Several years ago, doctors had rather conservative views and prescribed exclusively medications for the treatment of any disease. Today, the situation has changed significantly and specialists, in combination with medicines, prescribe effective natural remedies, such as the Aconite drug. Homeopathy is being used more and more every day in various areas of medicine.

Pharmacological action
Means "Aconite", which is widely used today in various fields of medicine, has an extended combined action. It contributes to the normalization of the body's self-regulation processes and has an informational effect. The drug acts on the central nervous system and excites the center responsible for the oppression of the parasympathetic nervous system. Due to this, the agent exhibits anti-inflammatory, intense anesthetic and antipyretic effects. In addition, the drugreduces the frequency and strength of myocardial contractions, as well as the secretory function of the bronchi, lungs and glands.
You can also achieve a decrease in peristalsis and relieve anxiety symptoms by using the "Aconite" remedy. Homeopathy quickly copes with the indicated clinical manifestations of various diseases without disturbing the functions of the body.
Composition of the drug and release form
Today, extracts from various medicinal plants serve as the basis for many medical preparations. Homeopathic remedies are also based on the gifts of nature. But the fundamental difference between these two groups of drugs is that the first one includes synthetic components in combination with medicinal herbs, while the second ones are completely based on the plant component. However, both of them effectively fight diseases and restore body functions.
The main component of the drug "Aconite" is a tincture of the plant of the same name, which is diluted in accordance with homeopathic methods. The dynamized medicine is applied to sugar grains. You don't need a prescription to buy Aconite at a pharmacy.
Origin of the name "Aconite"
Another alchemist, whom we know as one of the brightest personalities of the Renaissance - Paracelsus - put forward his hypothesis of the origin of the name of the plant. He believed that "Aconite" was named after the city of Akone, in the vicinity of which this type of grass grew.
Ancient Gauls used this aconite extract as a deadly poison. They rubbed them on the tips of theirhomemade arrows before hunting for panthers, wolves, leopards and other predators. This use of aconite is confirmed to some extent by the nicknames preserved among the people. It is called wolf root, black potion, dog death and dog potion.
In addition to all the above nicknames and names, there is one more - the king-grass. It was given because the plant is highly poisonous. The extract and tincture of aconite were considered so dangerous that the authorities punished anyone who used them at home with death.
First use of "Aconite" in homeopathy
Until 1820, the alkaloids of this plant were not known to science. But thanks to the work of the chemist Peschier, who was originally from France, this mystery of nature was opened to mankind. However, the scientists did not stop there and continued their work. And only 18 years later, two German toxicologists - Hesse and Geiger - isolated the first and brightest representative of aconite alkaloids - aconitine. Further research on the plant was suspended.
Exactly one hundred years later, the famous Japanese chemist Maiima found out that Japanese and European aconites contain a mixture of three main alkaloids: hypaconitine, aconitine and mesaconitine.
Indications for use

The drug "Aconite" (homeopathy also involves the use of other remedies based on aconitine) is recommended to be taken only by people of a large constitution, sanguine people. The pathological processes in which the remedy is indicated are characterized by a sudden onset andare acute. These include various diseases of the respiratory tract of viral and bacterial etiology, including influenza, SARS, bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, pleurisy and pneumonia, tonsillitis with fever, runny nose, as well as catarrhal neuralgia.
Quite often, with various pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the remedy "Aconite" (homeopathy) is also prescribed. The use of this medicine is recommended for hypertension, cardiac neurosis, nosebleeds (due to hypertension), angina pectoris, arrhythmias and tachycardia, endocarditis, pericarditis, arteritis, overstrain of the heart muscle in athletes, as well as for hypertensive syndromes that are accompanied by nausea and headache.
In addition to the above indications, homeopathic preparations based on aconite are recommended for use in febrile conditions (in particular, in post-vaccination fever), rheumatism and sciatica, catarrhal neuralgia, acute otitis media, hepatitis, climatic hot flashes, furunculosis and carbuncles.
Due to the fact that aconitine depresses the parasympathetic nervous system, aconite tincture is effective in urinary retention, anxiety, amenorrhea, which arose as a result of fright. A homeopathic remedy is also prescribed for bronchial asthma, which often manifests itself with nocturnal attacks and is accompanied by a fear of death.
And one of the main ailments for which medicine is prescribed is cancer.
Pellet dosing system
For those who have been recommended the drug "Aconite", treatment should be based on strict adherencedosing systems. After all, exceeding the permissible dose can not only cause deterioration of he alth, but also lead to death.
The remedy must be taken sublingually (drug granules are placed under the tongue). It should be taken 25-30 minutes before meals. If you forgot to take the medicine before lunch or dinner, it is better to wait an hour. So it will be assimilated and will not disturb the rhythm of digestion.

In the first days of the development of the disease in the presence of fever, it is recommended to take the remedy every 3 hours (5 times a day), 8 granules. After 3 days, when the development of inflammation is stopped, the frequency of taking the medicine is reduced to 3 times a day. The course of treatment with this dosage should be continued for 10-14 days and only then switch to a two-time dose. The duration of therapy and the dose of the drug are prescribed directly by the doctor. He will professionally assess the patient's condition, the complexity of the disease, and only after that will correctly prescribe a safe and effective dosage for each individual patient.
How to use Aconite tincture
In addition to the granules, you can buy a tincture of the drug "Aconite" in the pharmacy. Homeopathy has no clear restrictions on the use of forms of medicine. Therefore, if it was not possible to purchase a product in the form of grains, you can use tincture, and vice versa. The main thing is strict adherence to the dosing system recommended for the drug form.
It is recommended to start taking the remedy with minimal doses and gradually increase them. This will not only allow the body to get used to the poison contained inpreparation, but also prevent the appearance of responses from all vital systems. Therefore, the first day of the course is recommended to start with just 1 drop of medication per day. In this case, the drug is dissolved in 20-40 g of water at room temperature. If the body has responded normally to the medicine, the reception is continued, and for the next ten days the dose is increased daily by one drop. Before use, the drug diluted in water must be re-stirred and drunk in small sips, slowly.

If at any stage of taking a homeopathic remedy you experience dizziness, slight malaise, etc., you should immediately contact the doctor who prescribed the drug. In situations where it is impossible to get expert advice, you need to try to cope on your own. You should not immediately refuse treatment, since a second course can be started only after a month. In such situations, you need to take the remedy further, but without increasing the dose. And when the side symptoms disappear, that is, the body will not react so sharply to the drug, continue the previously described scheme with an increase in dosage.
External use of aconite tincture
In addition to ingestion of Aconite tincture, the instruction contains information on its external use for radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, pinched sciatic nerve and diseases of muscles and ligaments. And before considering how to use the remedy for the above diseases, it is worth saying that only a doctor can prescribe such treatment. After all, independentthe use of the drug (even externally) can lead to the most negative consequences and harm he alth.
When prescribing this homeopathic remedy for external use, it is necessary to moisten a small cotton swab with tincture and apply it to the area of the skin (in the place where the nerves, joints or muscles are damaged). The procedure should be carried out twice a day for 30 days.
It is important to know that you need to apply the drug only on he althy skin and even a small scratch can cause treatment to be refused.
Worth knowing
Despite the fact that homeopathic medicines help to get rid of many diseases and establish the correct functioning of all body systems, it is worth remembering that they also have drawbacks. So, the disadvantage of the drug "Aconite" is its toxicity, and exceeding the dosage can not only harm he alth, but also cause death. Indeed, today there is no antidote that could neutralize the effect of aconitine. And a lethal dose for a person is only 1 gram of a plant, 2 mg of an alkaloid or 5 ml of tincture. Therefore, all precautions should be observed as much as possible and strictly follow the recommendations for the use and storage of the medicine.

In addition, do not forget that Aconite is a wild herb that can be found throughout Central Europe, as well as in the highlands from the Caucasus to the Far East. Therefore, lovers of trips to nature should definitely know what Aconite looks like (photos can be found in encyclopedias and our article) in order toavoid unwanted consequences. Adults should also share this information with children so that the crumbs who love to pick bouquets of wild flowers do not get aconitine poisoning.
Overdose symptoms
If the allowable dosage is exceeded, after a certain period of time, a person will start vomiting and nausea. The following symptoms of alkaloid poisoning are also not long in coming and will manifest themselves in the form of numbness of the tongue, cheeks, lips, coldness in the limbs and heat, as well as a crawling sensation on the skin. Vasospasm, which at this moment occurs in the body, can impair vision, while a person sees objects in green tones.
Against the background of the above symptoms, there is thirst, dry mouth, convulsive twitching of the muscles of the face and limbs. The person is very worried, his head starts to hurt. Such clinical manifestations of intoxication in the body can last from several minutes to 3 hours, then the person loses consciousness. In this state, the patient's blood pressure drops dramatically, and all the vital processes of the body slow down.
The initial stage of an overdose of alkaloids is characterized by the appearance of bradyarrhythmia, later extrasystole develops, and then comes the turn of paroxysmal tachycardia, which later turns into ventricular fibrillation.
Of course, aconite root is very poisonous, but the symptoms of poisoning depend on the amount of the drug taken.

First aid for overdose
If an adult or child has taken a large doseaconitine, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Moreover, doctors should definitely say what the patient was poisoned with and how much of the drug he drank. In the meantime, doctors are on the way, do not waste precious time - you should provide first aid to a loved one.
The first thing to do is gastric lavage. To do this, the patient is given to drink 0.5 liters of water and induce vomiting. The procedure must be done several times until the stomach is completely cleared (i.e., the vomit will consist only of pure water). Next, the patient should be given a saline laxative to drink. To prepare it, you need half a glass of warm water and 25 g of magnesium sulfate.
If the laxative effect was not achieved with the help of the medicine, the patient is given an enema of 200-250 g. To achieve maximum results, you can add 1 teaspoon of baby or laundry soap to the water. If there is baby skin care oil in the house, you can use it.
In order for homeopathic remedies based on aconitine to enter the bloodstream in a minimum amount, the patient is given activated charcoal in a dose that corresponds to his weight.
Any of the diuretic drugs that are at home will help to quickly remove the already assimilated poison from the body. This may be the drug "Veroshpiron", "Hypothiazid", "Furosemide", etc.
If the above measures have already been taken, but there is no ambulance yet, you need to warm the patient as much as possible by wrapping him in blankets. You can also give him unlimited strong coffee and tea to drink and wait for the doctors to arrive.
Medical care for aconitine poisoning
If the patient has exceeded the allowable dose of the drug, which is based on aconite (wrestler - a popular name), he is immediately hospitalized. After all, scientists have not yet found specific antidotes, so medical care is provided to the victim with symptomatic measures and means.
Inpatient treatment begins with gastric lavage, which is carried out using a probe, followed by the introduction of magnesium sulfate. If this procedure was carried out at home before the arrival of the ambulance, then the treatment begins with the intake of activated charcoal. Further, to cleanse the patient's body of poison, forced diuresis is used and hemosorption is carried out.
A person who has been poisoned is given a drip of 500 ml of glucose and 30-50 ml of Novocaine solution. And intramuscularly, he receives 10 cubes of a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate. If convulsions are a clinical manifestation of poisoning, 5-10 ml of Diazepam is administered intravenously to the patient.
Disorders of the heart rhythm, which are almost always observed with an overdose of aconitine, are treated with a 10% solution of the drug Novocainamide. The drug is administered very slowly intravenously.
If a patient is diagnosed with bradycardia, he is given an injection of Atropine subcutaneously.

Aconite as a way to treat cancer
Many homeopathic remedies have been tried in the fight against oncological diseases, but almost all of them turned out to be completely ineffective. However, there are also exceptions torules, and one of them is a tincture of a poisonous plant - aconite. The centuries-old practice of using this remedy confirms its effectiveness and allows us to consider it an equivalent alternative to modern chemotherapeutic drugs. The drug can not only prevent the formation of metastases and slow down the process of tumor development, but in some cases, reduce its size.
All the pros and cons: the opinion of patients
Judging by the reviews, today every tenth patient is a supporter of homeopathic medicines. And one of the leading places in this list is occupied by medicines based on aconite. Most people who have given preference to this natural drug note its high efficiency. Moreover, positive feedback can be heard not only from cancer patients, but even from mothers who protect their babies from viruses with the help of drugs based on aconite.
A cancerous tumor with the systemic use of poison stops in development and can decrease to an operable size. In some cases, which is confirmed by patients, the malignant formation disappears altogether. Doctors can only be perplexed and recommend the patient to undergo regular examinations.
Despite a lot of positive reviews, there are people for whom this remedy did not help get rid of the disease. Sometimes the lack of treatment is associated with the incorrect use of a homeopathic remedy, and only in isolated cases can we say that the ineffectiveness of the drug is completely related to the individual characteristics of the patient's body.