Diseases of the cardiovascular system are among the most common in the world, and their mortality rate is quite high. A large number of cardiac ailments are accompanied by discomfort and pain. This forces modern pharmacology to develop drugs that can improve the quality of life of patients, prevent the development of the problem and normalize the work of the heart. "Deprenorm" and "Deprenorm MV" at a dosage of 35 mg with prolonged action are drugs that relieve pain in the heart due to the ability to normalize the metabolism in the heart muscle.
Deprenorm MB 35mg is recommended for the following he alth problems: In the treatment of ischemicailments "Deprenorm MB 35 mg" is used in combination with other drugs. "Deprenorm MB 35 mg" contains the active ingredient trimetazidine. According to the principle of exposure, it is similar to such a medication as "Preductal". Has antianginal, antihypoxic, cytoprotective, metabolic effect. About such a drug as "Deprenorm MV 35 mg", the reviews of doctors are more often positive. Experts talk about it as an effective and fast-acting medicine. The expected effect is observed on average two weeks after the start of therapy. The pharmacological action of the drug is to improve the metabolism and function of cardiomyocytes and brain neurons. It reduces the degree of myocardial damage, enhances aerobic glycolysis and inhibits fatty acid oxidation. As a result, the energy potential increases, oxidative decarboxylation and rationalization of oxygen consumption are activated. Thanks to the drug, normal myocardial contractility is maintained, depletion of ATP and creatine phosphate in cells is prevented. If the patient suffers from acidosis, the drug helps to normalize the state of the ion channels of the membranes and the content of potassium ions inside the cells, does not allow calcium and sodium to accumulate in cardiomyocytes. Reduces acidosis and phosphate levels in cells. If the goal is to eliminate angina pectoris, then thanks to trimetazidine, the coronary reserve increases, which slows down the development of ischemia, which causesexercise stress. This effect is observed from the beginning of the third week of treatment. Simply put, trimetazidine, which is in this drug, has a supportive effect on the heart, has a beneficial effect on the brain and nervous system, as it protects nerve cells, normalizes their breathing and energy supply. At the same time, the myocardium retains the ability to normal contraction, as a result, the patient experiences angina attacks less often, and blood pressure drops become less pronounced. Therapy with this drug allows you to reduce the dose of nitrates that the patient takes. Noise in the ears disappears, the indicators of vestibular tests improve, hearing becomes sharper. Dizziness is less common. Increases endurance and ability to exercise. If the patient suffered from vascular pathology of the eyes, his retinal condition improves. Those who constantly take Deprenorm MB 35 mg have generally positive reviews of the drug: they note that in general there has been a noticeable improvement. From the gastrointestinal tract, the drug is completely absorbed, the half-life is about 6 hours, excreted by the kidneys. The drug is primarily antianginal. It is available in the form of bilayer, round, pink coated tablets. There are two types of medication: Deprenorm and Deprenorm MB (modified release). The first is available in a dosage of 20 mg. The second - at a dosage of 35 mg. There is also a release form70 mg, but not for everyone it is convenient, since you have to divide the tablet into two doses, in contrast to the already prepared single dosage - “Deprenorm MV 35 mg”. The instructions recommend a standard daily dose of 70 mg, which should be taken with meals in two doses (the optimal time is breakfast and dinner). Sometimes the dose of the drug can be changed to 70 mg at a time, that is, two tablets at a time. The duration of treatment is determined individually depending on the patient's disease, its duration and general condition. Tablets "Deprenorm MB 35 mg" have a prolonged action. The medication is dispensed only by prescription, as it is forbidden to use it without medical supervision. It is especially important to take it as required for therapy with the drug "Deprenorm MV 35" instruction. Reviews about this drug practically do not report a negative effect on the patient's condition, there are no problems with overdose, there are practically no side effects from it, but nevertheless, like any other strong cardiological medicine, Deprenorm should be drunk with caution. It is necessary to take into account some conditions of the body when taking a remedy such as Deprenorm MB 35 mg. Instructions for use do not recommend the use of the drug if the patient has serious violations of liver function and kidney pathology, including renal failure, in which CC is less than 1 ml / min. Therapy should not be performed if the patient is pregnant or breastfeeding. The drug adversely affects the fetus and even leads to malformations. When breastfeeding, the drug enters the baby's body with mother's milk and also has a negative effect on him. Deprenorm MV is not prescribed for people under 18 years of age because the efficacy and safety of this drug in children and adolescents (as well as in the fetus) has not been established. Therapy with the drug in question is undesirable if the patient is over 75 years old. If you need to take this particular drug, it should be used with extreme caution. It is not recommended to take Deprenorm if the patient has sensitivity to its components. The drug should not be used as a remedy for the relief of angina attacks. If the patient develops an attack, the cardiologist should change the principle of therapy. It is worth noting that taking Deprenorm does not interfere with driving a car and doing work that requires special attention, as it does not have a sedative effect, but still should be taken with caution, as it sometimes provokes dizziness. Few drugs do not cause side effects, especially for potent drugs, such as Deprenorm. Trimetazidine can occasionally cause reactions from the digestive system - gastralgia, nausea, vomiting. With individual intolerance, it can provoke allergic skin itching. Patients may complain of headachepain, palpitations. Also, trimetazidine can, although extremely rarely, cause symptoms of parkinsonism or exacerbate them. Therefore, patients, especially the elderly, should be regularly observed by a cardiologist. In the event of the appearance of motor disorders (tremor, increased tone, instability in the Romberg position and others), the drug is completely canceled, the symptoms disappear within four months. If they persist, a neurological consultation is required. However, those who drink pills containing trimetazidine, as the instructions recommend taking Deprenorm MV 35, the reviews are most often positive. Patients talk about mild side effects or their absence. In most situations, adverse reactions are eliminated by reducing the dose of the drug. In any case, if unusual symptoms appear, the patient should immediately report them to their doctor. As for the excess of the dose of Deprenorm, it should be noted that at present there is no information on cases of overdose with the drug. However, it is highly discouraged to take it in amounts exceeding those indicated. There is no information about the interaction of the drug "Deprenorm MV" with others. But in any case, it is necessary to take into account the intake of other drugs and be sure to inform your doctor about what you are already taking if he prescribes Deprenorm MB 35 mg to you. Instructions for the use of other medicines may contain information about the interaction with drugs for the treatment of coronary diseaseshearts. Be sure to study such information, as when taking two or more drugs, the effect of them may be weakened or increased. In the first case, there will be no expected result from taking the drug, in the second, an overdose is possible up to poisoning. If the drug "Deprenorm MV" for some reason is not suitable for the patient, you can easily find analogues with the same active ingredient. The drug belongs to antianginal. It also helps to get rid of vegetovascular dystonia and coronary heart disease. Based on the reason for the therapy with Deprenorm MV, an analogue can be selected from medicines based on trimetazidine. Replacement should be prescribed only by a doctor. He will tell you what information is reported on this subject by the instruction, reviews attached to the Deprenorm MV 35 preparation. Analogues are represented by the following means: You can also pay attention to Angital, Antisten, Rimekor, Triducard, Trimet, Preductal, Trimetazid, as well as Trimetazid produced by FPO Ferrein, Biocom.” They usually have the same dosage and are taken in the same way as Deprenorm MV. They generally have the same contraindications and frequency of side effects. They are also assigned either asan independent drug, if it is enough for a given disease, or are used in complex treatment in combination with other medicines. All products containing trimetazidine are recommended by a doctor, are purchased by prescription and cannot be taken unsupervised. Please note that it is very important to take into account the reviews only of those patients who take this drug strictly according to the rules. The group of drugs taken for vegetovascular dystonia also includes Cortexin, Cardio-Omega, Doppelherz VIP, Ginkgo Biloba. The drugs prescribed for ischemia of the heart include "Benzaflavin", "Atenolan", "Atorvastatin". If a cardiologist has prescribed trimetazidine to a patient, then he will be interested not only in the instruction attached to the Deprenorm MB 35. Reviews are often crucial, especially if they are left by doctors about the effectiveness and feasibility of taking this remedy, both on its own and in complex treatment. Unfortunately, cardiologists do not have an unambiguous attitude towards Deprenorm. Some of them believe that he cannot significantly affect the patient's condition. But most of them still prescribe Deprenorm MV 35 mg quite often. The instructions for the reviews of doctors as a whole confirm: the action claimed in it is proved by the results that are obtained as a result of taking the drug by patients. Both of them have arguments and evidence of their point of view, so it's worth knowing andthe opinion of patients who took this drug. Many patients are supporters of this drug. They take it and feel the improvement. If you do everything as the instruction recommends for the Deprenorm MV 35 tool, the reviews about it will be positive. Patients who added the drug to their usual regimen report that angina pectoris is becoming less and less common, pain and shortness of breath are less disturbing, and even visual acuity is improving But there are consumers who consider the placebo effect those actions that "Deprenorm MB 35 mg" gives. Patients' testimonials suggest that self-hypnosis has a temporary improvement, but in fact there is no proven effectiveness. And yet, most patients believe that there is a point in taking this drug. In addition to a lasting effect, pain reduction and general improvement in well-being, it has rare side effects, an affordable price, it does not have any noticeable negative effect on he alth, but only if concomitant diseases allow Deprenorm to be treated. It is advised to pay special attention to contraindications: many patients began to take Deprenorm, not taking into account their state of he alth. As a result, instead of improving, they showed side effects, they began to complain more about their he alth. Cancellation of the drug and the choice of another method of therapy normalized the condition, but in this case the problem is not in the drug itself, but in the fact that the patient ignored the contraindications to it. Patients without contraindications,taking this drug, they note that with regular use, blood circulation improves, pressure normalizes. After a long period of discomfort, they generally feel he althy. Many, after they began to be treated with this remedy, noticed that it became easier for them to walk, shortness of breath disappeared, the heartbeat was even and calm. Some begin to climb stairs non-stop and exercise. Of the significant advantages of this drug, patients note that you can drink it constantly, without interruption, for as long as you like. This reduces the need for other drugs (for example, nitroglycerin), and even in a stressful situation, the heart continues to work without interruption and pain. It is especially noted that when switching to or including Deprenorm in therapy, the effect of the treatment is more noticeable and significant.
Indications for admission
Healing effect
Forms of release and application rules
Side effects
Interaction with other tools
Synonyms and analogues
Reviews of doctors about "Deprenorm"
Patient testimonials