Depression and psychosomatic disorders, which humanity has been subject to for hundreds of years, are very tricky diseases. It seems that there are no significant problems with the body, it functions without visible deviations, there is no cough, no runny nose … and yet a person loses joy in life, everything seems gray and dreary. Any stress or emotional shock only exacerbates this condition.

The homeopathic remedy "Ignatia" successfully fights this condition. Homeopathy uses this medicine very widely: it treats many diseases, but most actively affects the nervous system.
It is also effective in the defeat of other organs and systems - it has been proven that at least 75 percent of diseases have arisen for psychoneurotic reasons. That is, the basis of most diseases is a nervous or emotional shock or mental trauma. It can be fear, jealousy, unsuccessful love, someone's death, overexertion, and much more that brought negative emotions with it. Homeopathy is the best way to cope with such ailments, as it treats the cause, and in a special way.
Pros of homeopathy
Homeopathy is viewed with distrust by many, but it is gaining more and more popularity as an alternative preventive and therapeutic method, because it proves to be effective in practice. Homeopathy is based on the frequent use of small doses of the drug, which would cause symptoms of the disease in a he althy person. Treatment of like with like allows you to get rid of acute and chronic diseases.

Especially effective homeopathy in the early stages. It is also worth noting the completely natural origin of drugs, a mild effect on the body without side effects, a wide range of diseases in which homeopathy is indicated. "Ignatia", the indications for which are quite extensive, is one of the most famous drugs.
What is Ignatia
The homeopathic remedy "Ignatia" is made from the seeds of Chinese beans (also called Saint Ignatius beans). These are the fruits of a plant from the Loganiaceae family, growing in the Philippine Islands. The grayish and reddish black seeds of this fruit are odorless, but bitter in taste, because they contain a large amount of strychnine. In large doses, they cause spasms and suffocation, even death. Dry seeds of Ignatia fruits are crushed, the powder is used to make granules and drops.

Poprinciples of action "Ignatia" is similar to the homeopathic preparation "Nux vomica", as it contains the same alkaloids. But in practice, what exactly is suitable in each case is decided by the principles on which homeopathy is mastered. "Ignatia", the indications for the use of which are in many respects similar to some other homeopathic medicines, are more often prescribed for women, "Nux vomica" - for men.
Indications for use
In case of nervous and psychosomatic disorders, one of the most popular drugs used by homeopathy is Ignatia. Indications for use include anxiety, mood swings, melancholy and tearfulness. Excellent antidepressant properties of the drug are useful for:
- depressions of various origins, including those caused by nervous disorders and menopause;
- compulsions, manias, tantrums;
- psychosomatic disorders;
- asthmatic spasms;
- whims and tearfulness in children;
- tension, nervousness;
- climacteric and premenstrual syndrome.
The founder of homeopathy - the German doctor Hahnemann - noted that "Ignatia" is a female remedy. It is most suitable for brunettes, sensitive, excitable, whiny, even hysterical, suffering from mood swings. Nevertheless, it is successfully used in the treatment of any patients, regardless of their appearance and gender.
In addition, the properties of the drug are useful in other diseases treated by homeopathy."Ignatia", the indications for the use of which cover a very wide range, is indispensable for dizziness, difficulty in speech and thinking, increased absent-mindedness. "Ignatia" - an excellent antispasmodic, helps with pain in the abdomen, uterus, muscles, joints, back. Due to its medicinal qualities, it is used for hearing loss, and in combination with other drugs "Ignatia" is effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis, accompanied by headaches, stomach diseases, such as ulcers.
Contraindications to "Ignatia"
Like any other homeopathic remedy, Ignatia has practically no contraindications. It is safe and is often prescribed even to pregnant women and very young children. However, if the body shows an individual reaction during treatment, you should refrain from taking Ignatia and be sure to consult with your doctor about hypersensitivity to the drug components.
Medication forms
"Ignatia" is available in two versions:
- "Ignatia compositum" - homeopathic granules 10 g each;
- "Ignatia Homaccord" - drops of 30 ml.

"Ignatia" in granules contains, in addition to the actual Ignatia, also such active substances as Kalanchoe, snake venom. This type of drug is indicated for menopausal and premenstrual syndrome, which are accompanied by hot flashes and sweating, as it has sedative,antidepressant, antispasmodic properties.
"Ignatia" in drops is indicated for various types of depression, psychosomatic disorders, etc. It contains the secret of a male musk deer, which has an excellent effect on the body with fussiness, nervousness, tearfulness, etc., as well as the seeds themselves Ignatia, useful in hysteria and nervous exhaustion.
Features of the use of "Ignatia"
It is known that one of the important factors of homeopathy is the dilution of the active substance. With an increase in dilutions, the effect of a homeopathic remedy increases, the scope of its application becomes wider. The extract from the seeds of ignatia is most often used in a range of dilutions from 3 to 30, depending on this, the direction of the drug changes. For example, in hysteria, ignatia is effective in the 6th dilution when taken from 3 to 6 months. With disturbing dreams and convulsive twitching of the limbs when falling asleep, ignatia in the 12th dilution is used. With stronger convulsive reactions with pain, the number of dilutions can be increased. The drug in the 200th dilution can be useful for bloating, loss of appetite, as well as dry throat, weakness, shortness of breath - "Ignatia 200".

Homeopathy, the indications for the use of which in this case are very high, recommends the use of drugs both independently and in combination. For example, "Ignatia 200" (homeopathy) is included in a number of other drugs that improve sleep, relieve timidity andanxiety.
Rules for receiving "Ignatia"
"Ignatia homaccord" is taken orally or sublingually half an hour before meals or 2 hours after at a dosage of:
- 10 drops - adults and children over 12;
- 7 drops - children aged 6 to 12;
- 5 drops - children aged 2 to 6.
Before taking the drops, dilute in a teaspoon of water.
On the first day of treatment or in acute conditions, the medication is taken once an hour, but not more than 9 single doses per day. In other cases, you can take this drug no more than 3 times a day.
"Ignatia compositum" is taken sublingually. Single dose - 5 to 10 granules no more than 5 times a day (unless otherwise directed by a physician).

The duration of taking the drug is determined by the attending physician in each case, depending on the disease, its course, accompanying symptoms and other factors.
Ignatia seed extract has sedative properties, so patients taking this drug are advised to stop driving. You should also avoid activities that involve concentration.
Although the drug is considered harmless and there is no evidence of its negative impact on pregnancy, the treatment of pregnant women should be carried out with extreme caution. Since the reaction to the components of the drug is individual, intolerance or allergy may occur.
Please note that the extract from the seedsChinese beans can be part of complex preparations, for example, Ignacy 200 (homeopathy) present in many sedatives. The instructions for the drug should contain information about this component.
Despite the proven safety of homeopathic preparations, including extracts from ignatia, it is forbidden to self-medicate with their help, because this may not only not bring the desired result, but also harm the body. Only a doctor can prescribe the drug, its dosage and frequency of administration in order to obtain the effect necessary for treatment. Therefore, before the course of treatment, and also if unusual sensations appear during therapy, the patient needs to consult with a specialist whether he can take a drug such as Ignatia.

Homeopathy, the indications for which are extensive, and the contraindications are minimal, with the right treatment will help significantly improve the quality of life and regain the joy and meaning of existence.