The article discusses painkillers for prostatitis in men.
Undoubtedly, the main treatment of pathology should be the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics that can suppress the development and growth of pathogenic agents. However, an equally important aspect is the elimination of such unpleasant symptoms as discomfort and pain.
This will help painkillers for prostatitis in men.
The process of inflammation provokes the occurrence of many unpleasant and undesirable symptoms, for example, constant pain that is aching in nature. In order to eliminate these symptoms during the treatment of the disease, specialists prescribe the use of special medications. To date, there are many drugs that painkillers for prostatitis, which manufacturers produce in a wide variety of forms.

Prostatitis pain
Pain is the main symptom of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. There is a strong swelling of the excretory ducts, as a result of which the secretion is difficult to come out, its accumulation exerts pressure from the inside, there are painful sensations during urination, as well as at rest. Pain is temporary but recurring. If you do not pay attention to an unpleasant sign of pathology in time, in the future it can lead to prostate adenoma.
Pharmacological forms of analgesics
Manufacturers produce medicines that can be used for prostatitis in various pharmacological forms: suppositories for rectal use, capsules, tablets, injection solutions. In the treatment of inflammation of the prostate, drugs are usually prescribed in the form of tablets and suppositories, as they allow you to achieve the highest level of pain relief.
If the pain is excessive, it may be necessary to use analgesics in the form of an injection solution that is administered intravenously or intramuscularly.
Let's consider drugs, painkillers for prostatitis, in tablets.

Tableted analgesics used in the treatment of prostatitis
Analgesic drugs prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis and in tablet form are purchased by men more often than other forms. This is mainly due to ease of use, because the pill can be taken anywhere and at any time. However, it is fairIt will be noted that oral analgesics are not as effective as suppositories. In addition, the period of exposure for tablets is much shorter than that for candles.
How to anesthetize prostatitis, many people are interested.
If the pain that accompanies prostatitis is mild, experts recommend the use of Analgin. The anesthetic drug relieves pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect. However, "Analgin" is a rather specific drug and can be taken only once a day and only one tablet.
It is unacceptable to use it by patients who have blood diseases, acute liver failure.
No less popular drug, pain reliever for prostatitis, is "No-shpa". The drug is available, has a fairly low cost, is presented in almost every pharmacy, causes negative reactions only in rare cases. However, it is important to take into account that No-Shpa demonstrates the greatest effectiveness in spasms, as it is an antispasmodic drug. If the pain during prostatitis is very pronounced, the desired effect from the use of "No-Shpa" will not be obtained. In accordance with the standard recommendations, the medicine should be taken three or four times a day, 2 tablets.
A contraindication to its use is acute renal failure, ulcerative lesions of the structures of the gastrointestinal tract.

If a man complains of severe pain that is acute, aching in nature, a specialist may recommend the use of a prescription pain medication "Diphenhydramine". The active substances present in its composition are able to relax smooth muscle structures, effectively and quickly eliminate pain. Dimedrol is rarely prescribed by modern doctors, as it has long been recognized as obsolete.
It has a fairly strong concomitant hypnotic effect, should not be used by patients with heart disease.
Often in urological practice, doctors recommend the use of "Ibuprofen" as an anesthetic for prostatitis and urethritis in men. It not only effectively relieves pain, but also has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effects. The drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal drugs, and its effect is mainly aimed at blocking prostaglandins involved in the development of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland. As a result, the pain becomes less pronounced, or completely disappears.
The main active ingredient in these prostatitis pain pills is ibuprofen, which has a high absorption rate. This allows him to quickly penetrate into the systemic circulation and reach the prostate gland. "Ibuprofen" is an effective and versatile drug that has virtually no contraindications, does not violate the structure of the mucous membranes lining the intestines.

Mydocalm is a fairly popular pain reliever for prostatitis. The drug has a rather specific character, its effect is aimed at relaxing smooth muscle structures, resulting in pain relief. This drug is included in the group of muscle relaxants with a central type of effect. "Mydocalm" is often recommended to patients if prostatitis is in the final stage of its development (sclerosis of the prostate). In addition, it can be used to treat neurological pathologies.
"Mydocalm" is produced in injectable and tablet forms. If the pain syndrome is pronounced, intramuscular injection of an injection solution will be appropriate. The effect of the drug with this method of application occurs much faster. If sclerosis of the prostate is diagnosed, the patient can be prescribed Mydocalm in both pharmacological forms at once. In addition, it is used to treat chronic and acute prostatitis.
Doctors often prescribe muscle relaxants for this pathology. Their action is aimed at suppressing spasms of the perineum, ensuring a long period of remission. The most effective are Flupirtine, Tizanidin.
The following drugs can also be prescribed for pain relief for prostatitis: Ketanov, Nimesil, Ibupron, Dolgit, Prostamed.
Medication "Nimesil"
This is an anti-inflammatory drug that is produced inpowder form for solution. The active ingredient of the drug is nimesulide. It has a strong antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. To relieve an attack of pain, it is recommended to dissolve 1 sachet in 1 glass of boiled water and drink at a time. The recommended amount of use is twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The therapeutic effect occurs after 20 minutes, in this way you can not only quickly relieve pain, but also reduce the foci of inflammatory processes. The course of intensive care - until the disappearance of disturbing symptoms.
Let's consider medicines, painkillers for prostatitis and adenoma, in the form of suppositories.
Analgesics in the form of suppositories
Often, urologists in the treatment of prostatitis prescribe the use of analgesics in the form of suppositories that are administered rectally. Their analgesic effect is several times greater than that of drugs in tablet form.
Currently, the most popular are suppositories, the active ingredient of which is novocaine. Novocaine is characterized by a high degree of efficiency, speed of action. However, self-medication with the use of such drugs should not be started, since only a qualified urologist will be able to determine the required dosage. In addition, suppositories with novocaine often provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions. It is not excluded the occurrence of nausea, burning, itching in the perianal area, deterioration of the general condition.
More gentle analgesic suppositories for prostatitis are those thatcontain extracts of belladonna. Such drugs have a pronounced effect, allow you to stop the processes of inflammation. It is unacceptable to use belladonna suppositories if benign hyperplasia is diagnosed.
What other painkillers for chronic prostatitis are known?

Among non-steroidal anti-inflammatory suppositories, the most popular drug is Diclofenac. The main active ingredient in its composition is able to eliminate soreness, swelling, and eliminate the process of inflammation. In addition, Diclofenac has an antipyretic, antispasmodic effect. A contraindication to the use of Diclofenac suppositories is acute renal failure, severe liver pathology, chronic hypertension.
No less popular is "Indomethacin" in the form of suppositories. The drug has a pronounced analgesic effect, actively affects the inflammatory process. It can be prescribed for the treatment of any stage of prostatitis, has practically no contraindications, does not provoke adverse reactions. The drug is contraindicated in patients with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, acute form of heart failure.

Also, the urologist may prescribe the use of "Voltaren", "Analgin", "Ketonal" in the form of suppositories.
Injectable analgesics for prostatitis
In case of pain syndrome withpronounced character, the use of injectable forms of painkillers is often recommended. Medicines of this pharmacological form relieve pain almost instantly, have a decongestant, anti-inflammatory effect.
Anesthetic injections for prostatitis "No-Shpa", in contrast to the tablet, has a more enhanced effect. The effect develops almost immediately after the injection - spasms and pain are eliminated. In addition, the drug rarely provokes the development of side symptoms. The drug has few contraindications, it is effective in the treatment of chronic prostatitis.
In addition to these funds, the urologist may prescribe the use of drugs in the form of an injectable solution, such as Ketanol, Drotaverine, Diclofenac.

It is important to understand that all of the listed medications should only be used on the recommendation of a qualified urologist or andrologist. The duration of the therapeutic course, dosages should be selected for patients on an individual basis. Only such an approach to treatment will make the therapy most effective and prevent the development of unwanted side reactions. The use of drugs for self-medication can cause not only allergic manifestations and negative reactions, but also the development of various complications. As a result, the treatment of the underlying disease will be difficult and take a longer period of time. We examined which painkillers for prostatitis are best used.