tongue, causing a gag reflex.

potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate
potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate

If such a manipulation did not bring results, then try to clear the stomach with a weak solutionpotassium permanganate or, as the people say, potassium permanganate. The liquid should be pale pink in color and not have a single particle of powder. It is best to strain it through cheesecloth folded in several layers. You need to drink the solution until the patient vomits. Rinse the stomach until the vomit is clear, free of mucus or food.

Use of sorbents

In case of an overdose, activated charcoal will help to cope with poisoning. For 10 kg of a person's weight, 1 tablet is taken. If the patient has a strong gag reflex, and he cannot swallow the tablets whole, then it is recommended that they be crushed into powder and poured with boiled cold water.

Activated carbon
Activated carbon

After thoroughly mixing the solution, give it to the victim to drink. You have to swallow everything in one gulp. If a person feels sick, you need to explain to him that it will be easier to drink in small sips and breathe deeply during breaks.

Help doctors

In case of antibiotic poisoning, ambulance doctors will take the patient to the hospital. Forced diuresis will be prescribed there, a medicine with a rheological effect is administered by a dropper. Immediately after the end of the dropper, diuretics are given, but only if the patient does not have heart problems or kidney failure. With such diseases, a diuretic is contraindicated. Such methods can remove harmful toxins from the blood.

drip for overdose
drip for overdose

A special diet will help you recover faster. For a speedy recovery, you need to drink asas much pure water as possible, milk is considered a good sorbent. It is advisable to eat fruit and berry jellies, kissels, drink compotes. Your doctor may advise you to eat more fat-rich foods.

The article describes in detail what to do with an overdose of "Amoxicillin". If you started treatment on the recommendation of a doctor, be sure to stick to the correct dosage, check when buying that the medicine is not expired. If your loved ones showed the first symptoms of poisoning with this antibiotic, then after reading the article you will be able to provide them with qualified first aid, and possibly save a life or save them from the severe consequences of an overdose.
