Evacuation is a topic that is very unpleasant to discuss. It should also be noted that people do not peer into the contents of their allocated, do not pay attention to any inclusions, as well as the structure of the feces. This is wrong, because for some reason, mucus with blood in the stool will be a symptom of very serious he alth problems. The appearance of such impurities is an occasion to visit a doctor, and then carry out a full medical examination. Hurry up if you find yourself with mucus with blood. The color and consistency can be completely different. This will depend on the nature of a particular pathology. Also, parents should be wary if they see mucus with blood in their child's feces. Let's talk more about this.

Causes of mucus with blood
Lumps of mucus, as well as blood clots in the feces, appear for various reasons. Some ailments are dangerous to he alth, and can also cause death. That's why you shouldn't ignoremucus with blood in the stool. Let us consider in more detail the reasons for the appearance of such a symptom.
Anal fissures
This condition is very painful, as a person experiences pain due to tearing of the anus membrane. With anal fissures, mucus with blood appears in the stool. In parallel with this, itching appears, bleeding from the anus. In some cases, it can be quite strong. Anal fissures are treated with local remedies, such as suppositories, wound healing and anti-inflammatory ointments.
Treating such cracks is quite difficult, as this problem is often accompanied by chronic constipation. In this situation, healing will be slow. The fact is that solid feces during the exit of the body from a person damages the lining of the intestine, which leads to exacerbation and inflammation. Mucus streaked with blood begins to appear. Soreness can be so severe that a person loses the desire to empty the intestines.
Diseases of the colon

For what other reasons can mucus with streaks of blood appear in the stool? The most common disease that is characterized by the appearance of such a symptom is ulcerative colitis. This disease is autoimmune in nature, and its therapy is quite difficult. The effectiveness of treatment can be quite low. The whole inflammatory process entails the appearance of ulcers, erosions, which become the main cause of the appearance of mucus with blood in a child and an adult. Sometimes seen infeces are also an admixture of pus, due to which the stools emit an unpleasant odor. In addition to the fact that mucus comes out with blood in colitis, the following symptoms of the disease may also be present:
- Painful sensations, the intensity of which can be quite strong.
- Diarrhea. It should be noted that the urge to empty the bowel occurs about 20 times a day.
- Increased body temperature. This indicator can reach subfebrile values.
- Bad or no appetite. Sometimes this symptom provokes exhaustion in the patient.
- Meteorism.
At present, the main cause of the development of ulcerative colitis has not yet been identified. But experts know that autoimmune inflammation and genetic predisposition play a fundamental role in the emergence of this disease.
Diseases of the small intestine
Small intestinal bleeding has one feature: the change in feces is noticeable only a day after the development of the disease. Blood with mucus in the stool in an adult with diseases of the small intestine is poorly noticeable, since such inclusions are exposed to digestive enzymes per day. This is the reason why the feces are not stained in the scarlet color characteristic of blood, but in black.
If you have a black stool, liquid, then this is a signal that the bleeding occurred a day ago, so there is no need for therapeutic actions. Another situation will develop if the pathology continues to manifest itself, especially in children. This ismeans that bleeding is still ongoing.

In addition to the fact that diarrhea with blood and mucus may occur, the patient also has a worsening appetite, general well-being, nausea and vomiting. Blood pressure drops, the skin becomes pale, and stools look like coffee grounds. The patient's performance is also reduced due to the weakness of the whole organism.
For what other reasons can mucus with blood appear in an adult? Adult patients may notice blood streaks if diverticulosis develops. So it is customary to call a disease that provokes stuck in the walls of the esophagus of food debris or feces. These protrusions are called diverticula. If the mass stagnates for a long time, then fermentation begins, as well as suppuration, and finally, perforation of the walls.
Complications of diverticulosis are chronic constipation, fever, and severe pain that is localized in the abdomen.
We continue to consider the causes of mucus with blood in adults. Polyps are formations that are benign in nature. For a long time they do not show any symptoms. The danger is that they are asymptomatic. The release of blood is not detected for a long time. But when the process goes far, mucus and blood appear in the feces. If a person does not resort tooperations, then such polyps can develop into oncological pathology.

Crohn's disease
Blood with mucus in a child and an adult can occur with the development of Crohn's disease. It represents with itself a chronic, serious condition that affects absolutely the entire intestine, and not some of its departments. Pathology is quite rare, it can be a consequence of an allergic reaction to a food product, smoking or stress. When the first symptoms appear, including the appearance of blood in the stool, it is imperative to visit the proctologist's office. This specialist should examine the tissues of the rectum, after which he will determine a list of additional necessary diagnostic procedures. As a rule, for the diagnosis, the patient is assigned a complete blood count, bacteriological analysis of feces, a coprogram, as well as a colonoscopy.
If during the process of such a diagnosis there is a suspicion of the development of concomitant diseases of internal organs, then the patient is prescribed procedures such as gastroscopy, as well as ultrasound.
Mucus comes out with blood
The blood that enters the feces in the gastrointestinal tract begins to stain the feces in a dark shade. This can be explained by the breakdown of hemoglobin, which is converted to iron.

Blood impurities turn black, as does the stool. In addition, these processes will be symptoms of the following diseases:
- Varicose veins in the esophagus. It is part of the syndrome.portal hypertension. It occurs in the diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver. Vomiting, black stools, soreness behind the sternum after eating, increased heart rate are the main signs of this pathology. If a vein in the esophagus ruptures, a tube will need to be inserted to compress the veins and stop the bleeding.
- Stomach ulcer, as well as duodenal ulcer. With this disease, discharge with blood and mucus appears. However, the blood at the same time has a tar tint. In parallel with this, the patient develops nausea, vomiting. Vomit in its composition also contains blood clots that look like coffee grounds. To solve the problem, surgery is prescribed.
- Perforated ulcer. During this disease, the patient begins to complain of acute pain, which is localized in the abdomen, as well as chills. The body is covered with cold sweat, and sometimes a person even loses consciousness. The main method of emergency care is resection of the stomach or duodenum.
- Stomach cancer. During stomach cancer, the patient begins to experience an aversion to foods, to a greater extent to meat. Blood tests are characteristic of anemia. The patient rapidly loses weight, becomes weak. In addition, tissue breakdown will cause bleeding, which is determined by the presence of blood in the stool.
- Intestinal cancer. The main symptom of this pathology is the alternation of constipation and diarrhea. At the same time, defecation does not bring any satisfaction. The urge to void is often false. Fecal masses are thin,ribbon-like, at a late stage of the disease, an admixture of blood can be seen.
You should also pay attention to the fact that the blood that is present in the feces can act as a consequence of intoxication. For example, poisoning with rodent poison or some poisonous herbs can be so severe that the person bleeds internally. In some cases, defecation with impurities of blood and mucus becomes a side effect of drug therapy using Diclofenac, Aspirin, Heparin. These medicines should be stopped if you experience these problems.
What to do?
The human digestive tract is 10 m long. This means that blood rarely enters the stool in its original form. Almost always, blood secretions undergo biochemical changes by the time of defecation. If you find fresh blood in your stool, then most likely the source of bleeding is near the anus. As a rule, bleeding is localized in the rectum or in the lower part of the colon. In such cases, the blood will have a dark tint. Detection of bloody discharge in the feces in the form of inclusions is possible only through certain diagnostic procedures. During a visit to a specialist, it is necessary to immediately report alarming symptoms. The doctor should give a referral for blood and stool tests.
Going to the doctor is a mandatory procedure for the patient,who found bloody discharge and mucus in his feces. As a rule, the proctologist prescribes diagnostics, instrumental or laboratory, which includes the following activities:
- Fecal analysis.
- Rectal diagnostics.
- Anal examination.
- Sigmoidoscopy.
If after these diagnostic procedures the problem is still unclear, then the patient should undergo an ultrasound examination of the intestine, as well as an x-ray of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, if necessary, a specialist can prescribe a colonoscopy to the patient. It would be useful to consult with a gastroenterologist, who requires a gastroscopy to clarify the cause of the appearance of blood in the feces.

Therapy Methods
Detection of bloody discharge, as well as clear mucus in the feces is a reason for prompt treatment. The tactics of such treatment will ideally be determined by a group of doctors, which includes a proctologist, an infectious disease specialist, a hematologist, a surgeon, and an oncologist.
If during treatment a sharp increase in blood in the feces is detected, then an ambulance should be called. Massive bleeding can be life threatening, but emergency hospitalization can save his life.
The method of therapy for blood in the feces will be determined by the nature of a particular disease. The treatment is prescribed by the doctor, according to the profile of which the bleeding occurred. For example, if mucus and blood in the stool are the result ofoncological disease, then the person should go to the oncologist. If the red clots have a bright hue, then this is a sign of a crack in the anus, so the treatment will be carried out by a proctologist.
During the consultation with the doctor, it is necessary to list complaints, as well as point out external signs of mucus and blood in the feces. Thus, it will be possible to create a clinical picture, which is the key to a properly drawn up research plan, as well as prescribed therapy. The main part of the pathologies that are accompanied by bloody inclusions in the feces is chronic, so without proper treatment, the patient's condition will only worsen over time.

First of all, you need to make sure that you do not have serious symptoms. Self-medication must be done after the approval of a specialist. You can eliminate mucus in the stool using the following methods:
- Dieting. To do this, it is necessary to exclude fried, spicy, sour, as well as very coarse food from your diet. You should also avoid eating too hot food, cold dishes. You need to eat fractionally.
- Light exercise should be done to relieve constipation.
- Drink boiled water and pasteurized dairy products.
- You should follow the correct heat treatment of products.
- It is also necessary to control the expiration date, the quality of food consumed.
- We'll have to give up colored and scented toiletpaper, observe the hygiene of the anus and perineum.
Blood in the stool with mucus is an alarm. Lack of treatment can lead to very serious complications, such as cancer or death. So don't ignore the symptom.