Cosmetology and pharmacy offer a wide range of drugs to combat skin diseases. And each of them affects in its own way. Sulfur-tar ointment is also included in this list, and among the consumer it is listed in the top ten most popular products. A logical question: "Why has it continued to hold such a high position for many decades?" We will try to answer it.

Firstly, the mentioned ointment has already gained a reputation as a drug that successfully combines both antibacterial and antiseptic properties.
Secondly, it is much cheaper than modern counterparts. In addition, sulfur-tar ointment (price - from 1.5 USD, depending on the manufacturer and volume) has never been in short supply, so you can buy it at any time and in almost any pharmacy.
Thirdly, the agent in question is natural in its composition, and therefore the risk of complications andnegative reactions of the body is minimal.
By the way, this drug is offered by pharmacists in two forms:
1. Sulfur ointment regular (no additives).
2. Sulfur-tar ointment (instructions for use are described below, in addition, it is printed on the insert in the package), which is a homogeneous mixture of sulfur and tar with a characteristic odor (sometimes with the addition of petroleum jelly).
Both considered types have the same mechanism of action: chemical compounds have a detrimental effect on parasites and destroy microbes. But sulfur-tar ointment, attacking the disease from two fronts, provides a more effective, comprehensive treatment. It is indicated for seborrheic dermatitis, lichen, psoriasis, scabies, acne.
Sulfur-tar ointment, as already mentioned, is one of the safest among other means used to treat these diseases. It is prescribed even for the smallest (breast) children, pregnant women (at any time) and lactating women. But it is still worth noting that in rare cases, sulfur-tar ointment can cause a pronounced allergy (individual intolerance), so a medical consultation before starting treatment will not hurt.
The absence of additional chemical components delays the recovery time, but allows you to achieve the same results that could be obtained with the use of more powerful, but unsafe antiseptics.
And now - in more detail about the rules for using the tool in question.

Ointmentsulfur-tar can be used as a scrub due to the ability to exfoliate the dead particles of the epidermis, which often provoke the appearance of acne. The drug is applied to previously cleansed and dry skin. It is advisable not to wash off the ointment for a day (or leave it at least overnight). The next application is after 24 hours. The course of treatment is up to 10 days.
2. With scabies, in order to achieve a positive result, it is important not only to use the ointment correctly (daily treatment of the whole body with a 20% mixture for adults and 10% for children), but also to regularly disinfect (wash, iron) clothes and linen. The result is noticeable after a week from the start of therapy.
3. Sulfur-tar ointment is very effective in the treatment of all types of lichen. The affected areas are treated and left overnight. Between treatment, it is advisable to lubricate the foci with garlic juice (folk method). Improvements are noticeable after 3-4 days.
The drug can also be prescribed for seborrhea and psoriasis. The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor.