Urolithiasis is a painful, painful condition. They suffer from many people who are looking for a way to get rid of this problem. One way to help the body deal with it is with a citrate blend. About what it is, how such drugs work, where you can buy them or how to cook yourself at home, and is described further.
Stones in the urinary system
Urolithiasis is caused by the presence of stones in the organs involved in the formation and excretion of urine. To date, medical scientists cannot say exactly why a person begins to form stones in the kidneys and bladder, which in everyday life are called stones. It is assumed that this is a whole complex of causal relationships:
- violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism;
- disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- dehydration;
- high acid urine;
- special diet;
- lack of vitamin A and B vitamins;
- taking certain medications;
- special working conditions affecting metabolic processes.
All these factors are interdependent, they work in combination to change the composition of urine, the inability of the body to completely remove unnecessary chemical compounds, their stagnation and aggregation with the formation of stones of different sizes.

Stones and medicines
For many ordinary people, far from medicine and not facing urolithiasis, kidney stones, bladder stones are something completely incomprehensible that somehow appeared in the body, interferes with their usual way of life. But it turns out that such formations can be different:
- carbonates, oxalates, phosphates, that is, inorganic compounds - the most common type of stones in urolithiasis;
- magnesium s alts are the basis of stones in 5-10% of cases;
- about 15% of patients suffer from deposits of uric acid derivatives;
- Proteic calculi are found in less than 1% of patients diagnosed with urolithiasis;
- otherwise, stones in the urinary system are of a polymineral nature.
To detect the presence of stones in the urinary system, even those that do not give a shadow on X-ray examination, contrast excretory urography helps. The presence of calculi is also effectively diagnosed using ultrasound diagnostics. After the diagnosis is made, the patient is recommended treatment depending on the results obtained.survey results. In some cases, surgery is indicated, but at present, the pharmaceutical industry produces special preparations that help dissolve and remove stones from the urinary tract. A prescription for a citrate mixture in Latin is not needed to purchase a medicine at a pharmacy, since such drugs are sold over the counter at the request of the buyer.
Mechanism of citrates
Many popular preparations for the fight against urolithiasis contain in their composition such an active ingredient as a citrate mixture. Instructions for use of such a drug should contain all relevant information on therapy with this drug. Why did citrates become the basis for many drugs that help get rid of stones in the urinary system? By themselves, these chemical compounds are s alts of citric acid. Once in the human body, they are quickly absorbed into the blood. The bioavailability of the citrate mixture is almost 100%. Its functionality is to dissolve and prevent the formation of uric acid stones as a result of the normalization of urine acidity, which is pH 6, 6–6, 8. It is this level of acidity that allows you to dissolve existing stones and prevent the recurrence of their formation. Also, the citrate mixture lowers the level of calcium excretion, prevents the formation of oxalates in the produced urine.
Normalization of the level of acidity of the biological fluid, with the help of which a large number of unnecessary components are removed from the body, has a positive effect on the work of almost all organs andsystems. The citrate mixture as a drug is used in the treatment of nephrolithiasis and is prescribed by a specialist based on the results of examinations.

Pharmacy preparations
The pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs that belong to the group of drugs that prevent the formation and promote the dissolution of stones. Such medicines can work based on the following active substances:
- vegetative components, for example, flowers of bicarp stalk, stems of reed saxifrage, rhizomes of satiate membranous;
- biologically active structures of plant origin, such as pinene, fenchon, borneol and others;
- citrate mixture, the instructions for use of which describe all the components of the drug, and this is citric acid and potassium citrate.
Which drug should be chosen in each case, a competent specialist will advise on the results of the patient's examination.
One of the commonly prescribed drugs that helps fight nephrourolithiasis is Blemaren. In it, the active ingredient is a citrate mixture. The effective use of this medicine is due to the alkalinization of urine, which occurs due to the work of the components of the mixture:
- citric acid;
- sodium citrate;
- potassium bicarbonate.
The drug is available in the form of tablets intended for the preparation of a fizzy drink. In a pack of medicines of 20tablets, enclosed in a plastic tube, the manufacturer puts indicator strips to control the acidity of urine and a control calendar to mark the results of treatment. The dosage of the drug is selected individually for each patient and is considered adequate when the acidity of the urine is constantly within the normal range. The tablets are dissolved in a glass of water until an effervescent homogeneous drink is formed, it is almost transparent, although sometimes there may be a slight sediment.

Soluran and Uralit-U
To dissolve stones in the urinary tract, the preparations "Soluran" and "Uralit-U" are also used, the working substance in which is a citrate mixture. The instruction describes the same composition of the combined drugs as for the drug "Blemaren". The difference is that these medicinal mixtures are available in powder form. In addition to indicator tests and a calendar, a measuring spoon is included in the package, which helps to measure the required amount of the drug.
In pharmacies, you can hear the questions of customers regarding the purchase of such a drug as the citrate mixture "Absolute". But a substance with this name is not a medicine and is not sold in pharmacies. It is a food additive used in the production of sausages and other meat products. Yes, in its composition it contains a food additive with the index E333, which is citric acid, but it also contains sugar and table s alt. In some casespeople are trying to find a use for a substance such as Absolut citrate mixture as a drug that helps fight the formation of stones in the urinary tract. But this is completely unacceptable! Don't trade your own he alth for the cheapness of a non-healing product.
Features of treatment
In order to obtain a qualitative result of citrate therapy, it is necessary to carry out a set of the following activities in advance:
- assessment of stone microstructural density using helical computed densitometry;
- study of metabolic disorders in the patient's blood and urine, the results allow both to prescribe the type of therapy and track its effectiveness;
- study of the phase and chemical composition of urinary stones using qualitative, quantitative x-ray phase and chemical analysis;
- analysis of the results of citrate litholysis in vivo and in vitro and the decision on the further treatment regimen, further prescription of citrate preparations.
Observations and scientific studies have shown that citrate therapy is a highly effective method for preventing the recurrence of calcium oxalate stone formation. Moreover, the prevention of this group of drugs is most effective for uric acid calculi combined from calcium oxalate, phosphate and calcium oxalate. Doctors also found out that the prevention of the formation of calcium oxalate stones using citrate is especially relevant for:
- hypercalciuria with hyperuricosuria;
- presence of calcium oxalate dihydrate in the composition of stones;
- potential risk of recurrent stone formation in a solitary kidney.
Medical practice has established that if a patient underwent remote lithotripsy, then the use of a citrate mixture can reduce the frequency of recurrence of calcium oxalate stone formation by almost 2 times.

Oteopathy and citrates
Despite the widespread promotion of a he althy lifestyle, timely medical examination and registration of women planning motherhood, a disease such as rickets is still a frequent he alth disorder of newborns, affecting the growing body. Vitamin D3 and calcium deficiencies are the main causes of this problem. To eliminate it, experts recommend preparations containing a complex of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, which is so important for the formation of the bone apparatus.
But such therapy may affect the functionality of the urinary system due to the potential for the formation of stones in the kidneys and urine. At the same time, citrates promote active absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract and the process of ossification, inhibit acidosis. Many parents of children, as well as those adults who must take drugs to strengthen the skeletal system, are interested in whether a citrate mixture is necessary for rickets. Only a specialist can give an answer. But according to research data, citrate blends from 2 grams of lemonacids and 3.5 grams of sodium citric acid, diluted in 100 ml of water, can reduce the intake of vitamin D and calcium supplements by almost half.

When should you not take citrates?
Citrate mixtures for removing stones are an effective medicine, but, like any other drugs, they have their contraindications for use. This is:
- metabolic alkalosis;
- hypersensitivity;
- s alt-free diet for arterial hypertension;
- urinary tract infections caused by urea-splitting organisms;
- renal failure in both acute and chronic form;
- urine pH above 7.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not contraindications, you only need to consult a specialist. But clinical trials regarding the intake of citrate mixtures by children under 12 years of age have not been conducted, therefore, for young children, taking this group of drugs is undesirable.

Folk methods of dissolving stones
In addition to drugs that dissolve stones in the urinary system, many people use traditional medicine recipes in the treatment. This is mainly, of course, decoctions, infusions, teas on medicinal plants. For example, decoctions of highlander bird, larch, apples, sunflower root. Unfortunately, in many cases, such treatment is effective only for preventive purposes, to dissolve stones that have already appeared, especially large ones,vegetable recipes are impossible. But there are traditional medicines that have passed many years of testing, which are a citrate mixture. The recipe is suggested below.
Tasty and he althy
One of the decades-old ways to get rid of small stones in the kidneys and bladder is as follows:
- 4 large lemons washed thoroughly, cut into slices;
- put 300 grams of sweet clover or mountain honey in a jar of dark glass;
- add prepared lemons to honey, mix everything;
- leave for 2 days.
This medicine is a kind of citrate mixture. The recipe does not contain any unnecessary ingredients as it contains only two natural ingredients. Take it 1-2 tablespoons after each meal, drinking plenty of water. It should be remembered that during treatment or for the prevention of nephrourolithiasis, water must be drunk at least 1.5-2 liters per day. Water must be purified, not mineral.
Another way to help the body cope with urolithiasis is to use lemon jam. It, of course, is not a citrate mixture, but the instructions for use say that it can be taken as a medicine, enjoying tea drinking, for quite a long time. Lemons and sugar are taken in a ratio of 1: 1 by volume, and the lemons are pre-washed with warm water and finely chopped. Cook the jam over low heat, stirring occasionally. The readiness of a delicious medicine is checked by dropping a drop on a saucer: it should notspread.

Reviews from experts
According to most specialists, urologists, the citrate mixture is an effective drug in the fight against urate or urate-oxalate calculi localized in the kidneys or bladder. The drugs have their adequate effect if taken in strict accordance with the recommendations of the treating specialist. The nuance in such therapy is the duration of use and inefficiency in the fight against stones of phosphate or oxalate origin.
Patient testimonials
Those who suffer from urolithiasis know how painful it is, with frequent exacerbations and the constant threat of surgery. Therefore, the use of drugs that can help defeat the disease is for many a way out of this situation. According to many patients, the citrate mixture is an effective way to remove stones from the kidneys or bladder without resorting to surgical intervention. Reviews about such drugs are mostly positive, but many believe that long-term treatment is a significant disadvantage of such drugs.
Deposition of stones in the urinary system is a serious problem that has a negative impact on the state of the whole organism. Preparations with such a component as a citrate mixture can have both a preventive and therapeutic effect, but only if recommended by a specialist according to the results of the examination.