Medicines to clear phlegm are often required when respiratory problems occur. They are almost always accompanied by a condition when a pathological secret does not come out. Sputum regularly appears in the bronchi of a person, but in an amount that is considered normal for the body. As a result, he is able to cope with it on his own. If the immune system is weakened, this can be a difficult test. Therefore, the prompt removal of sputum from the patient's body is of great importance. This article will provide an overview of effective drugs that will help solve this problem, as well as feedback from patients who have already used them.
Causes of bronchial discharge
Before deciding on a medicine to remove sputum, you need to understand what reasons provoked its appearance.
The chest with the bronchi located in it becomes the source of a wet cough. As a resultinflammatory process, the normal functioning of the ciliated epithelium, which lines the bronchi from the inside, is disrupted. Its main function is to naturally rid the mucous membrane of a large number of foreign particles of small size.
At the time of inflammation, the evacuation function is impaired. The consequence of this is the accumulation of mucus, as well as its stagnation and the formation of viscous sputum. In the lumen of the bronchi, its clots provoke a characteristic chest cough. Simply put, sputum acts in this case as a foreign object that should be removed from the lungs when coughing. If it is viscous and thick, the cough may initially be unproductive and compulsive, similar to dry. In this case, dense clots of mucus are excreted from the body, the patient feels an improvement in his condition. By the time the sputum becomes less viscous, it becomes much easier for the patient to cough up. In this case, the cough becomes completely different, from unproductive it turns into bubbling and wet.
The main thing with a productive and unproductive cough is to dilute the pathological secret as soon as possible, facilitating its discharge from the lungs. A characteristic time for a cough accompanied by phlegm is in the morning after sleep, as well as when changing body position.
There are classic ailments that cause active secretion of a pathological secret. These are bronchial asthma, SARS, bronchitis, as well as some other diseases accompanied by a cough. To get rid of any of these pathologies, attention should be paid to the respiratory system, completely clean the respiratory system fromsputum. Slime comes in several varieties:
- serous or watery;
- viscous;
- purulent (while the mucus is very thick with a yellow or green tint);
- mucopurulent (in some cases accompanied by spotting).
Even at an early stage of the disease, it is extremely difficult to remove sputum. Medical practice shows that it is almost impossible to get rid of too thick mucus without qualified medical assistance. In cases where a child is sick, you should act with extreme caution.
Types of therapy
In order to effectively and quickly get rid of the pathological secret, complex treatment is required. First, you should reduce the density of sputum and thin the mucus. Secondly, you will need expectorants.
It is worth noting that the bronchial tree is considered a delicate organ in our body that requires constant care. In case of illness, there are several typical procedures that will help you forget about sputum and possible complications. Doctors recommend using one of the approaches for a quick and effective recovery.
It is important to drink expectorant drugs that will help thin the mucus. Various types of inhalations help to remove sputum from the bronchi. They can be steam or using nebulizers. This is one of the safe and harmless ways to treat a child.
It is believed that regular breathing exercises help to clear the lungs of any harmful substances that contribute to the healing process. By the way, thisgymnastics is recommended not only during illness, but in order to improve immunity and prevention. Consider in this article some of the most popular and effective drugs for removing sputum from the bronchi and lungs.

Common and, importantly, inexpensive drug - "Bromhexine". It is a cough and phlegm medicine that starts working about 24 hours after you take it. The components of this drug practically do not provoke any side effects. In pharmacies, it can be found in the form of drops, syrup for children, tablets. It is often prescribed for many different forms of bronchitis.
If the patient has a dry cough, this sputum expulsion medicine helps to increase the work of the ciliated epithelium. The result is the formation of a large amount of pathological secretion and its active excretion. As a result, the clots become less viscous, which contributes to their rapid separation from the mucous membranes.
Judging by the reviews of this medicine, tablets and drops for inhalation are especially popular among patients to remove sputum. They have been proving their effectiveness for many years.
The drug is taken orally three times a day, if necessary, it can be washed down with water. This is one of the effective medicines for removing sputum from the bronchi and lungs in children. Up to six years, it is advised to use syrup. If the baby is not yet two years old, then half a teaspoon should be given, from two tosix years - one teaspoon. At the age of 6 to 14 years, the dosage is increased to two teaspoons, adolescents from 14 years old and adults are recommended to give three teaspoons.

"Ambroxol" is a proven drug that has long been known on the domestic market. Over the years, it has become widespread in medical practice. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, reduces redness, swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane. Due to the action of its active components, sputum liquefies, which contributes to its speedy removal from the body. The drug is presented on the market in several dosage forms. As a rule, adults are prescribed tablets, and children - syrup.
According to reviews, this is one of the best medicines for removing sputum. It is well tolerated even by young patients, practically does not cause adverse reactions. Only in rare cases, headache and nausea may occur. Moreover, this drug protects the respiratory mucosa from further penetration of infections. Often doctors advise this remedy for bronchitis, as well as for the prevention of various diseases.
This is an effective medicine for clearing up sputum in children at 2 years of age. At this age, it is recommended to use syrup, giving half a teaspoon three times a day, if the baby is not yet two years old, then the same amount of the drug is allowed to be given only twice a day. For ages 6 to 12, the recommended dose is two teaspoonsspoon three times a day.

Another effective medicine for removing sputum from the lungs is "Prospan". This is a herbal preparation that contains terpenoids, saponins, flavonoids. It has an expectorant, antitussive and antispasmodic effect, reducing the viscosity of the pathological secretion and facilitating its discharge. Has high antimicrobial activity.
The action of this remedy for clearing phlegm from the lungs is mild and quick. In addition, it has a calming effect, improving blood circulation in the lungs and supporting the immune system. Due to the natural composition, it is considered almost completely safe. Only in some cases causes an allergy, which is associated with individual intolerance to individual components.
Patients who have already taken this medicine to remove phlegm from the throat leave positive feedback. Both drops and syrup have a high therapeutic effect. They effectively cope with purulent bronchitis and dry cough.
This sputum-clearing medicine can be given to children from one year of age. Up to six years, it is recommended to take one teaspoon three times a day, for schoolchildren and adolescents - two teaspoons three times a day, for adults - up to three teaspoons. In mild cases, the course of treatment is one week. After the disappearance of symptoms, it is recommended to take the drug for another two to three days.

Another phlegm medicinefrom the bronchi on a natural basis - "Gerbion". It can be given as early as two years of age. It has a sweetish aftertaste, so it is easy to persuade a child to drink this drug. Syrup effectively
defeats a tearing and dry cough with expectorant, antibacterial and immune-boosting effects.
In reviews of this medicine, when removing sputum from the bronchi, patients note that its main feature is that the cough will intensify on the first day of taking it. This is due to a significant increase in the volume of expectorated mucus. The symptom finally disappears in just a few days. Full recovery occurs within a week. But immediately after this, you should not stop taking the drug, as there is a possibility of a relapse. To avoid it, you should drink the syrup for a few more days.
The main thing is not to combine "Gerbion" with other drugs acting on the same mechanism. In this case, the therapy will be ineffective.

This medicine is based on thyme extract. This substance gently and effectively dilutes sputum, removing it from the lungs. Additional benefits include reduced coughing fits and swelling. It is possible to give medicine for bronchitis to remove sputum from the age of three months.
In the reviews, patients note that this is a convenient, economical and effective way to quickly cope with the disease. On average, a significant improvement in the condition occurs already on the second day afterapplications. Unlike most drugs with a similar effect, Bronchipret produces a mild effect. Abundant separation of mucus does not appear. As a result, it is easier for the baby to cope with the separated secret. Following the recommendations of doctors, this drug should be taken with plenty of liquid. In this case, a more effective effect should be expected.

A powerful drug for bronchitis and other similar inflammatory diseases - "Ascoril". However, it should be taken strictly according to the prescription, as it is not suitable for the treatment of classic viral diseases. At the same time, it effectively copes with the treatment of severe pathologies of the respiratory tract. As a rule, it is recommended as a therapy for diseases accompanied by a dry cough. The result comes very quickly, five days are enough to get rid of the disease.
U "Ascoril" a lot of adverse reactions and contraindications. In the reviews, some patients complain of low blood pressure and headaches. These are common side effects. If you do not have them, then you will quickly be able to get on your feet, since the drug has not only an expectorant, but also an antiseptic effect. "Ascoril" has mucolytic and bronchodilator effects.
"Carbocisteine" is considered one of the safest means, which is widely used in the treatment of various diseases in medical practice. It is often prescribed to adult patients withwet and dry cough. The medicine promotes the separation of sputum, effectively diluting it. The advantage of this drug, compared to many other similar drugs, is its safety. Despite the strong effect, its use is not accompanied by the appearance of spasms in the bronchi, which is very important especially in severe conditions.
In the reviews, patients talk about the positive effect that manifests itself already on the first day after using this drug. In this case, the cough becomes more intense, and sputum is intensively excreted in large quantities. According to experts, "Carbocisteine" regenerates the cells of the mucous membrane, contributing to their recovery. It is possible to use the drug in its pure form, while it is recommended to avoid its analogues, which will significantly save strength during recovery.
Breast Collection 4

Medication for removing sputum from the bronchi and lungs in sachets - "Chest Collection 4". This is a medicinal plant collection, which includes the fruits of ordinary anise, marshmallow roots, licorice roots, ordinary pine buds, medicinal sage leaves.
The collection has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. It is used for most inflammatory and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by cough. This is bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis or acute respiratory viral disease.
Take breast collection should be inside in the form of infusion. For thistwo tablespoons of the drug is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, and then heated in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Next, you need to wait for it to infuse at an average temperature for about 45 minutes. When the mass is infused, it should be squeezed out. Bring the resulting infusion to a volume of 200 ml.
Before using the medicine, it is recommended to shake it. Take a hot breast collection of 100 ml for three to four days. The full course of treatment is two to three weeks.
Patients note that chest collection is good for coping with cough. Only in especially severe cases does it have to be supplemented with Gedelix, which is also a herbal preparation, therefore it is practically safe for he alth. This drug has good expectorant properties, while it tastes good. Therefore, it can be given even to a child, especially if mixed with honey.
Contraindications include only individual intolerance to the individual components of this drug.