Diccycloverine hydrochloride belongs to the category of antispasmodics that can block muscarinic receptors. It also has anticholinergic efficacy, has a relaxing effect on smooth muscle areas. Due to this, medications with it in the composition well relieve renal, intestinal and biliary colic, significantly alleviate pain during menstruation, are used in the development of spastic constipation, pylorospasm and irritable bowel syndrome.

Pharmacological properties of this substance
Diccycloverine hydrochloride has anticholinergic, myotropic, antispasmodic effects. It eliminates spasms of smooth muscles of the digestive organs and reduces the pain syndrome caused by them. In scientific research conducted on animals (invitro studies using isolated guinea-pig intestines) shows that the effectiveness of the drug is mediated by two mechanisms:
- specific anticholinergic effect on acetylcholine receptors, similar to the effect of atropine (otherwise - antimuscarinic activity);
- direct effect on smooth muscle structures, as evidenced by the ability of the main substance to block histamine- and bradykinin-induced spasms (atropine does not change the response to these agonists).
In in vivo tests in cats and dogs, dicycloverine was approximately equally effective in barium chloride and acetylcholine-induced intestinal spasms. The absence of a significant effect of dicycloverine on pupils was also shown (in tests for evaluating the mydriatic effect in mice, the activity is about 1/500 of the activity of atropine), on the functioning of the salivary glands (in tests on rabbits, 1/300 of the activity of atropine was manifested).
Data on the potential mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of the main substance dicycloverine hydrochloride is not available. Long-term animal studies to evaluate carcinogenicity have not been conducted. In studies on rats, when administered at doses up to 100 mg/kg, the substance did not adversely affect conception and reproduction.

Diccycloverine hydrochloride is well absorbed, easier and faster after intramuscular injection (after 10 minutes) than after oral administration (after 60 minutes). Approximate periodelimination half-life is 1.8 hours. Excreted after 10 hours with urine (about 85%) and in small amounts with feces.
Composition and form of release of this medicinal substance
As the instructions indicate, dicycloverine hydrochloride is produced in the form of a white crystalline powder, odorless and tasteless. The substance is easily soluble in water, chloroform, ethanol, slightly soluble in ether. The molecular weight of the substance is 345.97. It is not produced as an independent drug, but is included in such medicines as Trigan, Dolospa and others.
Not everyone knows that this is dicycloverine hydrochloride.
Indications for prescribing drugs based on this substance
The list of main indications for the use of this pharmacological substance includes:
- spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs;
- hepatic, intestinal and renal colic;
- tooth, headache, migraine pain;
- algodysmenorrhea;
- myalgia;
- neuralgia;
- infectious and inflammatory diseases accompanied by symptoms of fever.

Despite the widespread use of medications containing dicycloverine hydrochloride, before taking, you need to read the instructions, which list the list of contraindications. These include the following pathological conditions:
- hypersensitivity;
- ulcerative colitis in severe forms(when administered in high dosages, the level of intestinal motility may decrease, up to the formation of paralytic ileus; the use of the drug may contribute to the development or exacerbation of such a dangerous complication as toxic megacolon);
- obstructive pathologies of the digestive system, urinary and hepatic tracts;
- peptic ulcer;
- reflux esophagitis;
- instability of the state of the cardiovascular system;
- bleeding;
- glaucoma and other eye pathologies;
- myasthenia gravis;
- under 6 months old.
With caution and under the supervision of a specialist, medicines containing dicycloverine hydrochloride should be used in patients with impaired liver or kidney function, with concomitant therapy with other painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, with anticoagulants and drugs that have a direct effect on the central nervous system. You should also check with your doctor if you are taking domperidone, metoclopramide, or cholestyramine.

Detailed description of dicycloverine hydrochloride in the instructions is given.
Method of use and dosage
Drugs based on this substance are prescribed for adults and children over 15 years old, 1 tablet no more than 3 times a day. The maximum single dosage is 2 tablets, per day - 4 tablets. Duration of admission without consulting a specialist - no more than three days when prescribed in the form of an anestheticmedicine and two days - in the form of an antipyretic medication. With prolonged use of such pharmacological preparations, it is necessary to monitor the picture of peripheral blood and the functional state of the liver.
It is not recommended to exceed the daily dosage. Its increase or longer use is possible only under the supervision of a physician, since an overdose of the main active element can cause liver failure.
Side effects of the substance
Preparations containing dicycloverine hydrochloride may cause some adverse reactions, which, however, are not always noted when using medications. Some of them may occur very rarely, but they have severe consequences. In case of detection of such phenomena, especially for a long time, an urgent need to visit a doctor.

Dicycloverine hydrochloride can cause the following negative effects:
- dry mouth;
- blurred vision;
- dizziness;
- nausea;
- increased sleepiness;
- general weakness;
- emotional lability, nervousness;
- disturbed stool (constipation);
- taste disorder;
- anorexia;
- increased intraocular pressure;
- increased heartbeat;
- allergic reactions;
- reduce sweating.
Overdose of dicycloverine hydrochloride
If medicines are used onthe basis of this active substance for a long time or with an increase in recommended dosages, overdose manifestations may develop. These symptoms include:
- headache;
- vomiting, nausea;
- prolonged blurred vision, dilated pupils;
- fever, dry skin;
- dizziness;
- difficulty swallowing;
- dry mouth;
- stimulation of the central nervous system.
In addition, a curariform effect is possible (a neuromuscular blockade that contributes to the development of muscle weakness and leads in some cases to paralysis).
Therapy of this pathological condition consists in inducing vomiting, gastric lavage, taking activated charcoal or other enterosorbents. To eliminate nervous overexcitation, medications with a sedative effect (benzodiazepines, short-acting barbiturates) are used. Appropriate cholinergic medications may be used when indicated as an antidote.
Drug Interactions
The main effects of dicycloverine, including side effects, may enhance the effect of drugs with anticholinergic activity: antiarrhythmics of group I (for example, quinidine), antihistamine pharmacological agents, antipsychotic drugs (for example, phenothiazines), drugs that suppress monoamine oxidase, benzodiazepines, narcotic analgesics, nitrites and nitrates, tricyclic antidepressants, sympathomimetic drugs. Anticholinergic medicines may counteract the effect of antiglaucomamedicines. With increased intraocular pressure, anticholinergic drugs can be dangerous when used concomitantly with corticosteroids.

Anticholinergic drugs can interfere with the absorption of digoxin in the digestive tract and, as a result, increase the concentration of this substance in the blood. Anticholinergic drugs can counteract the effect of substances that change the motility of the digestive system (metoclopramide). Antacids in some cases can affect the absorption of anticholinergics, so their combined use should be avoided. The inhibition of hydrochloric acid production by anticholinergic drugs counteracts the effect of substances used in testing gastric secretion or to treat achlorhydria.
This confirms the instructions for use for dicycloverine hydrochloride.
Special Recommendations
When using these medications, it is recommended to refrain from dangerous types of professional and other activities that require increased concentration and speed of mental and motor reactions.
With prolonged treatment, it is necessary to monitor the properties of peripheral blood and the functionality of the liver.
Which tablets contain dicycloverine hydrochloride?
Medications and their analogues
This substance is available as the main active element in the followingpharmacological preparations:
- "Trigan";
- "Dolospa".

These medicines have a similar composition. There are also some analogues that are similar only in therapeutic effects. Their list includes:
- "No-shpa";
- "Drotaverine";
- "Baralgin";
- Spazgan;
- "Ketanov";
- "Pentalgin";
- "Tempalgin";
- Caffetin;
- Avisan;
- "Bendazol";
- "Altaleks";
- "Dibazol";
- "Driptan";
- Galidor;
- "Duspatalin";
- Librax;
- "Dicetel";
- "Kellin";
- Niaspam;
- Novitropan;
- "Papaverine";
- "Platifillin";
- Spasmol;
- Spazmonet;
- "Spasmocystenal";
- "Cistenal";
- Enablex.
Analogues to dicycloverine hydrochloride should be selected by a doctor.
It is necessary to use basic medications or replace them with analogues, taking into account the nature of the disease and having previously read the list of contraindications.
We looked at what it is - dicycloverine hydrochloride.