Is the drug "Trichopolum" effective for thrush?

Is the drug "Trichopolum" effective for thrush?
Is the drug "Trichopolum" effective for thrush?

"Trichopol" is a drug that has a fairly wide spectrum of action. Protozoa are sensitive to it, but pathogenic fungi, including Candida, are insensitive to this drug. Therefore, the drug "Trichopol" with thrush is ineffective.

trichopolum with thrush
trichopolum with thrush

When appointed?

This is an antiprotozoal drug, to which some bacteria present in the genital tract are also sensitive and cause infectious and inflammatory processes. Mushrooms are insensitive to this medicine. The drug "Trichopol", the use of which during pregnancy is undesirable, helps to reduce immunity, since one of its side effects is a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood. There are a number of other contraindications. Therefore, the remedy "Trichopol" during pregnancy is not prescribed. This drug is prescribed for bacterial vaginosis, giardiasis, amoebiasis, trichomoniasis, as well as infectious inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, urinary tract and kidneys.

trichopol during pregnancy
trichopol during pregnancy

Trichopol tablets for thrush can be prescribed?

This drug has no effect on this disease. We have already said that its use contributes to a decrease in immunity, and this leads to the reproduction of Candida fungi. That is why the drug "Trichopolum" is not prescribed for thrush. The peculiarity of diseases of the genital tract is that heterogeneous infections often develop in this area of \u200b\u200bthe human body. So, often trichomoniasis can be accompanied by thrush. Bacterial vaginosis in many cases is the result of a decrease in immunity, like thrush. Therefore, they have a similar cause and are very often present in the body together. When mixing infections, if one of the pathogens is sensitive to the drug "Trichopolum", combined treatment is prescribed: this drug in combination with antifungal drugs. In addition, general strengthening therapy is prescribed, which increases the protective properties of the body. Without such a course of treatment, thrush will return again and again. Often it occurs against the background of the use of antibiotics for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys.

trichopol application
trichopol application

In this case, you can use Trichopol tablets for thrush, if the infectious agents are susceptible to the drug. The drug has a less negative effect on the natural microflora in the vagina than taking antibiotics in combination with antifungal drugs.action.

Medication side effects

"Trichopol" is a drug that is prescribed only by a doctor. With normal tolerance, it can have a number of side effects - from the side of the central nervous system, blood, gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of allergic reactions, etc. In addition, the drug can also reduce local and general immunity and promote the reproduction of a fungal colony of the genus Candida. With a long course of treatment, you need to regularly check the composition of the blood.
