The appearance of a person plays an important role in his social life. Therefore, various formations on the skin require medical diagnosis and high-quality treatment. For the treatment of neoplasms on the skin, a wide range of drugs is used, for example, "Viferon" from papillomas. Reviews about it, the principle of operation, methods of application are discussed in the article.
Medicine Helper
Neoplasms on the skin always have an unpleasant appearance, besides, they can also cause a lot of inconvenience if the place of their localization is subjected to friction with parts of the clothes that a person should wear. But the reason for the appearance of such formations can be very unpleasant, for example, they often have a viral origin. If the nature of the appearance of the neoplasm on the skin is established correctly and its viral etiology is confirmed, then the specialist may prescribe the drug "Viferon" for use. This medicine has been helping to get rid of papillomas for several decades, which confirms its relevance. Experts recommending thismedicine in the treatment of a certain group of diseases, they know that it is most effective in complex treatment.

What are the dosage forms of the drug?
The work of malicious viruses is not always the flu. Neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes can also be of a viral nature, for example, when a person is infected with the papilloma virus. In such cases, the use of antiviral agents is justified. For example, a drug called "Viferon". Candles for papillomas, produced in the line of such products, are used only to strengthen the immune system, but external medicines also help locally. Preparations from this line can be purchased in three pharmacological forms: in the form of an ointment and gel for external use, as well as in the form of rectal suppositories. A specialist will help determine which dosage form is best to use in each case.
Ointment. Features
1 gram of Viferon ointment against papillomas contains 40,000 IU of the active ingredient, which is human recombinant alpha-2b interferon. Also in the composition of this drug work:
- alpha-tocopherol acetate (in other words, vitamin E, which is involved in tissue metabolism and has antioxidant properties;
- anhydrous lanolin, which is animal fat, makes the skin supple and soft;
- medical Vaseline has a softening effect on the skin, helps restore the hydrolipid mantle of the skin;
- oilpeach - a natural multi-component substance of plant origin, which has a complex effect on the skin.
Purified water is used to obtain a certain concentration and consistency of the ointment.

Gel. Feature
Gel "Viferon" from papillomas is also a multicomponent drug in which the active substance is human recombinant interferon alfa-2b. Its 1 gram of this drug contains 36 IU. How auxiliary components are used:
- alpha-tocopherol acetate;
- methionine - an essential sulfur-containing amino acid - a multifunctional biologically active substance involved, among other things, in the production of immune cells;
- benzoic acid has antiseptic properties and is used as a preservative;
- citric acid monohydrate - natural antioxidant;
- sodium tetraborate decahydrate (borax) has a disinfectant effect;
- sodium chloride in aqueous isotonic solution is a detoxifying agent;
- Human albumin is one of the main protein components of blood serum, contributes to the retention of tissue fluid;
- distilled glycerin (glycerol) has a softening effect on the skin;
- carmellose sodium acts as an epithelial protector, helping tissue regeneration;
- ethanol 95% - drug base with antiseptic properties;
- purified water.
Rectal suppositories
Another dosage form of the drug called "Viferon" - candles. From papillomas in reviews, this type of medicine is mentioned very rarely. Although as an antiviral drug, it is rectal suppositories that are highly effective and are used even in neonatology and pediatrics.
What works in an immune support drug?
The drug "Viferon" from papillomas of any pharmaceutical form uses human recombinant interferon alpha-2b as the main active substance. Under the name "interferon" is defined a fairly large group of protein compounds produced or activated by the cells of the human body in response to the invasion and replication of viruses. Interferons were discovered completely by accident, getting their name from interference - from the English word for obstacle. These bioactive substances are divided into several groups based on the types of cells that produce them. α, β and γ-interferons have become of particular importance in medicine. Among these interferons, the alpha-2b compound, which is used in the treatment of severe viral diseases, stands out.

How does the active component work?
Medicinal drug "Viferon" against papillomas reviews from professionals and patients receives a variety. The bioactive substance interferon acts in the external agent and in rectal suppositories. How does it work, which helps to solve the problem of skin formations? Interferons are produced inthe human body when viruses enter it. The medicinal substance does not fight the he alth pest itself, but protects the cells that are attacked by the pathogen. Protection consists in changing the properties of the cell membrane, which prevents adhesion and penetration of the virus inside. Interferon also triggers the synthesis of certain specific enzymes that can suppress and disrupt the synthesis of viral RNA and viral proteins in the cell. The medicinal substance modulates the cytoskeleton of the cell membrane, cell metabolism metabolism, which prevents the proliferation of cells, especially tumor cells. Interferon alpha-2b changes the production of some oncogenes, which activates the processes of normalization of neoplastic cell transformation and inhibits tumor growth. This effect of the drug, in turn, stimulates the process of antigen presentation to immunocompetent cells and increases the activity of killers that function in antiviral immunity. It is thanks to the studied action of interferons that drugs with their content, including "Viferon" from papillomas, have very positive reviews.

The pathway of drugs in the human body
The work of any drug is carried out in several stages - from assimilation to disposal. One of the externally used drugs that activate the immune system in the fight against viral diseases is "Viferon". Treatment of papillomas with this drug is justified by the functionality of the active ingredient - human interferon alfa-2brecombinant. Ointment and gel are used externally for immunomodulation and virus control. The active component does not have a significant systemic effect, acting locally. Additional components of the ointment and gel - vitamin E, citric acid activate the specific antiviral functionality of human recombinant interferon alpha-2b, enhancing its immunomodulatory effect, which is expressed in the stimulation of the phagocytic function of neutrophils in the lesions. This work of the drug allows you to enhance the effectiveness of the body's own immune response to pathogens. Topical application of the drug is most effective in the complex therapy of viral diseases.

When is the drug used?
The medicine "Viferon" (ointment) against papillomas receives quite a variety of reviews. The drug is used externally. In the treatment and prevention of not only papillomavirus, but also other diseases:
- flu;
- acute-respiratory-viral diseases;
- stenosing laryngotracheitis (false croup);
- damage to the skin and mucous membranes by herpes viruses;
- herpetic cervicitis.
The long-term practice of using the drug "Viferon" (gel) from papillomas, patient reviews and the opinion of experts indicate that only complex treatment, as well as timely prevention, help to cure the disease. As a mono-therapy, the use of external agents with interferon practically does not give any result.

Papilloma virus. What is this?
The drug "Viferon" (ointment) from papillomas reviews is quite contradictory. Some praise him, others, on the contrary, scold him. The human papillomavirus is a large group of microorganisms that live next to humans. This type of virus enters the body through the blood:
- during intercourse;
- during childbirth - from mother to child;
- through cuts and abrasions in contact with contaminated material.
The virus with blood is transferred to the basal layer of the skin, where it is fixed and begins its vital activity, forcing the cells to multiply actively. Scientists have established two forms of papillomavirus. One functions in the extrachromosomal space of the cell, called the episomal. The neoplasms formed as a result of its vital activity are of a benign nature. Another form of the virus is called introsomal - it is integrated into the genome of the cell and disrupts it. The result is a malignant tumor.

How is the drug used?
One of the ways to defeat the virus is the treatment of papillomas with "Viferon". Reviews of this technique are the most controversial. After all, a virus is a rather aggressive form of life, and only an ointment or gel cannot cope with it. The method of using the drug "Viferon" in the fight against papillomas on the skin or mucous membranes is quite simple: the ointment or gel is taken from the tube with a cotton swab, and then a small amount of the drug is applied directly topapilloma, wart, condyloma. This procedure is repeated 4-5 times a day. Also daily. Best of all in the evening, use rectal suppositories "Viferon". The course of therapy with this drug lasts at least 10 days. A single use of the drug or non-compliance with the terms of therapy will not give any result.
Application features
The virus often gives external manifestations on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Then the use of the drug "Viferon" from papillomas in intimate places is shown. Reviews in this case are not much different from those given when using the drug on the skin. Their spectrum is extensive - from extremely negative to grateful and recommendatory. Ointment for mucous membranes is used on a par with the gel pharmaceutical form of the drug. Both are applied very carefully with a cotton swab. For the treatment of papillomas to be as effective as possible, the remedy should be applied regularly. Course: 4-5 times a day for 7-10 days. A lot of information is given about the preparation "Viferon" (ointment) from papillomas reviews of specialists. They remind that this form should be lightly rubbed into the skin without damaging the neoplasm. The gel is only applied in a thin layer, without rubbing, as its consistency allows the medicinal substance to act more actively on the skin. This drug is used not only in the treatment of adult patients, but also in pediatrics. external preparations in this case are indicated for children older than 1 year. But suppositories can be used even in neonatology, taking into account body weightnewborn.
Are there any contraindications?
There are few contraindications to the use of the drug based on interferon alfa-2b human recombinant "Viferon" and the form of an ointment or gel, since it does not have any significant systemic effect. During the initial application of the drug to the skin or mucous membranes, attention should be paid to possible allergic reactions, indicating sensitivity to both the active ingredient itself and the excipients. If such a reaction of the body occurs, then the drug should not be used.
Expert opinion about the drug
Human papillomavirus is a rather serious and dangerous disease that can cause cancer. Unfortunately, today there is no absolutely effective drug. Which is able to completely remove this virus from the body and prevent serious consequences of its vital activity. But the pharmaceutical industry develops and produces drugs that, in combination, help to successfully treat the manifestations of the virus, and also allow you to get remission in the development of the disease. One of these means - "Viferon" from papillomas. Reviews of experts about this drug are mostly advisory, although to a greater extent the drug helps to fight diseases such as influenza, herpes. Doctors note the high effectiveness of this drug as a prophylactic. For the treatment of papillomas, Viferon ointment or gel should be used in complex therapy, since alone to cope with such a seriousthese externally applied medicines cannot be an adversary.

Patient testimonials
Quite a popular drug to help the immune system in various viral diseases is "Viferon" produced in the form of ointment, gel and rectal suppositories. People who used these drugs on the recommendation of a doctor note their effectiveness. Most note that the drug was used in complex therapy, since it was this treatment of a viral disease that was prescribed by the attending physician. People say that drugs in the form of an ointment or gel are convenient to use, as they do not have a specific smell and do not require an occlusive dressing. For parents, it is important that medicines to help immunity can be used in the treatment of babies from the age of 1 year. A lot of reviews say that Viferon ointments and gel are affordable, because they are applied in small quantities and one tube of medicine is therefore enough for a long time. But suppositories are quite expensive, because for a package of 10 candles you need to pay about 600 rubles. Many patients who were helped by the drug "Viferon" would like to see it in the form of tablets or an injection solution to help the body fight viral diseases. But there are no such dosage forms containing human recombinant interferon alpha-2b, since this biological substance will not work, penetrating through the gastrointestinal tract, and in the form of injections, interferons cause numerous side effects.
Howbuy and store medicine?
Such drugs as ointment, gel "Viferon" from papillomas reviews from specialists and patients are quite diverse. This is due to the peculiarity of the diseases in the treatment of which the drug is used, because viruses are a serious problem that can cause dangerous diseases. Drugs called "Viferon" in pharmacies are sold without a prescription from a doctor. But it is not recommended to take them without a diagnosis and appointment of a specialist. Store both the ointment and the gel in a closed tube at a low temperature - no more than 12 0С. The shelf life of these medicines is only 12 months, so you need to carefully monitor it, because after the expiration date, you can not use the medicine in any case.