Caffeine, the formula of which will be presented to your attention in the article, is a substance that is found in quite a few foods that we use almost every day. Green tea, coffee, black tea, Coca-Cola, chocolate, cocoa - all these popular drinks and foods contain a fairly large amount of it. That is why you should know as much as possible about this substance and its effects on the body.
In this article we will look at what caffeine is, all its properties and features. Therefore, if you have long wanted to learn more about it, then this article can help you.

Caffeine. Caffeine formula
Many of us use caffeine frequently (with foods, drinks). And what is it really? In scientific terms, caffeine is a purine alkaloid, which is a psychostimulant. In nature, it is most often found in some plants, including guarana, coffee tree, tea, cocoa, cola, mate and some others.
Very interesting fact, caffeine is produced by the above plants in order to protect themselves from insect pests that eat their leaves and stems. He alsoserves plants to attract insect pollinators.
The chemical formula for caffeine is: C₈H₁₀N₄O₂.
As for the physical properties of pure caffeine, it is a solid crystalline substance that has no color and no smell. In some cases, caffeine, the formula of which is presented to your attention in the article, may be white.

How caffeine was discovered
What is caffeine, you already know. Who opened it and when? Caffeine was discovered by a famous chemist named Ferdinand Runge. This event took place in 1819. The very name "caffeine" was also coined by Runge.
Despite the fact that caffeine, known to all of us, was discovered back in 1819, its formula and structure were perfectly studied only at the end of the 19th century. This was done by Hermann Fischer, who also carried out the first synthesis of matter. Largely due to this, in 1902 this German scientist received the most significant award in the scientific world, that is, the Nobel Prize.
Effects of caffeine on the human body
When caffeine enters the human or animal body, it begins to stimulate the central nervous system, accelerates the work of the heart and, as a result, the pulse, also dilates blood vessels and has some other effects.
Such a strong effect of this substance on the human body has led to the widespread use of caffeine for medical purposes. It is often found in many headache medications, and is often usedas a cardiac stimulant. Caffeine also helps eliminate drowsiness and increase mental alertness, which may be why many people start their workday mornings with a cup of coffee.

Caffeine use
Caffeine, the properties of which have been studied for a very long time, has found application in many areas, first of all, it is actively used in the food industry, especially in the production of carbonated and energy drinks. It is also actively used in medicine. As mentioned above, caffeine is part of various medical preparations of various effects.
Caffeine is also a big success in sports medicine. Many athletes take both pure caffeine tablets and caffeinated products. In this direction, it is valuable, first of all, due to its stimulating effect, which can have a positive effect on sports results. In addition, caffeine helps to burn fat better, which is also used in many sports pharmacology preparations, as well as in many weight loss products.
It should also be noted that caffeine can be an excellent pain reliever. Studies show that in the treatment of chronic headaches, the use of this substance can make the effectiveness of painkillers 40% higher.
Sometimes caffeine is used for the needs of special units and armies. For example, special caffeinated chewing gums are included in the diet of the American army. It should be noted,that they are used not only in the US Army, but also available for free sale. It is believed that this chewing gum helps to activate the body, increase heart activity, copes well with drowsiness and has other effects characteristic of caffeine.

Caffeine content in products
Coffee and tea are traditional drinks. Many are interested in the question, where is more caffeine: in tea or coffee? Before answering it, it should be noted that the caffeine content of coffee depends not only on the type of beans, but also on the degree of roasting. For example, one cup of brewed drink contains approximately 100-200 mg of caffeine, while one cup of instant drink can contain 25-170 mg.
So where is more caffeine, in tea or coffee? The answer is obvious. In any case, coffee has more caffeine than tea. So, for example, one cup of black tea contains approximately 15-70 mg of caffeine, green - 25-45 mg of caffeine, while in a cup of coffee, as mentioned above, - 25-170 mg.
It should be remembered that caffeine is found not only in tea and coffee, it is found in many other drinks. The well-known Coca-Cola is especially rich in them. Caffeine is also found in chocolate and, as a result, in all foods that contain chocolate.

Caffeine: A Safe Dose
Despite the large number of positive effects that such a substance as caffeine has, it definitely has its ownthe maximum allowable rate. According to many medical studies, the safe daily dose of caffeine is 400 milligrams per day.
Is it a lot or a little? It is best to show with specific examples. 400 milligrams of caffeine is about 3-4 cups of instant coffee with a volume of 0.25 liters, or 12-15 cups of green tea of the same volume. Or about 5 liters of Coca-Cola. Therefore, if you drink more tea, cola or coffee per day, you should definitely reconsider your diet.
You can even die from caffeine if you take more than 10 grams of this substance per day. To better understand what 10 grams of caffeine is, imagine 120 cans of a regular energy drink, such as Red Bull, that's how much you need to drink to get a lethal dose of this substance.
Research shows that excessive consumption of caffeine, that is, more than 400 milligrams per day, can lead to a number of not the most pleasant consequences. For example, among them there may be heart problems, mood deterioration, and some other effects. Especially excessive caffeine is dangerous for pregnant and lactating women, for whom the maximum allowable amount of caffeine per day is 200 milligrams.
When it's better not to use caffeine
Because caffeine is a fairly powerful psychostimulant and has a wide variety of effects on its own, there is a group of people who would be better off avoiding this substance and products containing it. Among these people, it is especially worth noting those who sufferinsomnia, atherosclerosis, diseases associated with the cardiovascular system, as well as increased excitability.

"Caffeine-sodium benzoate": instructions for use
As mentioned above, caffeine is actively used in the medical field, as it has many different effects and properties that can cope with many disorders. One of the most popular caffeine-containing drugs is Caffeine-Sodium Benzoate, the instructions for use of which will be discussed below. It can help with various problems and diseases.
Pharmacological actions. In terms of its pharmacological effects, the drug "Coffee-sodium benzoate" is completely similar to caffeine.
Application. This drug is used for such disorders as insufficiency of the cardiovascular system, depression of the central nervous system, as well as for poisoning with all kinds of narcotic substances. In addition, this drug can be used for problems with drowsiness, with enuresis in children, as well as, if necessary, to increase the level of mental and physical performance.
Side effects of caffeine. Like many other medications, "Caffeine-sodium benzoate" has a number of side effects. Among them, it is especially worth noting excessive anxiety, possible sleep disturbance, tachycardia, nausea and vomiting may also occur.
In the case of long-term use of this drug, addiction to it and to caffeine-containing drugs in general andproducts.
Features. It is important to bear in mind that when taking Caffeine-Sodium Benzoate, the effect depends on the type of human nervous system, and can manifest itself both in the form of excitation and in the form of inhibition of its work.
Excessive use of this drug during pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortion, as well as slowing down the growth of the fetus, and a number of disorders associated with its body. That is why, "Caffeine-sodium benzoate" is not recommended for pregnant women.
It is also recommended not to take the remedy before bedtime, and in no case violate the prescription.

Interaction with other drugs
When using "Caffeine-sodium benzoate" in conjunction with other sleeping pills or narcotic drugs, it can reduce their effect.
When combined with estrogens, it is possible to increase the effectiveness and lengthen the duration of caffeine exposure to the human body.
Also, caffeine, when used together with ergotamine, increases its absorption rate.
An overdose of caffeine is usually accompanied by a range of effects, among which the most common ones are increased anxiety, headaches, restlessness, possible problems with consciousness, confusion and some other problems.
If the concentration of caffeine in the blood of newborns exceeds 50 mg / ml, then this can lead to a number of toxic effects, amongwhich may be tachypnea, tremor, tachycardia. In case of even greater concentration, convulsions may begin to occur.
Caffeine is a substance with a very large number of various properties and effects, which makes it extremely popular in pharmacology, as well as in the food industry. Most people consume some amount of caffeine almost every day through tea, coffee, chocolate, or some carbonated drinks. Caffeine itself has a large number of positive effects on the body, including stimulation of the central nervous system, increased cardiac activity, combating drowsiness and a number of other effects. However, if you increase the safe daily dose of 400 mg of caffeine per day, it can cause a wide variety of he alth problems and even cause death, if consumed at 10 grams of the substance per day.