Diarrhea and fever are very common in adults. They can indicate various diseases and abnormalities in the digestive system. If you are experiencing diarrhea accompanied by a high fever and/or vomiting, then this article will be helpful in finding the cause of your diarrhea.

Most often, diarrhea and fever occur with poisoning. Intoxication of the body occurs 1-12 hours after the use of a low-quality product. If you feel weak, your stomach or stomach hurts, the thermometer shows a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees, then this indicates poisoning. If the symptoms are accompanied by severe vomiting and loss of consciousness, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. This condition can lead to dehydration, which can be fatal. This problem is especially acute in children.
Intestinal disorder, pancreatitis

Slightly less often, nausea, diarrhea, fever are signs of an intestinal disorder orinflammation of the pancreas. The reason for this is considered to be malnutrition, a long hunger (diet), the use of low-quality food or a large amount of food eaten. The temperature rises to a maximum of 38 degrees, nausea, loss of appetite and diarrhea are observed. In this case, you need to drink more fluids, refrain from eating for a day, and then eat only light food (chicken broth, cereals, homemade crackers). You also need to buy a drug containing enzymes (Pancreatin, Microzyme, Creon). If the condition does not improve, contact a specialist for help.
Rotavirus infection
Rotavirus infection (the so-called "intestinal flu") affects the digestive system. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite. Strong diarrhea - up to 20 times a day, watery stools, has a yellow tint. Vomiting can be repeated, and maybe single. There is also a runny nose, sore throat. Rotavirus does not require special treatment. You need to drink more, if vomiting is persistent, then at least a tablespoon of water every 10 minutes. It is important to prevent dehydration of the body. Enterofuril, Smekta and Lineks will help well from diarrhea. These drugs can be taken in combination with each other.
Intestinal infection of bacterial origin

Diarrhea and fever may occur with a bacterial infection. It includes salmonellosis, staphylococcus, dysentery. The temperature rises to 40 degrees and above, it is difficult to bring it down. repeated diarrhea,green, may be streaked with blood. An intestinal infection must be cured in a short time and always in a hospital, which eliminates the risk of infection for people living in the same room with the patient. A course of antibiotics will be required, followed by restoration of the intestinal microflora.
These are the main causes that cause diarrhea and fever. With mild symptoms, you will need to drink plenty of fluids, activated charcoal or the antibiotic Levomycetin. If you are getting worse, then call an ambulance or a local doctor. This is especially true for children. Remember that diarrhea and fever, and even more so vomiting, take a lot of fluid from the body. If it is not replenished in time, dehydration will follow, which can lead to very sad consequences.