In the article, we will consider how to take Mexidol with VVD.
Specialists do not stop studying the features of vegetative-vascular dystonia, and in addition, the options for the treatment used. Currently, the only correct method of therapy for this disease has not yet been determined. Scientists have developed several variations of treatment. The use of "Mexidol" for VVD is one of the methods of therapy. This antioxidant belongs to a new generation, it is currently very popular among patients. This remedy copes with the unpleasant symptoms of VVD quickly and quite effectively.

Description of the disease
Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a complex of different symptoms that cause pain. With the course of this disease, the following symptoms are likely to appear:
- The appearance of a malfunction of the endocrine system.
- The occurrence of a mental disorder.
- The appearance of insomnia, neurosis and migraine due to constrictionvessels.
- Development of depression and heart failure, including the appearance of extrasystole.
Let's find out if Mexidol helps with VVD.
Features of therapy
Manifestations of the symptoms of this pathology can occur in stressful situations and even in those moments when nothing signals danger. As a symptom, headaches may appear along with a neurological disorder, weakness of the body as a whole, the occurrence of swelling, a malfunction in the activity of the respiratory system, and the like.
Often this disease in people is accompanied by a mental disorder, so experts focus on the treatment of the disease with the use of an antioxidant drug. One of these is considered Mexidol. With VSD, it is often prescribed. Antioxidant drugs are substances whose action is aimed at protecting cells from the oxidative process that occurs in the cells of the body due to various factors.

When studying this disease, scientists noted that often in people against its background there are disturbances in the functioning of the brain. In this regard, some scientific studies were carried out, according to the results of which scientists came to the conclusion that the use of "Mexidol" leads to an increase in working capacity and eliminates fatigue. The medicine leads to the restoration of the he althy functioning of the nervous system against the background of this disease.
The use of "Mexidol" for VVD should be carried out exclusively as prescribed by the doctor. Whenserious problems may appear for independent use.
Medication description
What does the instructions for use for "Mexidol" in tablets and injections tell us?
The agent in question is capable of producing various therapeutic effects and influencing various systems of the human body. The drug "Mexidol" belongs to several pharmacological categories. It can be attributed to medicines that have a positive effect on the system of the heart and blood vessels. The tool is also referred to as medicines that act mainly on the cerebral vessels. At the same time, the described drug is one of the varieties of antioxidants.
There are several options for the action of "Mexidol" on the human body. Due to the action of the active component of the drug, which is ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, a positive effect is produced on the human body. Thus, this remedy has an antioxidant, antihypoxic and neuroprotective effect on the body.
Injections and tablets "Mexidol" from VVD is considered a highly effective and active antioxidant. From this we can conclude that when it is used, lipid peroxidation is blocked, as a result of which cell membranes are normalized. The drug can provide protection for organ cells in dystonia. The positive effect of the drug is aimed at providing cellular protection of the liver and brain.
Antihypoxic effect
The antihypoxic effect is understood as an increase in the ability of the humanorganism to be stable against the background of low oxygen content in the blood. This is extremely important in the treatment of this disease, which is accompanied by hypoxia. A short-term decrease in oxygen demand can help increase the stress resistance of the human body.
Lipipidemic effect
According to the instructions for use for "Mexidol" in tablets and injections, the lipid-lowering effect of this drug is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. It is noted that this medication to some extent can contribute to blood thinning in dystonia.

Anxiolytic effect
The presence of a slight anxiolytic effect of this drug contributes to the additional suppression of the emerging stress state in the disease in question. Experts note that when Mexidol is used in combination with antipsychotics, tranquilizers and antidepressants, an increase in the effect of all drugs for the treatment of vascular dystonia can be seen.
Receiving "Mexidol" with VSD
There are two main ways to take this drug. Thus, there is a form of tablets and solution for injections. Oral use is the most widely used, due to the simplicity of the treatment method. Almost always, such treatment of dystonia is well received by the body. Unfortunately, there are also exceptions. Consider further more carefully the options for taking this medication.
Pills mostlyare used to treat mild forms of this disease and for children. One pill contains 125 milligrams of the active ingredient.
The dosage of "Mexidol" for VVD must be strictly observed.

Reception Scheme
In practice, doctors use a treatment regimen in which they prescribe three pills, two each, depending on the complexity of the disease. But there are restrictions on the dosage of this medicine. Thus, a maximum of 800 milligrams is taken, which is equal to six tablets. The course of the treatment course varies from one to two months.
Re-treatment is possible, but should not be used more than three times a year. Therapy of dystonia is recommended in the spring. Autumn is also good for this. During this period, exacerbations of signs of dystonia are especially frequent.
"Mexidol" with VVD of hypertensive type is most often prescribed.
Use mortar
The use of this component in ampoules is practiced in case of establishing a severe form of vascular dystonia. One ampoule of the drug contains a five percent medicinal solution with a volume of 2 milliliters.
It is acceptable to use intravenous and intramuscular use of the drug. The method of injection is set by the doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the patient. Most often, patients are prescribed intramuscular injections. In extremely difficult situations of the course of the disease, droppers with the drug are used.
Mexidol injections for VVD are carried out three times. Duringtreatment, you should try to adhere to the same time of taking the drug. The course of injection treatment for dystonia lasts, as a rule, for ten days. After completing this course, patients are prescribed further therapy in tablet form.

Side effects
During the period of use of the drug in question, patients sometimes show a small number of side effects. Generally, low toxicity is reported. The most well-known side effects that occur while taking this drug also include:
- Nausea, which is not uncommon in dystonia. Subsequently, the use of "Mexidol" increases the frequency of its appearance, even if you follow a he althy diet and regime.
- Patients may occasionally vomit.
- Presence of dry mouth.
- Very likely to experience a feeling of increased sleepiness along with a lack of strength against the background of the use of the drug.
- Extremely rare allergic reactions may occur.
- In cases of prolonged use of Mexidol, addiction is very likely to develop. And at the end of the next course, patients have a feeling of dependence on this drug.
- The components of the drug in question can affect concentration, and, in addition, the attention of a person, therefore Mexidol is prohibited for people whose professions require high concentration.
Even despite the smallthe toxicity of this medical product, it nevertheless has a certain effect on the human body. Adverse reactions, as a rule, are few, but if they occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Let's name some restrictions on the use of this drug:
- The presence of kidney and liver pathologies in a patient. From this drug, a person can get sick with the liver, and in addition, organs located nearby. Usually the liver will increase in size when taking this medicine.
- Do not use it during pregnancy. The risk of the effect of this drug on the fetus of a woman has not yet been studied.
- Children of all ages. The use of the drug in question in pediatrics is prohibited due to the components that make up the drug, which are not intended for children. But there are exceptions.
Mexidol is contraindicated for people suffering from severe and pronounced intolerance to some components of the remedy. When undergoing a therapeutic course, different effects on the human body may be noted.

Reviews about "Mexidol" with VVD
Consumers speak well of this drug. Many report that it actually helps to cope with the manifestations of VVD and effectively relieves the symptoms of this disease. However, not all reviews are positive and you can read on the Internet.negative comments in which people report that this medication, unfortunately, did not help them.
No serious adverse reactions reported by consumers. Thus, there are no complaints of serious side effects. In general, based on the reviews, we can confidently say that the drug in question is advisable to use for VVD, since many reviews confirm its effectiveness.