"Dolobene", gel: indications, instructions for use, analogues, composition, contraindications

"Dolobene", gel: indications, instructions for use, analogues, composition, contraindications
"Dolobene", gel: indications, instructions for use, analogues, composition, contraindications

How to apply Dolobene gel? Let's figure it out in this article.

When a person starts to hurt joints with muscles, he tries to do everything in order to eliminate the symptoms. To get rid of the pain, you can take special pills, but their disadvantage is that their effect does not come immediately, since first any pills must pass through the digestive system, as well as the liver. Therefore, they can load the internal organs. In the event that the joints hurt, it is better to use an ointment or some kind of gel that will produce an analgesic effect exclusively on the affected area. And this means that the result of treatment will come instantly. Dolobene gel is very good for these purposes. It will be discussed in our article.

Dolobene gel instruction
Dolobene gel instruction

Composition of the drug

On the modern drug market, there are many high-quality remedies that allow you to cope with pain, one of the best is Dolobene gel. This drug is for external use, ithas a complex effect on the affected area. Its composition makes it possible to have an anti-inflammatory, and at the same time, analgesic effect. Also, this drug quickly relieves swelling. Dolobene gel contains the following ingredients:

  • The substance heparin sodium is contained in the drug in the amount of 50,000 IU per 100 grams of the drug. This component slows down blood clotting. The drug makes it possible to remove inflammation from the affected areas, and in addition, it contributes to a very rapid recovery of damaged tissues.
  • Ingredient dexpanthenol is contained in an amount of 2.5 grams per 100 grams of the drug. This element is a derivative of vitamin B3. Once under the skin, it usually turns into pantothenic acid. The main function of this component is to improve the metabolism in tissues. In addition, it promotes tissue regeneration.
  • The component dimethyl sulfoxide is contained in the amount of 16.66 grams per 100 grams of the drug. It is this substance that relieves inflammation in the affected areas. Also, this component has an analgesic effect on the site of application. Another important property is to facilitate the absorption of other drugs.

As stated in the instructions for the Dolobene gel. In addition to the main substances, there are additional components, the role of which is extremely important. Such ingredients are polyacrylic acid along with purified water, mountain pine oil, and so on. This drug is sold without a prescription, but only on prescription. Next, let’s take a look at the evidence forthe use of Dolobene gel and find out in which cases this medication is appropriate for use.


Gel "Dolobene" is used in a number of the following cases:

  • For various injuries.
  • In the presence of bruises, accompanied by hematomas.
  • When there is damage to the muscles surrounding the joint.
  • Against the background of acute pain of a neuralgic nature, when painful sensations pass along the nerve.
  • If the patient has inflammation of the tissues surrounding the veins.
  • Against the background of tissue malnutrition.
  • If the patient has a sprained tendon or ligament.
  • Presence of inflammation of the tendon bag.
  • Dolobene gel analogues
    Dolobene gel analogues

The list of indications for Dolobene gel is quite extensive. Due to the successful composition of the presented drug has a wide range of uses. But you need to understand that this gel also has side effects, so you need to use it very carefully and only as directed by a doctor. It is worth noting that self-treatment with such a remedy is strictly prohibited.

Pharmacology drugs

The concentration of Dolobene gel in blood plasma is 40 nanograms per milliliter. When the gel is applied to the desired area of damage, after six hours directly in the blood, the amount of the drug will be 120 nanograms per milliliter. This indicator will remain stable for about twelve hours. Sixty hours later, the blood plasma is at a normal level of 40 nanograms per milliliter.

Nineteen percent substanceit is excreted from the body within twenty-four hours, the rest is excreted within seven days. Excretion processes are carried out through the kidneys. 3.5% excreted through the lungs after twelve hours.

In the event that this drug is used one gram three times a day, then its content directly in the application area will be 3 milligrams, and in the tissues and synovial fluid - about 7 milligrams. Only one component of the drug cannot be completely absorbed - this is heparin.

How to apply the gel?

According to the instructions, Dolobene gel can be administered to patients with severe pain. It is necessary to apply such a gel, guided by the following rules for use:

  • Apply it only to the affected area.
  • Use the gel three to four times a day.
  • In no case should you cover the area that is smeared with a bandage. It is permissible to apply a bandage only after the absolute absorption of the gel.

In addition to direct prescription, this drug can be used as a contact gel during phonophoresis. Since the medicine has certain active ingredients, it manages to increase the positive effect during ultrasound treatment. The very same duration of action of the drug directly depends solely on the stage of the disease.

The indications of the Dolobene gel must be strictly observed.

Dolobene gel indications
Dolobene gel indications

Adverse reactions

Like other medicines, Dolobene gel can cause variousside reactions. So, if the gel is used incorrectly, as well as in case of an overdose, the following side effects are possible:

  • Probably itching in the application area.
  • Possible redness. But it is worth noting that such manifestations as redness and itching usually recede after the second use of the ointment, since its ingredients take some getting used to.
  • Hives may occur.
  • Possibly nausea.
  • A bad garlic odor may occur from the mouth. This is due to the fact that the composition of this drug includes dimethyl sulfide.
  • Quincke's edema is not excluded.
  • Probable headache along with shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.
  • Often there is a change in taste, which quickly recede immediately after application of the drug.

Now let's go directly to the contraindications. It is worth noting that there are quite a few prohibitions on the use of this drug for treatment.

Contraindications for use

Gel "Dolobene" - a drug that has its own contraindications, and they must be taken into account. This is very important, as its application will be carried out over a long period of time. Before starting therapy, you should contact a specialist so that he can give a clear consultation. Contraindications to the use of the drug, as a rule, are as follows:

drug dolobene gel
drug dolobene gel
  • The presence of sensitivity and susceptibility to one of the components. In this case, it is notonly about the main components, but also about additional substances.
  • Presence of bronchial asthma.
  • Pathologies and various disorders of the liver and kidneys.
  • It is worth refusing to use this gel if there are problems with the work of the heart.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Under five years of age.
  • Presence of ulcers or wounds at the affected area.

These contraindications of the Dolobene gel are in the annotation.

Using the gel: general recommendations

Doctors prescribe the gel for pain symptoms of various origins. In order for the drug to have the desired effect, it must be used correctly, and special instructions must also be taken into account. So, in order for the treatment to proceed correctly, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • The place where the gel is applied must not contain any cosmetics or chemicals.
  • Apply the gel carefully, then wash your hands. It is very important to ensure that the gel does not get into the eyes. If not, wash them with plenty of water.
  • Be careful not to get the medicine on the mucous membrane of the mouth or nose.
  • Do not apply the gel on wounds and ulcers.
  • While using this drug, you must avoid going to the beach. It is very important to stay out of the sun, and in addition, you should not go to the solarium.

In the event that the patient notices severe allergic reactions, he should stop using the drug. Do not combine this gel with other medicines forexternal use.

Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor, especially if the pain syndrome is caused by serious diseases. This is primarily due to the fact that the patient may be prescribed drugs that are incompatible with the anesthetic gel. Such medicines will either weaken the effect of the gel or cause an allergic reaction.

In the event that a person uses any other ointments, the Dolobene gel will help enhance their effect. With the simultaneous use of drugs that belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, peripheral neuropathy may occur.

The use of Dolobene gel can be carried out for three weeks, which largely depends on the stage of the disease. At first, the medicine can eliminate the pain, but the inflammation will not be removed immediately. If the patient needs the drug only to relieve pain, then this gel is enough to use less than ten days. And for the full course of treatment, it is better to see a doctor who will prescribe a longer therapy and probably prescribe additional medications.

Issue form

In the pharmacy you can buy this medicine in a tube with a volume of 50 grams. The tube is aluminum and covered with foil, which is necessary for the initial opening of the gel. The twist in this case is polymeric, and the lid is of the screwed type. The tube is placed in a cardboard box.

Dolobene gel during pregnancy
Dolobene gel during pregnancy

Analogues of Dolobene gel

There are various analogues of this remedy on the market. These, according to the active component, includea drug called Hepatrombin.

It is a combination drug for external use with antithrombotic, regenerating, anticoagulant (inhibits blood clotting), decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties. The composition of "Hepatrombin" includes heparin sodium, dexpanthenol and allantoin.

drug hepatrombin
drug hepatrombin

According to the pharmacological anticoagulant group, analogues of the gel are preparations in the form of Anfibra, Vanebos, Heparin, Clexane, Seprotin, Cibor, Essaven, Lyoton and Marevan.

This is not the whole list of analogues. It is worth mentioning that analogues are offered if the patient is allergic to additional drug substances. They also need to be selected for patients who seek to save money. On the pharmacy shelves there are many drugs with exactly the same active ingredients. Before using them, you need to consult a doctor in order not to aggravate the therapy process.

Cheap analogues of Dolobene gel have a strong pharmacological effect, their low prices do not at all mean that they are useless and bad. These are quite worthy drugs, and they can be used to eliminate pain, inflammation and swelling.

Drug cost

The price of a gel largely depends on the manufacturer, and in addition, on the pharmacy itself. The cost of the drug varies from three hundred and fifty to five hundred rubles. The shelf life of the Dolobene gel is three years. After the expiration of this period, use the medicine in anyno way.

When Pregnant

Doctors do not recommend using Dolobene gel during pregnancy. This ban is due to the fact that no clear studies have been conducted that would confirm the safety of using the gel for this category of patients. It is known that when using the drug, lactating women should transfer the child to artificial nutrition, since the main components of Dolobene quickly penetrate into milk.

With osteochondrosis

Gel "Dolobene" with osteochondrosis is very effective when used against the background of osteochondrosis. In the treatment of this disease, the result of the use of the gel appears in a short time, which becomes possible due to the rapid penetration of the active components of Dolobene into the tissues. Treatment with this drug helps dissolve blood clots and improve microcirculation in general.

Dolobene gel contraindications
Dolobene gel contraindications

As a result of therapy, regeneration processes begin in the affected cartilage tissues. At the same time, pain is eliminated, and at the same time, inflammation is reduced. The result of treatment, as a rule, is the restoration of the overall mobility of the affected areas of the spine. Reviews of patients suffering from osteochondrosis confirm the effectiveness of this remedy for the treatment of this pathology.

Can children have Dolobene gel?

The use of this drug in childhood is contraindicated, and in addition, in adolescence. This is due to the fact that there are no data on the safe use of the gel in this age group.
