Valocordin and alcohol: compatibility, consequences

Valocordin and alcohol: compatibility, consequences
Valocordin and alcohol: compatibility, consequences

"Valocordin" is often used to relieve the symptoms of a hangover. The composition of this drug is identical to the famous "Corvalol". Even after a single dose, the heart rate evens out, there is a clear sedative, relaxing and calming effect. A person falls asleep quickly after taking Valocordin, and alcohol can enhance this effect. However, in a hangover, taking this drug is not recommended, especially often. The compatibility of alcohol and Valocordin is not at all as good as it seems at first glance. With regular intake of both liquids, addiction can develop, both medically and psychologically.

Release form and composition of "Valocordin"

Release form - drops, solution based on ethyl alcohol. Unlike Corvalol, Valoserdin does not have a tablet form of release. Main operatingdrug ingredients:

  • phenobarbital;
  • ethyl bromoisovalerianate;
  • auxiliary components - mint, hop oil;
  • ethyl alcohol.

Phenobarbital belongs to the group of barbiturates. It is thanks to this component that the drug has a rather pronounced sedative calming effect. However, other barbiturates are sold strictly by prescription, but Valocordin and Corvalol (which also includes phenobarbital) can be purchased without a prescription. It can be concluded that these drugs should be sold strictly by prescription - and such a conclusion will be completely fair. However, since Soviet times, these drugs have been cheap and sold without a prescription. This situation has continued to this day - to buy "Valocordin" you do not need a prescription from a doctor.

instructions for valocordin
instructions for valocordin

Indications for use

Instructions for use for "Valocordin" reports that the drug has the following indications for use:

  • sinus tachycardia;
  • cardialgia and other forms of dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • neurotic state, hyperactivity;
  • strong excitement, anxiety;
  • excitement accompanied by unwanted reactions from the autonomic nervous system;
  • sleep disorders of various etiologies.

This drug is rarely prescribed today. However, a certain tradition arose - people who are far from knowledge of medicine go to the pharmacy and acquire"Corvalol" or "Valocordin" regardless of what kind of diagnosis they have. Excessive heartbeat, anxiety or insomnia - buyers believe that Valocordin will help in all these cases. But this drug is not at all as harmless as it seems at first glance. That is why a neurologist or psychiatrist almost never prescribes phenobarbital drops to his patients. And if ordinary people knew that psychological and drug dependence could develop from this drug, tested for decades, in the future, they would also hardly buy Valocordin or Corvalol similar to it.

is it possible to mix alcohol and valocordin
is it possible to mix alcohol and valocordin

Possible side effects

When taking high doses of Valocordin, drowsiness, sweating, slight nausea are observed. Skin reactions are possible - this is how an allergy to components in the composition manifests itself.

Some patients, even when taking relatively low dosages, feel dizzy, feeling tired even in the morning. This is the insidiousness of the drug - despite the fact that it is positioned as a means of restoring sleep, there is a risk that a person will not get enough sleep. If the sleep phases are disturbed, then "Valocordin" lulls, but at the same time does not provide a good rest during sleep. This side effect is especially pronounced if you take Valocordin and alcohol. Coming into contact with ethyl alcohol, phenobarbital has a depressing effect on neurons. As a result, a person duringsleep does not rest, he may have nightmares, and in a few hours he will wake up broken and tired - as if those hours of sleep never happened.

Also, a side effect is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after taking the drops. This happens, as a rule, in people with chronic diseases of the stomach. In this case, you can not take "Valocordin" on an empty stomach. It is acceptable to use after a meal - however, this way the effect of the drug is reduced in severity.

Contraindications for taking

Instructions for use of the drug reports that there are the following contraindications for taking:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • childhood;
  • diseases of the stomach (in this case, you can not take drops on an empty stomach);
  • chronic drug addiction and alcoholism;
  • organic pathologies of the liver, kidneys;
  • presence of an allergic reaction to some components of the drug.

With caution, the drug should be used by people with chronic alcoholism (that is, Valocordin cannot be taken directly at the time of drinking), brain diseases, and traumatic brain injuries. If the patient, at his own peril and risk, nevertheless decides to use "Valocordin" in the presence of such pathologies and diseases, then the responsibility for the consequences remains with him. There is a great risk of aggravating your condition and not getting relief.

Can Valocordin be taken after alcohol?

This question worries a fairly large number of people. As a rule, the bulk are those whoevery holiday or weekend they are accustomed to relaxing with alcohol. Is it possible to drink valocordin after heavy drinking to alleviate headaches, anxiety, and forget in a dream? Yes, you can really take the drug for a hangover once. But there are a number of nuances that you need to know in order not to aggravate your already bad condition.

is it possible to drink valocordin with alcohol
is it possible to drink valocordin with alcohol

Firstly, it is necessary to distinguish the withdrawal syndrome from the hangover. The difference between these two states is described below. And if it is quite acceptable to take Valocordin with a hangover, then trying to get rid of the withdrawal syndrome with it is tantamount to putting out a fire with gasoline.

Can I drink "Valocordin" with alcohol? No, this approach is unacceptable. If you really try to remove the hangover torment with the drug, then you can do this only after the remnants of alcohol leave the body, that is, after about a day. The need to mix alcohol with medicine and questions like "is it possible to "Valocordin" with alcohol?" usually come from people who already suffer from chronic alcoholism. The need to mix alcohol with drugs may also indicate an already developed polydrug addiction.

valocordin and alcohol compatibility
valocordin and alcohol compatibility

The difference between hangover and withdrawal symptoms

So, let's figure out how these two conditions differ from each other, and in which you can try to get rid of the bad he alth provoked by alcohol intake. After "Valocordin" a person often experiences some side effects, and what to expect if the body is already poisoned by the decay products of ethyl alcohol:

  1. Hangover syndrome is a condition that develops due to the fact that a person "too much" wine, vodka or any other alcoholic drink at dinner. Roughly speaking, this is a poisoning of the body. In the morning, a person experiences nausea, he may vomit. The head usually hurts a lot. Other mental disorders or pathologies of a neurological nature are either not observed at all, or are observed very moderately. In this case, you can take "Valocordin" after alcohol. But pay attention - this should be done once. If you get into the habit of getting rid of hangover symptoms with Valocordin, then there is a high risk of developing psychological and drug dependence on phenobarbital (one of the main active ingredients of the drug). In this case, a person will need the help of a qualified narcologist, or even have to go to a rehabilitation center for a while.
  2. Withdrawal syndrome develops in those people who, due to regular drinking, have already fallen into the category of "chronic alcoholics". Withdrawal syndrome is not just a hangover. A person also feels sick, his head hurts after refusing to use, but a number of extremely unpleasant symptoms are added. These are anxiety, insomnia, fears, panic attacks. People with chronic alcoholism often develop psychiatric pathologies - depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder. If a person sometimes enters into binges, then over time there is a great risk that delirium will develop when quitting drunken use. The relatives of the poor fellow will be forced to call a team of psychiatrists. In the case of withdrawal syndrome, you should not be treated with Valocordin, especially on your own.
what happens if you drink alcohol with valoserdin
what happens if you drink alcohol with valoserdin

"Valocordin" for hangover syndrome

Can I take "Valocordin" after alcohol? Yes, such a reception is possible, but only if a person does not have alcoholism. Since the drops contain ethyl alcohol, a person with addiction is almost guaranteed to exceed the recommended dosage and get drunk again, only this time with a drug with a barbiturate in the composition. the consequences of such a combination are sad - from acute intoxication to death.

If possible, choose another drug to get rid of a hangover. "Polysorb", "Enterosgel" cope with the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover much better than "Valocordin".

"Valocordin" in withdrawal symptoms

Can I drink "Valocordin" after alcohol, if a person has withdrawal symptoms? No, you shouldn't. Yes, in some cases, a single dose can bring relief to the patient - but only for half an hour or an hour. After this time, withdrawal will overtake the patient again, and often with a vengeance. "Valocordin" with alcohol can be drunk only if there is no chronicalcoholism, and the time interval between doses should be about a day.

If a person's addiction has reached such a level that withdrawal has begun, then you should contact a narcologist for a consultation and seriously think about giving up alcohol forever.

valocordin for a hangover
valocordin for a hangover

Consequences of combining for the nervous system

Consequences of combining alcohol and "Valocordin" for the nervous system:

  • subsequent sleep problems;
  • death of neurons - nerve cells;
  • irritability;
  • unmotivated aggression against even the closest people;
  • desire to take medicine again;
  • tearfulness, apathy.

If these symptoms occur, do not take "Valocordin" again. It is better to contact a neurologist or narcologist and ask for a prescription for a drug that will really help, and will not remove the symptoms of a hangover or withdrawal for a couple of hours, as Valocordin does.

Harm to the liver and pancreas

The greatest impact of mixing alcohol and Valoserdin falls on the liver and pancreas.

With regular combination, after a few years (and for someone even faster), chronic pancreatitis develops. Over time, this, in turn, develops into pancreatic necrosis, which is a fatal disease.

The liver is also failing slowly but surely. Hepatocytes die, fibrosis, hepatosis, hemangiomas develop in tissuesbody.

Why is it better to stop drinking alcohol

In order not to think about how to treat a hangover, just stop drinking alcohol. If a person cannot imagine holidays and recreation without alcohol, then this indicates the presence of alcohol addiction. If a person prefers to drink alone, this is already a serious sign that it is time to seek help.

Alcoholism is a serious disease that affects all areas of the patient's life. Not only the physical body suffers, but also the psyche and the nervous system.

valocordin and alcoholism
valocordin and alcoholism

Methods of treating alcohol addiction

Today there are not so many methods of treatment, the result of treatment almost completely depends on the efforts and desire of the patient himself:

  • medication coding;
  • individual psychotherapy sessions;
  • attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings;
  • voluntarily taking Teturam, Esperal, etc.
