In the article, we will consider blood pressure pills for ambulance.
With high pressure, everyone should be able to provide first aid to the patient, otherwise the latter may experience a hypertensive crisis, the cure of which is possible only with the help of very strong means. It is possible that the measures taken by a person in such a situation will help prevent dangerous consequences.
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Signs of high blood pressure
First, you need to figure out which indicators deviate from normal values. Pressure can be measured with a tonometer. Such a device shows two digits. In this case, the first indicates systolic pressure, that is, the strength of heart contractions, and the second reflects diastolic (vascular tone when the heart muscle relaxes). Normal indicators for an adult are 120/80-130/85. Limit afterforty years of age become values 145/90.
In addition to the large indicators of the device, the following signs of increased pressure are distinguished:
- anxiety, irritability;
- fast heartbeat;
- feeling tired;
- puffiness;
- headaches;
- pulsation in the temples;
- goosebumps;
- chills followed by hot flashes;
- dizziness;
- bad dream.
There are a lot of reasons for high blood pressure: from physical overexertion to emotional stress. If the jump happens quite suddenly, a hypertensive crisis begins, dangerous to he alth. In order to be able to prevent irreversible consequences, it is necessary to remember what signs are characteristic of such a state:
- heartache;
- facial redness;
- overexcitation of the nervous system;
- goosebumps;
- feeling of lack of air;
- trembling of upper limbs;
- visual impairments.
When should I take blood pressure pills and call an ambulance?
This question is purely individual for each person. It is generally established that an ambulance should be called when the device marks 160/95, however, there are many deviations from this rule.
For example, for hypotension even values of 130/85 are critical. The decision to go to the doctor should be made depending on what additional factors are.
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At high pressure ambulancehelp” must come in the following cases and provide the necessary services:
- when a patient has a seizure for the first time in his life;
- appearance of pain behind the sternum;
- with symptoms of hypertensive crisis;
- if the initial and repeated use of drugs to reduce high blood pressure, which were previously taken by hypertensive patients, did not give the desired result after an hour.
Consider below pills for rapid pressure reduction for ambulance.
High blood pressure action
It is imperative to make the patient lie down and provide him with a calm environment. With increased pressure, you can not do any work, even mental, even physical. Ventilate the room in which the patient is located, keep silence, dim the light. Strong aromas in the room should not be. When seizures occur, before that, a person needs to give him the drugs that he takes most often. If the condition worsens or there is no positive dynamics for more than an hour, you need to call a specialist.
Reduce blood pressure quickly at home
There are many options:
- It is advisable to drink special blood pressure pills for ambulance at home.
- You can try to use folk methods that help bring high blood pressure back to normal.
- Influences on specific acupuncture points and a number of massage techniques become very effective.
- Repairing exercises will also help eliminate symptoms.
Ambulancehigh blood pressure tablets
The list of blood pressure pills for ambulances is quite extensive. There are several groups of emergency drugs for high blood pressure according to the mechanism of influence on the body.
Diuretics. These are diuretics that remove excess fluid from the body, in which s alts are dissolved: Furosemide, Indapamide.
Receptor blockers. Fast-acting drugs: Valsartan, Losartan, Eprosartan.
Beta blockers. Medicines that stabilize cardiac activity: Bisoprolol, Leveton, Atenol.
Calcium channel blockers. They do not allow calcium to enter the heart tissues and blood vessels: "Adalat", "Kardizem", "Amlodipine", "Nifedipine", "Norvask".
ACE inhibitors. The most famous and effective drugs for high blood pressure, which provide a long and quick result: Altan, Captopril, Berlipril.
Which exactly to choose pills that lower blood pressure? The drug "Mexidol" quickly lowers blood pressure.
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"Mexidol" at high pressure
The main active ingredient of the drug is ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. The main function of the remedy for hypertension is to create resistance to tissues and organs during oxygen starvation by preventing the negative effects of free radicals. "Mexidol" has a large number of indications. Because of the pills, there may be minor gastrointestinal upsets.
The drug is taken as follows:
- light treatment course - two weeks, in difficult situations - up to a month and a half;
- 2-3 times a day from 3-6 tablets.
Start taking and stop it gradually. At first, the dosage for three days is gradually increased from one or two tablets to the one recommended by a specialist, then it is also reduced until the drug is completely withdrawn.
As an ambulance for pressure tablets under the tongue are used.
"Nitroglycerin" for hypertension
The drug acts instantly and is excreted from the patient's body as quickly as possible. With high pressure, "Nitroglycerin" relieves pain in the heart. The drug is often taken for angina pectoris. It is allowed to use it as a prophylactic before physical activity, so that blood pressure does not increase in the end. Be sure to drink it according to the instructions.
Half or whole tablet should be placed under the tongue, be sure to take a sitting or lying position. If there is no effect, the drug is taken again after five and ten minutes, then an ambulance is called. Systematic reception is better to start with half a tablet in order to avoid addiction. The doctor prescribes the regimen of use after a thorough examination of the patient.
The sad fact is that with all the benefits of "Nitroglycerin", there are a lot of contraindications and side effects. In patients with individual intolerance to the drug, the heartbeat may suddenly become more frequent, the head begins to spin and ache, he falls into a state close to fainting. Prohibited "Nitroglycerin" with increased intracranial pressure, stroke, glaucoma, kidney failure, heart attack.
Captopril is popular as an ambulance for high blood pressure pills.
It can be said that this is one of the most common ACE inhibitors. It is intended to provide emergency assistance to stop a hypertensive crisis. It is undesirable for long-term therapy, especially in elderly patients with cerebral atherosclerosis, as it can cause a sharp decrease in blood pressure and loss of consciousness. It is also prescribed together with other nootropic and hypertensive drugs, but under strict pressure control.
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The initial dosage during the day is 50 milligrams, it is divided into two times - in the morning and in the evening, 25 milligrams each. The doctor increases the amount if necessary. Then he must assess the patient's condition. If the effect is positive, he should take Captopril for a month.
Advantages: fast normalization of pressure; increased blood supply to the heart muscle during ischemia; decrease in platelet aggregation - gluing of blood cells to form a blood clot; with prolonged use, it can reduce the manifestation of myocardial hypertrophy; affordable price.
Disadvantages: Frequent use (up to four times a day).
Contraindications: myocardiopathy; aortic stenosis; breast-feeding; kidney transplant; mitral valve narrowing.
Possibleside effects: palpitations, dizziness, increased blood transaminases, orthostatic hypotension.
Used with caution in systemic autoimmune pathologies, kidney diseases.
Pills under the tongue from pressure
In the form of an ambulance for pressure, tablets under the tongue are very popular among patients, as they act with maximum speed. The pressure tablet under the tongue must be sucked. Its components directly penetrate the bloodstream and go to the heart muscle, past the digestive organs. Substances do not come into contact with stomach acid, which negatively affects them. There are many remedies that are taken under the tongue. The most commonly used lozenges for pressure relief should be described.
Corinfar will provide an ambulance.
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The active ingredient of the drug is nifedipine. "Corinfar" - tablets under the tongue, which quickly reduce pressure, minimize the load on the heart, make the lumen of blood vessels wider. The remedy is used both sporadically against the background of a hypertensive crisis, and regularly for treatment. It is indicated for those who suffer from angina pectoris and arterial hypertension. In a crisis, you need to dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue. The product works in twenty minutes, its effect lasts 4-6 hours.
The drug has several side effects, and therefore it is necessary to drink it only as directed by a doctor. The use of tablets may cause:
- violations of the chair,stomach discomfort, nausea, vomiting;
- tachycardia; sudden decrease in pressure, increased attacks of compressive or pressing pain in the sternum and heart, swelling;
- anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia;
- dizziness, irritability, paresthesia, headache, poor sleep, tremor, drowsiness, fatigue;
- skin rash, dermatitis, itching, hives.
Corinfar should never be taken during breastfeeding, with chronic heart failure, hypotension and in the first trimester of bearing a baby.
What other popular names of pressure pills for ambulance?
This medicinal product contains the main active ingredient - moxonidine. Pale pink tablets - 0.2 mg of the active substance, coral - 0.3 mg, bright red - 0.4 mg. Under the tongue "Physiotens" reduces high blood pressure by acting on specific receptors. The drug works very quickly. If emergency care is needed for a hypertensive crisis, then you need to put 1-2 tablets of 0.2 mg under the tongue. Daily dosage - no more than 0.6 mg. The drug has several side effects, but they appear only at the initial stage of administration, after which they disappear.
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In the form of an ambulance for pressure, which pills are most effective, the attending physician will tell you.
Combined remedies for high blood pressure
To achieve a convenient intake and maximum hypotensive effect, drugs have been developedcombined type, which consist of several components at once, optimally selected. This is:
- "Aritel plus": hydrochlorothiazide + bisoprolol;
- "Noliprel": perindopril arginine + indopamide;
- "Enap-N": enalapril + hydrochlorothiazide;
- Exforge: amlodipine + valsartan;
- "Tonorma": hydrochlorothiazide + triamterene;
- Lozap plus or Lorista N: hydrochlorothiazide + losartan;
- "Renipril GT": hydrochlorothiazide + enalapril maleate.
Reasons for taking multiple drugs for hypertension
The doctor at the initial stage of the disease prescribes any one tablet to reduce pressure for ambulance, which depends on the origin of the disease, based on a number of studies and the patient's he alth disorders. If one drug does not work, which happens often, others are added, creating a complex that reduces pressure, affecting different mechanisms to deal with high blood pressure. These complexes may include two or three drugs, which are selected from different groups. For example: diuretic and ACE inhibitor; diuretic and angiotensin receptor blocker; calcium channel blocker and ACE inhibitor; beta blocker, calcium channel blocker and angiotensin receptor blocker.
There are so many pills for high blood pressure. The name of the pressure pills for ambulance is widely known.
Patients with second and third degrees of hypertension are forced to constantly take medication to maintain pressure. For this, doctors advise combination therapy,thanks to which you can achieve a sustainable effect without crises. You can not focus only on people's reviews of drugs, since each case is individual. However, you can get acquainted with them in order to know what advantages and disadvantages are observed from the use of drugs.
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They speak well of the drugs Amlodipine, Valsocor and Concor, which help keep the pressure normal. If it rises, then Kapoten is accepted. It works fast and is one of the best remedies. Sometimes it causes attacks of debilitating dry cough, lasting for weeks. "Captopril", or "Capoten", is also different in that it is better to take it in hypertensive crises, since its effect is short.
Doctors also prescribe "Metoprolol" and "Prestans", but the effect is not too noticeable. Some patients suffer from diarrhea from Monopril.
The most effective and safe antihypertensive agent is Physiotens. It is suitable for both emergency use and for the treatment of hypertension, the dosage is determined by pressure indicators.
Thus, drugs must be selected individually, although there are generally accepted remedies. The existing deviations in the human body are also taken into account - the state of the kidneys, excess weight, diabetes, coronary artery disease, daily routine, etc.
We looked at which high blood pressure pills to take for an ambulance.